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Everything posted by cstad

  1. Wow - I can't believe Chef Madison was knocked out. That was strange. I knew that Greenspan was going to lose the second he said, "I'm going to make grilled cheese for dessert." Sorry, grilled cheese does not equal cheese course.
  2. Whoa - just saw the episode with Malik the Proud/Unable-To-Take-Criticism chef - how did I miss this episode when it first aired! That was one of the most uncomfortable Choppings ever - right up there with the guy who threatened to beat up Scott Conant (I think?) Watching Geoffrey Zakarian deliver a speech about humility just made me laugh and laugh....
  3. Ok, I obviously studied the wrong thing in college. I was unaware that skateboard culture was a viable major. I did like the Love It or List It skate tops.
  4. Seriously, if I hear one more whine about "my skate park," I'm going to throw something at my tv. And what about the neighbors? I sure as hell wouldn't want a skate park next door. ETA: I missed the beginning - is the guy a professional skater or something? Why does he need a fucking skate park in his backyard?
  5. cstad


    I've read them all and I rank Going Postal as the absolute pinnacle of Pratchett's work, with Nation and Small Gods as very close second and third. I'm sure others feel differently, of course, but there's something about Moist's journey from dead man to Postmaster that really, really resonated with me the first time I read it, and continues to this day. I find the Rincewind series to be the least favorite of mine; I guess because he never seems to grow or learn from his experiences (other than learning to run faster.). However, the hardest I've ever laughed while reading a book is while reading Interesting Times, particularly during Rincewind's run-in with the sumo wrestlers. My roommate at the time thought I was crazy, laughing while reading a book. For favorite series, I would go with the Guard books, followed by the Tiffany Aching series (as a girl, this was another group of books that really resonated with me.). I also really liked The Truth, but mostly because I was working as a reporter at a small newspaper at the time. That book really captured a lot of the craziness in the newspaper industry.
  6. So sad... One of the great authors.... Like others, I've been expecting it since the 2007 diagnosis, but it still hurts. I re-read his books on a regular basis (Going Postal is my absolute favorite) and I find something new every time. I never met him (well, technically I did at a very brief book signing many years ago,) but I cried upon hearing the news. He was just an amazing person.
  7. I'm betting that one of the "special designer guests" at the final unveiling noticed the similarities and reported on it after all the confetti and applause died down (probably the next day or so, actually; if they had caught it on camera you know we would have seen it.) Still so bummed... I wanted to like this show!
  8. So disappointed... First that Tim copied another's piece and then that Acrylic Katie won by default... ugh... ETA: looking at pics, it really looks like Tim copied - they are very similar... Has Tim said anything on the Interwebs?
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