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  1. In all honesty Danny should've been fired quite a while ago, but it was hard to be excited for him to leave when I knew it'd lead to seeing Brian and Bobby being all smug. I think it's interesting how the rest of the crew has been shown to dislike Danny (through TH's like Tiff's commenting on how he's all talk or Hannah's altercation with him at dinner) yet they managed not to constantly pile onto him the way Bobby and Brian did. Also find it interesting how Jen had commented earlier in the season that she found one of the stews attractive (forgot which one) yet she's not constantly pining away and constantly harassing her. The "friend zone" is so annoying to hear about because it's typically self made. Usually it seems the guy agrees to be just friends after the girl rejects his romantic feelings then gets annoyed that they're just friends?? You're an adult, don't agree to be friends if you aren't mature enough to handle being friends with someone who doesn't like you back! Even with all of my Bobby and Brian hate, I'm not sure if they've done anything fireable by Below Deck standards. However the Captain definitely shouldn't have acted like Brian did a great job handling Danny, and should've had at least some kind of talk with Bobby about how you can't go all roid rage on a coworker and throw their stuff in a very small hallway (couldn't that be like a fire hazard? Like an obstruction in case there was a need to escape?) Also think someone should've/should in the next episode go to the Captain about the boy's behavior getting on the tender. I know nothing would probably come from Bobby's language because it's off the clock and doesn't relate directly to his work, but the fact that the First Mate was going to allow one of his deck hands to break the rules because it's the deck hand that's his buddy should be worth something. Finally, while I guess it was rude to tell Danny that the trams were broken, how did Brian think that making Danny take a donkey would be some big revenge? Danny probably loved that instagram opportunity.
  2. I had teachers with those policies both in high school and in the first year of college. Whether it's 'legal' in high school or not unless you make a *big* fuss about it to a principle or someone higher up than the teachers pretty much made up their own rules for things like sick days, late work, and other stuff that had regulations but that went ignored. Forgot to mention earlier that showing the photos of previous guests to current guests is definitely wrong. I do agree with this weeks write up about how it is kind of funny they mention being discreet because hello! You're on TV! But I think the context of who was shown the photos is more important, like how he was showing photos of the kilt girls to the semi-creepy guys from the previous charter. One of the photos looked like a selfie they'd taken with his phone but that didn't mean the girls who took it were expecting him to show it to those people.
  3. I agree with so much of what's already been posted. Bryan standing over Julia and Hannah cleaning was not only odd, but inconvenient as well, I mean did you see how tiny their mess was! How did he expect them to sweep or anything while he was standing in the middle? I feel bad for Danny being sick in such close quarters. I was looking forward to how he may grow this episode and be less annoying, but resting is definitely more important. One of the reasons I didn't think it was fake from the start was that it was rising gradually, in my experience of people faking an illness to skip school, they usually make the mistake of putting the thermometer on something warm and going for a really high temp right away. Also, there were people witnessing him taking his temperature. I'm glad that he didn't have to work through it though, and thought Bobby's comment of if he were to get sick he'd still work. There's a big difference between a cold and 103. I hate when people who are ill aren't given leeway with school/work, because a) it definitely doesn't help their recovery, and b) it puts other people at risk for whatever the illness is if it's contagious. I'm sure Danny is miserable with that fever, but imagine how much more miserable it'd be if he had something contagious and passed it on to the guests, who even with the deep discount I learned about in last week's thread, have still spent a lot of money for the trip. That could definitely impact their enjoyment and in turn their tip. Someone above said the symptoms are similar to appendicitis, which isn't contagious, but it's better to err on the side of caution and keep the sick person away from others. I remember having a teacher where attendance was a decent chunk of your grade, who didn't accept any excuse for missing class. Once a kid came in with the flu because he didn't want to lose a couple percentage points over being sick, and the next week 2 more people had the flu. Not that they definitely got it from him, but it always bugs me how people can't see that forcing someone to go out while sick can put others at risk. Also don't understand why Bobby keeps acting like he has a chance with Julia? Let it go! She has a long term boyfriend and has told you that multiple times. Since y'all had your sit down talk she's only been friendly, no "goosing" or anything that could be construed as flirting, at least on what we've seen.
  4. The bars/staff part makes sense but other than this charter where they went to Mykonos it seems they either anchor a little ways offshore and just stay there. I'm just saying why bother going overseas if you're not going to see anything historically or architecturally important, or enjoy some of the nature, like a national park or something. I'm sure there are more villa style places they could go where that's all provided like the Housewives do. It just seems kind of wasteful, like at least get a nice sailing tour of the islands or something
  5. Danny is extremely annoying, but I did enjoy seeing that the guests liked him, mostly because you could tell how much it bothered Bryan and Bobby. I think Danny would do well as a cruise director or something along those lines. It'd probably be a better job, too, you'd probably get to see more of the world than the same beach picnic spot every couple of weeks. I'll never really understand why the guests spend the time and money to charter a yacht overseas and all they do is go around on jet skis or go to bars. Couldn't they find a nice lakehouse and do the same thing? I definitely do not get the conflict between Ben and Hannah, Ben could've worked on his communication I guess but she's definitely more in the wrong than him with the whole dinner fiasco. Also do not understand why she didn't like the kebabs when they were discussing them at first (before the dinner when she requested something "more delicate"). When she said that they weren't delicate enough she mimed eating corn on the cob, but I've never seen anyone eat a kebab like that? Most of the time it seems people slide one thing off at a time with either a fork/knife or their teeth and eat it. I think it'd be much harder to eat it like corn on the cob because you may have something really soft that your teeth sink into easily next to something a little tougher so it'd be a little more work. Why do these people insist on having all of their work related discussions while drunk?
  6. I guess I'm usually more sympathetic to Piper because for me she's probably the character I'd match up to the most if I had to go to prison. Her attitude in the first few episodes with her "gansta with an a" did annoy me a lot, but I can see how she would not predict a community carers group turning into a white pride rally. I mean I'm assuming her neighborhood probably had an HOA that established a neighborhood watch, so how would this be any different than another neighborhood watch group (other than the fact they're in prison)? I don't think she was only aiming for white members, otherwise why bother making little posters and putting them in a public place like the port-a-potty's? I think that one woman who'd been beat up in the stairwell thought of it as a white pride thing and when she asked if she could get the word out only relayed it to like minded people. I also think that Piper's targeting of the Dominican group is more about her "business" and continuing to think of herself as a "gansta" who could take on others than anything else. I've always liked Maritza, I like the idea of finding a way to continue to express yourself through makeup or fashion while you're in there, it's one of the reasons Sophia is one of my favorites as well. I really liked getting to see more of her past. The conference was freaky! It's honestly so weird to think about the private prison industry. I mean as they brought up on the panel, yes they did commit crimes, but isn't Litchfield low security? Like their crimes weren't typically violent? (we've seen so many backstories over the past few seasons I've forgotten most of them). I mean they at least deserve basic hygiene like pads! I also really like SoSo in the library because I do the exact same thing when I try to teach someone else, especially in math! Sometimes it's hard to take a second, slow down, and realize that it really is hard for them and they truly aren't getting it. I know I've definitely solved problems for friends doing homework when I was supposed to be actually helping them understand.
  7. Completely agree with everyone else, what's the point of going around the world if you're just going to lay by a pool? Wasn't Heather from Vegas? Couldn't she just staycation at a hotel with a nice pool on the strip? I actually liked that in this episode they got to choose which trip they wanted to go on. I understand some of the trips in the other episodes had a limit on how many people could go, but they could have at least asked who wanted to and then draw for spots from there? (that may be less drama inducing though, so where's the fun in that) Also don't understand why on the last episode, when Heather did not want to go to the tea plantation, her spot was not taken by someone else who would actually appreciate the opportunity? I'm actually really liking the couple where the husband had the scooter accident (I haven't learned anyone's names except for Jared, Misty, Jenna, Heather, and Michelle, probably because they're the most dramatic and get the most screentime) I like that they took their free time to go sightseeing and I completely agree with her that you can zipline anywhere, but riding an elephant is a lot less common. Though I do think Jared had a point that the zipline was probably a lot of fun, mostly because it was free of Heather and Michelle. Finally, I don't understand the Jared/Misty drama. I think if you're gonna date someone on vacation you need to view it as a fling. You can act all cutesy and coupley on your trip but unless you're majorly in love by the end of the trip it's a fun fling and a good memory from your vacation.
  8. They said he goes to Pensacola Christian College (some reading about it here and here, neither are impeccable sources but I've heard a lot about it from acquaintances), I'm not entirely sure what area of central FL Alyssa lives in but it's usually between a 6-8 hour drive from Pensacola to central FL depending on what area you're going to. If Tori moved to Pensacola she'd definitely be closer to Alyssa than if she lived in TN, but they wouldn't exactly be neighbors. I would also doubt that he would want to move to central or south FL because, IMO, the culture in north FL is much more southern and probably a better environment to be a fundamentalist in than in central or south FL. I actually like that the kids can move away from their hometown, it feels more like a regular family that way, where people move based on their spouses or jobs but still come back for the holidays. I don't have an issue with Alyssa not being thrilled to come back, if you're someone who likes peace and quiet and you've finally had an opportunity to have some, coming back to the Bates house is a big change.
  9. Like someone else said, this was definitely filler, but it had its moments, like the one stew not knowing what daisy dukes were, or that they were even pants, I think she asked "What about the bottoms?", or Hannah thinking the girl who went to FAU was country. I don't remember where in FL she was from, but there are enough rural areas it's possible, but she could also be from a well populated city like Jacksonville. I definitely agree that Danny gives off some kind of creepy vibe, but at the same time if the guests truly are the ones talking to him what's the big deal? I've definitely never chartered a multi-million dollar yacht before, but I've gone on a couple of cruises and I kind of like to get to know the room stewards or bartenders a little. I mean I get why you definitely should not make out with a guest or watch them have a threesome, or discuss crew issues with them, but the general annoyance with him seemed to be based more on him just talking to them. I do think that almost-fight should've been strike three. Also while Jen definitely has been annoying in her attitude, I find it kinda funny that one of the deckhands had to go off the rails before she got to go on the tinder or anything. Why was Hannah so rude when Tiff was asking where the breaker was? "Do your f***ing job", like.. she's trying to? Would you rather she just leave the washer/dryer there with a blown fuse or whatever the issue was? Edit: Also why did Ben not just go with the theme? It didn't have to be fried chicken, it could've been chicken-fried steak, whatever meat he wanted with some collards or green beans, like why does he never seem to go with the themes?
  10. I honestly have to wonder if Ana is just a magnet for murder, I mean by showing us that Bonnie was an intern and Frank an assistant (glad to finally know his real job) it seems like whoever is around her just gets sucked in, yet she wasn't there for any of the actual murders. It is just so weird to me, she's the common connection all of these murderers have yet she hasn't actually done anything, at least to our knowledge. I don't blame the Keating 5 for their behavior, I'm not sure how to word it, but I imagine they are feeling a whirlwind of emotions and I'm sure that's clouding their decisions. Connor and Oliver continue to be cute. I wish Michaela had more screen time, the actress is so beautiful IMO and I love her scenes with Connor, they seem to click so well. I also really enjoyed the COTW, I found the concept of forgiveness and taking responsibility really interesting contrasted with the K5. But, I found it interesting even on its own, like I would honestly probably watch a show based on that idea (not sure how that could be a show, but I'd watch it)
  11. I was busy Friday night and came here to read through what happened before watching it from my DVR (what can I say, I live for spoilers) and from what I'd read here I was expecting much worse. Maybe I should preface this by saying I actually do like some seasons that are universally hated (like the family edition). I mean yes there are people who are whiney, but didn't Justin cry the first leg too? He definitely got flack for it as well, but no one was blaming it on his profession. Some people are just more emotional and annoying than others, it is a sad fact of life. I recognized most of the people, or at least had heard of the channels they were a part of, and don't mind most of them. I definitely do go to YouTube for makeup tutorials or information (it never hurts to watch a few swatches before buying something, especially if it's a drugstore product you cannot swatch in the store) but I did not recognize the beauty guru they featured at all, and her voice is very grating. The only real downside I can think of to having a 'celebrity' of any caliber on the race is that people may base their favorite teams off of who they already know and like, but in a way for TAR it doesn't matter because there isn't any kind of voting or donating that drives who wins. But I do know that I already dislike some of the teams (such as Cole and his mom) due to how their content just isn't for me. I am definitely rooting for Darius and his brother right now, it is nice to see that not only are they amusing online, they seem to be competent as well, and while I never learned his name until the episode, I love the guy who does the "magic" on vine, that's some great editing. I used to really like Tyler a few years ago, I've since drifted away from being a big fan of vlog videos, but I still hope he does well and I like how he brought up the fact that people can turn to YouTube or other platforms for examples of people who are like them in the media. I remember a friend in high school saying how they did not realize they were gay for so long just because none of the media their family consumed really had any gay people in them, and when they did they were always portrayed in a negative light. One thing I did not really understand was how they were saying everyone was a social media star, but then it looks like the single mom and daughter team, the SW flight attendant, only had 1 viral video, which is far different than someone like Tyler Oakley with a huge following. Also, am I the only one who missed the prize at the end, or was there not one?
  12. I always think out replies in my head but never actually post anything, so I'm going to give it a try this time: I'm kind of split on the Rocky/Emile thing, on one hand I find Rocky extremely annoying with the ceiling eyes, singing, not doing her job, etc. And the fact that she's flirting with everyone is also getting on my nerves a little, but there were a couple of episodes in a row where she was shown telling Emile "No", and no matter what her reason is for changing her mind people (especially possible partners) should understand that a "Yes" from a couple of days ago does not equal a "Yes" at the current time. Even if her reasons are dumb (which they probably are, I suspect that she just got bored of him once he showed interest) he should still respect the choice. That said, I wouldn't mind if she left the boat. I really wanted to like Leon as a chef, he seems to be more on time than Ben, minus this one charter, but for some reason he just grates. Maybe it's because they keep showing him and Kate, who don't get along, rather than giving him a friendlier edit that would make him look more personable, like the small snippets we've seen of him joking around with the other crew. One thing I didn't understand about the dinner issue was that it seemed that he met with the passengers the day they boarded to talk about menus, but the editing made it appear he waited until the day of the tasting menu to order the food. I understand it not being on the preference sheet, and even if it was on the sheet it may be a situation like Kate had the other week where guests put so much stuff on the sheets that they don't even ask for sometimes that it just gets ignored. But, if the guests said what they wanted on Day 1 when they discussed the food, he should have ordered it on Day 1. Dane drinking all alone was definitely weird, I'd think he'd be on his best behavior to impress his new coworkers but I guess not. I didn't see the 'anger' that Rocky mentioned, I thought it was more of a condescending tone that maybe he thought was joking, which is still annoying. I don't really have a problem with Connie and her food bikinis, I understand that being stuck in a small space makes you go a little crazy, probably moreso if you're stuck with your coworkers. I'm just glad her crazy only seems to come out when there are no guests on the boat, and when she doesn't seem to be working. Edited to add: They may be making fun of the beef cheeks because the crew may get the leftovers? That'd be my only guess. Also this show has convinced me that I'd rather stick with my "Walmart" option of cruises than go on a yacht. I mean besides the toys it just looks kind of boring, at least on a cruise I can go to trivia, some shows, and meet new people if there were bad weather that said we had to stay inside.
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