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Posts posted by lovemesomejoolery

  1. 2 hours ago, Cupid Stunt said:




    Seriously?   THE PLAGUE is back?????


    • Useful 1
  2. 16 hours ago, Petunia13 said:

    Yes. I interviewed early Saturday morning at the top restaurant in Illinois. It was very long and two parts and they said if they liked me they’d call me by Wednesday. Later, in the afternoon I had a brief informal interview with the owner of a different high end busy AF restaurant and they also said if they wanted to proceed they’d call me by Wednesday. Both places have a lot of servers, the 1st has 100 so I won’t stand out, at least hopefully if hired. The other I think a lot maybe 50? Both places the servers make a lot but close out their credit card tips in weekly paychecks. The first interviewer liked I gave them copies of my Food Handlers Safety Certificate and Basset License and knew a lot about wine and alcohol vendors and purchasing. 

    I have to leave my current place soon. That woman manager has increased her behavior. A lot of the reason she’s belittling me and seating me poorly and bad shifts and calling me when I’m off is because of something regarding my appearance, the owner my first day said to her I’m “the skinny girl on the staff” while I was in earshot and looked back and that I think upset her. When I’m alone and I think of her making fun of me or fucking me over financially I rationalize it like it wasn’t as bad as what I went through with my carjacking in August ... then I think of that and get overwhelmed. She was pretty aggressive when she called me Friday in her comments and I’d be an idiot to stay at a place where someone in leadership admits they will humiliate you and hinder your chances for making money. 

    I'll be sending positive energy your way! 

    • Love 10
  3. 24 minutes ago, Cupid Stunt said:

    I don't care what schmatta the Kardashian's wear or take off. I don't care how many basketball players/musicians/junkies they boink/marry/separate/divorce. I don't care how many windmills they charge at or prisoners they vouch for. I don't care how much money they waste on dross or magazine covers they grace. I don't care how many companies the slap their name on or overpriced lip sticks they sell.

    The entire benighted family, and adjacent ex's/husbands/boyfriends/children, are a mind-numbing bore.

    stewart boom.gif

    (I love this guy^^ and I love you @Cupid Stunt for your comments above!)

    • LOL 2
    • Love 9
  4. 10 hours ago, jpagan05 said:

    This year my little brother is coming for Christmas. He's special needs and the light of my life. He's arriving on the 15th of December and staying until the middle of January. I'm so excited that I cry every time I think of it. We only have one bedroom but my sweet landlord is building a bed frame so we'll just have to get a mattress. He'll sleep on the enclosed lanai (with the geckos) but he won't mind. We'll make it nice for him and he'll be able to close the sliding doors and curtains and have some privacy. This is the first year I've looked forward to Christmas since my mom passed.

    This made my day!  How lovely that your brother will be with you for Christmas and staying with you for a good long while! 

    Family is everything.......

    • Love 9
  5. 2 hours ago, jewel21 said:

    Anyway, I came here to rant. I hope you will indulge me, friends. 

    One of the physiotherapists at work seems to think there's something wrong with me because I don't want to get married or have kids. It's constantly, but who will take care of you when you're old? Look at Mrs. SoandSo, she never had kids and now she's old and in poor health and has no kids and has to rely on strangers to help her. 

    Like, just because you have kids, does not guarantee they will care for you in your old age. Nor should they feel obligated to do so. And having kids just to have someone wash your butt when you're old is stupid. There are a lot of people out there who should not have kids because they suck. I think if more people were aware they have no parental genes whatsoever and abstained from procreating, the world would be a much better place. 

    And end rant. 

    This is one of my biggest pet peeves!  Although I've been married since 1987.......and that almost didn't happen because my husband and I thought we'd just live together forever, until we realized certain benefits of being married (financial, healthcare decision making, etc.).  We loved each other and knew we were in it for life, so we could take or leave being married.  I guess the fact that both of our parents divorced right around the time we were 18 or 19 years old sort of put the stink eye on the whole thing.  To think we've been married for 32 years, when the divorce rate is 50% and even higher when both sets of parents are divorced, just floors us.  Anyhow....

    If you were married and STILL didn't have kids, once people figured out it isn't due to some health thing, you're looked at as something "less than" when you're young enough to have them.  Then, as you get older and people realize you didn't have children, not because you couldn't but because you elected not to, you get the whole "what are you going to do when you get older" questioning just like you are getting.

    I married a man who didn't want children.  I knew it when we were dating and we certainly discussed it before we started living together and taking the next steps in what would be forever.  I was o.k. with that, except for maybe a couple of years there when EVERYONE I knew was having children - a couple of months of therapy fixed that right up for me!  But having children is no guarantee you will be "taken care of" in your old age.  We have friends and family experience with this - sometimes, a child isn't capable, emotionally,financially or just physically, of providing that help, if that time comes!

    • Love 9
  6. 5 hours ago, peacheslatour said:

    WTF happened to this site? I had it in midnight mode and it was really colorful and bright. Now I come here and it's white, the colors are washed out, the font is different and everything is small and blah looking.

    I finally figured it out........they changed the "themes" section.  On another forum here it was listed at the top of the page, it's not like I figured it out on my own!!  You can easily change it back - I have, since I had my screen set to large print.

    Here's the message the site posted - hope it helps!

    Due to some some backend changes, we've updated how themes work on the site. If your old theme was lost, not to worry -- it can be recreated in two easy steps:

    1) To change the theme color, scroll to the bottom of the page, click "themes" and choose your theme color (light or dark). The page will refresh

    2) To change the font size and screen width, click "change font-size." (The large and X-Large font sizes expand the page width.)

    Please let us know if you run into any issues.

    • Useful 1
    • Love 5
  7. 1 hour ago, Cupid Stunt said:

    We moved all outdoor festivities inside because of the sustained winds and air quality.

    You'll be singing duets with my mother-in-law in no time, Lovesme.

    The whole family are a bunch of hams and think they have musical talent … kind of … I sing like a hinge, but believe I sound like Dusty Springfield.

    Mr.Stunt had another hilarious birthday, and dragged his happy feet to a hungover meeting in town this morning. <wince>

    I'm icing my unhappy feet -- We have a Dia de Muertos memorial to attend this evening.

    Glad you, Mr. Stunt and all of your guests had a blast!

    • Love 7
  8. 2 hours ago, Cupid Stunt said:

    A few of the evacuee's might be able to return home tomorrow, hoping they still have homes to return to. They're all invited to Mr.Stunt's birthday party tonight. We pulled out all the old costumes and anything else that can be used so they can dress up. A makeup artist friend is coming to face paint. Karaoke For Crap!

    More than a dozen smaller fires started yesterday in Ventura County/Reagan Library and Simi Valley; communities including Riverside, Santa Clarita, Brea, Whittier, Lancaster, Calabasas, Long Beach, Nuevo and Jurupa Valley. Those have been put out and monitored. Right now the winds are at 40mph and humidity below 8%. 


    And what's Halloween without White Zombie to open? … Yeeeah!

    Nothin' says lovin' than somethin' from the coven ...


    Happy Halloween, Preverts!

    Karaoke for Crap!!! 

    If I'm ever stranded, I want to be stranded near you....with quite a few liquid courage drinks, I swear I sound like Gwen Stefani....or Pink......or all of Aerosmith.

    • LOL 4
    • Love 5
  9. 1 hour ago, boes said:

    Update from my neck of the (burning) woods - the good news is that the fire crews have been able to get in front of the fires and slow the advance dramatically.  They've pretty much saved the towns of Windsor and Healdsburg and those places, along with other towns closer to the ocean have now had their Evacuation Orders lifted, so folks can go back home.  They're still under an Evacuation Advisory, though.  My neice and her kids are staying put with her mother-in-law, though her husband has gone back to check on things.  Lots and lots of places are still without power - all of Mendocino, Alpine and Plumas counties and virtually all of Marin county were without power, though I think some of that is being restored today.

    The air quality is poor, we still have a 1300 acre fire about 5-7 miles away fully contained but still smouldering, but we never lost power.  

    So it's not over, but right now things are better than they were a few days ago.

    thanks so much for the update.  I am glad "hell" has calmed down a bit, even though you still have to be on standby.

    We are checking in frequently with our family in Southern CA....my brother in law had a mandatory evacuation on Monday (Getty Fire) and several cousins fled further south to Carlsbad, Vista, and San Diego to stay with other relatives.  I felt horrible for them......traffic is worse than usual, I hear. 

    Stay safe!

    • Love 7
  10. 3 hours ago, Cupid Stunt said:

    (((boes))) Don't hesitate and stay safe. 

    The Tick Fire in Santa Clarita is north and slightly west of us (24 miles) on Hwy5; it's about 10% contained. The Sylmar Fire last week left a 5-9 mile wide burn area between us and Santa Clarita and us -- Not much comfort when the fire zone maps across the state keep shifting with the forcasted 50-70+ MPH winds. PG&E has power shut downs proposed all through the state.

    We moved the outdoor activities of tonight's Halloween party indoors because of the wind and air quality. Bowling for Crap has turned into Karaoke for Crap -- Terrifying! 

    We've had a few cancelations from guests, and it's understandable. The whole city is on edge from the weather and fire danger. Many are preparing for the worst because it's already here. 


    • Love 9
  11. 1 hour ago, boes said:

    The fires are upon us up here in Northern California, and down south as well.  Cupid Stunt, what's going on where you're at?

    We have my niece and her two boys here from Healdsburg.  They have been under an evacuation warning since early yesterday, and with the air full of smoke and ash falling from the sky, they got out of there.  Her husband has stayed behind, he's part of the volunteer fire department up there.  Tomorrow she'll go further south, down the SF Peninsula to her mother in law's, where the air should be cleaner, one of the boys has asthma.  I think we'll keep the dog here, maybe not if we lose power.  Right now, according to the map we're not supposed to but we should know by early morning if that changes.

    @boes I am keeping you, your family and everyone else in CA in my prayers.  My husband's family is more in SoCal, scattered from Santa Barbara, Ventura, LA, all the way down the coast to San Diego and we're keeping tabs.  The wind is awful.

    Please be safe!

    • Love 7
  12. 23 hours ago, Cupid Stunt said:

    Eternal Christ, hear our prayer, By the Cross You have destroyed death and restored all who believe in you to life by Your Resurrection; give rest to the soul of Your servant Lynda. In Your Kingdom, there is no pain, sorrow or suffering. In Your goodness and love, pardon all the sins she has committed in thought, word or deed, for none live without sin, You are the Resurrection, the Life, and Repose of Your servant Lynda, departed from us. O Christ, to You do we send up glory to God the Father and All-holy Spirit, now and forever and to the ages of ages. Amen.


    • Love 7
  13. 4 hours ago, Cupid Stunt said:

    I was at the tower today to signoff on the new digital installation and fire suppressant coverage. We arrived at 6AM and left shortly after 1PM. It took 4 hours to get back to the office. Evacuating 100,000 people out of the fire area has the city in an uproar.


    The middle of photo is Porter Ranch and the tan building is Universal City 

    We're in Burbank, about 25 miles south and west of the Saddleridge Fire. Still too close for comfort. 

    Your picture puts it in perspective, location-wise.  That is a little too close for comfort for me, too!    All it takes is an ember from that fire to spark somewhere else, with the wind.

    • Love 4
  14. 6 minutes ago, Cupid Stunt said:

    Plenty of time, Peaches. 

    Mr.Stunt does most of the decorating and started three weeks ago, His latest project, a retired life-sized Mummy, is having the motors upgraded: makes the figure moan, stagger and reach out when you pass by the motion-sensor. It's horrible.

    I'm labor, food, liquor, paper products, order pumpkins, guest list and invitations, costume organizing, wrapped Bowling for Crap gifts (game played at parties), program music. I changed out the daily dishes to my Halloween Homer Laughlin china

    s-l300.jpg 174037316983_1.jpg

    The tea-stained gauze curtains are hung and slip covers are on the furniture, and daily driver décor packed away in exchange for skulls and spiders and bats and sugar skulls and "poison" bottle collection, singing skull choir, monster movie posters, owls and ravens are perched in the light fixtures,, Bowling for Crap (game played at parties) gifts are wrapped.

    Melvin went mental when the boxes came out and decorating upheaval began. He's hiding in the patio garden, suspicious of what horrors to come. Cat tranquilizers for everyone!


    Sounds like fun!  I'm going to have to try the Bowling for Crap game at one of my parties.  Great idea.

    And I LOVE Homer Laughlin, too!

    • Love 7
  15. 4 hours ago, peacheslatour said:

    Whelp, today I dragged out all of my Halloween decor. I've got lots of spider webby lace to go over lamps and windows. I have sparkly spider webs for the windows and archway. I have my Alice Cooper jack in the box and I have three big hanging bats coming from Amazon. I have a string of black velvet chandeliers with black crystals and amber lights. Whew. When DH gets home he's gonna put it all up. Does anyone else have their stuff all ready to go? Probably I'm late this year. I think I'll make cranberry nut bread, we've got a butt load of pecans.

    That sounds fun!

    I am late this year....and I have a work trip that I'm leaving for on Sunday and won't be back until very late on Wednesday night.  I'm thinking next weekend I'll try and get some Halloween stuff up.

    I live in a development with 125 residences and we don't have  too many children trick or treating.  I've been in my house since it was built in '96, and rarely see many kids.  That said, kids just don't "play" outside like they used to.  They're all inside, playing with their computers....no one is playing outside.  I think my development is mostly older couples, like my husband and I, or younger couples with no children yet.  The few with children end up going to business areas to trick or treat or they wind up in their neighborhoods they grew up in, with their parents taking their kids out!

    • Love 7
  16. 1 hour ago, Cupid Stunt said:

    O God be with us in this time of loss and mourning, we have no other help but You.
    Lord hear our prayers. You Who are just and merciful, look down upon us and have mercy. Deal with us not according to our iniquities, but according to Your manifold grace. You know our weaknesses. Grant us Your patience and strength to endure our hardships to submit to Your Will. You are our hope and refuge, and we trust in Your infinite love and compassion, to deliver us from trouble into comfort. We then shall exalt and praise Your Holy Name, O Father, Son and Holy Spirit, both now and forever and to the ages of ages. Amen


    And thank you for this.

    • Love 7
  17. On 10/4/2019 at 5:54 PM, peacheslatour said:

    When I was a vet tech, I was always the one who comforted the animals when they were being put down. It always tore me up. Today we were both with her when she went. We held her and talked to her and she was just so weak. I hope she knew how much we love her. My poor husband was practically hysterical, sobbing. I have never seen him like that and I hope I never see him in that much pain again. Well, tomorrow is another day. Sorry to burden you all but you are my soft place to land when things are bad.

    Valley- How are you? Have the docs figured it out? God, please let it be nothing serious.

    I haven't been here for a couple of days due to some long work hours, so am just reading this.

    I am so very sorry for your loss.  Of course, she knew how much you and your husband loved her!  Please never, ever doubt that. 

    • Love 8
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