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Posts posted by Rlb8031

  1. 19 hours ago, Morrigan2575 said:

    Colon cancer, at her age, she should have been screened every 5-10 years and they could have caught/prevented it. Such a shame

    Remember, Scientologists don't really believe in doctors and treat everything with vitamins and counseling. I'm not surprised that either she or John Travolta's wife, both of whom were wealthy enough and famous enough to get top-flight medical care both died from late stage cancer diagnosis.

  2. 14 hours ago, Pi237 said:

    This organization ran for years and years. What did all these people do all day besides blow Keith and feed him breakfast?   

    I wouldn't even have known about the money if it wasn't mentioned here. That shouldve been explored more. 

    So many horrible parents on this series. Those kids never stood a chance.

    They staffed all of the lower level classes and served as the administrative workforce for programming. It takes a lot to run multi-day programs from a logistics perspective and these women (and men) served as free/ low-cost labor for those efforts

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  3. 14 hours ago, Stats Queen said:

    This just came across this information.


    Have no idea who CGEM Talent is, but they are representing Jen Shah in all areas.

    What does that mean? Does CGEM represent talent that works in all the various areas in the prison? So if she ends up working in the prison library, cafeteria, sanitation, etc. CGEM has her covered.

    This is probably to represent her in any deals with Dateline, future tell-alls about the HWs, documentaries about life behind bars, etc. She's going to need to fund her restitution somehow...

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  4. 13 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

    Cross your appendages for my decorations this year. Cavendish likes reflective things, and Lady Reese likes to chew cords…..so let’s see how my decorations do!

    We stopped putting up a tree when I got my bonus cat, Lyon. My original pair Pandamonium and Imposition liked to knock the decorations off the (artificial) tree. We quickly learned to only hang things on the top 2/3rds of the tree and dress the bottom with lights only. Plus, presents could only go out Christmas Eve because the bows were just too enticing. Fast forward ten years Impy passed, and we got Lyon from the ASPCA. His first Christmas, he decides that launching himself from the top of the piano into the MIDDLE of the tree is the best plan of attack. All I could see was coming home to an electrocuted cat, so that was our last tree. It's been at least 8 years since I've had one.

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  5. 6 hours ago, Yogisbooboo64 said:

    Why were Candiace and Wendy acting like Trina is on the same tier as Lil’ Kim, Cardi B. or hell, Foxy Brown?  Never understood Trina’s appeal, plus she looks like she smells of canned Vienna sausages.

    I feel like Trina is a regional thing. If you grew up in the Dirty South in the 90's she was the queen. Being from NY I felt similarly to you, until someone that I know who is from Miami explained that Trina was basically royalty in that town during his childhood. And, unlike her peers (Foxy and Lil' Kim), she is still relevant today, putting out new music and actively touring, plus producing and appearing on Love and Hip Hop Miami. She's got a level of legitimacy that means you have to mention her in the group of female MC's with staying power.  I think she's certainly a catch for Candiace and someone whose name will be well known enough to get more people to listen to that "not quite a bop" single. 

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  6. I did wish they did more of a "Where are they now" with the parolees, but no such luck. I wish Tia and the rest of the team good luck going forward. I'm going to subscribe for the new show, even though I don't watch YouTube at all. My hope is that AP will continue to show reruns from time to time as even that will help bring in donations. 

    So sad to see this show go...

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  7. 47 minutes ago, luckyroll3 said:

    Her objections were that the trial wasn’t fair, and she believed DOS was a choice, etc. but I wanted them to ask her how she continued to support him with the pedophilia accusations?

    The timeline of all of this is wonky. The initial Times Union article about Keith having relationships with underage girls was published in 2012. That article cited a young woman whose mom worked for Keith at his MLM and who accused Keith, Pam Caffriz, Kristen Keefee and others of participating in her grooming which led to Keith sexually abusing her beginning in 1990. She reported this to the state police in 1993. That article would have been published only a few years before Daniella. In the TU article there were at least three young girls (12-16), who Keith had contact with when he was in his 20's. So, the stories about him liking young girls were certainly public well before 2014-17 period when the Daniella and Camilla abuse occurred.

    The Times Union isn't some hick publication. It's the major newspaper in the state's capital, and it gets read by every local as well as all of the state legislators and their staffs. This would have been COMMON knowledge in the region.

    I think this comes back to the fact that they now use Keith's morality scale and in their minds this isn't abuse because the girls were willing participants at the time.

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  8. 2 hours ago, Armchair Critic said:

    Who is the black woman who was with Nicki Clyne supporting Keith? She looked familiar, is she an actress?

    No. Her name is Michelle Hachette. She is a member of DOS, one of Allison Mack's original slaves and one of the women who is steadfastly and somewhat publicly, still supportive of Keith and DOS. If you really want to go down the rabbit hole you can read her affidavit in support of Keith's defense here. She used to run a group to teach kids about healthy eating, but it appears that she walked away from that in 2015 to join up with Keith and his band of merry sister wives. She appeared in part one of the series, but pre-DOS, she was a completely different looking woman.

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  9. 4 hours ago, Door County Cherry said:

    I did find it interesting that he groomed Daniela but waited until she was 18 but chose not for Camila.  It makes me wonder if someone warned him not to mess with underage girls so he changed his MO.  Or was there something irresistible in Keith's mind that he threw out caution. 

    I wonder if this was about timing. The Times Union (Albany paper), ran a story years before the feds arrested Keith about his involvement with underage girls early on in (or maybe before?) ESP times. He had been accused of taking advantage of teen girls and had that reputation, although he claimed a lot of it was misunderstandings. I wonder if the timing were such that he knew he had to remain above board with Dani, but by the time Camilla came around it was several years later, he was already sleeping with Dani and the older sister and thought that he could fly under the radar with Camilla. What's crazy is that while it was clear there was jealousy between the women in that inner circle, none of them said "wow, he's sleeping with a kid" and used that as a line in the sand.

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  10. 6 hours ago, blixie said:

    Yeah I don't understand why Wendy is arguing that communicating with a man who is not your husband, but IS a potential business partner is somehow offsides, and she is offended at the very suggestion. You met him in a dimly lit bar all alone in episode 2 w/o clueing in Eddie. Come the fuck on Wendy. But as annoying and weird as Wendy can be she has never been the first to instigate physical aggression.

    I don't think she was initially offended, more like confused, because Mia's thing was "You knew you were coming to Miami, Peter should have been your first call and he should have known that you were here before I told him." Now, I don't think Peter lives in Miami (even with his Bar One location there) so I'm not sure that I would have thought to call if I was in Wendy's shoes either. Then she continues to go in with statements that seemed to be much more in line with calling a gentleman you were interested in getting with, than one you were interested in doing business with, which is, what I believe Wendy was responding to.

    Wendy's problem is that she goes full Nigerian mom in these arguments rather than sitting back and letting Mia talk herself into a circle and tell a lie or two before she runs out of steam. 

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  11. 3 hours ago, charmed1 said:

    It was bad enough that Daniela’s parents left their children with this slovenly predator, but to hear her mother agreeing with the terrible things he was saying about her own daughter was sick. I’m curious why Keith was so hell-bent on getting Daniela’s father to agree to the abuse. He was clearly trying to manipulate the mother into getting the father to sign off on it. I wonder if Keith was afraid to confront him himself. He’s obviously a coward and has to use manipulative tactics to get what he wants. I wish there was video footage of him cowering in that closet when the police nabbed him.

    Keith's kink goes back to his relationship with his single mother. He clearly knows how to manipulate women, but my guess is that he believed that the women would fall into line easier if the men went along. In cases where he wasn't able to neuter the men (like with Daddy Broffman), he just went into full attack mode.

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  12. On 11/14/2022 at 10:38 PM, sistermagpie said:

    It seems like the biggest enlightenment this group ever achieved was Dani coming to the conclusion of: Fuck all these people.

    And that defense lawyer just can't help but sound so sleazy referring to what Keith was doing as an radical lifestyle. Ick.

    It's the "poor judgement" part for me. He's referring to statutory rape as "bad facts". The fact of the matter is that when you triangulate against a child to create a situation where you as a 40-year-old man are that child's "best friend" then you constantly position them to become a sexual conquest, it's not poor judgement its being a predator. Add to that the fact that it's not a single child - its multiple children, then it is not bad facts, its bad behavior.

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  13. 3 hours ago, Welshman in Ca said:

    Just caught up last night but did I hear right that one of them said they had almost 2,000 people at their wedding?????????????? I can't imagine what that would have cost never mind the logistics etc.

    It was either Brian's mom or Anisha's mom that said this and yes, it was over 2,000. 

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  14. If this is anything like some of the other Bravo weddings, the couple paid a portion, and Bravo picked up a significant amount in order to facilitate the wedding occurring in a manner that was best/easiest for filming.

    I've noticed that the weddings are all either at large event spaces or places where filming is easier like outdoor venues (no church, synagogue, temple weddings). They usually have a couple hundred participants (so they show as a lot of people on film). And they last for hours (to allow for lots of footage that can be chopped into a storyline).

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  15. On 11/3/2022 at 6:27 PM, kimbrchick said:

    It kind of bothered me that all the focus is on Raven adopting some Nigerian culture but SK wouldn't participate in the rodeo activity. Not a big deal but it made me think.

    Rodeo isn't necessarily Raven's culture, so I didn't see any issue with his refusing to chase a cow around. I didn't see him refusing anything she asked of him.

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  16. 21 hours ago, KLJ said:

    Even though I've inhaled just about everything on this family, I still enjoyed this series.  But it drives me absolutely crazy how people pronounce Alex's name.  It is Alec or Alex?  Is it pronounced Murdock or Murdaugh.  At this point, I don't even really know.

    In the podcast, they mentioned in one of the early episodes that even though its short for Alexander, everyone called him Alek (or Alec) and NOT Alex. I assumed it was just the regional accent and differentiates those people that are actually talking about him because they are from Hampton County and grew up with him vs. those who know him only through stories and from the newspapers

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  17. 6 minutes ago, ninjago said:

    Every episode I'm semi-distracted by trying to figure out how much they made money on this thing.  People came to their classes/lectures, right?  That was the source of income for the group?  But weren't most of the people in the classes people who worked for the group all ready, like Lauren and Nicki?  So they got paid by Nxvim and turned around and spent that money on classes at NXVIM?  How many outsiders actually came to these classes?  Did the classes pay for the big compound and the seemingly unending banquets and fancy dress parties they were always throwing?

    Or was Bronfman underwriting all of it?

    You should go back and re-watch part 1. I think the Oxenbergs said they paid something like $5k per person for the first 5-7 day program which was after the first class which was several hundred dollars. If everyone only goes that far and there were actually 17k people that went   through the introductory program, the company would have produced $85M. Additional classes/programs were more expensive, so they were throwing off a fair amount of money. My sense was the Bronfman money went to subsidize those people that moved to the top levels, plus those folks were also pushed to give a LOT of their own wealth or whatever they could pry out of their families. There was a reason that a lot of the participants were wealthy trust fund kids who sourced others similarly situated.

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  18. 22 hours ago, sATL said:

    Adding an infidelity clause means you have to prove the infidelity happened. Juan is a little too slippery to make that mistake twice - ie getting caught.

    I really wish she would have answered the income question. Taking out the show money- that leaves hats/caps and blogging-podcasting vs. College coach's salary. Does Juan teach at a state school, which means he gets a pension? Does his children get to attend for free /reduced costs?

    She really need to be making sure her boys are taken care of , including a roof over their head and their education, as opposed to be worrying about headwear profits..

    At most colleges b-ball coach's contracts include pensions and/or access to deferred comp programs available to other tenured staff. In addition, most colleges include free/reduced costs for staff children as a regular benefit. So, as long as he continues to coach those boys will have a fallback school. My guess, however, is that the boys will be groomed as athletes and will be looking to play college ball (either basketball or football). In a pinch one or both will play for whatever school Juan is coaching at by then.

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  19. This story just goes to show how much folks have been socialized to accept poor behavior from people that look like them. These are the same people that talk about those "NY media types" and the scourge of the atheists and those illegals, but literally turned a blind eye to their neighbor who was stealing, cheating and robbing them blind. This documentary just scrapes the surface. I've been listening to the Murdaugh Murders podcast which has a lot more detail about Malory Beach's death, the death of Stephen Smith, and the troubling death of Hakeem Pinckney one of Alek's clients who literally had every penny stolen. 

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  20. I think that Wendy wanted to pivot in her profession, move out of the political talking head work and into a talk show, more entertainment types of vehicles, in the way that several talking heads have (think Tamron Hall or Soledad O'Brian) but as someone who is a pure talking head and not coming out of the news business, she isn't really thought of in those terms. Meanwhile several HWs have made that pivot (Porsha from HWAtl, Quad from MtM), so this may have seemed like a good step to make. However, once you get on one of these shows, you have to stay on them, and both Eboni Williams and Wendy have had a difficult time being the serious one in the group of ladies who discuss fashions and gossip. So, if this truly is what her vision was, all of this makes sense, including the housewares and restaurant. She's trying to make moves and stay on the show long enough for her vision to play out. 

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  21. 7 hours ago, Glama said:

    I don't like Michael Darby, but if I were in his shoes, I would definitely consider getting a vasectomy, too. He has every right to get one. It's a sure way to stop any further alimony checks. They are looking for a house for Ashley and the kids, and I see how she's looking into very big houses, bigger than she actually needs, and she's expecting Michael to just pay for it.  I'm not from the States so I don't know the particulars about how much money you're supposed to give to your ex after the divorce, but I know Ashley's entitled to something. However, I just disagree with the idea that you're supposed to pay enough for you ex to maintain the kind of lifestyle they were used to while they were married. Ashley didn't bring any money into the marriage but now she's expecting to live well off on his money. I know they signed a prenup so she gets what's her according to that, but I just think Michael is being wise to get a vasectomy. 

    It differs from state to state, but my understanding is that courts look at somewhere in the middle, driven by the best interests of the child. So, if a kid was attending private school paid for by the parent making high six-figures and after the divorce, they live with the (former) stay-at-home parent, the court would still look to have that child's education paid for by the working parent. And while the expectation isn't that they continue to live in the exact same lifestyle, they shouldn't go from living in a mansion to living in public housing simply because the non-custodial parent doesn't want to pay. 

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  22. 17 minutes ago, LaurelleJ said:

    How..how could he not know??? I mean its plausible that he doesn't know its on the show, he probably doesn't watch the show, but how could he not know his name isn't on the deed??

    No, the question was about how he felt about Gizelle saying it on national tv to which Robyn replied that he didn't know because he doesn't watch the show.

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  23. 2 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

    What is going on with this woman? Either you want to split up or not. The thought of having another kid with that old ugly fart is vomit inducing. Bleeeecccchhhh! 

    I completely expected her to say something about how she wanted to try for a girl.

    1 hour ago, byrd said:

    If it wasn't about the Kids then you would have invited their mother.  I would never allow my kids to go anywhere I wasn't welcomed. That's just insane. It would have been better to just leave it alone all together. Next week Robyn looks even more crazy than usual. You are doing entirely too much girl and looking real crazy. 

    The way Robin's scenario works is if the kids have developed relationships among themselves and therefore, missing out on a chance to get together and play really punishes the children. But in this case where they don't hang or know one another like that, I don't understand why you'd send your kids to play with a strange group of kids, supervised by a woman who says she hates you. That's just dumb.

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  24. 15 hours ago, Stats Queen said:

    What a shock Mia’s creep husband was the only one who showed up, he really creeps me out.

    Giselle: Single

     Ashley: She’s going thru a divorce - anything that keep Michael away from the cameras is a win for everyone 

    Robyn: Juan - I’m out of here

    Wendy: Eddie - I have other things to do 

    Karen: Ray - I’m taking a nap or golfing

    Candiace: Chris - I need to work and stay away from Giselle

    I assumed that this event took place during the middle of the day in the middle of the spring break week, so all the husbands were at work during this time, except G who is retired.

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