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Posts posted by Court

  1. 2 hours ago, Puffaroo said:

    I rather suspect that that's all that Karan would allow the stylist to do.  Certainly if she'd been all tarted up with a swoopy 'do, makeup, and a flowered dress, that would have made her uncomfortable, and for sure she wouldn't maintain it. 

    Personally, I think she's clinically depressed.

    I agree. She said she lives an Amish Mennonite lifestyle.

    • Love 2
  2. I would be very curious to see the home her son was raised in. He seems very disconnected from his mom. I would bet that he grew up in a hoarder's house and it was beyond repair. I would also guess that whenever he tried to turn to her or confide in her, she ignored him and persisted in her version of things. She's right and everyone else is wrong. So he stopped bothering long ago. I get it and I get why he would do this. It comes off as being uncaring but you can only expend so much energy on someone. Especially someone who clearly does not want your help.

    • Love 11
  3. 1 hour ago, Gregg247 said:

    This is the second week in a row where I think the wrong person was eliminated.  Martita and Yaku are both good cooks who had one mistake and BOOM - they're gone.  Up until last night, the judges loved everything Yaku prepared for them.  Last night was also the first time they'd mentioned him not saying much about himself.  I thought he'd be one of the finalists.

    Ana and Tregaye have cooked well, but have also had problems in front of the camera (plus, Ana is notorious for time management problems).  The model (Montegue?) has had problems with both her cooking and her presentations.  Any of these 3 should have gone before Martita and Yaku,

    It probably doesn't matter.  I think TFN has given up on the idea of finding a "real" star for them like Guy Fieri, and now they're content to just pump this show out as a straight-on competitive reality show, with no strings attached.  I saw an ad that has last year's winner serving as a co-host of some kid's BBQ competition show.  Probably not the "stardom" he'd been expecting.

    I agree.


    I would have rather seen Ana, Tregaye or Monterey go. Monterey has continually messed up every week with food and presentations. 

    I had no idea who the judges were.

    • Love 1
  4. Wow! I heard this got great reviews and now I see why! This captured me from the very first moment. I loved the FX series but this is so different in the right ways. I was 10 when Nicole was killed and very oblivious to it all. I've always associated OJ with his trial looks and and demeanor. I really appreciated getting to see a view of his rise to fame in a pretty much unbiased light. Boy was he handsome. A mix between Obama and Cam Newton in looks and football skills. I see now why he was considered handsome and so popular. I could never quite relate to that before. He really did take quite a sudden turn in behavior didn't he? Or was it stifled and there all along? Did the fame go to his head and he became a cocky SOB or did he suffer from CTE as many others have speculated? Either way I think he's guilty as hell but I appreciate this seemingly real and honest look from the beginning of OJ as opposed to the condensed versions I normally get on tv. 

    I agree. I was a couple years older so it was hard for me to grasp the impact OJ had prior to the Nicole/Ron murders.

    You can tell he had the ego from the beginning.

    • Love 4
  5. The trip advisor link sent me down a black hole reading reviews. Many reference a Sarah employee. I bet it's the same one.


    Please read the one by Rodrigo G. There are parts of that review that match exactly up to Karen's responses to negative reviews. Her responses always say the customers are wrong.

    • Love 2
  6. From the trip advisor description:

     Also on the first floor is a Sundry / Snack / Supply Shoppe which has been described as a "high-end convenience store, a mini-health food store, and an old-fashioned country store with local products." The second floor consists of two bedrooms with beautiful slate-tile private bathrooms. A parlor containing a treasure of books, toys, and games is situated on the third floor, along with another bedroom.


    After reading some of those reviews, I'm pretty sure Karan and Sarah are writing the 5 star ones. 

    • Love 5
  7. I got the feeling her son called as well. He said it was losing money and they needed to cut their losses. But he didn't want to upset his mom. It seemed like he doesn't know what to do about his delusional mom.

    • Love 1
  8. 3 minutes ago, MegD said:

    I thought there was a couple that owned it and they let the mother of one of them run it. But then she said she was the owner. I'm lost.

    I felt bad for the staff. Karen and Sarah are a crazy duo. I can't decide if they are closer than friends or if their delusions have just managed to coexist and feed one another.

    Her son and wife bought it for her. They said to give her something to do. 

  9. 19 minutes ago, BaseOps said:

    "I was living in my car... and then I met him and I wasn't living in my car anymore. Everybody loved him. I did. He never wanted anyone to stop loving him. So if I [undistinguishable] he would hit me in my face. Or my stomach." 

    I can't tell what she says here. But yea, I thought her first scene was good, some of the dialogue in her reveal to DeLuca was just clunky. 

    "If you try to divorce him..." "He would FIND me" 

    And then her stripping and all DeLuca's "No, no, what are you doing!" made me chuckle a bit. I was just waiting for Alex to storm in. 

    Also, I liked that they had Owen / Riggs get over there shit, but I wish there had been some actual build-up. Anyway, the Mer / Riggs scene that followed was great.

    I think she said if I bought the wrong thing. I wonder if he paid for her med school. Then she changed her name?

  10. What the hell? How does Callie get her way? I'm angry. 

    I can't even with the Jo is already married storyline. I've never liked her so bye.

    Still don't care about Owen and Amelia.

    Avery with the baby was adorable. 

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