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Posts posted by Gregg247

  1. I'm glad they got this clip-show out of the way on a special Friday edition, so our last 2 episodes next week will be challenges.

    Nicole peeing on herself (and the kitchen floor) isn't nearly as funny as the BB producers seem to think it is.  It's actually kind of pathetic.

    I enjoyed the Kaysar/Janelle segment and the crying-in-the-diary-room, which, thankfully, wasn't exclusively a Kevin-fest! lol

    As noted before, I used to like all final 6 contestants in their previous seasons, and rooted for each of them.  This season, I didn't like any of them!  I'm looking forward to going back to (hopefully) old-school BB next summer!

    • Love 4
  2. I can't decide if Cody and Enzo's alliance is called "The Root" (which doesn't really make much sense) or "The Route", as in some kind of New Jersey turnpike name that I'm not familiar with.  This really bugs me (which tells you how lacking this season has been in terms of genuine thrills!).

    • Useful 1
  3. Enzo is the biggest coward in BB history.  Every episode, he's talking about making Big Moves and Getting Blood on his (My) Hands. but then he does the wimpiest, easiest move possible, every time.  Putting up Cody and Nicole would have been a MUCH better game move for Enzo (for all the reasons Xmas stated), but he was too scared, so he defaulted to putting up "the ladies" and keeping "his boy" Cody safe yet again.

    I think, at this point, I have to root for Christmas to win.  She seems terrible, but she's the underdog here, and any Christmas victory will upset the applecart for the other 3 idiots.

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    • Love 14
  4. I really enjoyed the constant strategizing we saw and heard last night.  We're down to a limited number of contestants, and a limited number of possible outcomes, and each player is running through all the scenarios, either with each other or alone, and trying to work out the best possible solution based on imperfect information.  I love it!  

    Plus, we got the comic book competition, which is always fun.  These final episodes are going to be really tricky, and I'm hoping for some twists and turns along the way.  Who's the best player this season?  I think it's still up in the air (although Cody seems to be playing the best game up till now).

    • Love 1
  5. I enjoyed last night's episode quite a bit.  We're finally getting some strategizing and people turning on each other, after 2 months of relative boredom.  it's hard to believe that I once rooted for all of these people in their previous seasons.  Since these were the creeps who kicked out Janelle and Kayser, they're all dead to me! lol

    Was Tyler trying to "cry" in that one scene where he was talking about David getting voted out?  I couldn't tell if he was faking sadness or if he ate some bad tofu.  His future career is NOT in the acting profession!

    Of the remaining 6, I hate to admit I'm starting to root for Cody.  He's definitely running the game, and I haven't heard anyone bring up his name for eviction yet.  These people am dumb!

    • LOL 3
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  6. The problem with David going for the $10k is 1). he's on the block, so survival should be his main concern, and winning the veto would gaurantee that, and 2). anyone who wins money in the BB house immediately becomes a target (which is why people always try to keep that to themselves when they win).  This has been the "house attitude" for as long as I can remember.

    David is the perfect player to get dragged along to F2.  As it stands, he's not a threat to anyone's game, so he can ride coattails to the $50k 2nd place money.  If he could win at least a few comps, he could make some kind of case to the jury that he deserves the money for some kind of "outsider strategy" he played, or something like that.

    • Love 2
  7. The best thing about last night's episode was showing the cracks in the alliance that are going to end up rupturing this week during the triple eviction on Thursday.  Will we lose Kevin, David, and one member of the alliance, or Kevin and 2 members of the alliance?  Either way, I'm fine with it. 

    Having a season where almost everyone has pre-existing relationships and ready-made alliances was a bad idea.  I've loved BB since S1E1, but this season may rank down there with S9 as worst ever.

    If Dr. Will shows up in the house wearing a suit with a red bowtie, I'll probably run screaming out of the room!

    • LOL 3
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  8. I don't like David as he's a weak player, but I kind of hope he wins the Veto on Wednesday and uses it on Day or Kevin.  That would FORCE Memphis to put up either one of his alliance members or Enzo, and then we'd finally see some real action in the house.  Who's at the bottom of that alliance, and how will they respond?

    • Love 7
  9. I keep waiting for this alliance of 6 meatheads to fracture, as they always do, but this one has lasted way longer than I ever thought it would.  Unfortunately, that makes for much less interesting season, as we have to wait for all of the non-alliance members to get picked off one by one. 

    I would probably feel more sorry for the "fish-in-a-barrel" contestants if they had any abilities to play the game at all.  Win competitions, play a great social game, or be sneaky & underhanded.  The best players have all 3 of these skills.  Day, David, and Kevin excel at NONE of these.

    • Love 16
  10. Watching BB contestants do a math puzzle for a veto competition is a little like watching "Celebrity Jeopardy" on SNL.  All they needed was Sean Connery to fill in for the ailing Ian!

    I used to like Tyler, but he's really lost his mojo this season.  I think he's bored in the house, wanted to go home, and decided to play the "white knight" for the TV cameras, make a noble sacrifice for Bay/Day, and become beloved by America.  In reality, he looked like a moron.  His plan would have worked had it not been for 2 obstacles: Xmas (rightly) saw no benefit to her game if she agreed to kick out her closest ally in favor of 2 non-allies; and Day completely blowing it by telling Xmas that Bayleigh still couldn't stand Tyler and thought he was a snake.

    Tyler's made some bone-headed decisions this season (confiding in David, telling Bay/Day about Dani, forcing moves rather than let them happen naturally).  Bayleigh plays way too emotionally (I would, too, if I was stuck in that house!), and it makes her a poor BB player.  Day'Vonne isn't a bad player, but she does talk too much and gives away a LOT of information that hurts her in the end.  All 3 should be sent packing sooner rather than later.

    • LOL 4
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  11. "I feel like a BEAST!" - David, after once again losing a competition, but this time having his one friend in the house win instead.  I can't imagine how excited he'll be if he actually wins something himself!

    It's funny how players like Tyler, Cody, Memphis, Nicole and Enzo were who I considered "the good guys" during their seasons, but now that they're aligned against Janelle and Kayser, they're "the enemy".  I'm getting so confused! (Not to mention all the alliances - both real and "fake" - that have popped up so far.)

    • Useful 1
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  12. Janelle and Kayser are my favorites from way back, so I was really dismayed to see them both get targeted in Week 1!  Fortunately, they're pro players, so they were able to see through Cody's BS and save themselves.  I just hope Kayser doesn't get too cocky and start playing badly - again.  As I remember, he had lots of chances in his 2 previous seasons, and got eliminated multiple times.

    I still don't dislike anyone yet, but Kevin, STOP CRYING!  You're an All-Star, for Heaven's sake!

    • Love 12
  13. I'm already pulled completely into the game again!  I love BB, and it was so nice seeing so many familiar faces.  Right now, I'm rooting for Kayser and Janelle, but I don't dislike anyone (yet!).  This is definitely the oldest group ever, with several contestants in their 40s.  YAY!  There's something really nice about reconnecting with these contestants who have progressed in their lives to a more mature, settled existence.  It was nice seeing their families prior to them entering the house, too. 

    I wish Dan Gheesling (S10) had returned this year, but he would have just waltzed his way through to another $550k, so maybe it's for the best! haha

    Is the house new?  I remember they built a new house between S5 and S6, but it seems like Julie indicated that they've built another new house this year, too?

    I can't wait for this season to really get going, and I hope and pray that no one gets sick.  Big Brother is back!!!!!!!

    • Love 6
  14. Michael - I mean "Armstrong" - is never going to get his soul off that island from "Lost" if he keeps going from show to show, killing LAPD police officers!

    It's a shame he turned out to be the crooked cop.  I actually liked him on this show; he seemed to have a good, realistic relationship with several of the other characters on the show; he was a good mentor.

    • Love 8
  15. So between Dr. Cain and his evil minion, who should get the redemption arc and who should go out as a total villain? 

    As noted above, I think we have enough jerk (or former jerk) doctors on this show.  I wouldn't mind seeing Evil Minion get humiliated and forced to work within the Chastain system as kind of a weaselly "gray" character hospital administrator who everyone can complain about and ridicule. 

    I'd be happy to see Dr. Cain drummed out of medicine and off the show.  He's just so completely dick-esh that I don't think he can ever turn the corner and be the "caring compassionate" doctor that Conrad demands of his co-workers.

    • Love 2
  16. Dr. Bell: "Can you imagine if Chastain Hospital killed the owner of our soccer team?"

    Uh oh, I wonder if Dr. Cain's virus is going to sweep through the hospital, from the bottom floor up to those luxurious penthouse hospital rooms. 

    Can we call this the Cain Virus, or maybe the Red Rock Spotted Flu?

    • Love 2
  17. I didn't like Rachel's "The Evils of the Internet" segment of the show.  There are some terrible people out there, saying awful things to people they only know from watching them on TV.  I get the feeling, however, that these crazies are very few in number, and are the same people who spew venom at politicians, sports stars, musicians, actors, AND reality show "stars".  These nuts spend a LOT of their day sending these texts/e-mails to many, many people.  99% of Internet users are normal (or at least, people like us on this site! haha).  I wasn't sure, while watching Rachel, what the "call to action" was supposed to be.  What are we, the public, supposed to do with this new-found knowledge of Internet crazies?  The segment just seemed a little pointless (but definitely sad for the receivers of these messages).

    Beyond that, the show was a bit bland.  None of the women had anything negative to say to Peter at all.  No one even asked him any pointed questions.  All I heard was, "You did such a great job, following your heart.  Dating you has made me a better person!"  Really?????????

    • LOL 1
    • Love 16
  18. These people really got on my nerves.  Good for them for starting their business and going All In on it for so long, building a dedicated team, and working as hard as they could.  Unfortunately, things didn't work out.  Marcus came along and told them exactly what went wrong and what they could do to turn things around.  He gave the step-father a full-time job.  He gave the business owners a space in all his Camping World locations, something most businesses would kill for.  Result?  They thumbed their noses at Marcus and decided to do things "their way".

    I couldn't believe that they took Marcus' $5000 and couldn't be bothered to put up a banner or anything more than some Xeroxed sheet of paper taped to their sign.  They wouldn't come up with a list of products they would "curate" (I hate that word!) for the Camping World stores because "they weren't getting anything for it"!  At least, in the end, old step-daddy started working at the store (I wonder how long he lasted there).

    Many times, Marcus seems to take over a business deal and tries to run over everyone involved.  This time, he truly seemed to be trying to help these people, and none of them cared.

    • Love 10
  19. I liked this business owner for the same reason Marcus does - she needs help with her business, she asks for advice, and then she actually TAKES that advice!  I hope she manages to turn things around and become successful.  The upside to all of this is that if the business fails, its pretty much because of Marcus; she's using his ideas and guidance.

    Another good episode.  Hopefully, though, we'll see a business that's not food or fashion related!

    • Love 1
  20. Peter's down to 6 choices.  He's got the 2 emotional wrecks (Kelsey and Victoria), the 3 he really likes (Kelly, Madison, and Hannah Anne) and Natasha as the "friend-zone" option.  I must say I was pleasantly surprised with his ability to cull the herd this week.  He dropped 10 women, and he seemed to be fairly decisive about it.  I was afraid he was going to be dithering around every week, moaning about how its "so hhhaaaarrrrdddd" to decide.  Good job, Peter!

    I got the feeling that Peter was about to cut Hannah Anne this week, but his "she's never been in love before" excuse was pretty thin.  I think he was afraid she wasn't really into him (she's not), and wanted to drop her before she could drop him.  She wants the most exposure she can get on this show, so she went with the "nuclear option" and cried and said she was falling in love with him.  I'm disappointing that so many of the contestants this year are so mercenary.  If you're not feeling it, leave the show.  I guess the financial and fame payoff for staying longer is just too much to overcome.  That's a real shame, as a viewer.


    • Love 11
  21. Another "nice" episode where the owner was receptive to Marcus' ideas and seemed to be a kind, honest, hardworking business person.  I like these a lot!

    I'll bet Mr. Green Tea was more than happy to jump into this deal, too.  They merely have to help with advice and planning, and get some free income because of it.  I don't think Michael and this owner are destined to do great things together, though.  They had 2 conversations during the episode, and she walked away crying both times!

    I don't think the name "B Sweet" is a good idea for a line of drinks that's NOT sweetened and is 0 calories.  The name and the brand not only don't match, they're virtually opposite of each other!

    I know that Marcus was adopted as a baby, but, based on his business interests, I get the feeling that his adopted parents were Willy Wonka and Coco Chanel!

    • LOL 7
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  22. Last night was another home-run episode of The Bachelor!  I laughed myself hoarse watching this idiot and his insipid "dates" flailing around searching for camera time -- I mean -- Love. lol

    Peter seems like a very nice young man, but he's such a Momma's boy.  These women are pushing him around like crazy, and he's unable to do anything about it.  He's the star of the show; he should be taking charge of the situation.  Instead, he keeps getting dragged into all the drama and making terrible decisions.

    He caught Alayia in a bald-faced lie last week.  He caught Victoria P. is a bald-faced lie this week.  Yet both of them exclaimed to him at various points, "I've been nothing but honest with you!" and he didn't dispute them.  Did he simply forget?!?!

    He had a group date with 13 women.  He talked to 2 of them, then Alayia showed up and, apparently, hours later, he sent everyone back to their hotel.  Those women were mad, and with good reason.  We don't get to see contestants bad-mouthing the Lead on-camera very often, but it was awesome last night! haha  If it wasn't for the cameras, every one of those women would have been out of there.  No one has any respect left for this guy.

    Back in the old days of this franchise, the Bachelor would have some of his friends show up midway through the season to "help him out" by interviewing the ladies and choosing the one-on-one date participant.  I think Peter definitely needs this!  Surely he has some friends or coworkers who could give him a little perspective.

    • Love 15
  23. I saw a show several years ago about these small towns along the Mississippi River that flood every couple of years, and keep getting rebuilt in the same place as before.  In many cases, even the free-spending federal government has decided that rebuilding over and over again is a bad investment, and are now requiring these towns to move to higher elevations.

    If you'll note from the show, most of downtown Grafton is built in the flood plain right along the edge of the river.  However, just a few hundred yards behind Main Street, the land rises quite a bit, and that area would be perfectly safe for a new town center.  Sure, most of the time the town will be a decent distance from the river, but floods would no longer be a problem.

    Sounds like a better solution than just constant rebuilding every couple of years.

    I did enjoy Marcus' review of city finances, though.  That was interesting and educational.

    • Love 2
  24. I'm thoroughly enjoying this season of The bachelor so far.  Episode 1 was a little long, what with it covering the traditional first evening PLUS the first group date and first one-on-one, but last week and last night were both awesome!

    These episodes reminded me of old-school Bachelor episodes, where I could count on 2 hours of constant laughter and making jokes at the show's expense each week.  Back in 20109, 2010, I would laugh so hard, my dog would get upset with me waking him up from his naps and literally walk into the next room for some peace and quiet! lol

    The women this season are all acting foolish and silly and catty and mean, while Peter is completely clueless and fumbling around.  I love it.  Watching beautiful people who have never had to struggle for dates or constant attention, suddenly find themselves in danger of being ignored, cast aside, ridiculed, and quickly forgotten feels so good.  Is that terrible to say?

    Early season episodes are always my favorites, since we haven't got to all the fake "feelings" and words of love yet.  I can't wait for more next week!

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