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Everything posted by scar111

  1. I'm sorry that I haven't read all previous comments, but I just want to say that the Vuoles really are the most vapid of the Duggars. and her post about anxiety royally pissed me off. if I had no house payment, and everything fucking given to me because my mother was a clown car, well, I would have no anxiety either. jinger, I hope you read this. You and Jeremy would be on a random soccer field if it weren't for your father's inability stay off your mother!
  2. Oh hey Jill! Here are a few suggestions for your time at home! Organize your closets by size, in hope you can dress your girls in clothes that actually fit Study the fresh, natural looks of the Duggar and Bates girls, in hope you will update your girls "grooming" so they dont look like 1980s hookers Carefully read the criticisms of your recent posts, in hope you might learn something and be less judgemental Study nutrition and practice actual cooking skills, in hope that your blessings can gain some weight and lose their yellow pallor !!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. I thought Precious Nurie and the sort of precious NotNuries were your best friends , Jill!
  4. Maybe, maybe not. A friend of mine does delivery for Pizza Hut. Orders are way down and drivers are being sent home. She made $20 yesterday 😥 (we're in NC)
  5. ok, Ben. What is going on here? I get the cults' insistence on weekly outings being called a date. I get you enjoy alone time w your wife. Why stop to take multiple pictures, take the time to examine multiple pictures, and both of you post said multiple pictures? Just enjoy each other for God's sake!
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