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Princess Lucky

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Posts posted by Princess Lucky

  1. 23 hours ago, festivus said:

    This one was pretty funny. I always love Nick Offerman. This was the first time I thought that Debra Messing actually had the character of Grace right since the reboot. Hope that continues.

    Agreed! Finally, we got Grace. It took a while, but she was worth the wait. DM was hilarious, and I love that a food-related episode did it (how appropriate), I loved her bigger moments (chugging the wine, sitting on the pillows awkwardly, etc) but even the smaller one-liners were perfect (I loved "I eat his bread all the time!). She felt so natural and vibrant, and she was a joy to watch.

    23 hours ago, TaxNerd said:

    Will and Grace slowly raising their hands at "Who's feeling horny...", then adding "for bread" and Grace's hand shoots up cracked me up.

    That was amazing.

    This was the funniest episode of the season so far, for me. I laughed out loud many times, and I even liked the Jack/Karen subplot which was thin on paper but very well acted (those two are fantastic at physical comedy). And I agree that the last bit between Megan Mullaly and Nick Offerman was a cute little addition, they didn't dwell but it was fun to see them together, even for a few seconds.

    Also, Eric McCormack truly is ageless. And gorgeous. And on point. He "had" Will from the start, and now it seems all of his co-stars have caught up to him, so I hope the remaining episodes this season are all as entertaining as this week's episode.

    Update: I have been humming "trucks for tykes" for the past 20 minutes. Send help.

    • Love 11
  2. 43 minutes ago, Artsda said:

    Loved the photo wall and that it included Kono and Chin. They wouldn't be able to use their images without the actors approval, so it made me happy to see that.

    13 minutes ago, LotusFlower said:

    I don't think that's true.  

    I think it might be true. I recall the mess when Charmed ended, and they did not include one single picture of Prue (Shannen Doherty) in the finale because she wouldn't let them, or they didn't want to pay her, or they couldn't afford to pay her, or something dramatic like that (and that was glaring because the character was an original cast member and the sister of all the other main characters). I think if it's footage already used in a prior episode, it can be re-used, but an actual picture requires permission and some sort of compensation (because it is the likeness of the actor).

    I just checked DDK's twitter to see if maybe he said anything, but he hasn't tweeted in a few days. He did, however, post a very classy tweet saying he was happy H50 seems likely to be renewed. So I think it's very possible he would agree to this, especially because the picture was used in a very sweet context. Either way, I sure hope CBS didn't use his picture without asking.

    • Love 1
  3. I loved this episode! I've been slacking this season, because it didn't feel right to go back to watching this show as if nothing ever happened (I'm of course referring to DDK and Grace Park leaving because CBS didn't value them enough) but the premise of this episode sounded too good to pass up.

    This was the first time I saw Tani and Junior, and I loved them both (Tani especially), plus I loved the idea of them together (I was happy to see them "married" in the fantasy and I don't even know anything about them, heh). I still couldn't help thinking how much cheaper this guy must be than DDK, but that's my issue with CBS, not these actors themselves. And I agree, the way Steve and Danny reacted to their flirting was hilarious.

    Danny's fantasies ranged from adorable to moving to hilarious, and I loved how fitting they were. At first I was ready to get mad because for Grace we saw a wedding (because that's what girls do?) and for Charlie we saw a professional moment (him becoming a cop) but the writers saved it with the mention of Danny's granddaughter joining the force. And I have to admit that seeing Grover in that setting (because Grace was marrying his son) plus seeing Danny in "father of the bride" mode was extremely worth it. And the old age makeup on Steve and Danny? That was awesome! That entire scene was so good. I love that this is how Danny envisions his future.

    I was impressed with Andrew Lawrence, I think he almost stole the episode. And I was even more impressed the writers remembered that Danny has family on the island. And it's always nice to see Adam, the fantasy scene with his and Kono's baby was lovely. Scott Caan always does so well in these human/sweeter scenes.

    AOL was also fantastic, though. He really did have tears in his eyes for a while there (the emotion plus the adrenaline plus the tension I suppose) and the bit about his hair was pretty funny as well.

    I've always been a fan of Scott Caan, and I always love the episodes that focus on Danny a little more (which this didn't, exactly, but it also kind of did). That said, the entire Tani-as-McGyver situation, and the doctor talking Steve through a medical procedure, and the bomb squad outside with Grover, that was all a whole lot of fun. I would have enjoyed the episode even without the fantasy sequences, but they were the cherry on top.

    Now that I know I like Tani and Junior, and Adam's back, I think I'll go back and watch some of the episodes I've missed. The show felt good, and fun, like last season, so I'm hoping I'll find more to enjoy.

    • Love 5
  4. 2 hours ago, Happy Harpy said:

    That's what they call "knocking the socks off" the audience? Alex dying in a random accident? She wasn't involved in the conspiracy neither did she discover anything that could have cost her her life, there's no potential scandal or repercussion to deal with, no shock wave affecting all the storylines...just, the President is now widowed?

    FYI, dear Kiefer since you were the main PR person for this one, this is such a tired cliché that Blue Bloods, of all shows, pulled a similar trick in its season premiere.

    I couldn't get myself to watch a single episode this season. Hookstraten is gone and from what I gathered, Aaron is barely there, Emily with Seth (?!) and insufferable, Kiefer still President Carebear, Hannah still in a kind of parallel universe; I just found no incentive. But from the way they hyped it, I expected a huge shake-up, a game-changer on every level, and I kept on reading just in case DS delivered on its promise, for once. 

    It didn't. Imo, this show is never going to be anything but anti-climatic. Too bad, they do have a great cast.


    24 minutes ago, Danielg342 said:

    I didn't see this episode, but, knowing the spoilers, I knew Alex was a goner. I personally hoped she'd be part of The Conspiracy or that she'd simply divorce Tom and take her kids with her.

    To know that she was killed in a freak accident, all just to give President Tommy Stu manpain...well, talk about anticlimactic.

    Maybe in the 1970s this could have worked, but today? Forget about it.

    It's just more "drama for the sake of drama" and it just reaffirms my decision to leave this trainwreck behind.

    My thoughts exactly.

    I watched this episode (a decision I regret) after not watching all season (a decision I do not regret) out of curiosity for that "big event" that was going to change the fabric of the show, the event that's "never been done before in a drama" and the event which would rival the show's pilot in terms of tragedy, and whatever else Kiefer and the showrunners promised.

    That was it? Pass.

    Also, my opinion on the British guy is even worse now that I've watched him. He's not even that hot (certainly not hot enough for Maggie Q) and he should have stayed dead.

    And is Aaron even still on the show? I'm glad I didn't keep watching just to look at his new hair. It would have been a waste of my time.

    I lament this show's wasted potential but dropping it was the right choice.

    • Love 10
  5. Such a polarizing episode!

    Put me in the "I almost fell asleep" camp. When it came to the "Christmas story" I, too, only chuckled at a couple of moments (most of them involving Beverly Leslie and Karen's kids/Smitty) but the rest (accents included, save for Karen's) fell flat. The present day scenes were funnier to me, weirdly. I laughed out loud at "no table for old men" and "Santa's just another old white perv we once trusted". And they all looked great, Karen especially. That red coat paired with the red lip? Gorgeous.

    Overall, I was a little disappointed because I was looking forward to this "special" episode, but I'm still enjoying the show as a whole.

  6. 13 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

    I`m seriously thinking of randomly telling people "Happy Beebo Day" just to see if I can sniff out any other fans. Or just laugh at peoples confused expressions. 

    Same here!

    On 6/12/2017 at 6:28 AM, dippydee said:

    I love this cast so much. All the combinations work. Zari and Jax were cute bonding over video games, Mick and Leo were fun as they reached an understanding with the new versions of themselves. The writers must love that they can put almost any two characters together in a scene and it works because the whole crew has a real sense of familiarity and togetherness.

    Absolutely agreed. That's the best part of this show, and why it doesn't get stale. The characters all have distinctive personalities so when they are mixed-and-matched (if you will) the writers have a lot to work with, and the actors are all charming and affable. I'm always looking forward to the episodes which give us "uncommon" or new pairings (like Ray/Zari or Mick/Nate or Amaya/Zari).

    I just thought of something about Ava, and her softer attitude in this episode. I think it's possible she was a little shaken because Rip was in prison (when she said that, she definitely seemed upset). She's worked with him for years, she saw him as a leader, she believed in his cause, and then she had to watch as a person she admired (and probably liked as a friend) was thrown in prison because of some wild conspiracy theory which might actually be real. At this point, it's understandable that she'd be more willing to disobey the Time Bureau because, to her, Rip was the Time Bureau, and now that they turned against him she might feel resentful and rebellious. So I think her turn-around as a character makes perfect sense. Especially if you add the fact she's a little sweet on Sara (and who wouldn't be).

    I think her (relative) friendliness and willingness to be part of the team was definitely because she wanted to rebel against the Time Bureau, but the fact she let her hair down was because of Sara. That's how I interpret Ava's actions in this episode.

    • Love 8
  7. First things first: the fact Neal McDonough can slap on that wig and utter those lines and do it with a mostly straight face, and not come off as ridiculous, is a true testament to his talent. I love having him back and I love the amount of him we're getting. Not too much, not too little. Just enough for him to still be an enjoyable presence. And with Constantine appearing, Demian and all his magical gifts certainly fit in. I totally agree that I don't want the show to focus too much on magic, but I'd be fine with a small arc lasting a few episodes. As long as we get back to basics later on.

    18 hours ago, Maelstrom said:

    Amaya and Nate’s sneaking poses when everyone looked over was something straight out of a cartoon, in a good way. And Ray as Beebo might just have won the episode. “Jesus is the one true god but science and religion are still real! And so is global warming!” Ray is just a delight. Also, he made a pretty damn good Viking. All of them did, really.......


    18 hours ago, Lugal said:

    The high point was Ray as Beebo, lecturing on science and global warming, and Sara's montage of plans, even the ones that ended in her death.  Also Amaya and Nate getting caught in the middle of their sneaking pose.  I think I'm even warming to Ava too.

    Agreed x1000. Amaya and Nate, both their poses and their lines, had me rewinding that moment several times. Amaya's face when she guiltily whispered "I accidentally squeezed him?" Maisie is so good. And Ray as Beebo? I thought they somehow crafted a remote-controlled Beebo, Ray didn't even cross my mind. When they showed him inside the thing I lost it.

    I am officially in love with Ava. I think it's the actress. She is so appealing (and not just in her Viking get-up). From the start, I thought she brought an underlying fire to a seemingly uptight character, and some vulnerability too (we saw she was upset by Rip's actions and fate), so when she got to literally let her hair down and join up with the team, it felt earned. And the sweet way she told Sara "you needed me"? Not to mention, Sara's, like, entire face lighting up every time they interacted? I ship it 100%.

    I can't believe we're losing Jax too. I was not prepared, and I shed a little tear for him. I will miss him, and the dynamics he shared with the rest of the team, especially Sara. But also, it'll be less bittersweet. There will be no Firestorm, no Stein replacement, and I guess that's respectful. I just hope Franz was the one who wanted to leave. I did love his second goodbye with Stein. The actor who played Young Stein did a lovely job echoing some of Victor Garber's gravitas and sweetness. And his going away/Xmas party was lovely. I hope we see him again someday.

    Zari continues to be a great addition to the show, but she also contibnues to question Sara's authority as well as the general rules of time travel, so I'm expecting that storyline to come to a head at some point. I like how they're planting the seeds over the course of several episodes and playing the long game. Zari seems to fit in almost too well, but deep down she hasn't fully embraced what it means to be a Legend.

    Also, Nate continues to be the comic relief (the Stein puppet, "he's so damn huggable," the Demian quip) without actually screwing things up, so I fully like him again. I even liked his little shared look with Amaya. It felt mature. It was a nice enough acknowledgment of their previous relationship, without any of the drama. Keep it up, show!

    11 hours ago, Mellowyellow said:

    ADORED the Leo and Mick conflict/issues. It was such a great way to build on the Heatwave/Captain Cold relationship and show us how much it meant without being hamfisted. LoT shows you and makes you feel things, other shows beat you on the head with it hoping you will give up and submit to what they are selling you! 

    Yep. An overly talkative and emotion-sharing Leo was everything, and his admission that he was looking to alleviate his own loss (that of "Micky") was sweet. Made better only by Mick's responding growl, of course. WM and DP always manage to bring so much emotion to their scenes, you can really feel the camaraderie they share.

    This episode managed to combine a pretty hilarious "main" plot (the Vikings and Demian) with a few fun teasers for the rest of the season (Mallus, Rip's imprisonment, Constantine), and a lot of much needed character work (Sara and Ava, Jax and Stein, Leo and Mick, Jax and Sara/the team), and they did it in an impressively coherent way. Kudos.

    February, huh? I am really going to miss this show until then, but I think it'll be worth the wait.

    • Love 8
  8. On 1/12/2017 at 1:23 AM, GHScorpiosRule said:

    Oh, hey there @Princess Lucky! {waving} Too bad you gave up Arrow, cuz this season they have EVUHL FINCH!!!

    Hi @GHScorpiosRule !! I am this close to watching Arrow again, solely for Michael Emerson. I haven't decided yet, but I'm seriously contemplating searching for his scenes on youtube. I adore him, I've loved him since Lost, I LIVED for him on Person of Interest, and seeing him as a villain again must be so much fun. I am tempted!

    19 hours ago, Starfish35 said:

    Stein's death hit me a lot harder than I was expecting.  I was totally spoiled for it, so I knew it was coming, but I didn't just tear up, I was actually sobbing.  And then started crying again during the funeral.  I was a mess when the show was over.  Maybe that's part of why I have no particular feelings regarding the wedding, other than I was fine with it and that's it.  I had no feelings to spare.

    I totally agree. I full-on sobbed when Stein died, and I wept during the funeral (Ray's face and Caitlin's mention of Ronnie really did me in, as did the Jax/Clarissa/Lilly hug), so when the weddings happened I was still wiping away my tears and thinking "Who? What? Oh okay. That's nice I guess."

    18 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

    Hahahah, I was on the Legends Reddit (I know, Reddit is a hot mess) and some guy who doesn't want the show much posted something like "If this is supposed to be the fun show, WHY ARE MY CHEEKS SO WET?!?!", which, yeah it is the most fun of the shows, but it also has so much heart! I truly hope this crossover brings more people over here, it deserves more love.

    Absolutely agreed. Legends is just perfect in the way it combines humor and heart. And the reason it succeeds in both of those aspects is sincerity. Earnestness. The humor is dorky, and the characters know it (and the actors know it too). And the heart, the emotional scenes, they're earnest and loving and caring and the show doesn't shy away from that to preserve a character's "badassery" or whatever. It all just feels so genuine. I think the writing is somehow better, and the treatment of all the characters is definitely better and more balanced (especially the women), and the team dynamics are better explored, and the weekly time jump premise really helps the season progress without ever getting stale, and the cast is full of charming/endearing performers, so the show has a lot going for it in general, but the most important thing to me is that sincerity. That's why I'm emotionally invested in these dorks. Why I care what happens to them. Why I laugh and cry as I watch.

    • Love 4
  9. 3 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

    I totally feel like Nate planned that "Who needs an army when you have legends" line as the team was flying over, and was just so pumped to say something so cool. 

    Nate: "So, when I open the cells, I`m gonna say "Who needs heroes when you have legends!"

    Ray: "Thats SO AWESOME!" *high five*

    Zari: "You are both ridiculous...you should substitute army for heroes, it sounds cooler."

    Nate: "YES!"

    Oh my God, YES. That's what I'm talking about.

    And that's why I love the Legends. I was looking at the promo pics for the next episode, and I swear I was more entertained by that handfull of still pictures than I was while watching the crossover (and I liked the crossover!). They just bring me such joy.

    • Love 3
  10. Re: Thawne, I have to say, I'm glad he wasn't played by Matt Letscher. I somehow have come to love his version of the RF because of his practically endearing portrayal on Legends last season (his episode with Ray alone, with them bonding, that was enough to earn my love), whereas I see Tom Cavanagh's version of Thawne as a horrendous villain (probably because he killed Cisco). So I'm glad Cavanagh played the Nazi ally, if that makes sense. I can keep hating "that" Thawne and still like the "other" Thawne who was hilarious and even likeable at times. Maybe it's because The Flash is more black&white whereas Legends is based around a group of flawed characters, and sometimes the villains get that same treatment. Either way, though, we didn't get Evil Barry because Savitar was a total dud last season, and they weren't about to repeat that mess.

    2 hours ago, Sakura12 said:

    I don't watch all four shows just Flash and Legends, and now just Legends because I just can't with the Flash anymore. I knew the gist of what was going with the other shows. I didn't mind this crossover I thought it was better than last years. However I'm glad it's over so I can watch a show that focus' on the characters I care about, the Legends. 

    I agree. Hell, I only watch Legends and I liked this crossover. I'm not totally unfamiliar with the other shows, of course. I watched S1 of Supergirl (but then Callista left and so did I), I watched the first couple of seasons of Arrow (but then I got sick of it), and I used to watch The Flash until this season (I dropped it and i don't miss it). That's why I liked the "one movie" format. It meant I could follow along and watch the whole thing. I only watched the Legends episode of last year's crossover (which I barely even remember) so it was just a wasted episode for me. This season, I was able to watch this "special" event without having to worry too much about the other shows or even the other characters. Again, I wish we had seen more of the Legends (Amaya, Zari, Ray and Nate in particular, since we got plenty of the others, and I'm glad for that) but I enjoyed this just fine. I'd prefer it if they stuck with this format from now on.

    That said, I definitely can't wait to get back to the Legends. Again, I'm familiar with the other characters, and I have my favorites and the ones I dislike (which made certain parts of this crossover a pain to trudge through), but watching this last episode I was struck by my own sense of joy when the Legends showed up. I found myself cheering at their cheesy one-liners and their legitimate badassery and my own surprise that they didn't actually screw anything up this time. None of the other characters from the other shows gave me that happy feeling. I just love my Legends.

    • Love 3
  11. Yeahhhh.... I'm just going to talk about the Legends (the only show I regularly watch and care about).

    Not enough Legends, not even in the fourth hour, but I liked that Mick was the one Legend who participated in most of the proceedings (other than Sara and Firestorm, of course) and his little connection with Caitlin was surprisingly fun. I just wish we had gotten more of Amaya and Zari, too. That little team-up between them and Killer Frost was amazing though, and I'm really happy the Legends all popped up in the end (especially Ray and Nate) like the badass rescuers, as opposed to the screw-ups.

    Victor Garber is a gem, and an incredible actor, and his death scene had me sobbing. He will be missed. But he's also better than this, heh. That said, he did get to have a lot of fun as a performer (to our viewing pleasure) so I'd like to think it was worth it. We (and the CW) were lucky to have him for this long. I really wanted Stein to live and go back to his family, but that would have made his exit a lot less heroic (or should I say "legendary"), so I guess I'm fine with it (she said through her tears).

    I'm just glad the show gave us reactions from Jax, Clarissa and Lilly, but also Ray. Ray was always close to "Marty" and I'm glad the writers didn't forget that. Same for Caitlin, actually. So that was good.

    Also good? Leo! He was so hilarious and, dare I say, cute? And he's sticking around? Yes please. I loved him with The Ray (and I'm not the biggest fan of Russell Tovey, but even I have to admit I liked him in this). I'm always up for more Wentworth Miller.

    One last thing: this entire crossover felt like a concentrated effort to stomp all over the very notion of a Bechdel test. That's why Legends is the only thing I watch. Keep the boyfriend drama out of my shows please.

    • Love 12
  12. Another very good episode. This season is shaping up to be even better than the last, and I couldn't be happier.

    Mick is my unabashed favorite (though I do love every single character, which almost never happens), and I have always maintained that Dominic Purcell is a very underrated actor, so I was glad to see such an emotional (for Mick's standards) Mick-centric episode. Great casting for his dad, too. Those moments between them, they worked so well. DP was as subtle as he could be, and he even made me tear up at the end there. I loved seeing how affected he was, and how he was able to understand his father better through this experience. Dominic Purcell really is fantastic, and I'll keep saying it. I still think that the single best acting we've seen in this entire show is that Mick/Captain Cold scene in the S1 finale, after Cold has sacrificed himself and Mick sees him "one last time" and says "you're the best guy I ever knew." DP's face during that whole scene was just everything.

    And I'll also join the chorus of the people who enjoyed the Mick/Nate interactions. After a rough intro, I developed a soft spot for Nate, mostly due to Nick Zano's inherent (at least to me, an erstwhile viewer of What I Like About You) charm. I agree that the writers often dumb him down (which does him no favors), and he's also frequently used as the comic relief (which is fine, because he is hilarious), but Serious Nate is definitely the best Nate. The episode with Nate watching his grandfather's death and later meeting his own (teenage, at the time) father, was so good because Zano was allowed to play it straight, which he does surprisingly well. I was glad to see the same for this week's episode. Mick needed a friend, and I liked seeing that Nate was able to be that for him, without acting like a total idiot. That handshake was earned.

    Plus, switching up the character pairings is fun, and I think this season has given us quite a few winners already, in Amaya/Zari, Ray/Zari and Mick/Nate. The classics are good, of course, but it's nice to see the dynamics expand. 

    That said, one small gripe I had with this episode was the fragmented storytelling. There were, like, three plotlines too many. We had Mick/Mick's Dad/Nate, Amaya/Zari/Ray/Grodd/villagers, we had Jax and LBJ, and also Stein/Geniuses. It was all fun, but maybe not in the same episode.

    17 hours ago, Delphi said:

    I think its pretty obvious that the anachronisms are largely,  now at least,  centered around the legends.  

    I loved how they threw that out there without explaining it just yet. I guess it's because the legends broke time in the first place, but could it also be a sign that only the legends can fix it, instead of the Time Bureau?

    Second funniest thing in the episode: the way Damien Darhk spoke to Grodd. Neal McDonough is a delight.

    Funniest thing in the episode: Jax and Nate being equally offended when Ray dissed the pecan pie Jax's mother made. I still laugh when I think about Jax enjoying the awesome sandwiches Nate's mom made in Doomworld back in S2, so I'd like to think this display of solidarity was a callback to that moment.

    • Love 4
  13. 5 hours ago, saber5055 said:

    Drusilla sums it up best: The whole five seasons have been bullshit. Did Ryan Eggold get a new show? Then he's really dead.

    Apparently he's currently filming a Spike Lee movie, which will surely be a better use of his talents.

    I have been held captive by this show long enough. I was curious to see if we'd ever get closure on Redemption (which I really liked), but there's no point in wondering now. So I can finally drop it without consequences. Call me if they ever bring Famke back to react to her son's death.

    No wait, there is one more thing I'm curious about, but I'm sure we'll never get a straight answer, so it makes no difference if I watch or not: where the hell is Agnes?

  14. 43 minutes ago, Jediknight said:

    Yeah, I didn't even realize that the guys had been sidelined, and the work was being done by the women, until somebody on Reddit mentioned it was a better girl-power episode than The Flash about 45 minutes in.  I'm just so used to Sara and Amaya kicking major ass, that it didn't resonate with me.

    That right there. That's why this show gets it right. The women aren't sidelined week after week, until the one episode per season when they get to "kick ass" (except not really). They kick ass all the time.

    31 minutes ago, ItCouldBeWorse said:

    Since they didn't appear to erase Hedy's memory of meeting them, were her inventions supposed to be inspired by Firestorm? Would she have thought of them on her own?  Did they create more time ripples?

    I was waiting for them to erase her memory! But I think she was already well on her way to becoming an inventor, she made that offhand remark about redirecting phone calls when she was answering phones, and she was the one who figured out how to "fix" Firestorm, so I think maybe they let her keep her memory as a way to keep her motivated? To show her that future technology would be worth her time and effort? Or, I don't know, maybe they just did it so Stein could get his kiss and keep it, to which I say "good choice."

    • Love 5
  15. What an episode. I loved every minute of it.

    I agree that the timing could have hurt it, what with all the recent Hollywood revelations, but I actually thought the show handled it well. They didn't go into sexual harrassment/assault specifically (that would have been too dark, perhaps), but they totally addressed the objectification of women, and the fact producers saw them as property. I think there were enough jabs, even if they were throwaway lines (like Zari's "Equal opportunities? Um..."), to consider this episode a lighthearted yet pointed commentary on the situation.

    Thankfully, the show gave a sympathetic portrayal to Helen herself (she was not some manipulator, just a cursed woman, literally, who was trying to make the best of her situation), and they also focused on Hedy Lamarr, not for her looks but for her brains. She literally saved the day. As did the ladies on the team. The show managed to be inoffensive as they sidelined all the (dumb) dudes (except Martin, who wasn't just taken by some hottie, he was also drawn to a woman's mind), in favor of having the women take care of business. The men were almost endearingly useless, and the women kicked ass and inspired Helen of Troy to become a warrior herself. The ending on Themiscyra brought a tear to my eye.

    I have to say, like many said it above, the Flash did a "ladies' night" episode (#feminism, literally) and they promoted the hell out of it because it was so unique for them to give screentime to women, and it was about a bachelorette party, and it involved woo-ing and stilted conversations between women who are barely friends, and Barry being a weirdo, whereas the Legends found a great way to sideline the men (Helen's curse, not her fault or theirs), and to perfectly utilise the female characters by showcasing their bond, but also their independence. Which is why I love having Zari on the team. The Helen/Zari interactions were lovely, and Helen's reaction when she saw Sara and the ladies were warriors (not to mention that wink!) was so fun to watch. And so much better than I expected.

    Also better than I expected? The body swap. It was everything I ever wanted. I laughed throughout. Best line, other than all the pee stuff, was "you can just say black!" I remain impressed by the way this show always gets it right.

    The pee stuff was great too, though. Mick going to (hopefully) pee too? I snorted.

    I thought the entire Martin/Hedy subplot was so sweet, both Martin's infatuation/admiration and Jax and his teasing. And the kiss, and her saying "I prefer older men?" Yes! The Firestorm-centric episodes are always so heartwarming, possibly because of Victor Garber's presence and overall vibe, and they always end up being my favorites.

    And I loved seeing so much more of Kuasa. I can't wait to see how Amaya processes this. I'm just glad she didn't take it out on Ray. That was such a mature moment between them, he decided to tell her despite the risks, and she understood why he hadn't told her all this time. Communication! Team bonding!

    Lastly, it's always great to see Sara kick ass. I agree with the above comments, I was half-expecting her to be affected by Helen too, but the curse only applied to men (which made the Themiscyra ending possible, since you can't tell me there aren't and WLW on that island, heh).

    5 hours ago, Miss Dee said:

    I didn't see Neal MacD in his Arrow run - by all accounts he seems much more enjoyable here?

    This applies literally to any character who has ever appeared on Arrow and then moved to LoT (Ray especially, but also Damien and, in my opinion, Sara, who truly came into her own when she joined this show). I am loving Damien Darhk with his full, intact memories and powers. Last season, he was also hugely entertaining (that almost high-five with Nate is a classic) but almost dumbed down, or weakened (literally) because the Reverse Flash was the "main" villain. This season, we're getting the Full Darhk, and it's glorious. And hilarious. The way he cackled after realizing the body swap? I cackled along with him.

    This season is everything I hoped it would be (I was hoping for "Season 2 but even more wacky and awesome", and I'm getting it). And Zari's addition to the team has to be one of the most seamless integrations of a character that I've ever seen. It's like she's always been there. 

    I. love. this. show.

    • Love 15
  16. Such a fun episode. This season is looking better and better every week (and next week looks even better!).

    I loved seeing Rip again, even if he betrayed the team. His Sherlock Holmes bit was endearing. I hope he can keep recurring throughout the season, I don't mind his absence/the fact he's not a regular, but when he's there he really elevates the episodes, and his dynamic with Sara is too strong to be ignored. Also, I agree with the comments above, I liked seeing that Ava seemed personally hurt/upset by his actions, that was a small detail that gave us some insight into her. I love having antagonists which are, at least on some level, likeable.

    Mick is the best. End of story.

    They better not find a way to separate Firestorm, only to have Stein die, five minutes before they can enact it. His little grandkid needs him, and he needs to go back. But, in the meantime, I'm down for Evil Stein with a mustache and an accent. Victor Garber was fantastic.

    5 hours ago, johntfs said:

    Also, Blechdel test passed.  We had Amaya and Zari having an in-depth conversation that had nothing at all to do with male love interests.

    My thoughts exactly. Even Sara and Zari had a similar moment (though they weren't alone in the scene). I do hope we see more of them together in the coming weeks. I agree that Sara should elaborate, especially now that Damien is back (although I think the show was trying to be subtle about it, that's why Sara didn't explain on the spot). It would strengthen the bond between them, and it would also help Zari feel a sense of loyalty, I think. That said, her bond with Amaya is a great avenue to explore. And it's a great excuse to have Amaya stay on the Waverider, instead of going back to 1942. I love that the writers have given Amaya this storyline, separating her from Nate and that CW love story. And I say that as someone who likes Nate, by the way, and Amaya with Nate. I just think Amaya needs to be more than that, and I'm glad we're seeing it this season.

    Speaking on Nate, I like him and I am not ashamed to admit it. He's turning into the comic relief (which, I don't know how that's even possible, with both Ray and Mick there) and I don't mind that at all, because Nick Zano is hilarious. Plus, this week he was actually useful (he came up with the entire outliers theory) and his capture was justified (Evil Stein! It would have taken me a few moments to recover from that as well). I guess I appreciate the episodes that don't have him be a total failure. Also, when he held Ray's hand when nobody else would? Aw.

    4 hours ago, thuganomics85 said:

    While it will no doubt suck for the Legends, I'm totally down with Damien coming back.  Neal McDonough's smirk and glee whenever Damien does something dastardly, is becoming one of my new favorite things.

    YES. I credit Neal McDonough 100% with the fact I'm actually excited to have Damien back. He's such a good actor, he's found the perfect tone for this show (which is something other villains have struggled with), and he's always a hoot (the line about his watch killed me). I like that he's not *the* main villain though, there's a new (old) threat in the form of Mallus, so it won't just be a retread of Damien's past (I hope). Plus there's Courtney Ford, who was a lot of fun. I'm here for that storyline.

    • Love 6
  17. Did I seriously tear up twice while watching Legends of Tomorrow? Or did I just get some alien goop in my eye?

    This was one of my favorite LoT episodes ever. It had it all. It was heartwarming (Little Ray, Zari, Big Ray), it was hilarious (Nate and the Mominator, Mick and... everything, the musical head bob), it was scary (sort of. I did jump when the Mominator first popped up), it was sweet (every single thing).

    I can't believe how much I've come to love Ray. I used to actively hate him back in his Arrow days, even though I always liked Brandon Routh. Now that Ray has come so far, he's just a delight to watch. And Little Ray was so precious! Perfect casting. That kid really nailed the sweetness and the eternal optimism in Ray, but also that vulnerability. The writing was so surprisingly good, all the conversations both Rays had with Zari just jumped off the page. Well done to the writers.

    I swear, if they kill off Stein after setting up this wonderful life for him... He should just retire. Please. That said, I'm glad Jax will have a way of still being Firestorm without him. I wonder if he and Ray will figure out how to "create" a solo Firestorm, or if they'll realize that can't be done and then replace Stein with someone else.

    I still think Nate is hilarious, in an endearingly dudebro kind of way. And I love how much he loves Ray. I really liked the Nate/Amaya relationship too in season 2, but this season they have been written very poorly, so I'm glad they seem to be done, for now. Amaya has her own storyline, with Kuasa, and she doesn't need to be bogged down in a messy relationship. I'd be fine with some jokes between them, like in last night's episode, and even some "big" romantic moments once or twice, but for now I'm glad they seem to have cooled off.

    Mick remains the highlight of this show. When Little Ray stole that candy, and he said "I'm proud of you"? Man, I love him.

    LoT is not only the best Flarrowverse show, for me, it's possibly the show I enjoy the most on a weekly basis, at least when it comes to network television. It's always a good time, and I can't say that for most other shows.

    • Love 7
  18. 15 hours ago, mtlchick said:

    I'm starting to see the argument about Debra Messing not settling back into back into the role like the other 3 have.

    I've thought that from the start of this revival, but last night I actually thought I saw some improvement, for the first time, heh. She felt less stiff to me.

    5 hours ago, MyAimIsTrue said:

    I think it's the way his character is written which is almost like an afterthought.  Anthony Ramos comes from the theater world (he was an original cast member of "Hamilton") and he's actually quite good.

    I think sitcom acting and acting in general (let alone stage acting) are different. Even otherwise hilarious actors have trouble landing punchlines in a more traditional sitcom setting. Anthony Ramos can't land a punchline to save his life (though the poor writing doesn't help either). And yet I remember an SVU appearance in which he was more than fine. It's not a lack of talent, he's just miscast. Compare him to Andrew Rannells, the other week. Also a talented stage actor, also working with below par lines, but I felt he nailed every single line reading. It's unfortunate that Ramos is there in a recurring capacity, they really should have been more careful in casting that role (instead of, I assume, relying on the success of Hamilton).

    I enjoyed Beverly Leslie's return.

    But I still agree that the show isn't feeling so fresh. There seem to be two or three plotlines every week, and usually only one of them is amusing. No single episode has hit on all cylinders for me yet. Maybe we need a group-focused episode, because the solo ventures are far less amusing unless a guest star is good enough to spice them up.

    • Love 8
  19. Wait, what?

    I lament all the far better genre shows which got cancelled after only one season. Also, I know better now (especially after reading that interview by the writers!), so I won't even attempt to watch season 2. I'm just glad for the cast and crew, it's good they still have jobs.

    • Love 6
  20. I liked this more than I thought I would, and it certainly looked great, but I've already identified several things which will probably aggravate me in the longterm.

    First and foremost, Sarek and those flashbacks. What a truly unnecessary way to tie this into TOS. And what an unfortunate way to portray Sarek. Instead of enriching Michael's characterisation (which I assume was the point), those scenes just made me dislike Sarek even more, and they made me care about Michael less. Present Day Michael was perfectly engaging without that backstory. If anything, they could have kept the Klingon connection (for revenge purposes, or to make us question her objectivity), but why also add the Vulcan element? It was too much, and I feel it somewhat limited the actress in terms of her choices.  

    I, too, am not a fan of Klingons (though there are exceptions, of course), and I found myself fast-forwarding through their scenes because I don't care about that entire plotline.

    Also, the pilot was a condensed version of the first AOS movie, but worse, somehow. Kirk's stunt was smart and by the book, he had legitimate reasons (if not evidence) to suspect a trap, and he knew Spock would never in a million years trust him and listen to him. He had no alternative. Meanwhile, Michael's stunt was wholly against the rules, she only had a gut instinct, she had Georgiou's trust so she should have tried harder to plead her case, and the overall situation wouldn't change drastically if she were to get her way, because the Klingons would still attack. So I found the ending... annoying. I actually liked Michael up until that moment. Also, when your Captain tells you "you're being emotional," it's not the best idea to deny that when you have literal tears in your eyes.

    Lastly, the crew was so faceless. The opposite of memorable. Saru was the only crew member with a personality, but I'm actually willing to give the writers some leeway n that, since the pilot usually focuses on fleshing out the leads.

    All that said, I'm still curious to see how this continues. I'll keep watching for now. This could have been a lot worse.

    • Love 3
  21. On 9/9/2017 at 10:15 PM, Happy Harpy said:

    Not the way it seems to be going, unfortunately.

    Bonnie Bedelia was cast as President Kiefer's mother-in-law, "Eva Booker", who used to work for the Department of Defense. Sounds like the family will be a big presence.


    The character's name is "Eva Booker" (which only evokes Richard Grieco to me, sorry I was a teen in the nineties). Wasn't there an ominous reference to her being Russian in S1? It could be of Russian "origin" but I think they said "she is Russian". Anyway.

    I'll check out a recap, then I'll decide if I watch the season opener or if I just give up.

    Oh man. I think I'm giving up. There's a handful of new shows I'm kind of excited about, if I like them I'm just gonna quit DS. Every single thing I've read about Season 2 has disappointed me.

    That said, I'm only disappointed in Bonnie Bedelia's character (more Kirkman family drama??), not the casting itself. She's great, and (judging from that pic) she still looks fantastic as ever. I'm glad she'll be getting more work. I just don't think I want to watch it.

    • Love 2
  22. That was so. much. fun.

    As predictable as it was, especially with the obvious Dutch/Aneela team-up versus The Lady, there were still a lot of moments that had me stressed. I, too, worried we'd lose Pree's new husband as soon as they (literally) tied the knot, and I was on the edge of my seat any time Fancy or Turin were on the screen.

    Speaking of, TURIN! He lives! I can't tell you how happy I am. I was prepared to lose him (I wasn't ready, but I was prepared) and then I worried for a moment we might lose Fancy instead (for which I will never be ready, and may he survive 4x09 and 5x09 please!) and then I totally believed they'd turn Turin into Hullen. Plus, he got all those hilarious "last words" and those awesome heroic moments, and I was so convinced he'd be a goner! But then, Fancy to the rescue! I actually cheered. I am so, so glad Fancy and Turin patched things up, and they survived, to boot. I adore them, together and individually. Oh and I loved how D'avin was still holding a grudge against Turin on Fancy's behalf. That's loyalty. Fancy essentially had to approve of Turin's involvement for D'avin to give the OK, and that showed that Fancy was being treated with respect.

    I also loved seeing a full-on space battle. It was surprisingly well done.

    Aneela getting her "missing" memories back was a nice way to kickstart the next chapter of the war. And Khlyen, at the end? The two swords, both required to kill the true Big Bad (I'm assuming)? YES. Dutch had a lot of great moments with everyone (D'av and Johnny especially) but that last moment, when she saw Khlyen again, that was really something. And I loved how Hannah played this "new" and complete Aneela.

    But now that Aneela is less insane, I wonder, will Delle Seyah still love her as much?

    By the way, Delle Seyah stuck on a rudderless ship with D'avin and Johnny? She will eat them. I gotta say, her banter with D'avin was first class. I never realized how compatible these two would be together (as scene partners, I mean). Hilarious. "How do you feel about apostrophes?" was the line of the episode (except "new asshole smell," of course). I wish next season starts with them still trapped, and we get to see some more D'av/Kendry awesomeness.

    7 hours ago, thuganomics85 said:

    A lot of great Jaqobi brothers interactions in this one.  So many one liners and Aaron Ashmore and Luke Macfarlane really have nailed that chemistry down.  And Della Seyah getting involved with them is even more awesome.  Loved D'Avin's attempt to plan how they are going to handle/raise the baby and annoying her and John. Once again, D'Avin's become the character who really works well with everyone.

    Absolutely. I don't know whether to credit the writing or Luke MacFarlane. I do credit the writers for fixing everything that was wrong (and boring, and clichéd) with him in S1, and fleshing him out, and giving him a sense of humor and a heart, but I must also credit Luke for his comedic timing and for his chemistry with literally every character (even Alvis, may he RIP).

    D'avin making sure Johnny would be okay after Dutch's death, not for his own peace of mind, not even for Johnny himself, but for Dutch? That was perfect. As was Dutch's admission that she only ever worries about Johnny. D'avin had his emotional outburst last week ("why does everyone think I can handle it?") but this week he was back to "yeah I'll be okay, and I'll make sure Johnny is, too." That's so consistent with who he is.

    9 hours ago, ramble said:

    Lucy saving Johnny will never not be awesome and I love knowing that she gossips with him.

    Yep. Johnny/Lucy is what we should all be shipping. It can happen. We've "seen" her, after all. And, like, on Legends of Tomorrow the similar pairing (a captain and his ship) actually made out, so. It can totally happen.

    Anyway. Great episode, great season finale, would have made for a fun series finale as well (for which I thank the writers) and now there's so much to do in Season 4. And 5! I'm glad we didn't lose anyone else, and we've got the whole squad onboard for the next 2 seasons.

    • Love 6
  23. 9 hours ago, ParadoxLost said:

    You've always got to worry about SyFy..  The last time they renewed a show for two more seasons at once, they cancelled it a week before the finale episode of the first of those seasons started filming (Eureka).

    Oh my God. Now you've re-traumatized me. I really enjoyed Eureka.

    9 hours ago, dargosmydaddy said:

    Actually, the last time (that I'm aware of) was 12 Monkeys, which has aired one  of those seasons already, and finished filming the other. Fingers crossed Syfy has learned its lesson...

    But yes. Hopefully Killjoys will be allowed to end properly. With this season especially, it's proven that it can tell a larger story and build a more extended universe. That type of storytelling deserves a proper send-off.

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