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Everything posted by Court

  1. If that's true about Kyra, I hope they're booted immediately. Honestly, I know zero about her besides she likes to kiss Will.
  2. I can't even, y'all. Germy just keeps getting saved over and over again. I didn't realize Trina was that popular. I did enjoy her and Andre's conversation but she isn't even trying to get to know anyone! Alana has quickly become my favorite. I'm glad the islanders didn't dump them because of Cash. I do wish Casey had stayed because he's a cutie.
  3. There was 100% producer manipulation with that Andre pick. They wanted it to come down to Cash/Alana for Charlie. I don't think we saw Andre talk to Trina once. I'm not sad to see Cash go but Cash is better TV than Trina. But I really do like Charlie/Alana. Also, I really wanted Korey to pick Bailey. Blah. I'll be shocked if Kyra and Will don't win.
  4. So I find it interesting that not one of the guys that came in or any of the OGs have ever gone for Trina. I wonder why that is. How awful for Josh. My doggy passed away today and I lost it when he said his sister passed away. Korey! Go for Bailey. Forget boring ass Olivia. Cash was noticeably absent, not that I'm complaining.
  5. I didn't think Charlie was breaking up with her. I thought he was saying I don't know if I want to pursue this. I'm open to meeting new people. Then she ran away instead of listening like the huge hypocrite she is.
  6. WTF does dab pen mean? I am not hip. I'm an ancient lady that watches trashy tv
  7. Amen. I like the new girls. Olivia should have gone home already.
  8. I kept watching. I agree Shannon was out of line during that convo with Will. But I still think he got off way too easy. I miss Javonny. I bet he would have been awesome cooking for the girls.
  9. Also, Trina needs to leave for her mental health. I know they didn't bang. But they were definitely in the bed making out. I do like Kyra but I feel bad for when she sees the footage from Casa Amor.Haven't they shown the pictures and the video from that in other seasons?
  10. WTF. How does nasty Jermy get saved AGAIN? No shit Shannon, y'all should have saved Javonny. During the vote, I didn't realize how much I wanted Will to leave. I also didn't care if Olivia and Korey left. Cinco was right when he said everyone is bashing him when Will was sleeping with another girl. Also, somehow I adore Cinco again. He was hysterical tonight. It was very clear they had decided to save Cinco before they discussed again and changed it to Will. I HATE that they saved him. He's already found what he wanted. The boys were obviously saving Kyra. That was no contest. I'm so pissed about this and I had no idea I had such strong feelings about this.
  11. Or challenges that require a couple to work together or any two islanders that doesn't end in sucking each others face.
  12. Huh, I didn't expect to feel bad for Cinco after watching but I do! Was Germy even there? Trina, please leave and get some intensive therapy. I didn't see you being as wonderful to Cash when she was heartbroken. Kyra could have been my favorite but she should have made Will sweat more and not just forgiven so easily. Have Korey and Leslie even interacted again? He should have picked Isabelle.
  13. OMG. Kyra forgave Will way too easily. I want her to see footage and I want drama! Where has this assertive and decisive Cinco been? He only has himself to blame if he ends up single and I hope he does. BUUUT Trina, blindsided? No, you deluded yourself since he coupled with you even though he did say he was still interested in her too. Olivia and Korey kissing was the most awkward thing ever. I don't buy their connection.
  14. Olivia is an idiot. Pick any of the guys and see what happens! She's the problem here. Kam was adorable. I still don't feel bad for Trina. The one thing Cinco has done right is say he has feelings for both this whole dang show. Isabelle's face seems ill proportioned. Kay was such a non-entity. Shannon clearly recognized Genevieve and is not a fan. Why didn't they show us that?
  15. Agreed. I just got way too excited about a new season.
  16. Korey was cracking me up. I was annoyed with Kyra not actually kissing the boys. Give me drama. Cinco did seem more awake this episode. Hey Olivia, you're boring. Javonny did all those things. The new girls are aggressive and I am here for it. Or not unless someone who has P+ recaps it for me.
  17. I'm still pissed they saved sketchy Germy and not sweet hilarious Javonny. Bring Javonny back!
  18. Trina's reaction seemed over the top to me. I think that she may be starting to realize that Cinco has more of a physical attraction to her. But I wish they would show us more of Cash and Cinco's close friendship. I don't feel sorry for her at all and I didn't see one tear fall out of her eye.
  19. The only person out of those 6 I want to stay is Javonny. If he really likes actually old, I'm available, lol.
  20. I want Gerny and sketch Flo to leave. Cash should be going after Wes. Dummy. Olivia is even more clueless than Cash. Have Will and her ever talked? Mayne she should try with Korey or Wes Javonny needs new women. I feel like no one has looked his way and I adore him.
  21. Oops. I posted in the wrong week. Well that was interesting. Maybe this would have made more sense if I had P+. But I'm not paying for another streaming service. That was smart game play by Cash. They could agree to stick together until the end. Aimee's tone is so monotone and I find it creepy. I wanted Isaiah to stay. :( Florita and Germy deserve each other. I'm voting them off the island. I hate his smug face and stupid hair I wonder why Slade left. I think Olivia would have dumped Javonny for him.
  22. Well that was interesting. Maybe this would have made more sense if I had P+. But I'm not paying for another streaming service. That was smart game play by Cash. They could agree to stick together until the end. Aimee's tone is so monotone and I find it creepy. I wanted Isaiah to stay. :( Florita and Germy deserve each other. I'm voting them off the island. I hate his smug face and stupid hair I wonder why Slade left. I think Olivia would have dumped Javonny for him.
  23. Yes, I also don't understand why everyone thinks Isaiah is shady. I like him.
  24. I think Cash saying second choice is more about her life than love island. I think she's gorgeous but she's not traditionally beautiful. Trina is what guys go for. I also thought Shannon was shit stirring. That was before tonight's episode. Tonight: Shannon is still stirring the shit. Cash is losing favor with me and so is Aimee. (I think I only like Kyra and the boys at this point.) But Florita was the worst behaved. She knows Germy lied and is now kissing him? Also, he didn't lean in for a kiss. He said he wanted to and then you asked him to kiss you. Javonny and Korey are going to get their hearts broken.
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