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Gentian root

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Everything posted by Gentian root

  1. Anyone know where I can get Ezekiel's brown leather coat with the shearling shawl collar?
  2. He could have gathered the whole tribe around and thrown the idol over his shoulder like a bridal bouquet.
  3. You should have been unemployed like I was at the time. Great time-waster!
  4. . And she would serve him a lovely perfect soufflé.
  5. And another thing: Didn't Aaron say they'd cleaned out the area around Alexandria for 50 miles in every direction? CDB came up from Noah's place in Richmond, so most of that last leg from FPP's church to Alex (apparently the Carolinas weren't even interesting enough to film) was a cakewalk. That would also put the north edge of the Safe Zone past Baltimore. Was he not counting the quarry? Is the bikers' HQ in Philly?
  6. Dear Rick from a couple episodes back, Why in the name of Zarquon was every able-bodied person not armed to the teeth all day every day starting a few minutes after you came through the gate? Did everyone except Ron forget the Armory until Jessie's house? Yes, stand watch on the fence, but not with one rifle and not solo. Get the ASZhats off their asses, fuck the machete Tai Chi class, and start some target practice. You're worried about noise concentrating Walkers in a week spot? How about more than one watchtower?
  7. Eff off Tiny Tim. All those parents in the house and not one says "Turn that shit off!"?
  8. Maybe Ashildr set it up to give the Doctor some breathing room before he got to the city? Maybe the Time Lords didn't want whatever came out of the disc in their midst? There might have been a possibility that the Veil could get out. Either way, you'd think that someone would be keeping an eye on it and keep the kids away. I have the same problem as others with music drowning out dialogue (Sorry, monologue). Old ears plus old TV. Repeat to yourself ,"It's just a show. I should really just wibbly-wobbly."
  9. Tell me if I missed a reason why not, but isn't there a possibility of the Doctor meeting another Clara "splinter?" Could this be the source of the diner waitress photo?
  10. In all fairness to Little Porchdick, haven't we all wanted to shoot Coral?
  11. Krass: The game and the show are no longer about you (thanks be to whatever): STFU. Ciera: Give the eyerolls a rest. You remind me of Eliza with her phony jaw-drop every time a vote was read. Or a Reward revealed. Or treemail read. Or a wave hitting the shore. Stop begging for camera time. Wents: Nicely done. The first person you tell that you have the HII is Jeff at the moment you use it. The rest of you: You got 9, they got 3. Split the vote 3-3-3 against their 3. Plan your tiebreaker vote. Flush the idol. 2 of them and 1 of you don't vote on the revote. 8 - 1. If you trust each other.
  12. I think the reason you get rid of a Kas or Abi with their unpredictability and chaos-for chaos'-sake is like playing poker. Not because they're as smart as they think they are, but because you'd rather play against another card player than against a drunk 5-year-old with a chainsaw.
  13. I would WANT people to spell my name wrong. Wrong enough that it looks like a vote for someone else.
  14. Your strategy is to stir shit and to advertise that you're the one doing so with your video game handle nickname that you gave yourself. If they brought you back on a season of all first boots in wheelchairs you would never make it further than goat. Abi can go next.
  15. Milking stool impalement gets walker kill of the week. And I want such a cabin. Minus the cell.
  16. Hank Henshaw was race lifted too.
  17. Being nonhuman doesn't make one a nonperson, Yoko. My nerds will back me up on this.
  18. Shame she can't count. On the roof she tells the Cisco that only three other people know. Danvers Mom, Dad, and Sis plus Kal makes how many? Flights were good, fights not so much.
  19. Tell me if I missed it, but is anyone on Anchor (see what I did?) looking for the HII? These guys have no clue (I did it again!).
  20. Oh and I can't continue to call it Earth 2 because I watched that show. I keep waiting for Tim Curry to show up. That would be awesome!
  21. Nobody thinks that maybe the Earth-2 side of portal that AtomSmasher and Jay and NotSandman came through could be where Ronnie went? Geniuses.
  22. Alexandria is right on the Potomac across from DC, so a yacht is quite feasible. I lived there 20+ years ago and there wasn't as much woodland as we've seen on the show. And no quarries whatsoever.
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