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Everything posted by karriemom

  1. Surprise, surprise. Alyssa is complaining about not wanting to be there anymore. And then moved on to talking about her gas.
  2. Me too! The first is still my favorite. 😀
  3. Thanks! He just needs to stay in the dark for another day…
  4. I’m a little behind on the feeds. I just saw Brent making a pitch to Big D. Did someone tell Brent he’s going home? I really want this blindside of Brent to happen!
  5. They were talking about that on RHAP too and came to the same conclusion.
  6. Frenchie thanks he will be saved. Says “they” know the show will tank if he leaves. FU Frenchie!
  7. Frenchie knows his HOH was a mess and he made himself a target. His whole “I’ll fall on the sword” bs is just him trying to look good to viewers and himself. I don’t believe for a minute that he is sincere.
  8. Does anyone have any idea what Whitney and others were talking about as far as Frenchie pointing at her and being angry? Or did this happen while the feeds were down (imagine that!)?
  9. I’ll fight you for him. Or we can share. I’m flexible. 😁
  10. Totally shallow post. Can we just have an entire show devoted to watching Xavier lift weights?
  11. Has anyone seen Derek X at all tonite? He’s just disappeared… ETA: Nevermind
  12. I have to admit that I love this group hanging out in the kitchen. Sliding contests, general chatter and just having fun.
  13. The last thing that would be good for Alyssa is to have Derex come in and talk his way out of this.
  14. How long before Frenchie starts a whole new alliance with this group?
  15. Either she is an incredible actress or she wants NOTHING to do with him.
  16. OMG! I have bronchitis and listening to Frenchie go around in circles is causing me more pain than the coughing!
  17. I really want the kitten that’s on the cams right now! He keeps attacking the camera and pulling stuff down!
  18. I want to like him because he seems like a genuinely good person but if he doesn’t stop talking I’m going to be on that train with you!
  19. Frenchie and Whitney in SR talking about potential alliance. Them, Xavier and 2 others. They want to call themselves "The Butchers". FFS!!!
  20. I'd like to see the actual competitions and would HATE to see Frankie Grande, Evel Dick or Paul!
  21. I'm currently trying to figure out who is going to be the the first HG whose lips I want to staple shut because they are yelling in the DR....
  22. It’s official! I have signed up for Paramount+ and will be joining dark side as a feeds watcher! I’m ready for BB to take over my life and to join in the snark with you wonderful people!
  23. Hi. Long time lurker who has finally decided to get the feeds this season. Do we now have to go through Paramount instead of CBS itself to sign up? Sorry if this is a dumb question. Just want to get all set up before the season starts. Thanks!
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