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  1. That was awful. That said, people really think Dexter is dead? Didn't he even say in the narration at the end "if I'm really dead"? If there is interest and budget, he will be back. Not sure if there will be interest though.
  2. I feel like this whole season is just setting it up for Dexter to mentor Harrison to channel his anger toward bad people, just like Dexter's father did for him. Isn't that what happened in the graphic novels as well? And yeah, Angel pulling over Dexter and bringing him to the station was cringe-worthy. Was anything he said to Angela in that conversation an actual lie?
  3. Is it though? Even putting aside the innocents that were collateral damage or just him covering his tracks, I seem to remember there were people he outright killed that weren't even murderers, but just really bad people or criminals.
  4. Plenty of good stuff to watch. At a minimum 5 counts of manslaughter. That character was such a caricature. I guess the writers decided they needed to deliberately go over the top to justify Dexter slipping up after 10 years.
  5. I didn't understand that either. Thought maybe it was just his daily workout regime - run after a deer with a rifle but don't shoot it. 🙄
  6. I was thinking that as a possibility as well, but either way it is safe to say Clancy Brown will be a major antagonist for Dexter, especially given what the kid said before he killed him.
  7. If she really is a minor, you would think the "evolved monster" would immediately think that would be an easy (legal) way to take down the d-bag without having to kill him.
  8. I could be wrong, but I don't think so. I think the guy in the helicopter was the one who shut down the restaurant, and the d-bag kid's father we have not seen yet (who I speculate is Clancy Brown).
  9. Possibly, but my money is on the father of the kid Dexter just murdered. Do we even know who that girl was? I don't remember seeing her prior to that. Obviously she is young since she told "Jim" not to tell her father but how do you know she's in high school?
  10. One potential saving grace could be Clancy Brown playing the big bad this season. He's always good.
  11. If I remember correctly, the only murder pinned on him was the serial killer guy that killed Deb and he got off on self-defense (they actually had video since he was in custody). Then didn't Dexter fake his death on the boat, so everyone thinks he's dead. As for the episode, I mildly enjoyed it but I think it was more a nostalgia thing that will wear off quickly. It definitely just felt like a retread of what we've already seen. And I think I predicted almost everything that happened in the episode right before it happened (including that d-bag shooting the deer right in front of Dexter...err...Jim).
  12. "Oh no, water!" [Places stick in the water 2 feet from the edge] "Look! It's shallow 2 feet from the edge...surely it is that same depth all the way across so we can walk it."
  13. "This show is so fucking stupid." That is my sentiment at the end of 80% of the scenes of this show. Don't ask me why I've stuck with it to this point but I am most certainly out for what I can only assume will be the final season.
  14. I caught about 10 minutes of the premiere of this by chance. I thought it was one of the worst shows I've ever seen so I'm surprised to see there are people actually enjoying it. I think my IQ dropped about 40 points after watching 10 minutes of it. And by the way, the deer is Eric Decker.
  15. No, it wasn't. This show has been on a steady decline since like season 3 and this episode might have been the last straw for me. I think the writers have completely run out of material, especially with Carrie (kind of like the end of Brody's run). I do still like Saul's character but man, I don't think even he can save this show.
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