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Posts posted by Gregg247

  1. I understand Taylor's reluctance to willingly go on the Block for the FOURTH time so far this season, but they really need to get Nicole out of there.  She's a tough competitor and kind of mean, so there's 2 good reasons to show her the door.

    I'm enjoying the Leftovers alliance so far, but we all know that alliances that are adept at wiping out their competition tend to turn cocky and smug very quickly.  I hope that doesn't happen here.  I'd hate to have a new underdog alliance led by Daniel get formed and suddenly start to appeal to the American public!

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  2. Every once in a while, an argument in the BB house goes WAY too far and actually ticks me off as a viewer.  That's what happened last night.  At first, I thought Nicole was simply reading more into Taylor's conversation than was really there; we all do that from time to time.  But then, Nicole started making a big production about it in the bathroom, making it seem like Taylor was some mustache-twirling villain kicking Nicole while she was down.  She HAD to know that that wasn't the case.  Then , idiot Daniel went crazy with his over-the-top hissyfit ("Don't even talk to me while you're in this house!").

    I give Ameerah some credit for trying to calm things down a little; in situations like that, it's usually best not to step in, but I'm glad she made the attempt.

    It's funny how one fight can change your whole perspective in this game.  I'm now rooting for Taylor to win this whole thing.

    I like how it was the "toxic males" / "comp beasts" of the house who rallied to Taylor's side and created a new alliance on the spot with her.  Will that alliance last?  Maybe not, but it seems like it was a sincere reaction to a terribly unfair situation.

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  3. Paloma reminds me of some girls from my high school (way) back in the day.  I guess people haven't changed all that much since then.  She'll end up ushering in her own demise in this game when she forgets that she needs to dial it back a little as the weeks pass.  The rest of the house will catch on to her sooner rather than later.

    Taylor made the classic mistake of "warning" one side of the house (the guys) what the other side of the house (Paloma) was talking about.  Both sides end up getting together and crushing the "good Samaritan".  How many seasons have we seen this play out now?

    I'm enjoying this season so far.  The alliances are still just starting to form, and I look forward to seeing which ones will cradh and burn (Girls Girls) and what hybrid alliances will take their place.  These first few weeks are always an exciting time in the BB house for me! (Also a BB4Ever Fan since S1E1) 

  4. Like clockwork, the idea of an "all girl's alliance" crops up in order to compete against the muscle-bound guys.  It's immediately crushed when one of the members of this newly-formed power alliance starts with, "Let's all manifest our victory right now!"  Yeah, that's all you need to do. 

    Also, the Girls, Girls alliance doesn't include ALL the "girls", just the ones who are cool, not fake, and don't make the others feel less-than-pretty by hanging out with the gross BOYS!

    Terrance is like the female contestants on "The Bachelor".  Terrance, the HoH (Bachelor) isn't going to go out of his way to talk to you.  You need to go over and talk to HIM!  Why do contestants make this same mistake every single season?  (Then again, since Daniel is an Elvis impersonator, and therefore a part of the entertainment industry, maybe Terrance assumed that Daniel, of course, knew of Terrance as DJ Showbiz Whatever, the biggest karaoke DJ on Chicago's south side.  I mean, it's obvious, if you think about it! haha)

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  5. I was disappointed that the entire show was just them in the backyard competing in silly carnival games.  I like it better when all the contestants sit at the sofas, drink some champagne, and introduce themselves to each other while we watch.  (Then we see DRs of what various people thought of each person).  It gets us viewers involved in the game immediately.  THEN they can have the first competition!  Last night, I couldn't really get a read on who I liked and who I didn't, and didn't get to see who rubbed other contestants the wrong way.

    The belly dancing woman who bragged about how here strategy is to shake up the house by making big moves?  I predict she'll be on the Block 4 out of the first 5 weeks, and she'll be in the HoH room crying about how no one takes her seriously.

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  6. I was enjoying the episode despite/because of all the goofiness until the last 15 minutes when a very real threat turned into a silly circus.  All those mercenaries laid down their machine guns and decided to storm the diner/jail practically unarmed?  And, helpfully, one at a time??? 

    I was (foolishly) hoping for an exciting stand-off where both sides tried to outwit and outfight the other.  Instead, it was, "Oh, we've only got 10 minutes to wrap this up and give Pete Davidson some time for his brand of "comedy".  Oops!  We almost forgot that Baily needs to show off her ninja moves.  Just have Nolan shoot/beat up all the bad guys at once.  The End."

    I'm a fan of "The Rookie", but sometimes, the writers make that hard to admit.

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  7. Sheldon is at his best in this show when he's interacting with Dr. Linklater and Dr. Sturgis (the Dean is also a nice addition).  I wouldn't mind keeping them as a completely separate (and funny) part of the show.

    George and Mary fighting about unemployment was realistic.  Maybe it's not perfect for a "comedy" show, but I appreciate the fact that they're taking a very serious problem and giving us a true picture of its effects. 

    Since Brenda's husband ran off with his mistress and presumably shut down his tire store, maybe George and Georgie could start a tire business together (as we know Georgie eventually does in "the future").

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  8. One thing that's becoming glaringly obvious with these recent dramatic episodes is how much of a sitcom character Sheldon really is.  We saw him as a typical sitcom man-child for 12 years on TBBT and now he's a mini-sitcom character on YS.  This is fine as long as YS is light-hearted and funny.  When things turn dark, Sheldon just seems completely out of place.  

    All the other characters in this show are written much more realistically.  It would be hard to imagine a laugh-track on YS.  As stories become more serious, these characters still work because they're written as real people (or as "real" as you can get on a half hour TV show).  Sheldon, on the other hand, doesn't feel like a real person at all. When he entered the scene in this episode, it felt less like the continuation of the story and more like I'd accidently hit the remote control and switched to a completely different show.

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  9. I don't dislike Bailey, but I thought Nolan and the doctor played by Ali Larter a few seasons ago were a better couple.  Sure, every episode ended up in that one hospital to accomodate her character, but they still seem to end up there a lot even now.  She just seemed like a better match for Nolan.

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  10. On 4/4/2022 at 10:04 PM, Aliconehead said:

    Pipers dad was Elvin from the Cosby Show.  Interesting story, he was filmed and mocked for working at Traders Joe, which has caused a Little resurgence of his career. 

    Elvin should have rushed his daughter to Chastain Memorial Hospital from "The Resident".  His brother-in-law, Theo, is the world's greatest heart surgeon over there and could have performed the surgery at a family discount!

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  11. This was the worst episode yet.  I can't believe they got a guilty verdict based on the evidence that they presented!  They weren't even able to prove that anyone was dead!

    The photo of the victim at the beach in Cancun was "probably" a fake.  Why not prove that by having their police experts go onto her website and determine if the picture was photoshopped?  Also, they could easily prove that the picture was uploaded from a different computer and possibly even track it back to the actual computer that it came from!

    The woman who knew the defendant and found the victim's shoe in his cabin was extremely helpful, but the ADA dude said that they couldn't prove that it was the victim's.  Why not?  Did they test the show for her DNA from sweat, hair follicles or blood?  She was wearing it when she was abducted; surely there's evidence on the shoe.

    Why didn't the police know that the defendant's family owned a cabin in the woods backing up to the forest where the victim was supposedly buried?  Isn't that something that should have been investigated?

    Did the police use cadaver dogs around the defendant's campsite and around the cabin where the victim's shoe was found?  They didn't even need to show any of this; they could have simply mentioned it during the investigation.

    The defendant stupidly took the stand, opening himself up to a serious cross-examination.  The ADA guy asked like 2 questions and said, "Oh well.  Nothing further." and that was it!

    I swear, each of these new episodes feels like they're 1 hour episodes edited down to 30 minutes.  It just seems like we're missing half the stuff that an episode of L&O seasons 1-20 would show and/or tell us about each week.

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  12. I love L&O, but the new episodes seem shorter for some reason.  They kind of bop along from scene to scene until the end credits appear.  Old L&O seemed to have longer, more meaty scenes with actual discussions (back and forth, not one character explaining some basic thing to us) and a feeling of the actual stakes involved.  Plus, the twists always came as a surprise.

    The new lawyers who work for Jack are terrible.  As lawyers, they stink (They put a world-famous athlete on trial without any idea as to her motive?  They knew nothing of her mental issues or her long-time conservatorship?  Mr. Fancypants lawyer asked the psychiatrist a question without having any idea how he would answer?  He wanted to fire his assistant for saving the case for him???) 

    Also, Mr. Fancypants is a bad actor in this show.

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  13. During Lamar's exit interview with Julie, I got on my phone and voted for Lamar for America's Favorite House Guest.  He probably needs the money less than most of these "C"-list celebrities, but I think he'd appreciate knowing that people who aren't just basketball fans like him, too.

    When Lamar exited the House, he looked at Julie and asked where the exit was.  I don't think he knew who Julie was or that he was supposed to do an interview.  Maybe we was looking for his car so he could go home! lol

    I was sorry to see Todd get eliminated but he really blew both the HoH and veto competitions.  I was rooting for him but he just played really badly.

    This season had some of the worst strategic play by contestants that I've ever seen.  Shana, Chris, and Carson seemingly went out of their way to blow up their own games.  I think Meisha's strategy of "win everything and overwhelm the competition through sheer force of personality" could only work on a shortened season like this, and with competitors who are there more for exposure than for the money.

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  14. I wish someone had reminded Todrick that the nomination ceremony (or "Sarah Mony" - lame) isn't about him; it's about the contestants he's nominating.  Nobody wants or needs his silly floorshow/performance.  Just do the nominations and be done with it.

    Then again, asking Todrick to NOT make himself the center of attention is really expecting too much.

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  15. Al and Freddie are my favorite characters on the show right now.  Both actors know exactly what they're doing and I really enjoy their work.  Kripke (I mean, "Al's professor") is also a nice addition; funny and easy-going.  This episode was the first time I've had any interest in what Lizzie was up to on the show and it's because her new relationship is sweet and upbeat.

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  16. When Phillip suggested a competition to grow a beard, I was convinced he'd lose for sure since he can barely seem to grow a pair of eyebrows!

    During his "princehood ceremony", I felt kind of bad for him.  The entire ceremony was obviously just a way to appease him, and the audience that attended didn't hide the fact that they were jus there for 'show".  Also, Phillip, dressed in his royal garments", looked like the Birthday Boy at a Chuckie Cheese.  I actually yelled at the TV screen, "Let's all clap for Phillip!  Yay for big-boy Phillip!" LOL

    • LOL 3
  17. That was a great episode; incredibly well-written and acted by everyone.  It was really sad, and I don't know how a new viewer who just stumbled onto this show tonight would react, but I was very moved by the emotion of it all.  The actor who plays Conrad (I still call him "Cary" from his "The Good Wife" days) hit it out of the park.  He was riveting.  

    We've had quite a turnover in actors on this show over the last few months.  First Mina, then Dr. Cain, and now Nic.  This is one of the best shows on TV; I hope they can keep their momentum with all the new characters they're introducing.

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  18. Character: "I don't know.  Maybe we're trapped in an episode of 'Lost' or something."

    Me: "You should be so lucky!"

    I enjoy sci-fi shows with weird premises and oddball scenarios, so I was really looking forward to "La Brea".  The first few minutes were really exciting! 

    Unfortunately, about halfway through, it dawned on me that the writers had created only one single character in this show, and that character was being played by all the actors.  Every single person in this show is written exactly the same: independent, brash, take-charge, over-educated, opinionated, convinced they're right, arrogant, and supremely over-confident (but that confidence is hiding "An Imperfection" - or maybe "A Critical Imperfection").  Sure, all the characters look different; they check the differing age/gender/ethnicity boxes perfectly; yet, they all react, talk, and think exactly the same.

    The source of conflict among each of these people is that they keep bumping into each other because they "know" that they're right and everyone else is wrong.  Any problem this group of survivors will have won't be because they all have different perspectives on how to solve the problem based on their individual life experiences, or from their unique ideas, feelings, sense of logic, or basic common sense; it'll be because they're all supremely confident that they and they alone have THE ANSWER to the problem and everyone else must listen to them, no matter what.

    In regard to "A Critical Imperfection", I imagine the writers have a big whiteboard on the wall with the characters' names on one side and a list of personality flaws  (sense of abandonment, scared of death, guilt, jealousy, alcohol, drugs, ego, sexual repression, etc.) and they just randomly paired each character with one of these imperfections, and voila!, a full season worth of episodes.  Just throw in some bad CGI effects and raise some interesting questions that never actually go anywhere, and you have a show!

    Prediction: The phrase "YOU HAVE TO LISTEN TO ME!" will be yelled constantly throughout the season - by basically everyone.

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  19. I never understand why police shows always have to do these big super-criminal stories.  I much prefer just seeing the cast solve regular crimes and meeting interesting people.  This show in particular is so good at doing light-hearted episodes, too, which have been some of the best ones they've done.  Let's get back to showing the daily routine of LAPD officers.

    Anyone else find it ironic that Nolan was announced to now be a full-time cop, after having that 3 month addition to his rookie status due to going rogue, just as he, his boss, and all of his co-workers were about to go rogue?  Great lesson there, show!

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  20. On 9/26/2021 at 1:00 AM, sskrill said:

    "I know how to make 1 thing - give me $1 million dollars."  🙄

    "Well, I don't really know how to make even one thing.  But the lady I hired does, so give me $1 million dollars for that!  Oh, just $50,000?  Okay, close enough!  SOLD!"

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  21. The Cookout alliance really changed the game.  Instead of having 1 deserving contestant and 2 floaters in the final 3, we have..... 1 deserving contestant and 2 floaters in the final 3. LOL  I guess some things in the Big Brother house are totally consistent!

    We now have 3 contestants who are claiming to be the founder of the Cookout (plus, Kyland probably thinks he was the instigator of the entire plan as well).  Unfortunately for X and DereF, Tiffany has already told the jury that SHE'S the master strategist.  We'll see how the jury reacts if/when X and DereF make that claim in their summary to the jury (assuming they're the final 2).  They may get some unexpected blow-back for that; Tiffany seems pretty popular among the rest of the jury, and she's not lying.  The Cookout was probably the idea of most/all of the members, but who actually "founded" it?  I would say X ("he who names it claims it"), but Tiffany did come up with the couples idea (I'd consider that secondary to the alliance itself, but that's just an opinion.).

    I'm rooting for X to win.  I don't care who #2 is.  Azah, to her credit, did manage to wake up from her nap long enough to actually win a HoH.  DereF accomplished absolutely nothing.

    I didn't vote for anyone to be "America's Favorite" this year.  I was going to vote DereX, but the clip show on Friday reminded why I didn't care for DereX when he was in the house.  Did anyone else notice how he was constantly draped over all the other houseguests?  Every time he appeared on the show, he was hanging onto someone in the house, either hugging them, or leaning on them, or laying on a bed/sofa/hammock with them, or had his arm around them, or just generally touching them.  He was always attached to somebody on the show - so touchy-feely.  It really creeped me out; he'd be an HR department nightmare at work!

    I hope that next season, they can return to having a studio audience on eviction nights.  The studio seems so empty when Julie welcomes the latest evictee.  I want to see cheers (and boos)!

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  22. When Devon was looking for his blind patient at the end, I thought he was going to walk into a room and stumble onto a bunch of unconscious people (patients and staff).  Where did all the other people who work on that floor go?  The entire hospital is always packed with people, but in this one area where you go to get casts, there's no one around.

    If Kit thinks she's saved the hospital a lot of money from that ransomware thing, wait until the blind patient sues them for $10 million for practically killing him!

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  23. I enjoyed the show.  So far, the version of Joe I like the least is the nurse; he's so wimpy and beat down by life that I can see why his wife is getting fed up with him.  I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out she's been looking elsewhere for a replacement already.  This is the only version (so far) where his admitted indecisiveness seems to be a problem for him.

    The cop version seems like a guy who'd be cool to hang out with. (I guess this means the lead is a really good actor!) haha

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