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Posts posted by RCharter

  1. 4 hours ago, Callaphera said:

    I disagree with a heavy dose of IMO. Only because we've never really seen what Tiffany's game is or what kind of a player she can be. She's been forced to play a reactive game because of the stigma of being Vanessa's sister and because Da'Vonne and others instantly pushed the "she's just like Vanessa" plot. And I'll admit, I've reacted the same way. When Tiffany had her post winegate, post Frank argument cry sessions, I called her Tiffnessa and fell into the same trap. But the truth is, Tiffany isn't Vanessa. She's Vanessa's sister. Their strategy may not be the same, their game play may not be the same, but she really hasn't had a chance to shine. She might not ever get that chance because of her connection to Vanessa. Which is sad. People in the house aren't constantly harping that Paulie is playing Cody's game or constantly bitching that Paulie is just like Cody, watch him pull the same moves his brother did. But they do it to Tiffany and she's had a target on her since Day 1 because of it.

    But, I don't know if Tiffany has done some things to purposefully mimic Vanessa.  I don't know if its because Tiffany has a great amount of respect for Vanessa's gameplay, but from where I sit, she hasn't done much to disabuse people of the notion that she is like Vanessa and therefore might play a Vanessa style game.  

    I think her first, and probably biggest mistake was not just coming clean when Paulie did.  For one, she and Vanessa look a lot a like and there have been sibling "twists" in the past.  Second, there was a chance that one of the HG may have seen the two of them together on social media...especially someone a little more hardcore, like Michelle.  Third, I think she could have been very clear that while she loves her sister, she isn't like her sister and she isn't going to play the game the same way.  Would people have still been suspicious?  Of course....absolutely......but she may have been able to have least created a situation where people gave her a chance.  Instead it was sort of "telephoned" around the house, and Tiffany couldn't control the message, instead she let other people shape the narrative for her.

    I think her second mistake were those tears/breakdown.  I'm still on the fence as to whether or not they were real, but they were a mistake.  As were the bandana and the sunglasses.  Part of Tiffany's strategy should have been to try to play as different a game from Vanessa's as she possibly could in terms of what she let everyone else see.  The more she reminds people of Vanessa, the harder a time she was going to have in that house.

    In light of everything, I think that her issues with Frank may end up being the one thing that can possibly save her.  And I hope it does, but if she stays, I think she needs to re-evaluate how she is playing the game, and maybe course correct.

    • Love 3
  2. 5 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

    Yea I mean really I don't think Tiffany has done anything to make people question her the way they do. She's been nothing but loyal to Fatal 5/8 Pack (minus Frank), which can't even be said for most of the other members, and yet everyone's acting like she's going to break up the alliance and go nuts. Nicole has had bigger freak outs than Tiffany. 

    Day's Vanessa paranoia got the best of her and she transferred it to everyone else. I think Day has realized she needs Tiffany to stay now, but because of her paranoia she's made it impossible to change the course.

    ETA: Nicole just told Corey that Hayden cheated on her. That must've been how he changed after that haircut!

    I certainly don't know as much as you do, so you can correct me if I'm wrong, but I sort of took Tiffany wanting to win POV with the Scrabble thing as going against TEP plan to BD Victor.  

    From what I saw, that was one of the things she did that caused people to distrust her.

    And I might have understood if she hadn't known that Victor was the one who won RK.  I mean, your alliance having a plan to BD you is maybe more reasonable if you think that one of them may have won RK and put you up.  But she knew it was Victor, so I thought her reaction to that was....not optimal.

  3. 12 hours ago, LocalGovt said:

    I think the reason people regain whatever weight they lose is because they look at whatever eating plan they're on as a temporary thing (until I lose the weight), and then once they do, they promptly go back to the way they used to eat, which is what made them overweight in the first place.  The trick is to find a way of eating that  you're prepared to follow for the rest of your life.  Not "a diet", but "your diet" (as in, what you typically eat).

    Whitney is wearing a CPAP machine and needs sex furniture.  She probably needs to plan her sex a week in advance so the tlc crew felt safe.  Although, they probably carry whistles or have a speedy exit plan in the event of spontaneous lovemaking.

    • Love 5
  4. 10 minutes ago, SiobhanJW said:

    Day has been planting seeds about Tiffany the second we saw those Feeds come on & probably prior to it, about how she's like her sister, she's going to crack under pressure, she's this, she's that. A lot of what these other people think Tiffany will/won't do is from Day along with James. 

    Anyone would be stressed out if they were on the block. It's because she's Vanessa's sister that they think she's going to have a monumental breakdown. If she was just a regular houseguest they probably wouldn't think anything of it. They roll their eyes at her and keep asking her if she's okay & if she's going to freak out. She keeps telling them she's fine. But they don't believe her. There have been more instances then I can count when they are in the other room saying she's freaking out and is all nervous- and you flip to the other feed and Tiffany is laughing at something someone said and looks calm as a cucumber. 

    The best part is that I think they are all forgetting is that yes Vanessa was erratic. But she had her core people and they all made it to the end, because they stayed loyal to each other. 

    Nicole has been in a panic more in the last few days then Tiffany has and no one thinks she's annoying or freaking out. 

    All of their Tiffany fears are all because of her sister. Point, Black and the Period. 

    The first time Tiffany was on the block it was ridiculous for her to freak out the way she did.  And the blowback from that....is on her.

    Honestly, part of me thinks she tried using those tears as a strategy, because if you're frustrated and you want to cry there are places to do it so no one else can see it.  But if you think you're going go to use the tears as a way to get something out of people, I think you wait and approach people and then start crying and carrying on.

    And it totally sucks monkey balls for Tiffany if she did use the tears as a strategy, because it totally backfired on her.  But, it means that she may not be the same emotional ball of mess that Vanessa is....however, she has everyone thinking that now.

    Now, with Da'vonne I think it was different, because Frank had just slapped her ass and she was walking towards the room she was heading to already.  So, I think those tears were a natural reaction.  But I felt a little hinky about Tiffany basically going to the HOH room and dropping those tears.

    3 minutes ago, SiobhanJW said:

    As much as I want Tiffany to stay. I think if they REALLY want Frank out, and they want him out next week they unfortunately have to vote out Tiffany if she is still on the block come Thursday. They don't want Frank to suspect something and freak out. James said it earlier this morning, we have to make him think he has control of the game, and if sacrificing Tiffany is what we have to do then it's what we have to do. Granted if she wins POV that is another story, he can't control that.   

    Having said that, I hope Tiffany wins the POV and pulls herself off the block.

  5. 2 minutes ago, mooses said:

    To be fair to the Spy Girls, they were saying how the "just want to make it to jury" is strategy now and they're going to continue harping so they're underestimated.

    yeah, I don't know if I buy it.  I understand the strategy of not gaming super hard as soon as you get into the house, but some of the stuff they do makes me think they aren't entirely serious about the game.

  6. 1 minute ago, Callaphera said:

    If the risk taker has to go outside their alliance to get the numbers, I think they easily become the bigger target. Not always but if you can pull it outsiders to your side and your cause, it gives your original alliance a reason to doubt you. It's part of the danger of it, because no one wants to put up the biggest target or their biggest target and not have them leave. It's easier when you're breaking apart a pair than when you're trying to oust just one person. 

    If the person is already on the outside of the alliance, there's less chance that they become the main target because they'll get picked off eventually, thanks for doing our dirty work, we'll keep you around until we don't need your number anymore but they no longer hold the power.

    If the person is part of the minority alliance, it's a minor blip that week, things continue as normal and the majority alliance accepts eating one of their own to get further ahead but next week, it's back to normal and the minority alliance gets picked off assuming one of them don't win the power combo of HoH and Roadkill.

    I think it would be different if there was a Vanessa or a Derrick in the house. Then we could see some kisser-butters for jury spots. Either of those could arrange for a bigger target to be taken out and slide by for the most part. I don't think we have anyone like that this season. And the few that could have been like that are playing too sloppy (Frank and Da'Vonne). Not to say that Da'Vonne couldn't clean up her game play but Frank is pretty much a dead man walking... eventually.

    (Please note, I suck at strategy. There's a reason why I lose most board games that I play. I'm probably misreading everything but I'm having fun doing it.)

    I think you bring up a lot of good points!  But at this point, I think TEP is still supposed to be a thing (kinda?) and the Fatal Five is a thing (kinda?) and the Spy Girls are a thing.  TEP, or TNP (if you count Paulie) should have the majority of the votes, so it seems like you only need people from the majority alliance and the Spy Girls (who just want to make it to jury).

    And I would think that pulling those outside of the alliance can be justified if you're all agreed to bring down someone for a non-game related reason (in the case of Frank, his disgusting sexism).  At the very least, everyone can just say "you know, the only reason I talked to so and so, about getting such and such out was because he was just so terrible."

    I think Day should push to get Frank out now for a variety of reasons, whether she does it as HOH herself, or whether she does it through a proxy I think now is the time while they can shatter his illusion of power.  

    If she is worried it puts a target on her back, I still think she has people that she can argue should be bigger threats.  Namely, the showmances, as those two person alliances represent a greater % of the house vote.  Michelle, who doesn't have a great social game.  Day may want to use Paul as a "meat shield" if she can stomach him.  He is loud, braggadocios, and seems a little naive about the game.  I think he would be the sort of person who might be talked into putting Frank up as a "big game move" that will make America like him.  

    I also think that she could possibly sell Natalie/Bronte/James on the idea of just getting to jury.  People seem to think James isn't particularly playing to win, and now that he has this 'showmance" he may want to spend time alone in sequester with Natalie

    • Love 3
  7. 1 minute ago, Callaphera said:

    I kind of understand it, though. If you're the one who takes out the biggest target, you become the biggest target. You managed to amass the power and the votes. Sure, you took out the house's target but if you're able to do that, you're able to do it again. No one wants to be the biggest target because then your ass is always on the line. It's easier to remain as a group and hide within its safety and hide behind the biggest target, even though your number could come up to be the Pawn of the Week and pawns are never safe. They are, however, a bit safer than being the main target.

    When the majority of the house is eyeing jury (because hey, you get paid anyway), it gets frustrating. If they were thinking more about being in the final 2 position and being able to answer jury questions like, "What was your biggest move in the house?", you might get more people willing to take risks. Maybe not, I could be wrong. It's a marathon, not a sprint, but sometimes you have to put on the speed and pull ahead for a bit.

    All it takes it one person with a don't give a fuck, I don't care if I rock the boat attitude, most likely an outsider to the main alliance, winning a clutch comp. Normally I'd say it would be an HoH comp but next week, it could be Roadkill assuming that it'll be the end of Roadkill and the team twist after the fifth eviction. Whether the stars align and we actually get that? Eh, probably not. But it would be nice. 

    But on the flip side, with people only wanting to get to jury, does the person who takes out the target become a target, or do they just become the new person that everyone sucks up to just to get to jury?

    • Love 2
  8. 6 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

    Let's say Frank does get evicted, but then wins the Battle Back competition. He's coming back in after HOH has already been picked (Julie said there's a special comp on the Friday to find out who comes back in, and unless they hold off the HOH competition, he won't be eligible for that week). He'd have to win every single veto and HOH after that, and he can only do that so many times. I'd be happy to see him go. If he does come back into the house, he'll have no power. He won't be able to bully people into getting his way because people won't be afraid of him (or they shouldn't).I want Frank gone ASAP. If there's a chance he won't be in jury if he gets evicted, I'm willing to take that chance. If he happens to win his way back, I won't be thrilled, but I'll also know that there's no way he's making it to the finals, unless this turns into another season 13 with the rigging left, right and center to the point where even the general audience member would know how BS it is.

    Exactly, its always a risk/reward scenario.  But the rewards are so much greater than the risks, IMO.

    • Love 3
  9. 7 minutes ago, ClareWalks said:

    Thanks! So true that it is much easier to not bother with it...I always find that when I stop keeping track, I stop making good choices. I'd rather stay thinner than have to "get thinner" again ;)

    precisely.  it does something to see the calories all written down....it really does.

    • Love 2
  10. 6 minutes ago, escape said:

    It has nothing to do with Frank making the finals - which I doubt he will regardless.  He will still end up with another chance in the house.  They can lose Bronti next week. 

    another chance with significantly less power and pull.  

    And that is IF he wins the battle back

    The risk of him winning the battle back with less power and pull is worth the reward of getting him out of the house before he gets further entrenched and is definitely able to make a big impact in the game.

    Now is the time to get Frank out, while the anti-Frank sentiment in the house is high.  At the very least he loses his power and pull.  Even if he were to come back into the competition a week or two after he left by that point alliances shift, everyone sits around shit talking about you, people move on.

    So even if he were to come back, the game will have moved past him.

    • Love 8
  11. 1 hour ago, ClareWalks said:

    Indeed yes to the sustained lifestyle! I have been yo-yoing a lot in recent years, dealing with infertility, then being pregnant. When my baby was 8 months old I started logging everything I eat and walking a lot again. Now it's 7 months later and I'm down 43 lb, and I know I will have to continue to log everything I eat indefinitely, and I'm okay with that. Fortunately there are all kinds of apps out there (I use Lose It) that tell you how many calories you need to lose X amount of pounds a week. It's not a perfect science, obviously, but it's helpful. If a person got into the habit of logging it would be much easier to lose, and to maintain a loss.

    so true about the food diary.  When I logged my food religiously, I was able to lose weight regularly.  Its easier to NOT keep one, but I know I have to get better at the habit.

    Congrats on your weight loss!

    • Love 2
  12. 10 minutes ago, escape said:

    Who are the "they" you are referring to here?  They are all inter twind in variance alliances.  What happens if Category 4 wins HOH again?  It's not as simple as it sounds. 

    Everyone in Cat 4 besides Frank should be throwing the HoH if the plan is to get Frank out.  

    Frank is not put up as an initial nominee.  Instead put up Bridgette/Paulie/Corey.  Or even just Bridgette + someone else.

    If Frank is picked to play in POV and he wins (right now they have the best chance of him not being picked to play POV because there are more people in the house).  But if Frank is picked to play in POV and keeps the nominations the same, then you at least can get rid of Bridgette and take away an ally from Frank

    If Frank is not picked to play in POV than you have whomever wins POV take down the "someone else" that has been nominated with Bridgette.  Frank goes up as replacement nominee.

    Either way -- you take out Frank, or you take out Bridgette.  In a perfect world you take out Frank.  But even if the plan goes sideways, you get Bridgette out and the "spy girls" are more open to be picked up by "anti Frank" camp without Bridgette around.

    • Love 5
  13. 8 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

    Sometimes, I wonder why people get so fearful of attacking a bigger threat player. If you know people feel the same way that you do, shouldn't it not matter whether or not said threat is angry at you? There's a fear about Frank getting angry if he finds out. Ok, he can possibly win HOH and be safe next week. But there's more people that could win than Frank. He can't go after all of you in one week, and you can band together and, you know, not enable him and do what he wants. He wants Tiffany out? Torture him by getting someone else out. Maybe it'll throw him off his game during HOH. I guess it just always confuses me when people are like "We need to get this person out, and we have the majority agreeing.....but let's not do it right now. He might win HOH and come after us'. 

    They should absolutely be putting up Bridgette and maybe Corey/Paulie next week, if they can. Then, BD Frank if you have the opportunity. If not, get out Bridgette or someone that Frank is using/benefiting from having around. Done.

    Agree, not to mention that the opportunity to BD Frank becomes slimmer and slimmer as the weeks pass.

    He has a much higher likelihood of getting picked for veto as there are fewer players in the house.  

    I think now is the time to really make a move against him.  There is an anti-Frank sentiment in the house, and the newbies have a very "go with the house" attitude.  I think Bridgette/Corey/Paulie is probably the best deal because they will be more invested in saving themselves than saving Frank.

    • Love 6
  14. 59 minutes ago, mooses said:

    I think Day would, but only in a RK situation - actually her original plan was crazier, wasn't it? Like nominate James with RK, he will win Veto, put up Frank.

    Tiffany would do it an bathe in all the blood. And if she fails, he hates her anyway. He'll think it's just her. Everyone else is going to be scared to be the one blamed for it, so it's going to have to be a meticulous plan. It will be harder than Vic, because, like this week, they couldn't get everyone on board and had to cross their fingers.

    ETA: There's no way Tiffany would be going if Da'Vonne didn't hate her sister.

    I don't even think the RK should be a factor in getting Frank out.  

    I don't see how it would matter who went up as RK nominee because that person should never be the target.

    I think if Frank goes out, it should be traditional BD style.  Its risky, but I think its really the only way.  Initial nominees should be Bridgette + someone else.

    This would ensure that the rest of the spy girls will be okay with the plan to BD Frank, since it will save Bridgette.  

    Whoever wins veto takes down "someone else."  If Frank gets picked to play veto and wins, at least you can get rid of Bridgette, thereby weakening Frank.

    Trying to take out Frank later BD style is riskier because there is a smaller pool of people to play for the veto.

    • Love 5
  15. 1 hour ago, DakotaLavender said:

    I find it weird that Da'Vonne is constantly in the DR and some of the other HGs are never in there giving their opinions for the viewers. Has Natalie ever been in there talking her game strategy? Or Michelle? 

    The episode seems so manipulated by the producers to subliminally point to their favorites. 

    I don't know, does Natalie have a lot of game strategy to share?  The strategy of her alliance mostly seems to be....boyz!  Flirt with boyz! Bake boyz cookies!

    I think Natalie might see what her other alliance members don't see, but how much can she do with that information right now?  I'm glad to see that she may be able to align herself with James though.

    I think they primarily use Bronte for terrible math puns.

    • Love 2
  16. I think the reason people regain whatever weight they lose is because they look at whatever eating plan they're on as a temporary thing (until I lose the weight), and then once they do, they promptly go back to the way they used to eat, which is what made them overweight in the first place.  The trick is to find a way of eating that  you're prepared to follow for the rest of your life.  Not "a diet", but "your diet" (as in, what you typically eat).

    I think thats a great point.  Jillian Michaels made it her lifestyle, and in the thread that I posted people who lost that weight seemed to have to commit to a lifestyle.   And even now, I have 20 lbs to lose, I was down 15 and gained almost another 3 just for eating thai food on july 4th, missing a few step classes, and going pretty crazy on some hummus and chocolate.

    I think the idea of sustained change to lifestyle is super key....and....an attitude that is borderline vigilant.

    • Love 4
  17. 4 hours ago, Barb23 said:

    Good for you & continued success in your weight loss.  I think you have a point about how people carry themselves & I'm going to add how they dress makes a difference.  We know Whit dresses the way she does to draw attention to herself.  But if she would cover up more, look neater & not wear skin tight clothing all the time showing all her flab & rolls, I think people wouldn't make fun of her as much.  Does she have any other pants than skin tight leggings (in the color red no less)?  Or she could wear a higher neckline shirt so that every time she leans over her cleavages aren't exposed to the world, like during the job interview.  Like someone else noticed, she wasn't wearing any make up at the parade & that wasn't a good look for her esp since she was front & center of her group. 

    It wasn't!  And in this, I partially blame her friends for continually crowing that she looked great.  I know what its like to want to be a supportive friend, but she wasn't even asking if she looked good and the great lot of them were insisting that she looked amazing.  If a friend asks you, point blank, how they look, I can understand fibbing.  I always figure people look the way they want to look, so do they really want to know what I think?  And if they do, I just try to think of whether or not they look good for their personal style (my friends and I each have a different personal style).

    However, I do think that at Whitney's size there is little she can do to cover up at this point.  There aren't Spanx!  or a waist trainer that is going to fool the eye.  She isn't going to look appreciably different if she just wears a well tailored dress.....so I guess she should wear whatever.

    I DO however, take exception to anyone going to work....laying on the floor and having people touch them.  That is not acceptable for anyone.

    • Love 7
  18. 2 hours ago, aliya said:

    I guess I missed that Whit uses a CPAP. Good lord - she's a young person. You'd think that would be a wake up call to do something about the weight.  I don't know about PCOS, and I gather it is hard to lose and keep weight off, but I bet Whit could get down to 220 or so - still big, but better off than she is now. 

    Maybe it's me being older, maybe because I'm mindful of how I look being 'plump,' but I don't get her clothes. I keep thinking that maybe she dresses that way because they are in the south and it's hot, but surely she could wear a short sleeve rather than a tank? I agree with earlier posters that how you dress and carry yourself can make a difference. I have a friend who is probably Whit's weight, but carries it more in the front instead of her hips. She has a responsible position and dresses well for work and church all the time. I'm sure she has to wear an extended plus size, but she obviously takes the time to find clothes that suit her. I'd hire her in a minute. Whit, not so much.  As an aside, she had WLS and though she lost a lot of weight, is still massively overweight years later. 

    btw - I have an electric scale where the numbers jiggle around until they finalize. Last night I dreamt that when I got on, they were moving around like crazy and finally stopped at 510! It woke me up. I gotta stop watching these weight-based shows. : )

    LOL...were you dating a giant beard in this dream nightmare?

    I agree that Whit at 220, would be so much healthier than a Whit at nearly 400 pounds.  As a bonus, from my understanding, the weight loss can help with the symptoms of PCOS

    • Love 5
  19. 5 hours ago, LocalGovt said:

    I think the reason people regain whatever weight they lose is because they look at whatever eating plan they're on as a temporary thing (until I lose the weight), and then once they do, they promptly go back to the way they used to eat, which is what made them overweight in the first place.  The trick is to find a way of eating that  you're prepared to follow for the rest of your life.  Not "a diet", but "your diet" (as in, what you typically eat).

    Posted reply in small talk since I think @OnceSane is about ready to strangle us for getting OT!

    My apologies @OnceSane, but girl, you know it is so easy to go OT when it comes to this show!  We're all trying girl, thanks for being patient!

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