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Posts posted by Court

  1. On 6/23/2016 at 2:25 AM, AussieBabe said:


    I swear none of these couples talked or planned for anything.

    Yes! These things like kids should have already been discussed! Or jobs, or anything. I don't get why they got married either. Emma and Joey were already living together. 

    My husband and I have a few pretty strong differences. It's fine because we don't make it a competiton like arguing about kids being more like one or the other. They're also not differences on what is the most important to us.

    • Love 2
  2. I laughed when the interviewer was all "he's either a spectacular liar or blah blah..


    It was so clear to me he was lying by his body language alone. He stammered, stuttered, and kept fidgeting. He was caught in lies too!

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  3. I think Kallie's family was pretty rough on Paul and they did it out of selfishness as well as concern. They don't want her moving several states away.

    What was up with Denise's pants at Thanksgiving? They were so shiny and distracting! Her and John? were poorly matched.

  4. Anyone want to discuss rehab mogul?


    Or the In an Instant episode? I had a hard time watching it. The commercials were a needed break from the tragedy. 

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  5. The jury did mess up as well. Not necessarily in the verdict but in not deliberating. (There is no doubt in my mind O.J. did it but there were lots of screwups along the way.)

    Both jurors pretty much admitted that they just wanted to go home and that verdict was the quickest way to go home. I can understand that desire because being sequestered for so long has to be awful.

    As I said in another thread, this was never about Nicole or Ron. It was about everything and anything else.

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  6. Did LAPD and the prosecution mess up? Absolutely. I place more blame on LAPD than the prosecution.

    However, I think Judge Ito was overwhelmed and influenced by the celebrity and the media surrounding the case. I think he messed up as well. How does he allow them to stage the house? 

    Some of the things the defense did crossed the line. The judge should have stopped it.


    O.J. became black when it benefitted him. Everything he ever did was for his benefit.

    There were jurors who were never going to find him guilty no matter what evidence was presented. 

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  7. 12 minutes ago, psychoticstate said:



    I remember before jury selection, I was listening to a morning radio show here in LA.  The topic was whether or not you could be a fair and impartial juror if you were chosen.  I was floored by two calls in particular - - both were men.  One said that Simpson had done so much for the world of football that we should just overlook this one little "mistake" he made.  (Because nearly decapitating your ex-wife is a mistake along the lines of forgetting to pay your electricity bill.)  The other caller said that if he was seated, they could show him a video of Simpson committing the murders and Simpson could admit he had done it and this man still would not convict.  Because it was O.J. Simpson.

    It was sad, it was disheartening and it was mindboggling. 

    Wow. Since I was 11 when this happened, I didn't know a lot of this at the time. I do remember the "chase" and watching it. 

    I do remember the verdict being cheered on in my town. However, there was so much I didn't know or couldn't grasp.


    Like alleged everyone knew he routinely beat the hell out of Nicole but didn't think he would murder her?

    I do think there was/is a lot of victim blaming in cases of domestic violence. I think that gets overshadowed by all the other facets of this case. 

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  8. 15 minutes ago, aliya said:

    This was the prior post: "I rather suspect that that's all that Karan would allow the stylist to do.  Certainly if she'd been all tarted up with a swoopy 'do, makeup, and a flowered dress, that would have made her uncomfortable, and for sure she wouldn't maintain it. 

    Personally, I think she's clinically depressed."

    Re Karen being depressed because she says she lives an Amish Mennonite lifestyle - We have the largest settlement of Amish west of the MIssissippi near me. Also there are enough Mennonites for a rather large Mennonite school. These communities have their own issues, but choosing to live a minimalist lifestyle does not make one depressed or otherwise mentally ill. I'm sure no one meant that to be slur against people in these groups, and perhaps she was just making a statement about her clothes rather than her religion, but I just wanted to point out that there are people who dress plainly (I also know a few Quakers who dress plainly) and they're OK. : )  There are also people who chose not to get their hair done, wear makeup, or spend a lot of time on their clothes. They're OK, too.

    That said, Karen sure had a lot of clothes for a person trying to be a minimalist. I do think she's something of a hoarder and that she would be helped by some therapy and some attention from her son. 

    I didn't see a kitchen rehab. That poor cook deserved a  new stove or something. It sounded like all they did was remove the microwaves and move the freezers inside (what the heck was that about?).

    Re Harper's Ferry & DC - I'm from DC. I don't think people would be driving there and back for a nice dinner, but it is close enough for a weekend getaway and I worked with guys who took the train from Harper's Ferry into the Maryland suburbs everyday, so it's not so far. 

    Sorry, that was not my intention at all!  I was agreeing with the part about that's all Karan would allow the stylist to do.

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  9. I had to look away when they showed the Rodney King beating. Horrific does not even begin to describe that.

    I was very young when that happened and remembered hearing about it but it wasn't something I could fully understand at the time.

    I did not know about the Harlan case either. Also, horrific.

    • Love 3
  10. I found the parts about the domestic abuse very difficult to watch. I didn't realize that pretty much everyone knew he beat the crap out of her over and over again. 

    Wasn't he still married when he started dating Nicole? 

    • Love 5
  11. 10 hours ago, Gabrielle Tracy said:

    I understand that Hailie was sad to leave her family and her family was sad to see her leave.  That said, I thought it was pretty low of the mom to be crying and telling Hailie how sad she was about her moving away.  When your child is upset about something legitimate, it is not the parents' job to dogpile onto the sadness.  I think an appropriate sentence would be along the lines of, "I miss you so much but I'm so proud to see my daughter starting off on her own family" or something.

    Agreed. She's just making her feel guilty. 

    I think that for their marriage it's better she isn't living in the same city as them. BOUNDARIES us something they need to learn.

    The mom is making it all about her instead of actually supporting her daughter 

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  12. Based on an article I read, I don't think she ever had any desire to change. She said Ramsay was no help. That anything he said she knew "10 times over." 


    Again, with someone like that, I cannot blame the son being detached. She does what she wants and isn't going to listen. 

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