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Posts posted by Gregg247

  1. I'm thoroughly enjoying this season of The bachelor so far.  Episode 1 was a little long, what with it covering the traditional first evening PLUS the first group date and first one-on-one, but last week and last night were both awesome!

    These episodes reminded me of old-school Bachelor episodes, where I could count on 2 hours of constant laughter and making jokes at the show's expense each week.  Back in 20109, 2010, I would laugh so hard, my dog would get upset with me waking him up from his naps and literally walk into the next room for some peace and quiet! lol

    The women this season are all acting foolish and silly and catty and mean, while Peter is completely clueless and fumbling around.  I love it.  Watching beautiful people who have never had to struggle for dates or constant attention, suddenly find themselves in danger of being ignored, cast aside, ridiculed, and quickly forgotten feels so good.  Is that terrible to say?

    Early season episodes are always my favorites, since we haven't got to all the fake "feelings" and words of love yet.  I can't wait for more next week!

    • Love 12
  2. I thought the "sex button" thing was a good idea.  This is obviously not made for people who are dating, or just recently married; its for middle-aged parents who are busy and exhausted most nights, and would maybe let a "feeling" pass rather than bring it up and get rebuffed (sometimes angrily so).  It's a safe, neutral way to raise the idea.

    having said that, the husband who pitched the product was the reason the product got no Shark support.  He was terrible.  He didn't listen to any of the Sharks, he disagreed with EVERY objection, and he was really a jerk about the whole thing.  His wife seemed a little embarassed.  I don't think he's going to be seeing the sex button light up on his side of the bed for quite some time after that pitch! lol

    • LOL 11
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  3. It sounds like they're coming up with a plan similar to "Defending Your Life", a great Albert Brooks/Meryl Streep comedy from 1990.  People die and are forced to go on trial in the afterlife, assigned a defense lawyer and facing a prosecutor trying to prove that this person hasn't managed to conquer their fears during their life, and should be sent back to Earth to try again vs. moving on to a higher, better form of existence with higher brain capacity.  It's so funny and charming, and Rip Torn is fantastic as the defense attorney!

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  4. I really like this show.  The cast is starting to gel, and the stories are getting a little stronger.  Plus, I actually laughed out loud ("Dr. Mehta's boyfriend once tried to kiss me." as a put-down).  The sad-sack ER doctor was a nice addition, too.

    • Love 2
  5. I'm enjoying the Red Rock story line.  This show certainly paints their villains in broad strokes, but I find it kind of delicious that Dr. Cain and his (surprisingly tough) minion are going to get their butts handed to them in the end.  The anticipation of that makes me look forward to each episode.  All the heartwarming stories about doctors and patients are well-done on this show, but sometimes, I just want a really good "good guy vs. bad guy" fight.  (I didn't watch 14 seasons of "Dallas" purely for the family bonding, you know!)

    I got the feeling that the actors who play Conrad and Finn weren't really acting during their time in zero-G.  They were both having the time of their lives! LOL

    • Love 3
  6. No, I understand that a police/sheriff show will take place in less desirable areas of the city.  By "washed out and dirty", I meant the way the show was filmed.  All the colors looked washed out and gritty, even in the sheriff's home, and the hospital where his wife works.  It looked more like a documentary than a TV show.

    By comparison, "The Rookie" covers a lot of the same topics as this show, but its a very "pretty" show -- I don't know the right words for this -- it looks more like a "regular" TV show (?)

    • Love 1
  7. I was looking forward to watching this show, but was really disappointed with it.  Los Angeles sure looks washed out and dirty on this show, doesn't it?  Very unattractive.

    The new sheriff sure wanted us to all know how much of a rebel he is; he practically yelled it to us through the TV, in case we didn't figure it out for ourselves.  "Yeah, we get it; you're a maverick, you make Dirty Harry look like a corporate drone, you don't let procedures and rules get in the way of what's in your heart." blah blah blah blah

    I made it about halfway through before turning it off.  There area LOT of much better cop shows on TV than this one.

    • Love 1
  8. I  loved the cold-weather coat company (Fortress) so much, that I actually looked up their website during the show to check them out.  If those clothes really work as well as they said (and demonstrated with the video of jumping through the ice into the frozen lake and by locking Robert in that freeze box) then they may have a winner.  The outer-underwear thing looked nice, but was probably impractical to wear the way the owner was wearing it on the show, but some of their coats look pretty promising.  I may give it a try.

    All the enthusiasm for the roller wheels Zuum dried up once they stated that they merely bought the items from a foreign manufacturer, just like anyone else could, and resold them.  That's not really an investable business.

    The window screen was great!  All that guy needs is a shark to set the big-picture path for him, and he's on his way to millions.  I'm not sure how Lori was a good match on this one, though.  I would have gone with Kevin instead.

    The baby prison made no sense to me.  You need darkness in a hotel room for a baby?  Isn't that what the closet is for?! j/k

    • LOL 4
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  9. That was such a weird episode!  It felt like a lot of interesting stuff was inexplicably cut out of the episode for some reason. 

    Originally, I thought that Dad was going to be the hard-working voice of reason, but he just kind of fizzled.  Why did he contact Marcus in the first place?  Why did he make the real estate deal with Marcus and then renege at the end and try to get a bank loan instead?  Why did he not want to make ANY changes at all to the business, especially after the clean-up, painting, and go-cart improvements seemed to go over so well?  Why did we never see Dad discuss his thoughts on everything on-camera, either with Marcus or privately?  If he had second thoughts or concerns, why didn't we ever hear them expressed?

    I didn't like the son at all, but he's the typical "personal project" that Marcus likes to have in these episodes.  He seemed to have improved over time with his management skills.  Who really knows, though?

    I want to know more about what was going on in this episode, and I blame the producers for editing this complete mess and leaving us with no idea what happened.  Did they have to chop out so much stuff for added commercials that the story ended up being so incoherent?

    This was a cool business, and Marcus had a good idea for everyone (including him) to make money.  I just wish I knew what happened.

    • Love 5
  10. I went over to Perimeter Mall yesterday to check out the Macaron Queen kiosk in person.  It's still there and is surprisingly beautiful for being a mall kiosk!  They had a full display of items, and a sign advertising available franchise opportunities.  They also had a small "As Seen on The Profit" sign.  They hadn't opened yet (it was 11:15) so I couldn't do a taste-test to verify Marcus' opinion!

    • Love 1
  11. I think Silas, the employee at HatBox, was probably mortified when he was disciplined by his boss on camera.  However, I'm sure he enjoyed how it was presented on "The Profit" episode.  They made him look great!  He came across as a terrific, knowledgeable employee, and Marcus saying that Silas could work for him at any of his companies must have done wonders for his ego.  Congratulations, Silas!

    • Love 9
  12. I'm enjoying the crossover, but everything is so sped up.  I feel like characters are arriving like bullets shot out of a rifle.  Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!  It's like taking Avengers: Infinity Wars and Avengers: Endgame and compressing them both into a 1 hour special episode on the CW.

    I like the cameos.

    I laughed out loud when they found Oliver in Purgatory and somehow all his memories came flooding back.  Then, some random dude walked out of the jungle in a windbreaker, told them he was Jim Corrigan, The Spectre, and he needed Oliver to "take over" for him, and Oliver said, "Sure!"  LOL  Terrible writing!

    I thought the "Paragons" were going to be a slow-roll reveal after Part 2, but last night, they just threw everyone's names out there.  It happened so fast.  Was Martian Manhunter one of them?  I liked BR's Superman, so I was very sorry to see him get replaced by Lex "Loser". 

    If changing the Book of Destiny means simply scratching out someone's name and writing in your own, Supergirl should have a pretty easy time reversing all the damage the Anti-Monitor has done!

    It looks like EVERYTHING is reverseable, so I don't feel like there's anything really at stake in this Crisis Event.

    • Love 3
  13. This was an exciting episode for me, as Perimeter Mall in Atlanta is right across the street from my old office.  I could walked over there back in July and said "Hi" to Marcus if I had known they were filming! LOL

    I liked the family, the product, and the fact that they contacted Marcus for help, he gave them plenty of advice, and they accepted all of it without hesitation or argument.  I think this one will be a hit for Marcus.

    I was wondering yesterday why, after all of these episodes, none of Marcus' investments have been a home run like they often have on "Shark Tank".  You'd think that after 60+ episodes, at least one of them would be a massive success (goodness only knows how many complete money pits we've seen here!).

    • Love 8
  14. The Christmas tree company seemed like a winner, and the trees looked nice - on TV.  At the end, when Robert tried to pick up the tree and it fell apart, I realized that, in person, those trees must have looked really cheap and fake.  I think the Sharks' objection to the "price point" was a nice way of saying that the product was lousy but the idea was fine.

    "Its a product, not a company."  Count me among the many who dismissed the gift wrap cutter that way.  I was surprised by the really exciting bidding war that broke out over that silly cutting thing.  I can't stand Lori, but for a cheap product like that, she's the perfect Shark to get.  She'll make that guy an instant millionaire.  I'll bet that guy comes up with a lot of other useful gadgets in his life.

    The beard light thing was very successful; good for the guy who came up with it.  It doesn't really feel like a Shark Tank-backed company, though, does it?  Like Kevin said, though, he's made a lot of money on stupid ideas!

  15. It's funny that Conrad wearing a suit seems just as out of place as Cary Agos (the actor's previous character)  wearing anything but a suit on "The Good Wife".  I chalk that up to fine acting!

    • LOL 1
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  16. I hate to say this, but I was actually rooting against this guy getting a deal with Marcus.  Vinny really rubbed me the wrong way (just like he did on Shark Tank).  He's a big phony, playing a "character" rather than just being a normal businessman.  Is he that incapable of putting aside the schtick, even for a few minutes, when dealing with a potential business partner?

    I didn't care about his "insecurities" or how he was a bullied fat kid.  He's a grown man who runs around in a costume, begging for attention from unsuspecting Las Vegas vacationers.

    At the end, when Marcus cut him loose, Vinny said that he'd grown so much since he'd met Marcus.  REALLY?  When they first met, Vinny couldn't be bothered to compile his historical financials.  When they last met, Vinny STILL didn't have those financials!  Yeah, that's some maturity and growth.  He failed at every task Marcus gave him throughout the episode.

    I'm not sure what's going on with "The Profit" these days.  Marcus has immediately walked out on potential business deals that had their act way more together than this joker.  I want to see Marcus working with real companies, not hanging out with individuals who "need a friend".

    • Love 13
  17. This reminded me of the episode of "Parks and Recreation" when Leslie found out she was pregnant with triplets.  She mentioned to her doctor (played by Henry Winkler) that she sure was fertile, and the doctor said, "No, you're just pre-menapausal.  Its like your ovaries are having a Going Out of Business Sale". LOL

    • LOL 10
  18. I didn't really care for the shoe thing, but I really liked the couple who owned it, so I'm glad they got a deal.  The product looks to be focused on toddler girls, and is really for the parents (Mom) rather than the kids at that age.

    The milkshake company ha a pretty good product, so I can see why it would be popular in vacation spots along the coast.  People on vacation will part with a lot of money for decadent stuff like that.  Plus, you get to keep the jar its in!  I was thinking that another good place for these things would be on cruise ships.  Those vacationers would eat these every day!

    The dog clothes and the peanut butter companies both seemed dumb.  I guess there's a market for these, but they sure don't appeal to me.

    I liked Radiance when it first appeared on Shark Tank, so I'm happy its doing well.  Those paper lantern "events' seem a little silly to me (don't they catch on fire and rain down destruction on random peoples' homes?), but the owner said they sold 1000 units in that one day!  I'll bet they could have sold a lot of those giant milkshakes there that day, too!

    • Love 2
  19. I really, really, REALLY want to like this show, but its not very funny or all that interesting.  At some point, Wade is going to find a girlfriend who lasts more than 1 episode, and then what?  The rest of the cast isn't all that compelling enough to pick up he slack.

    These people remind me of the better-off neighbors we all know who always seem to have lots of parties and informal get-togethers with each other, and who probably spend most of their time looking down on the rest of us.  They're not all that pleasant.

    • Love 3
  20. I thought this would have been a better episode for Robert Irvine or Gordon Ramsey.  I'm not sure why Marcus showed up at a local pizza joint.  I appreciated his lessons on how to calculate food costs and such, but I felt like he was just looking for something to do with his spare time rather than working on an actual business venture.

    Maybe its just me, but I found Marcus' continued use of the death of Dante's mother on 9/11 as a hook to bring in more customers was ghoulish and in poor taste.  Maybe if this had been HER restaurant at some point, it would have made (a little) sense.  But this was a case of, "15 years after her death on 9/11, her now-grown son decided to open a pizza place.  Please come eat here so he doesn't go broke and fail his dead Mom's memory."  That's awful.

    • Love 15
  21. I don't hate Brent.  He's a jerk, and someone who would be tough to work with (or, especially, work FOR), but he's not a bad person.  He's a loud-mouth show-off who's used to always winning, thanks to Daddy, but he's also personable, social, and probably had a lot of friends in his life.  As noted above, he's got a LOT of insecurities.  They should be using those as the basis for making him improve.

    He wrote a book!  A terrible book, apparently, but that's not something he did in his life, but was apparently something he'd thought about for a long time.  (I'll bet Daddy would have never done such a "sissy" thing as writing.)  Its great that he learned the hard way that his book stunk.  That's got to hurt a lot.  Now, they just need to help him improve it.  For example, next time, don't solve the case by page 10; that's a terrible way to write!  He'll learn, he'll grow, he'll be humbled by the experience.

    There's a lot of potential for him.  As noted above, Eleanor was originally much tougher to like than this guy.

    We also have to remember that "bad people" on this show aren't like bad people in real life.  Its not like the show is going to throw a serial killer or a human trafficker into the mix (thank goodness).

    • Love 6
  22. I liked the tailgating product; that would be a great item for serious tailgators/campers/weekend hikers.  I'm surprised none of the Sharks mentioned the idea of making some kind of co-branding deal with various college sports teams.  You'd better believe a lot of even modest-income people would shell out the big bucks for that!

    The do-it-yourself golf shoes seemed like something Rodney Dangerfield would have bought in "Caddyshack" (along with the box of orange balls and the naked lady tees). LOL

    • LOL 2
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  23. Mark was right; the Sharks were groveling for the "right" to be partners with the knife-sharpening guys.  I couldn't believe it when everyone but Mark followed Lori out into the hallway to beg the owners to sell them a sliver of their company!  Then, they did the same thing next with the Bug Bite lady and her Mom.  I would have taken Rohan's deal for the bug bite thing; he could take that company much farther than Lori.  I guess Rohan's branding expertise is no match for Lori's "Golden Ticket"! <gag>

    Speaking of <gag>, I really didn't need to know how proud Mark is of "leaving his Mark" in the bathroom!  I thought Lori was about to make an offer on the poop pill, but I think Rohan's talk about "B2B" vs. "B2C" confused her and scared her away.

    I've said it before and I'll say it again: Lori is the worst!

    • Love 5
  24. That subplot about the town in rural Georgia losing its hospital is based on real life.  Much of Georgia is NOT Atlanta, and most of it is rural.  Believe it or not, Georgia has more land mass than any state east of the Mississippi!  Yes, larger than New York or Pennsylvania!

    Georgia also has more counties than any other state (180!).  For comparison, California has 48 counties.  Many of Georgia's rural counties have 1000-2000 residents, so county-run hospitals don't make financial sense.  Many counties have joined forces to build regional hospitals but, again, the small number of potential patients within an hour's drive of these makes then non-feasible.

    Florida used to have a similar problem in northern parts of the state (maybe they still do; I'm not sure).  A private Trust built a series of small clinics in those sparse areas to handle the immediate needs of patients.  They were (are) staffed with a single doctor and a nurse or nurse practitioner.  As Florida grew in population, some of these clinics were being merged/phased out as no longer needed. 

    Georgia could use a private Trust to help us out with this, too!

    • Useful 11
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  25. I thoroughly enjoyed this show, but wish it had been edited differently.  Rather than have a couple of rooms completely transformed in a single episode (so there's a "reveal" every week), I wish they'd just done this documentary-style (or "This Old House" style), with each week showing more progress throughout the house, as the HGTV stars and the Bradys worked away on the project.  Then the final episode could be the entire house reveal.

    I think this would have kept interest throughout the entire 6 episodes, and last night's finale would have been HUGE in the ratings.  ( i know this show started off big in the ratings with Ep. 1, but after seeing the living room/staircase reveal, viewers seemed to have tuned out.)

    As it was, I watched each episode, but they all kind of ran together, and so many commercials gave away how the rooms eventually looked.  It took away the "surprise" factor.

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