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Posts posted by Court

  1. Jo does have reason to apologize. Not for Alex beating DeLuca, of course but for what transpired before.

    She's lied repeatedly to Alex and has been stringing him along and has harped about him lying to her! Remember Izzy's eggs? 

    I assume Deluca will turn him in as he should. I really hate that they went this way with Alex at this time. At this point, I can see punching the wall or door in a fit of anger but not beating Deluca up. When he was an intern, sure. Not now, he's matured and this was crappy writing to force Jo's secret out. 

    • Love 2
  2. I may have dreamed this but I feel like way back when the Ramsey's would only agree to pieces that were favorable to them. Maybe even paid for them?

    Even if you believe the parents are 100% innocent and have zero involvement, you have to see there are suspicious things that do point to them being involved in some capacity. The exact goes for the other view. There's so much conflicting evidence and this police department did an awful job. 

    In regards to the neighbor hearing the scream, did they test to see if it could be heard from her bedroom?

    What I haven't seen discussed here is the theory about Burke. I have difficulty believing a 9 year old could do that. 

    The part that I do think has merit is that the parent(s) covered for someone or even maybe each other. 

    Ultimately, this shouldn't even be called a documentary. It was clearly approached with a bias and one viewpoint. 

    • Love 3
  3. 23 minutes ago, Yokosmom said:

    See, I have the opposite reaction--I think that the (supposed) stun gun actually points away from the parents.  

    Did the police extensively fingerprint the house? I'm really asking, because I don't know.  The fact that they let hundreds of people tromp through their house in an annual "Christmas Homes Display" would possibly make random fingerprinting rather moot.

    If there was an intruder, I don't think that he was a criminal genius--I think that he got lucky.  And, if he did exist, he probably intended to take JB with him.  And, they found only a tiny amount of (non-touch) DNA on him (touch DNA was unheard of back then)--he may not have realized that he left any DNA there, especially since whatever caused the blow to the head plus the duct tape was missing.

    Re Patsy Ramsey and the bonus--according to John Ramsey (yeah, I know) he never even told her the exact amount of the check.  In fact he claims that very few people knew the amount.

    ETA--You beat me to it, TattleTeeny!

    I can easily see either way. It just irritated me that the narrator was this definitively proved the parents had nothing to do with it. Um, no. 

    It was more frustration in how the show presented it.

    • Love 3
  4. If the other special is as biased as this one  but against the parents, I'm going to be annoyed too. The stun gun doesn't prove they didn't do it. It just proves whoever did it wanted her silent.

    I've heard the comment about Santa coming on Dec 26 before too. That makes me think someone was sexually assaulting this little girl on some sort of schedule. Perhaps this time she tried to fight back. 

    • Love 2
  5. As far as the DNA goes, who says it wasn't contaminated originally? Was it preserved correctly? I don't trust that police department to do any of that correctly. 

    I can believe the parents didn't do it. It's difficult for me but I can. I definitely think they helped cover it up which would explain some of the points posted above.


    Also, how did no one hear this happen? I guess I'm just a light sleeper and wake up to any sound when my kids are in the house. My house is also small.

    • Love 1
  6. 3 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

    I used to staunchly feel like this but I haven't for years now--too many things pointing completely the away from them too. Seems like almost nothing in here is right in the middle; I'm not sure I even know how to feel anymore. But it doesn't matter; the crime isn't solved (and maybe not even solvable) because of police incompetence and tunnel vision.

    I can easily see them covering it up for someone they wanted to protect. That would explain some things. 

    If it was an intruder, I don't believe it was a random stranger. 

    Agreed about the police on this case.

    • Love 5
  7. 3 hours ago, Giant Misfit said:

    Wow. They should have called this one, "The Exoneration of John and Patsy Ramsey." 

    The narrator's condescending tone and the awful, sensationalistic script are way over the top. I get that this show has a POV, and one that I don't necessarily agree with, but Jesus. Dial back the hyperbole to 11 people. 

    I felt this way during the short preview I watched. I don't think I can make it through a whole show. 

    The parents know what happened or were involved in some way. Too many coincidences.

    • Love 5
  8. 3 hours ago, WhosThatGirl said:

    And Amber gets another animal? "He's a rescue!" What the hell? And who thinks taking kids to play with animals is at pet stores is fun? Obviously a little kid is going to want an animal after. 

    We do. We call it the poor man's zoo. But we don't adopt an animal just because our kids ask.

    • Love 8
  9. Last night's episode was difficult to watch. That man so desperately needed medical help and wouldn't agree to it. He is dying and still fully committed to the Order that is basically helping speed up his death.

    I think if the daughter in law hadn't been there, he may have gone with Mandi. 

    • Love 7
  10. I just rewatched the Julianna Redding case and I cannot fathom how that jury acquitted Kelly. Even if you buy the secondary transfer crap, that doesn't explain how her fingerprint is in the blood. It's absurd. 


    I can it crap because I'm pretty sure that towel would have been washed in the past 5 months. Oh, the killer just happens to pick the towel she may have touched months ago?

    She got away with murder.

    • Love 4
  11. 3 hours ago, Giant Misfit said:

    And don't forget John Ramsey's "vow" to find the "real killer" which turned out to be as authentic as the same "vow" OJ made as well. 

    There's a Jonbenet show appearing on A&E this week (I think) in which John and Burke are interviewed. I'm sure it's gonna be more CYA nonsense. Oh, and Burke is gonna appear on the Dr Phil show sometime this month as well. Seems to me they want to get ahead of this show for some reason. 

    I saw the preview for this and had that feeling. It was mainly there was an intruder and no one would believe us.  Or maybe the family staged it to look like that.

    I definitely think that the police did a terrible job and because of that we'll never know the truth.

    The family know what happened or was involved in some way. I don't believe it was random.

    • Love 3
  12. I understood it as she had survivor's guilt. She felt bad about being angry when she realized why the trip was cut short.

    Sometimes there isn't a reason. There doesn't have to be. People can still be addicts.

    • Love 1
  13. 52 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

    The informant showed 2 different weddings. The Kingston sister that went back so she could marry the husband of her choice, her 1st cousin BTW, was "first wife", the other one that had sisters marry the same guy was a different wedding. But Yes, it is weird, very perverted. In the Sister Wives show, 2 sisters are married to the same guy as well, it is a common practice in polygamy but it is not considered "incest" which means the wife/husband are blood related closer than 4th cousin. Jessica's/Shanell's father is married to his own half sister, she was his 3rd or 4th wife and the mother of the brother we met tonight. Incest is common among the different polygamist groups, especially those that keep themselves separate from other polygamist groups like The Order and the FLDS.

    Thank you for clearing that up! I rewound it a few times trying to figure it out. 

    Incest or not, I still find it gross to marry the same person as your sister. 

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