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  1. If you love the version of "Knocking on Heaven's Door" used on Lucifer, here's someone who learned the Lucifer bits by ear and then extrapolated the entire song with that arrangement: He also posted a tutorial that shows how to play it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m3llKAynhcg
  2. Lucifer is back in the fall, Mondays @ 9 after Gotham! Fox 2016/2017 TV Schedule
  3. They do look similar, but it's the Rosslyn. The Rosslyn was also used in Moonlight, another TV show that I'm a fan of. A few years ago, a bunch of us Moonlight fans tracked down almost all the locations used in Moonlight, and I've visited them on fan tours. The Lucifer locations that were also used in Moonlight (and there's a surprising amount of crossover) are the ones that I recognize right away, e.g. the parking garage across from Disney Concert Hall is another obscure location that was weirdly used in both shows.
  4. Going by how the locations are grouped together, it looks like the show made three trips to LA to film exterior locations: "Lucifer, Stay. Good Devil" street scene with Lucifer & the preacher is on Hollywood Blvd. "Manly Whatnots" street scene with Lucifer & Chloe after they get kicked out of the Player's seminar is on Hollywood Blvd. "Favorite Son" Lucifer & Chloe question the sno-cone guy at Santa Monica Beach near the Santa Monica Pier. "Wingman" the beach scenes with Lucifer & Amenadiel is Santa Monica Beach or maybe nearby Venice Beach (can't quite place the skyline in the background). "#TeamLucifer" the theater exterior where Rose's body is found is the Million Dollar Theater in downtown LA. (The interior is the Orpheum Theatre in Vancouver.) "Take Me Back To Hell" the rooftop scene with Lucifer & Amenadiel is at the Rosslyn Hotel in downtown LA. The police parking garage scene with Lucifer & Chloe is a parking garage across from the Disney Concert Hall in downtown LA. According to one of the show's writers (forget which one), when they were filming the rooftop scene at the Rosslyn Hotel, it was actually one of LA's rare rainy days. I guess the weather gods in LA conspired to make LA look more like Vancouver... I was wondering if the paintings of the devil in "#TeamLucifer" were real paintings or just made up for the show so I did some Googling. It looks like it's a bit of both. They Photoshopped the painting "Archangel Michael Defeating Satan" by Guido Reni to replace the human-looking Satan in the original with a more horny version: The other painting looks like they Photoshopped "Pandemonium" by John Martin to substitute different buildings and a devil figure instead of (what looks like) a Roman soldier:
  5. Kept forgetting to post this, but I created a Lucifer Soundtrack YouTube playlist with all the songs from the show and promos that are publicly available -- 94 songs in all.
  6. I think any long-running show needs to develop a strong supporting or recurring cast if it doesn't already have an ensemble cast, just to provide a wider variety of storytelling. Bones is also all about the leads and their relationship, but Bones also has a well-developed supporting cast and I think this is one of the reasons for its longevity whereas the Castle writers apparently feel that they have to drastically change the show's format to keep it going. I actually think Lucifer is set up to be about both Lucifer & Chloe and their relationship (whether it ultimately ends up romantic like Castle or remains platonic like Elementary). But even if Lucifer was the only central character, I think people still want to see the supporting characters developed outside of Lucifer's orbit. For example, some people have commented that it would be fun for Maze and Linda to become friends vs. Linda just remaining Lucifer's therapist and nothing more.
  7. Just remembered this interview where around 4:15 Tom demonstrates switching from his regular speaking voice to Lucifer and it's really easy to hear the difference. I don't think Lucifer & Chloe need to be joined at the hips either, but I think they should have meaningful interactions in every episode even if the individual scenes are short. While Luci & Amendiel hunting down mum is going to be fun, if that becomes the main thrust of the show, then Lucifer will have essentially turned into Supernatural -- two brothers hunting demons while bitching at each other about doing their father's work. Heh. In the AfterBuzz interview, showrunner Joe Henderson indicated that he liked the mix of procedural and serialized that the show found towards the end of the season, so they're probably going to stick to that formula where there will be cases of the week, but the cases will tie into Lucifer more directly. He also said that Chloe's not going to dismiss that she saw Lucifer get fatally shot and yet he's still alive, but he said the challenge for the writers will be finding a way for Chloe to be questioning or investigating Lucifer that doesn't repeat what they've done before. I hope this means that they're not going to drag out Chloe realizing that Lucifer really is the Devil. Castle is actually a good example of what not to do. After 8 seasons, Castle never did much to develop its supporting characters. And for most of this season, the leads in Castle would have a scene at the beginning or end of the episode and spend most of the episode apart.
  8. If they do that, I hope it doesn't last for more than one episode. As Sleepy Hollow proved, it's a bad idea to have your two lead characters separated for an extended period. I like that #TeamLucifer used a three-week time jump to show that Lucifer was avoiding Chloe for three weeks instead of having multiple episodes where they don't interact.
  9. Backstage Life With Tom Ellis on ‘Lucifer’ (a few of Tom's favorite candid pics) ‘Lucifer’ Star Tom Ellis on the Finale’s Shocking Reveal Lucifer's Hell-Raising Season Finale Mom-Shell (short interview with showrunner Joe Henderson)
  10. Trixie: What's your name? Lucifer: Lucifer. Trixie: (whispers) Like the devil? Lucifer: Exactly. ---------- Chloe: What was in there? Lucifer: My angel wings. Chloe: (laugh) Lucifer: Come on. Get it all out. Chloe: (laugh) Okay, seriously, what was in there? (giggle) Oh, you are serious? Oh. Okay, sorry. Did someone (snort) make them for you, or are you big into cosplay? Lucifer: You're enjoying this, aren't you? ---------- Lucifer: I love LA. Even the homeless have an IMDb page. ---------- Lucifer: The Devil does indeed wear Prada.
  11. If it's a health thing, they could use herbal cigarettes like the Cancer Man actor on The X-Files. I'm leaning towards it being some weird, arbitrary network rule where you can imply that good guys smoke but can't actually show them taking a puff. She had a recurring role as a bad-ass NSA-type boss on Person of Interest who was evil in the beginning but later switched sides. Maybe whoever suggested her was thinking of that. When asked directly what accent he uses for Lucifer, Tom says it's a heightened received pronunciation (RP), like at the beginning of this video interview. I think he was just being polite -- or had limited time since he was doing a lot of interviews to promote the start of the series -- and decided not to get into the differences between Welsh and RP with someone who obviously couldn't hear it.
  12. I was iffy about Chloe in the beginning but really started to warm up to her in "Manly Whatnots" after realizing she was kind of a goofy tomboy, with the chair dancing to "Eye of the Tiger" at the Players presentation, her embarrassment at naked Lucifer, and the amusingly abrupt way she dismissed the guy at the Players afterparty after realizing he had no info to offer. On Twitter Q&A's, when asked who the funniest cast member is, Lauren is always mentioned along with Tom. (They say Tom's sense of humor is exactly the same as Lucifer's. Heh.) I recognized Lauren from Happy Town and DB Woodside from Buffy, 24, Hellcats and a zillion guest star roles. I thought those were the only castmembers I had seen in other roles. I went through the Lucifer promos and first few episodes thinking I had never seen Tom in anything before Lucifer, until someone posted a link to his CV and I realized I had seen him in Doctor Who, Merlin, Once Upon a Time, The Strain and bits of Rush without him making any memorable impression on me. Go figure. Usually, I'm good at recognizing when I've seen a face before, even if I can't place where, e.g. on Defiance, the characters Datak Tarr and Alak Tarr were immediately familiar to me even under all the white alien makeup, and after checking IMDb, I found out I had seen the actors as guest-stars on Doctor Who and Being Human respectively.
  13. I'm already in withdrawal after one week. Once again, Mondays are to be avoided not anticipated. I laughed at that. I assume Amenadiel flew away from Lux since that's his preferred method of travel, but when Luci had more of a choice at Dan's office, he just slowed time and they walked out unseen. After Malcolm dies and Chloe & Lucifer are talking, Chloe asks him what's wrong and he pauses before changing the subject to ask if it's past Trixie's bedtime. I wonder what Lucifer meant to say but couldn't because (I assume) Trixie was there. Some theories: He wanted to tell Chloe he's in love with her. After humbling himself before Dad and sacrificing his life for Chloe, and with Dan headed to jail, a declaration of love may not seem so daunting. Or he wanted to give Chloe irrefutable proof that he's the devil. With Chloe still unbelieving, he can't be completely open with her. This included not telling her what was really going on with Malcolm, and Chloe's lack of knowledge about Malcolm put both her and Trixie in danger. Now with Mum on the loose and Lucifer unwilling to stay away from Chloe, Chloe's lack of knowledge will put her in even more danger. Or he wanted to tell Chloe he was sorry for doubting her and putting her in a suicide-by-cop situation in Lux. Luci has never sincerely admitted he was sorry for anything and once again avoided it here. (The one time he told Chloe he was sorry in "Favorite Son" was more about him trying to get back on the case than really feeling sorry for his actions.) Or maybe he had nothing to say and just was at a loss for words, which resulted in an awkward pause. I'm not sure why the show is fudging the smoking. Tom Ellis smokes in real life: Given Cancer Man on The X-Files, Fox clearly has no problem with characters smoking on screen. (In fact, the Cancer Man actor is a non-smoker and only smoked herbal cigarettes on The X-Files.) So I'm not sure why they can't show Lucifer actually smoking, unless only bad guys can smoke on screen and not good guys. Constantine avoided smoking in the early episodes because of NBC's rules, but once the show got going, NBC became more lenient and Constantine smoked more often, so maybe that will happen with Lucifer as well. Although with the cigarette lighter failing twice now, I'm beginning to think that Dad wants Luci to kick the habit. Heh.
  14. I took it to mean if season 2 airs in January, it will be 13 episodes again. If it airs in the fall, then Fox may add additional episodes (maybe even a full back 9) depending on how the mid-season shows get scheduled. Joe said that if season 1 was a full 22 episodes (13 episodes + back 9), the story arc would still be the same. The "Mum" story arc would just have ended up as episodes 14-22. Likewise, for season 2, they're writing a 13-episode season, and if additional episodes are ordered, the story arc for season 3 would just start as season 2, episode 14.
  15. I love this theory about the coin. Thanks for the quote. Of course, it's so obvious now, I can't believe I couldn't hear it before... You quoted me in this reply but I wasn't the one who made the comment you were replying to, so the quote somehow got misattributed. (Board upgrade glitch?) Anyhow, this was my interpretation of the deal too. Lucifer offered to go back and rule Hell willingly, but instead Dad sent him back to Earth to find Mum. Presumably, after the issue with Mum is resolved, Dad will expect Luci to go back to Hell unless Luci comes up with a reason for Dad to let him stay. I agree. The more I think about it, the less I think Chloe will have a bad reaction to realizing Lucifer is the Devil. In this episode, Chloe briefly thought that Lucifer killed the preacher, then she reasoned that an execution-style gunshot to the head doesn't fit the passionate man she knows. So despite evidence pointing to Lucifer, she trusted what she has come to know about him and believed him innocent. Chloe already doesn't believe in God and the Devil. When she realizes Lucifer is the Devil, after she gets over the initial shock, she's not likely to suddenly start believing what religions say about the Devil. She's more likely to go with her own personal experience of Lucifer, which includes him complaining since they met that he is not evil and humans have given the Devil a bad rap. She of the creepy blue eyes. (shudder) It might also be cool and not too cliche for Mum to manifest as a child if they can find a good enough young actress. Evil children are inherently creepy. It could partially explain why Luci hates kids. She could become besties with Trixie. And unless he could get her alone, Luci would be really limited in what he could do without being accused of child abuse.
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