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Posts posted by Whyyouneedaname

  1. 1 hour ago, SunnyBeBe said:

    Well, she is 17.  I wasn't a wild child at that age, but, did make some no so wise decisions when I was 18=21, so, I'll just not hold that against her.  I do hope that she doesn't have a problem with truth though.  People who have chronic honesty issues really suffer in life.  It causes them a lot of relationship and professional problems for the rest of their life.  I know some people who are that way and it's so unfortunate.  It's a true disability, though, they don't know it. 

    & they are quick to point out how dishonest Anna is, they couldn't even let the prom be something enjoyable with out bringing it up. 

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  2. Here this messed up chic running after a man that's calling her every name in the book, telling her he doesn't want to be with her, yadda yadda yadda & her response "BABY where you goin" lol good grief. Please let this be scripted, I have never in my life seen someone so attached to a man in all my life. 

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  3. I watched last weeks episode on my lunch break today, don't ask why, even I don't know lol.  When everyone left on the carriage ride, June was begging Geno for sex, again, he refuses, again, then he tells her she looks like a f'n 5 legged elephant....and she replies, so are you gonna put a ring on the other finger. What??? When he tells her to go to the hospital they'll help her get her bracelets off, in her TH she says, when you love somebody & they are sick and need to go to the hospital your not suppose to yell at them....he just told you he didn't love you....Ok, this dude is not good looking, does not have a personality, cheats on her, steals her money, sexting other women, does not take care of her, does not have a job, tell me what does he have going for him & why she thinks he's such a catch because I don't know of any reason why I wouldn't be running the other way.

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  4. 14 minutes ago, silverspoons said:

    June was born with cataracts but her mom would not take her to the doctor. She put a fear of doctors in June. Remember when Anna's daughter had the extra thumb? June was against taking the baby to the doctor, and when Anna did, June really did not want the baby to have the procedure done. June talked a bit about her fears then. The thumb removal was a minor surgery (My son had a friend that had it done, you would never know it was ever there). 

    Alana was actually on The doctors Tv show. they gave Alana a diet but even with their help, June did not follow it. 

    It makes me upset that some doctors these days will not tell you you or your kid is overweight. I had a friend with an overweight son. He was wearing adult clothes in 1st grade, and weighed closer to 200lbs! She would lead, with his dad is so tall and I am tall, he is a big boy. The doctor said nothing.  Thankfully, since her son grew tall, a really cool college student who was doing coaching, took the boy and trained him for free, had him running the stairs at the stadium and in a year he lost 75lbs.  

    I do not know why doctors are so scared to talk about weight unless the patient brings it up. Are they afraid of lawsuits or bad reviews? I had an older PCP, he had some weight chart from like 1970 on his wall. My BMI is about 23 and I have been within 5 lbs of the same weight for 15 years. It was closer to 24 BMI after a long bedrest after surgery and he said, you are overweight, and gave me this long talk. I was not overwight by BMI and I admit felt bad when he said it, but I do know he was concerned about health and diet. My new PCP, who my mom sees, will never mention weight. My mom is a diabetic and is very overweight and the doctor mentions nothing because  they know my mom would be upset. Doctors should get some training on how to approach this. No one wants to be called fat, but patients need to know healthy habits and how to obtain them in a safe way.

    I think June uses whatever is convenient for her at the moment, she has had way too many elective surgeries to claim "doctor fear" at this time. 

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  5. 4 hours ago, Kid said:

    I am sorry, but Trent is the only one who seems to be thinking responsibly.   They’ve got five kids all of which could have serious health issues that have to be addressed. You need health insurance for that. They have five kids that need to be educated. Quitting his job to start his own business without all of those things that you guys mentioned, like a business plan, would be downright irresponsible. Even with a business plan,  I don't  think you take that kind of risk with five kids. Especially, with five kids that could have the physical issues that these kids might have.

    Amber was a real estate agent which is, basically, her own business. Don’t work when you want to work and  as hard as you to work.  What happened to that?  Obviously, she wasn’t very successful at it or she would still be doing it.  

    Right, why can Amber not open the business & run it until he's off work. That way he still has his job with all the benefits plus an income. I think his "anxiety" is her pressuring him to quit his job, I can't imagine telling my husband to quit a steady job to start his own business with no plan at all. Well it seems the plan is birdhouses 🙄

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  6. 13 hours ago, BusyOctober said:

    Did Matt really just snark on Amy and her “ornery side” in regard to how Amy acts around Caryn?!?  Really?  Matt (and Caryn) are bewildered and confuzzled as to why Amy might have a hard time looking Caryn in the eye, or why Amy may not embrace having to share space with her during family events.  Again...really, you dumb cheating egotistical perpetual victim who screws the employee man baby?  You don’t get why Amy may not want to be chummy with the woman you slept with while you were married?  Does he expect Amy to call Caryn to go out to a “Sip &Paint Nite” with her other girlfriends?

    I had hopes for Zach, but these last few episodes have shown me Zach is as impulsive as his dimwit father.  Never mind he gets a puppy (that will grow into a very large, energetic dog capable of knocking him down or dragging Jackson across the yard) in the midst of moving, or the purchase of a new house before selling the other one, or spending a boatload of money to redo the new house while paying mortgage and utilities on the old place, or he bought a house that he, (a dwarf & father of a dwarf with known osteo/mobility/ balance issues) hopes to “retire” in, but it has eleventy hundred stairs in it.  NOW he announces they want to get rid of the in-ground pool because it’s too much for him to keep up with!  They probably paid a higher price for that new house because of the pool!  And Zach didn’t think about the time and effort and physicality of maintaining a pool before making on offer on that Swiss Family Robinson tree house? He is a very bad, horrible, no good, terrible decision maker.

    I thought Tori was the one that insisted they get a dog & she wanted one like Sully. As far as the house, who in their right mind would want something that even an average size healthy person would have a hard time navigating all the time.....& hasn't it been shown that Zach has back problems already. I haven't watched a lot this season but from what I've seen Tori is not the happy wifey she seemed to be last year. 

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  7. 21 hours ago, silverspoons said:

    This episode was hard to watch. I don't know how much was acting or real. Geno and Mama June's mood swings, anger and crying are not a place for Alana to live or Pumpkin and her baby to be hanging out in. Jennifer and Sugar bear looked normal tonight, that says a lot.

    The chipped tooth. So June chips off her veneer eating? I knew someone who broke off a piece of her veneer but it was almost 20 years old, she knew that they were at the end of their lifespan and needed a new set but it is expensive (I wonder what all these young people are going to do that have good teeth but get veneers to be perfect at age 21-25? Hope they have money saved for new sets in their 40's and 60's).  June only had hers for 2 years? They should not have broken over eating some sort of brownie. I wonder if they were not put on well and she had some sort of decay under the veneer? Her bottom teeth did not look well care for. June seemed hyper sensitive in that dental chair. I was surprised the dentist who allowed filming did not stop when June was complaining. The dentist also gave her rules like whatever she did was maybe a temp fix? so maybe that is why the tooth chip or fell out again a few days later at the lunch. 

    I feel bad for June. I do not think this should have been filmed. If they wanted to finish the season, they should have filmed Alana at Pumpkin's and her stand up comedy, Pumpkin and Josh could have gone furniture shopping and added in more sugar bear. I have always felt a little bad for June because she would not have been blind if her mom had got her medical care as a kid. Her mom put so much fear of doctors in her. Now she lives in a home where she is dependent on rides for everything. I know people say, take an uber, but it would not be cheap if you had to do it for everything.

    I guess the most telling part is Pumpkin moving out. I do not buy the whole June being pregnant reason that Pumpkin left. I do believe June said she thought she was, most likely as a last ditch effort to keep Geno around, like of a like a teenager would which I believe June is still stuck mentally as a teen. June let Anna stay at the old house with her baby when it was 2 bedrooms. No way June would kick Pumpkin out and why would Pumpkin leave a free living situation? Things must have already been tense and bad. I wonder why Pumpkin did not get more furniture? Was it that quick of a move or was the apartment maybe just to be temporary , hoping June would get help. 

    What I guess bothers me watching most is we know there is not a good ending to this story. We know June after the arrest, is still begging to be with Geno, it does not appear as she is getting any help.

    I may be wrong but when she's coming down the stairs, before she ate the cake, it looks like the tooth is already broke. Then when she is opening the fridge she turns towards the camera & it looks like it's already broken. They could have shown this out of sequence, but I swear it looks like it. She is a mess. 

    • Love 5
  8. June begging Geno for sex, Sugar Bear begging Jennifer for sex, both in the presence of each other's kids 🤢 & this seems to have gone on the entire season. I have never seen someone beg & plead for affection, that's a new kinda low to me. I know Genos a terrible person but, lol yeah I have to explain for a minute, he has repeatedly told her he's repulsed by her cramming food in her mouth all the time. I mean in the back of the RV she's trying to seduce him and then she takes a bite of a cake. He repeatedly told her she needs to go to the dr, he said she's doing stuff for attention. She's clearly unhealthy  but he has told her to get some medical help, but then you look at him......he's a walking billboard for unhealthy so there's that 😂

    • Love 9
  9. On 5/3/2019 at 6:26 PM, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

    Interesting to me, when this show came on, they only showed summer in GA with the Johnstons,  Now looks like filming has expanded - so I wonder if the TLC greed got to them as well. They have what looks to be a beautiful new house, Trent can't be working full time if they are filming - inquiring minds what to know...and where is Louie ?

    I think I read somewhere that they gave him away, something about they didn't have time to spend with him 🙄 I read it as he was too much trouble, out if the cute stage, tired of him. You know those kind of pet owners. 

  10. MJ wouldnt know love if it hit her in the face, her telling DoeDoe he might have the 7 year itch, in her TH she says something about he maybe tired of her. How long have they been together. I've been married to the same man for 31 years, we don't have that problem. I also have never allowed myself to be treated  that way, you have to respect yourself before anyone else will. 

    I remember an episode a couple of years back that it was a story line of MJ trying to find a man, showed her out to eat with a man that up & left before the meal.....is Geno someone that WE found? 

    • Love 6
  11. 51 minutes ago, Absolom said:

    What's crazy is that in real time, they still seem to be together after all of this.

    No, I wouldn't go on TV and go through all they're putting on and obviously a couple of June's daughters won't either.  It takes a certain kind of person to put on the display June does.

    You know you can't believe everything you read on the internet, but I did see where she & Geno were living in a motel somewhere in Alabama. It had something to do with the arrest & him threatening to kill her, could Ga get a protection order but her still be able to live with him in AL & Is WE still filming this mess? 

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  12. 13 hours ago, Armchair Critic said:

    Did Geno just say to June (I will spoiler tag it because it's off color)

      Reveal spoiler

    Dodo has a better chance of coming than you. (eeeeeeew)

    Yes! After he told June before they left on the trip that she could drive and he'd take DoeDoe in the back of the RV 🤕🤦🏼‍♀️

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  13. It's very disturbing to see Mj begging for sex every.two.minutes. I mean good grief she's late thirties and still thinks sex fixes everything. & really how much alone time does she think she'll get with an RV full of people, what's gross is she'd pull the curtain and go at it with them there 🤢

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  14. & again why do I watch this, amber makes my blood boil, I have never despised anyone as much as I do her. I believe she is 110% the reason Anna has issues, she blames her for EVERYTHING, she tries her best to have a confrontation. For instance, "well you finally put on a jacket" "dad told me to".,,,,if she would have just put it on & not said anything, bitch you instigated that!!! 

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  15. In the previews showing for best Friday does it show MJ with a broken front tooth? If he hit her hard enough to break a veneer 😳 & she's still with him 🤦🏼‍♀️ At least in the last episode Pumkin wasn't sitting there all "as you know our family is going thru some of the same things as many other families" no girlfriend this mess is all on your momma. 

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  16. June at the yoga place saying he wants spontaneity & new things....he wants new women girlfriend. & I'd bet a dollar to a donut she has given him a debit card with full access to her accounts. He's not a catch by a long shot but he sees how she treated sugar bear, right or wrong he didn't agree with it. He sees how she's doing with her eating habits & calls her on it all the time. I don't see why June lets him treat her this way but I think it's always been this way it's just in the spotlight now.....could you imagine bringing another kid into the mix 🙄🙄

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  17. 20 hours ago, Armchair Critic said:

    That I actually believe. Obviously if Geno is on drugs that is not good, I am not going to defend him for that. 

    But I remember a few seasons ago June gaslighting Sugar Bear during the taping of an interview. She got him riled up and then sat back calmly and watched him tear his shirt off and start punching things, and then June acted like she was the innocent one and that he was out of control. Meanwhile she did this all in front of Alana, which I thought was a real crappy thing to have Alana watch her dad go off like that. But she did it purposely in front of Alana and then used it as an excuse why Sugar Bear shouldn't see Alana. I know Sugar Bear is an idiot too but June is not dumb, she knows how to manipulate.

    This! Every word of it! She knew she could poke & prod him until he exploded.

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  18. 53 minutes ago, debbie311 said:

    If Lauren was bleeding so badly that she had to be physically carried, that is called hemorrhaging and she should have gone to the ER, or at least her doctor. She was very early into the pregnancy, right? I also call BS.

    Right, & wouldn't you want to know that there was nothing that would prevent a future pregnancy? I only have 2 sons, if something that "tragic" happened to me I'd want to know from a Dr. that everything was ok and I should be able to carry a baby to term the next time.

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  19. Bird seems to have a lot of problems regarding her sibling and outsiders. She & Rain were talking last season, Rain was telling her it wasn't gonna be like she always thought it would be when she got married. Bird always wanted it to be a big happy family sharing everything, when Rain told her she would live in her own house with her own husband Bird didn't seem too keen on that idea.

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  20. 1 hour ago, bichonblitz said:

    Actually they both said she was "expecting". And said it again at the family reveal.  It sounded so old fashioned to me. Are they not allowed to say pregnant? 

    I was more humored by term "figured out" lol, I didn't even realize they didn't say pregnant 🙂

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