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Carmen MacCodykins

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Everything posted by Carmen MacCodykins

  1. Aww, just came across this. Poor Luke Perry, octogenarian. http://www.sammichespsychmeds.com/in-case-you-didnt-feel-old-luke-perry-is-on-the-cover-of-aarp-magazine/
  2. Why why WHY are the pants sooooo enormous?? Is it an attempt to make the cockwalk more believable? (News flash: no one is buying it.)
  3. I'm definitely with Tara on this one, sorry Sarah. Peter is terrible!! And I'm pretty sure he visits the same baker/barber as Gil Myers.
  4. The whole challenging the election thing is just so ridiculous and implausible to me because at my school it would never, ever have happened. Because, as our beloved hosts so often remind us, NO ONE CARES! The only people who were even in student government were there because they were coerced/guilted/tricked into doing it (myself included). Of course, I attended a small liberal arts college and not a fictional university.
  5. Ohmygoodness, that Triptych of Chest Hair Bray is so, so, so repulsive! You all have outdone yourselves.
  6. Oh no, you totally skipped over the beginning part of the scene in Gil's classroom when the bell rings, Brandon stands up and brays that "we're walking out!" and Gil's total boner as he watches his precious Brandon leave! No GIF? Really??
  7. I foolishly decided to take a sip of tea right before I clicked on the gif of Dylan in Jimbo's office. And now I have to go clean my keyboard...
  8. LOL at Sarah snickering in the background at the Jersey coming out of Ian Ziering's mouth :-D
  9. Check out the photo when David and Donna walk in the door. Did David borrow those jeans from Jack? Brenda too, for that matter.
  10. They sure did!! But apparently nobody wanted to shell out the money for the licensing in order to keep the footage in, and the DVDs are the lesser for it.
  11. At his level, he's got to be careful. If he doesn't stretch properly beforehand, he could injure himself.
  12. Not that we want to waste any more time on this storyline, but... what's with the blatant continuity error with Donna's birthday? Numerous times they have told us that her birthday is on Christmas Day, and Christmas has not yet come to Season 3. (can we please please please skip it when it does? Worst. Episode. EVER.) So, how could she be old enough to vote but the rest of the gang isn't? Stuff!
  13. lol Floofy Ginger :) Peter and Gil Myers must be related, right? Exhibit A: Andrea has a crush on/falls in love with both of them. Exhibit B: they clearly use the same panini press on their hair.
  14. LOL the screen shot of Brandon and Steve in the Peach Pit locker room! Doesn't it totally look like Brandon is putting his clothes on after they just... ;) Didn't you always wonder if there was something more between those two? No? Just me, then?
  15. Gil is absolutely the WORST dresser in the entire run of the series. Everyone else has or will have at least one redeeming outfit at some point that doesn't suck, even Andrea and Steve. But there is not one single moment when Gil is not an assault to the eyes from head to toe.
  16. Let's talk about Brenda's rather selective memory when she's describing to Kelly how things ended with her and Rick. "Part of me just wanted to take off with him, but I just kept thinking about how much I love Dylan, and I just couldn't." THAT'S NOT WHAT HAPPENED AT ALL!! You actually TRIED to go after him, but you were too late, so you decided, I guess I'll just go home to Dylan as my consolation prize then... She makes it sound all noble, like, we should give her a medal for her facing Temptation and emerging victorious, her virtue intact. No! No you didn't! The ONLY reason you're not backpacking with him down a stream near Mount Tibidabo right now is because of TRAFFIC!
  17. Right on. Henry's sarcasm and disdain for Do-Gooder Walsh is to be commended, and certainly much further than his parents have ever gone. But Brandon should have been fired at least 47 times by now, and Henry never pulls the trigger. (And yes, I was hoping for an actual trigger.) You were our best chance, Henry, and you let us down! "And we never saw him again..."
  18. I will concede your point about Dean Cain's 90's physical attractiveness, but then he opens his mouth and says s**t like, "At least you admit that there is something to be spoiled," and the business about "teach me the local customs!" for the French cheek-kissing (or tongue, in their case?). BLECH!!! Later on we'll have the endure the endless talk of "kismet" before Brenda realizes he's EXACTLY LIKE JIMBO! Give me brooding, stick-buggy Dylan any day over Reeek!
  19. lol just making sure we're clear! I agree, the amount of skin/pepperoni that Steve shows throughout the summer is appalling!
  20. The gum-chomping is INSUFFERABLE!!! I did not realize how freaking often he does it. It has been much too long since you last named the ways in which Brandon could die in an episode, and oh, how I miss it these days.
  21. Only Jim's mom comes for the anniversary party (and both of Cindy's parents); his dad is presumably deceased.
  22. Oh Brenda, Brenda. If you're trying to make a stand as a mature adult, do you really think "I'm not leaving, Daddy!" is the way to go? Do you hear yourself??? And to answer SoupThrower's question, there is no way Brenda is that good of a liar (some time ago- U4EA?- she was complaining how she's a terrible liar!), so yes, the Walshes really ARE that dumb. Is anyone surprised?
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