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Marco Solo

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  1. There were a couple of other posters who mentioned, and I completely agree, that the show seems to be darker and at the same time openly mocking her now. The camera lingered on her squirming around trying to get out of that snow tube for a long time because she looked like an enormous turtle turned on its shell. Plus the shot of her waddling out of the funeral home with that giant picture of herself. The show isn't laughing with her anymore and I wonder if she picked up on it when they were filming or just went into denial about it. I feel like Buddy didn't want to join the funeral thing because it's too close to home for him. He's not a skinny guy himself and he already admitted he's on blood pressure meds in his early 30s. He also might fee guilty in some way because like other posters said, he's a big time enabler. You don't invite a drug addict's dealer to their intervention so why invite her food errand boys? I get such an incredibly weird vibe from Lenny. Do they really have sex? Is he just some guy with a serious fat fetish? Does he get off on having to help her bathe and use the bathroom (which he may be doing at this point, I mean can she fit in a shower or on a regular toilet anymore?). I saw on 600lb life there was a husband like that, a little skinny guy who married a 600 pound girl (and impregnated her) because he loved being a care taker and like big women. Maybe him and Lenny are similar.
  2. On some level she knows she's in trouble, it's why she didn't want to go on that 10 mile bike ride with the bike shop guys. I just don't know why she's wiling to humiliate herself at a dance a thon and not at a bike ride, what difference does it make really. I remember an episode last season where her dad actually ran a 5k (or 10k?) without much difficulty and she was struggling, even though he's probably twice her age and was dressed in some ridiculous outfit. She has to know. The problem is it's gotten harder to be sympathetic to her because while no body shame and healthy at any size makes sense on a certain level, at this point it just looks like I'm watching someone with psychiatric delusions. I thought it was all her disease but we're beyond that point now. There are many medications or diseases that cause weight gain, but to gain what looks to be over 150-200 pounds in just about a year and a half is not normal. It's depressing. There is just no way you can say you're healthy at that size, none. At 250? Sure, and some people her age are somewhat healthy at that weight, but at 370?! Even poor Buddy admitted he has high blood pressure, he's probably 150lbs less than she is. I'm not a skinny guy myself but even at 5'11-220 I feel fairly disgusting and know that the more time I stay overweight the more time I am taking off my life expectancy. It is not a good feeling, pretending otherwise is sending a horrible message to the people out there who take her message seriously.
  3. And you can be sure she would definitely tell you.
  4. I thought it was strange how Zac's military background seemed to help but Tami's LE background seems to have hurt her. He seems used to a hierarchy and things like a lack of privacy and has adjusted well to what he wasn't used to (thus far). Tami seems completely unable to deal with no longer being an authority figure because of her badge, you're right.
  5. I didn't see every single episode of either season but to me It makes sense that Ashley would hang out with the season 2 girls because they all seem to not want their 15 minutes to end and they all have a sense of self pity and victim hood about having been on the show in the first place. I don't understand why Ashley harps so much on the texting thing as opposed to David having a domestic violence record yet being allowed on a reality show about marriage. I know he seemed like a decent guy but having a criminal record for something like that should definitely bar you from being on this type of show. Again, nothing happened but is it really that hard to find guys for this show without criminal records? Don't A&E and FYI have lawyers? Haven't they told them how completely catastrophic it'd be if there was a DV incident on this show? I know they probably make them sign a hold harmless but still, what are they thinking? David should have just owned up to texting the other woman. Just tell Ashley that her fake outrage is ridiculous and that not only did she reject him but she humiliated him on a tv show. It was clear that they were getting divorced so why invest more time in a charade she obviously wanted no part of anyway. His weird apologizing and waffling about it made him look worse. He missed a perfect opportunity to call her out on her BS. I didn't dislike Ashley like most posters here, but her textgate behavior has been atrocious, she comes across as one of the most disingenuous people I've ever seen. The fact that she's taken some kind of moral high ground now all because the guy texted a girl for drinks is just amazing. It's genuinely shameless. She couldn't think of three nice things to say to the guy, said he wasn't attractive and acted like he had leprosy all while on camera then when he stops playing along she gets all indignant. She's making a big deal out of it not because she actually cares and was hurt by it, but because it gives her a chance to play victim and look sympathetic, which is really awful on her part. Why was Tres on this show? The guy is only 27 and clearly thinks he has at least another 5-10 years of partying and sleeping around in him. The guy had no interest in marriage or even a long term relationship. Did he just want to be reality tv famous? Vanessa will not be lacking in male attention though. She has her issues but she came across looking really well. She just got stuck with a guy who wanted to be on a basic cable reality show more than anything else. I feel bad for Sam because it seems to me like the type of guy she wants, some dominant assertive dude, is exactly the type that may be most put off by her behavior and she'll drive them away. The Taming of the Shrew is not something most men want to base their relationship on and Sam was asking for almost exactly that. Neil would be walking on egg shells for the rest of his life too, given her sensitivity and temper.
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