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Posts posted by bblancobrnx

  1. These people really have no idea what it means to be "broke." When they say they are bleeding money or have no money, I feel like they just mean they don't have enough money to never have to work a day in their lives. We call them "rich people problems." Kathryn's family may not have as much money as Ravenel or Patricia, but they are certainly not destitute. Let's remember what we are watching here.

    • Love 3
  2. The atrocities that have been committed in God's name over thousands of years are staggering. Religion should be taken with a grain of salt. Well, until God appears before you in person (through a disembodied voice coming from a bush or some such) and tells you how to live your life. Everyone should be happy with what they believe in and not try to push others toward it. Jenna has a right to be a racist homophobe, but if she is really worried about it following her for the rest of her life (since she is on a reality show, and her closed minded views do not represent the views of a large part of the population), she should probably be faking the funk for the cameras and pretending to be a tolerant person. She is certainly not even close to the MOST racist or homophobic person I have ever seen, but she does exhibit qualities of both of those. Whether she is racist and homophobe because of WHERE and HOW she grew up, she is still racist and a homophobe. Now, some people are raised to be racist and homophobes, but when they are exposed to the world at large, they take an open mind and see things for themselves and they change. Some people do not.

    • Love 2
  3. I love his laugh!! At the end of every one of his THs, there's this belly laugh that makes me laugh. Watch for it.

    Yep, this is what made it SO CLASSIC! His laugh is just hilarious, and more often than not I find him laughing at something that I can totally get behind so it makes me laugh as well.

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  4. OMG I absolutely LOVE JD. When he did the TH and said "I have no idea what Katheryn is upset about, but I'd be lying if I said I had never seen this before...so heeere we go again, bwahahahaha" I laughed my ass off.

    • Love 11
  5. I just rewatched season 2, and I gotta say, Whitney looks better since moving to LA. He has some color from being out in the sun (or he has met Tom Sandoval who showed him the wonders of makeup). Either way, he doesn't look quite so much like a vampire any longer. Granted, he still doesn't look "good" but he looks a lot more, I don't know, healthy maybe.

  6. I am rewatching season 2, and I just gotta say I am LOVING the "Dysfunction Junction" episode where the date with Craig sells for TRIPLE the date with Shep at Patricia's charity event. The way Shep totally loses his cool is absolutely hilarious. It goes against completely what Shep carefully tries to show of himself on the show. I absolutely think Craig was trying to rub it in, but the reaction he got from Shep was priceless in my book. He just couldn't hold it in any longer and went off on Craig. Now, did the producers arrange for Kelsea Ballerini to bid $5k on Craig just to send Shep over the edge? It wouldnt surprise me at all... either way, I loved it. I feel like Shep carries himself VERY CAREFULLY shen he knows the cameras are rolling, and i think we finally saw a little snippet of who Shep can really be. Granted I do think he is actually really laid back, but I think he plays it up and turns on the charm.for the cameras big time (which I would definitely try to do myself!) Thank you show.

    ETA - Granted I could be TOTALLY wrong. Just my opinion

  7. While wearing a fancy caftan, cocktail glass in hand. I'm crestfallen (tm Shep) that I've found my true calling in old age. {:(

    Bwaaaahahahaha! Crestfallen. I laughed out loud when Shep said that on the WWHL commercial with him and Brandi. Not a word you hear very often.

    • Love 1
  8. Wood furniture with a lacquered finish should be cleaned with a mild soap and warm water mixture. Chemicals should not be used. Spills should be cleaned up promptly.

    A furniture polish such as old English is fine for wood furniture without a lacquer finish, as the oils can penetrate and "seal" the wood

    • Love 1
  9. First off, Cameran, never use Pledge on your dining room table. I worked at a furniture store once and that was common knowledge that Pledge is crap for real wood.

    I thought it was Old English furniture polish? Not Pledge. But i don't think either one is very good for wood that has clearly been sealed with a coating of lacquer. Unless you are trying your best to attract dust. It is completely unnecessary. The oils will not soak in. It might actually eventually make the furniture appear to be cloudy.

    • Love 2
  10. At least the silver was polished, that made me happy :)

    I have a feeling you can thank Michael for that

    I'm not buying Craig's storyline and I don't think he's ever gotten over Kathryn sleeping with absolutely everyone but him.

    Hmmmm. Interesting that you think that. I don't feel that way at all. He seems to me to be really the only person who has an actual friendship with Katheryn. I don't detect any sexual tension between them. I ABSOLUTELY think that was why they had a big fight at the season 1 dinner party, but I don't feel like that is the case AT ALL any longer
    • Love 3
  11. Also, does it not matter in the courts eyes (if they were to go to court) that Thomas specifically told Katheryn last season that she would never have to want for anything because she was having his child? I can definitely understand Katheryn being frustrated by Thomas not supporting her when he specifically said he would, however she needs to realize that pouting about it is not going to change things. He did not tell her that he would always take care of their kid(s)..he told her that he would always take care of HER. In my opinion it makes him look even more scuzzy that he said that and now he is not. I don't feel bad for either of them, I only feel bad for the kids. I feel like she was definitely trying to trap him, and he was definitely using her for her fertility, and during that time they never even bothered to see if they could get along together before bringing a child into the mix. The laws in SC are what they are. If either one of then is unhappy with the situation, then they need to bring the other to court to try to get what they want. At least Thomas is giving her something to help support the kids. There are too many people in the world (even rich people) who do nothing whatsoever for their children. I am quite sure if the children desperately needed something, Thomas would pay for it. I agree with the people who posted above that he has just decided he no longer is interested in supporting Katheryn or giving her a lavish lifestyle. I just think he looks real bad after specifically telling her that he would afford her that lifestyle

    • Love 4
  12. OK - I have to ask - what is a Flamingo Party? Does everyone have to wear pink and stand on one leg??

    I believe it is a "flamenco party" not flamingo....as in the flamenco dance? But hey, knowing these people it could very well be flamingo. Maybe it's another occasion Cooper made up?

    • Love 2
  13. Re Shep's teeth…it's not that he has caps…it's that they're so big and clearly put on in an obvious sort of way. Why? It's like they're huge dentures for the front half of his mouth, that just stop once you get to each side of mouth right where the smile edge would be. Again, why?

    I think he was spying and heard Mary say that there is nothing she likes more than a great big mouth full of pearly whites...the bigger the better, and this is what he did to impress her.

    But seriously, it is pretty obvious that these people have no idea what being broke really means. I think Landon saying she left her divorce with basically nothing just means that she did not get a 7 figure settlement. She wasn't living on that boat because it was the only thing she could afford, she was living there because she thought it would be fun and that is where the producers wanted her. Katheryn saying that the $2500 per month is not enough for her to take care of Kensie, well really that should be HALF enough to take care of Kensie. She can be partly financially responsible too. As someone said above, that is 30k per year, which is way more than a lot of single mothers make and wouldn't qualify her for the poverty line. Is it enough to buy expensive gowns for events and a fancy car? No of course not. However, it is a total dick move by Thomas, since he DID tell her (on camera even) that by having his child she would never have to worry about anything money related again. The fact is, Thomas is using his money as leverage, and Katheryn is using the kids as leverage.seems like a classic divorce situation without the divorce

    • Love 5
  14. I got the impression that he had to quickly add that his home is in Bel Air because he was worried everyone would assume it's in West Hollywood.


    ETA - whoever mentioned Dani being scary thin earlier in this thread, I am rewatching season 2 and she was frighteningly skinny there too. When she is chasing Katheryn on the docks, her legs look like 2 toothpicks. It's a darn shame because she is so beautiful, but sooooo darn skinny. I feel like she might just have a super skinny body type. I noticed at some events she did have a plate full of food (and not like some dry greens either...real food) so she might be the type with a crazy fast metabolism or something

  15. Well he we are and Southern Charm is back again. I will admit it...I am so excited! I thought this episode was a great start and am excited for the season. A BIG part of what makes it so special is everyone here! I LOVE coming here and reading and commenting after episodes.

    I agree with the people here commenting on Shep's recent bitterness. He seems to really loathe the fact that Craig is younger than him and was popular last season in Charleston's bar scene. The auction where no one would bid on him seemed to really set him off the deep end. He saw Craig being cocky about the singer bidding on him and was blushing and laughing about it and you could just feel Shep seething through the television. I feel like Shep is the type who REALLY does believe that he is better than other people, so he thinks that everyone else should see it and respect that too. While Craig was being really annoying about his partying last season, you could see that it was about a lot more than that for Shep. I think Shep was probably much happier with Craig when he felt like the alpha dog to Craig, and as soon as Craig had stuff going on his own and was not following Shep around like a little brother, Shep got jealous and angry.

    I was under the impression that all of Shep's money came from his parents, and now that money they gave him is earning him money. It is certainly not the same in my eyes as earning all of your money yourself. The fact is, though, that none of us know Shep's finances. We only.know that he seems to be doing fine with whatever money he does have coming in...and he doesn't seem to be an asshole with his money (check out the 10 or 12 year old Grand Cherokee he was driving). If lounging and relaxing all day is what he likes to do, God bless him! He should do it. I sure would if I could afford it. I would be travelling all over the place. The way he was treating Craig, though, was not a good look on him at all (at least based on the little stuff Craig did that we saw that sent Shep off the deep end). I hope he can find peace with it and be cordial at least to Craig during filming. I don't think they will ever be equal friends, at least not in Shep's eyes. He will always think he is better than Craig, and he will try to make sure that Craig feels the same way. If he can't make Craig feel that way, then he will be mean to him.

    Regardless, it makes for an interesting dynamic on the show. I am glad the show is back and looking forward to reading here every week after it airs!

    • Love 7
  16. Looks like Kailah's two bit tin pussy can't keep Dionne interested. I love it. I just think that anyone who says something as totally douche baggy as she said about her "golden v" needs to have it thrown back in her face.

    That said, Dionne is a total douche as well with his "autopilot" bullshit

    Oh, and Jenna is a fucking imbecile. First off saying that people are "choosing" to be offended. Is she mentally r*******? No one chooses to be offended. Then saying people don't understand her because she is from the south and they are not. What the fuckity fuck? People disagree with her b3 cause she is ignorant. She may have been taught wrong her whole life, but she also does not have a shred of desire to see anything from other points of view. How someone can be raised to this age and still be so closed minded is amazing to me. She needs Dean's BBC to teach her a thing or two. Lol

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  17. One of my favorite things was when James was threatening Jax and vice versa. Everyone in the place was laughing and Ariana said "it's never going to happen. They are never going to fight..." and then she added "I do think they are going to have sex, though" which I thought was hilariously accurate

    • Love 9
  18. God, I was bored outta my mind by this one. The only thing that gave me a giggle (and it was only a very slight one) was Vanderpump talking about the guys faking jerking off to her pic. Well, actually, I mean that she clearly ordered that shit included in. The thought of any straight guys jerking off to her old pic seems pretty laughable. But then again, can someone please remind me who on here is straight anyway?

    Kevin Lee is the straighter than any of the main cast men on this show. Chi Chi Chi daaaarling

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  19. I couldn't help but laugh when Lisa said that Jax's till has always been dead on. More than likely that cones from him simply not ringing something up and then just pocketing the money the customer gave him. I doubt he still does it now that he has his "fortune that can last the rest of his life" from the show and appearances...but i am sure that he did before this show started. Someone who steals as much as Jax can't help themselves.

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  20. I think stassI has acted in deplorable ways on this show...however that being said, I think her presence does add a LOT of fun to the show (and this is coming from someone who was initially rejoicing at her departure)! I find myself chuckling a LOT of time from her cheeky TH

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  21. I came here to ask about Spoilers as a joke, and sure enough there is a spoiler thread! Lol. I guess I figured that everybody on the planet already knows every detail of this case, but I forgot how old I am. At 40 yrs old, I can probably remember it a lot better than people who were born in 1990 and after...well not probably...DEFINITELY. Anyway, I am loving this show. Carry on...

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