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Everything posted by PaisleyPark

  1. SO MUCH WORD TO ALLLLLLLL OF THIS!!! Everything you said is on point!!!
  2. Start it at about the 73:10 mark: https://www.podcat.com/podcasts/hs6zfR-combat-radio/episodes/ThxCtQ-december-18-2015
  3. HONESTLY!!!! I mean!!!! How hard could it be?!?! I just don't understand why it was so difficult for the writers to write stories that stayed on track with what the show was supposed to initially be about!!!! What the hell?!?!
  4. Had you all heard this before?.... In an interview Shernold Edwards did last year she talked about how "Abbie" wearing her hair natural wasn't taken lightly. Nicole had wanted to go natural and the EPs of the show apparently weren't A-OK with it. Shernold said she was sitting there at the same table with the EPs while they were discussing this "issue" and neither of the EPs even bothered to ask Shernold for input about it! The one black lady that actually wears her hair natural and could've offered some insight!! They sat there and talked RIGHT IN FRONT OF HER, as if she wasn't there. She said she would've liked to been asked for opinion. I just find this so interesting and insane! Something so simple as the girl wanting to wear her hair natural and TPTB took issue with it! Really?!?!? I mean, I can only imagine the difficulties a person of color must deal with in this industry. The issues that come about that shouldn't even be issues! We see that Nicole did get to finally wear her hair natural in the second half of the season, but just knowing that her request caused a stir and had to be questioned by the TPTB?!?!.....I just can't. I'm sad like everyone else that Nicole is no longer on the show, but, honestly, it truly seems like it's for the best. I'm sure the stuff that girl witnessed and experienced during her time there...well...no one wants to experience. It's just ultimately not worth it. .
  5. LOL!! Hilarious! I don't watch TVD, but I've heard about the Bonnie/Damon fans wanting that pairing. Yeah...good luck with that. Lol. You mentioned shows always putting a black guy with a black girl, as if that's the ONLY option possible. I swear, it's just so insulting!!! I've been a daytime soaps watcher for years and they pull that mess ALL THE TIME!!! The two blacks are always coupled together (that is, if they even get a story in the first place!)! God forbid they put the cute, black female actress with the hot, white romantic lead. Oh no---can't have that.
  6. LOVE!!!! And I like the word "shenanigans," too. :)
  7. TWD will forever get my kudos for starting Richonne. They knew the fandom had been rallying for it for so long, they built a great story for them, and finally went for it. Fans couldn't be happier. They had the balls to do it. TPTB involved with Sleepy Hollow just doesn't get it.....they just don't get it. As for Tom, he is the reason I checked this show out in the first place. I saw him on a billboard for the Season 1 premiere and thought he was so hot. So yeah, he's what drew me in and I honestly wouldn't have watched if it weren't for him, as I'm not really a fan of sci-fi shows. I had never heard of Nikki prior to the show, so she wasn't even a factor for me. Once you start watching the show, you see how cute she and Tom are together that you can't help but ship Ichabbie. It just sucks that we never got that before Nikki left.
  8. This is hilarious!! I have never seen this before, and I was literally laughing out loud. It is a pretty versatile word, isn't it? Haha.
  9. Seeing Lyndie's name brought up, it is interesting how she hasn't tweeted anything about Nicole's departure. But then again, NONE of the other cast members have, either! Lord. This is obviously all just a mess. Lol.
  10. YEEEEESSSSSS!!!! Your first paragraph.....I said the same thing in another thread!! Who's buying that she just organically wanted to spread her wings after JUST TWO seasons?!?!?! I know you mentioned she wanted to leave during season two, but I believe the article said she had wanted to leave after season 2 was done. Gee, how ironic (only not!) that that's the season she got sidelined in stories and wasn't asked to do commentary for the DVD. I mean, seriously! This stuff is not coincidental!! C'mon now! As for killing off one half of the LEAD PAIR that keeps this show going in the first place.....there are just no words. None. It will never, ever make sense no matter how much the writers try to sell it.
  11. THIS!!!!! This more than anything!!! It's not about her simply deciding to leave, but WHY she decided to! This show is only in season 3!! THREE!! It'd be one thing if it were in like season 5 or higher and Nicole was like, "Ya know, it's been fun for this long, but I'm ready to spread my wings and try something new." After 5 years or more of doing something, I can more easily understand just simply wanting to move on and try something new. Fine. But, THIS nonsense situation?!?! Please!!! You're only up to season 3, which 2 of the 3 weren't considered very good, and you're already ready to bounce?! And I'm supposed to believe that it has nothing to do with her and her character's treatment in season 2?!? If season 2 hadn't bombed, if Abbie hadn't been sidelined, and if Nicole, herself, hadn't received shady treatment from TPTB, you can't tell me that she'd be ready to leave the show in ONLY IT'S THIRD SEASON! Absolutely not. So yeah, it ultimately was her decision to leave, but it's the shady going-ons BTS that are the reason for it!!!! Who wants to put up with feeling less than, especially when you don't have to?! I truly believe when it comes to not being happy in the workplace, you have to do what's best for you. You just do. Yet and still, I'm definitely shocked by her departure (as it just hit us all without warning!) and sad that Ichabbie as a couple never happened. This show just sabotaged itself when it so didn't have to, and that sucks!
  12. Ha! Seriously!?!?! Is he following other cast members???
  13. The bolded made me laugh! I can't disagree with ya...Richonne is pretty awesome!
  14. Uh, excuse you! Paula Abdul and Jane Child were the bomb!!!! Don't EVEN compare them to the uninteresting Joenny! Lol. Funny you mention Jane Child, though, because I was jamming to her song in the car just a couple of days ago. I miss the early 90s, so! :(
  15. I 100% believe that whomever asked the question was talking about Nicole and Tom. And I'm like 99% sure that the TV Line writer is talking about them, in regards to two leads simply not wanting to do promotion for the show. It just seems too on the nose! I mean, the writer mentions that after the FIRST COUPLE of seasons, the leads decided they were done promoting the show. Uh, Sleepy Hollow is in season three and Tom/Nicole promoting the show pretty much came to a halt AFTER season two. Coincidence.......I'm thinking not. Well, I guess we now know why they are always M.I.A. Lol.
  16. In the below article, there's a question someone asked about why LEADS on shows don't do PR...and this just sounds toooooo much like Sleepy Hollow to me. I don't doubt that Nicole and Tom are like "We're done getting the word out for this show." Lol. http://tvline.com/2016/03/10/walking-dead-season-6-daryl-carol-spoilers/
  17. I am the FIRST person to applaud people who don't have Facebook, Twitter, etc, or if they have it, but rarely post. To me, it says a lot about a person who doesn't feel the need to post every hour/every day about stuff that no one cares about and no one needs to know (what you had for breakfast, how beautiful the day is, etc.). I actually REALLY love that Tom isn't on social media, and find it quite endearing, being that it adds a sense of mystery to him. And, I think it's great that Nicole is on social media, but doesn't post a lot. It would be lovely if more celebs realized it's okay not to post about your social/private life on social media. :/ HOWEVER, Tom/Nicole being private about their private life is in no way, shape or form the same as being private about commenting about storylines they are in on a television show! It's not the same! No actor/actress hopes they land a show that fails! No, they want to be on a show that succeeds. And every show has/needs publicity, which is why the actors give interviews to magazines and other news outlets. It's a part of the job, which I'm sure Nicole and Tom are well aware of after all these years of being in the business. I would be SHOCKED if there lack of interviewing is because they simply don't want to give them. Please! That comes off as diva behavior to me, and I so don't see either of them being the type. At all. As for Nicole, sure she seems rather reserved and low-key in the interviews she's given in the past, but coming off as uncomfortable....I disagree. She and Tom have done plenty of interviews in the past for this show, but I'm supposed to believe that now (s)he have become uncomfortable doing them this season???? Uh, okaaaaay, suuuure, anything is possible, I guess....but I'm not buying it. There's more to the story of why we're getting every second-level actor speaking out about storylines on SH, instead of hearing from the two LEADS. And I will never buy the reason of "no time." Just.....no. Again, actors on every show work long hours. Tom and Nicole are no unusual case. Yet, the lead actors on these MANY, MANY other shows can manage to give a blurb or two to a publication like EW, TV Guide, etc, whether it be by phone, e-mail, or in person. It's part of the job! It's just NOT that difficult! I can totally understand not being able to make big events (Ex. a Comic Con, Paley Fest, etc.) because the filming schedule doesn't allow for it. Okay, fine. But you can't give a quick interview (whether done on the show's set or via phone) to a journalist?!?!?! Just....no. IT IS ALL TOO WEIRD!! I mean, it is what it is, but that doesn't negate from the weirdness....
  18. Thanks for the welcome, Cynic! Yeah, I know...I became a regular viewer on THAT episode of ALL episodes. Lol! Oddly enough, it just happened that way. And yes, I was trying to figure out which was the correct thread for me to post in before I posted!! I couldn't figure what thread my thoughts would fit best in. I didn't really think it was this one, but none of them seemed to fit, I didn't think. If my posts get moved somewhere, that's totally fine. Go for it! :)
  19. LOL!!! Exactly!!!! Sorry, but the "too busy filming" and "no time because of personal life" is not acceptable. It's just not. I understand they have long hour work days, but so do a PLETHORA of other shows! Sure, they want and have a personal life outside of work just as much as other actors/actresses. But NO OTHER SHOW'S lead actors/actresses are MIA when it comes to interviewing!!! NO OTHER SHOWS!!! If you can think of one, please tell me. The actors fit the interviews into their schedules because that's just what you do in the business! Kerry Washington is incredibly busy, being that she's the lead character, filming long days/nights. And she has a husband and little kid. But she STILL manages to do interviews, press events, live tweet, etc!!!! And I'm just using her as an example, but the list is endless!! I don't even care so much about having Tom/Nicole do the live tweeting thing because, as much as it would be awesome if they did, I do see that type of thing as like a "leisure activity" outside of work. Some actors like doing it, some don't..and I think that's fine. But not giving simple interviews to magazines, not being a part of press events, etc.....NO! That just makes no sense to me! And again, THEY ARE THE LEADS!!! It'd be one thing if they were the second level actors not giving interviews, but they're on the first level! There HAS to be some behind-the-scenes reason that those two aren't being used to represent the show when it comes to interviews and press events. Quite honestly, it's very odd to me, and I truly think there's like some sort of drama (be it big or small) behind-the-scenes that's the reason for it. 'Cause no other show operates this way.
  20. Thanks, Miss Dee! Ha!--I never thought about it like that, but you're right. While everyone else tuned out, I was tuning in. I was just enthralled with everything I was reading, regarding the complaints about the second season. It blew my mind because sooooooo many people were on the same page about how the show had gotten bad. As weird as it is, the bad press made me want to commit to watching on a regular basis! Lol.
  21. Hey guys! I'm a newbie poster to this site, even though I've been coming here just to read comments for about a year now. Man, the SH fandom doesn't play, does it?! The Ichabbie fandom, in particular! LOL. I just wanted to share my thoughts/feelings about the show (not sure if this is the correct thread to do that or not)... Let me just start off by saying, this show is not something that I EVER would have taken interest in, as I'm not into Sci-fi/supernatural shows, movies, etc. However, seeing Tom Mison's face on a billboard while driving to work every morning......um, yeah. Back when the show first premiered, I SO remember driving by a large SH billboard in LA every morning and being like "That dude is so hot!!" LOL! I had no idea who he was and hadn't heard anything about the show (I don't keep up with a lot of TV), but I just knew the guy was hot. So, for me, personally, he's the reason why I said I wanted to start watching SH. I didn't watch the first season faithfully because it was coming on Mondays (I watch DWTS), so I'd end up trying to catch a few episodes here and there on Fridays where they used to play repeats. In total, though, I probably only saw like 3 episodes from the first season while it was on (I JUST watched all of the first season over this past Christmas break!). The second season I caught VERY few bits and pieces of the show. Now, the funny thing is that I didn't faithfully start tuning in until I caught wind of all the negativity the show was receiving . I wasn't aware of what a hit it had been in the first seaosn, and had absolutely NO idea the second season had been doing bad in the ratings and that people were so upset about the writing. Like, the fandom AND critics were pissed. Lol. I read a lot of articles about the show's descent, and I just was shocked at how a show that was renewed after it's second episode managed to go completely off the rails! That still boggles my mind. How does a show mess things up in only its second season?!? Wow! The hate for Katrina makes me laugh. Again, I wasn't watching faithfully, so just hearing the fandom talk about how she screwed up the show....hilarious. Like, she is HATED! I want to watch the second season just to see what all the fuss about her is. Reading that Katrina was ruining the show, along with how they were writing (or, not writing) Abbie, and Abbie and Crane's partnership....I oddly felt compelled to start making it a point to watch on a regular basis. Lol. I think the first full episode I actually tuned in to see on a Monday was the painting one (can't remember the episode name). And since then, I've been watching every week it comes on. I am by no means the BIGGEST SH fan, but I am definitely rooting for this show! I started watching for Crane's hotness, but it was great to see that the show was actually good! As for Abbie and Crane...yep, I'm an Ichabbie shipper, too! Lol. How can you not be?!?! I just do not get why the writers seem so adamant about them not being romantic. It's so lame! On any other show where there're team investigators, a romance between the two is SURE to happen. But this show....they just won't go there. The show is making people hate it....shooting itself in the foot when it so doesn't have to be that way! This show was renewed after it's second episode!!! SECOND!!! And now, look at it! Oy vey. The other thing that I just DO NOT GET! is how/why Nicole and Tom do no promotion for this show! I don't get it! They are the leads!!! So why on earth do they RARELY do interviews, but rather their co-stars are the ones doing the promotion? What other show does this?!?!?!? Seriously! It makes no sense! There HAS to be a reason why Tom and Nicole are like radio silent in the media when it comes to talking about this show! Ugh! It just sucks. Here's hoping the rest of the season is good, and we get a season 4.
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