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Princess Lucky

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Posts posted by Princess Lucky

  1. On 10/4/2018 at 7:18 PM, Maelstrom said:

    I'm just praying to the Blue God that they don't pair Nate with Maisie's new character. Their pairing didn't do either character any favors IMO. Whoever Maisie comes back as, they need to let her breath and settle into the new role without saddling her with Nate.

    I agree, but for the opposite reason. I really ended up liking Nate with Amaya, and I think that, if he hooks up with her doppelganger, it will cheapen what they had. At the very most, if Maisie ends up playing an Amaya descendant, I will accept a comedic and weirdly incestuous Back to the Future vibe between her and Nate (because I'm never giving up hope that he is Kuasa and Mari's grandfather). 

    Either way, though,I think we can all agree that Maisie's new character needs to stay away from Nate, at least in a romantic sense. They can be buddies. Nate is a good friend. That's what he excels in. Leave the romance to Avalance and Gary/Constantine in Season 4.

    • Love 1
  2. I love the idea of Ray going dar(h)k. There's no one better for the job. The only issue I see is further separating Ray from the other Legends, but I think they already planted the seeds for that this season, what with Ray always concocting and executing his own plans in secret, and him not being a part of Giant Beebo (Wally easily replacing him) and punching Nate in the face with his big banana hands, and... Whoa. Yeah he's totally going dark and the show practically told us. 

    I agree that Zari would also be a good candidate, and that Mick and Sara wouldn't be, because they've been there and done that. Wally and Nate are the new hot bromance in town, so I don't see them turning evil anytime soon (plus, it would be a waste of their dorkiness and their cuteness). Maisie's new character, however? That would be fun. If she's evil. Somehow. I'm so curious about her connection to Amaya. 

    But, let's face it, the real best candidate for turning evil is Gary. There would be no limit to his depravity.

    • Love 4
  3. 19 hours ago, Cekrypton1 said:

    The character of Nate has grown on me. All of his background stuff and reactions while still tripping on ancestor juice were perfect. Not too much to be distracting, but hilarious if you were paying attention. 

    I'll echo everyone else in my confusion over how this became both a good show and my fave of the Arrowverse.

    Nick Zano really outdid himself in this episode. His reaction when Mallus corrected them about the pronounciation of "Malice" had me rolling. As did "I will NEVER stop calling it that." And the entire sequence of him visualizing Beebo? And another instance of him being high? And "oh snap, they have lazers?" I would say I can't believe how much I've come to love Nate, but this is the show that got me to love Damien Darkh, so loving Nate is not even that strange. I swear, part of this show's appeal is the wacky writing, but part of it is also the charm of the actors. They just make it all work. This season, Nate barely had an episode to himself, and they toned down some of his more annoying tendencies, but he was a solid supporting character and a good friend to many of the others (Mick, Zari and Wally especially, but also Ray and Sara, and even Damien, heh), and that's where he shone. Truly, this show keeps fixing what's wrong and improving what's already great. Kudos.

    But, not gonna lie, I also fell in love with the idea of Nate and Amaya, somewhere along the way. I still haven't given up hope, and I really, really hope


    Nate doesn't hook up with the new character Maisie will be playing, especially if it's an alternate Mari or just one of Amaya's descendants in general (although that would surely prove Nate is not the father),

    but this was a very fitting ending for them, if it was the end. I really came to believe they were in love (especially when Nate interacted with old Amaya), and I enjoyed their unabashed freakiness, but I'm happy they both realized they needed to do the right thing in the end. Their goodbye kiss was very cinematic and very old school CW (hell, it was old school WB, which is high praise, heh), and Nate's "don't turn around" actually made me tear up. 

    Same for "good" Kuasa with her grandma. So lovely. I loved the actress who played Kuasa and I really hope we see her again.

    Weirdly, I also teared up watching Helen of Troy kicking ass. I really had the same reaction I had when I watched Wonder Woman. As viewers, we are starved of these types of battle sequences (led by amazing women), and this show has been a blessing, especially in that regard. 

    18 hours ago, Lugal said:

    Did anyone else notice when they arrived in the Old West right before they go into the saloon and Sara mentioned what they do next depending on how strong the whisky is, the disappointed looks from Wally (a speedster who can't get drunk) and Zari (a Muslim).  Great subtle job from Tala and Keiynan on that.


    Yes! I must say I didn't think about Wally's predicament in that moment, but I definitely thought about Zari, and I'm so glad the show didn't ignore who she is, but instead acknowledged it in a funny way. Tala Ashe has been a highlight this season, and Zari is truly one of my favorite characters. And Wally, too, of course. Who really was stylin' in that outfit.

    10 hours ago, Mellowyellow said:

    Is Nora coming back???? Nora needs to come back so I can ship BR and his real life wife!!!! They have great chemistry!

    Ray is officially banned from having a love interest who isn't Nora. His official love interests have always been terrible (across the Flarrowverse) and they've always reduced him to the worst aspects of his character, and the chemistry has rarely been there, but he and Nora have a spark, and I'd like to see it explored. But that's it! No more loverboy Raymond Palmer. Now that we got a good one, we should keep her (though preferably on a recurring basis and not as a Legend). Otherwise, Ray can stay single and enjoy his bromances with Mick and Nate.

    Always great to see Jonah Hex. 

    Gary and Constantine better be explicitly shown as actual fuck buddies or else!

    Jax made me so nostalgic, and "Martina" hit me right in the feels.

    Rip is not really dead. He just isn't. By the way, I teared up when Gideon called him Rip, and when he mentioned his family. Aw. I hope Arthur Darville comes back at least once, and I think he will.

    Avalance was a little underwhelming, but appropriately so, because this episode wasn't about them. I must say, I love them, but the contrast between them and Nate/Amaya (a more developed relationship) was kind of stark. Thankfully, we have a whole season to further explore their connection. 

    And I realize I haven't even mentioned Beebo yet. 

    BEEBO! My jaw dropped when he first appeared, I started grinning when he came out to fight Mallus, and I didn't stop grinning until after the entire team hugged Mick. AMAZING. Best thing I have ever seen with my own two eyeballs. The Beebo quotes had me rolling, and the CGI was masterful, and the very idea of it all was just astoundingly perfect. I couldn't have dreamt of a more appropriate final battle. 

    I love this show so goddamn much. I can't wait for Season 4. 

    • Love 11
  4. 10 hours ago, Starfish35 said:

    I don't know if that's what she said, but it's an interesting idea.   If they want to keep Maisie but resolve the Amaya issue, having her play one of her descendants might be one way to handle it. 

    Agreed. It would permanently fix the Zambezi problem, and it would allow for Nate to leave (since he truly loves Amaya and I don't think he'd go for that classic trope of "oh now I'm in love with my girlfriend's great-granddaughter who looks exactly like her") so we would lose that one Legend. That's a solution I hadn't thought of. I like it.

    But now I'm thinking, what if the writers said "a Legend is leaving" and they meant Amaya, but not Maisie herself? Wordplay? But nah, with so many new regulars, I think we're bound to lose an actor in this finale. And I'll be genuinely sad about it, since I do like them all this season.

  5. On 4/4/2018 at 6:21 PM, kacesq said:

    I loved Don Johnson as the owner; I don't think I've seen him do comedy before.  If the show lasts, I hope he's recurring.  Awesome homage to Miami Vice at the end when he pops out of the cabinets in the back of the plane.  On a shallow note, he's really aged nicely.

    Speaking of actors doing comedy, Dylan McDermott is killing it.  I was skeptical when I saw the ads for this show, I didn't think he could do it.  But he makes me laugh more than any other character.

    Agreed. Don Jonhson was truly perfect casting, he out-Dave'd Captain Dave. And he really does look so much better than I ever could have imagined. He needs to be in more stuff! And the ending with that musical cue was everything.

    Dylan McDermott is the best, though. I love how they settled into him being a decent, good man. It removes a layer of potential sleaze and makes him just plain hilarious. Captain Dave is the highlight of this show, every time.

    Peter Stormare does often give him a run for his money, though, heh.

    On 4/4/2018 at 11:11 PM, thuganomics85 said:

    Even if it isn't shown all the time, I like that Ronnie and Nichole's friendship is still a thing.

    Same here! I was waiting for their hug to end with a snarky joke or a facial reaction from Nicole, but it was just a lovely moment between them, and the writers left it at that, and it warmed my heart.

    • Love 3
  6. 40 minutes ago, Starfish35 said:

    So if you look very closely, you’ll notice that the finale doesn’t just include Franz Drameh but a brief cameo of someone related to him.

    I'm calling it. Franz's baby will cameo as Amaya (and Nate's?) daughter Esi.

    If only one Legend leaves, it's gotta be Amaya, right? I still think they might both leave, but yeah, if it's just one, there's no way Nate will leave (i.e. die, because where else would he go?) and Amaya will just stay on the Waverider without him and without fulfilling her destiny. I could, however see Nate dying and an already pregnant Amaya returning to Zambezi. But Amaya going back and Nate staying on the Waverider with his buddy Wally? I can see that.

    • Love 1
  7. 3 hours ago, tarotx said:

    "They're obviously two very complicated women and their functions on the show only become more complicated next season," executive producer Phil Klemmer told TV Guide. "It's like two CEOs being married to each other. It's not a simple life for the two of them," he added.


    I love the sound of that! Ava is not Legend material, and I mean that as a compliment to her, heh. I love the "two CEOs" comparison. They have all this responsibility, but they make time for each other, they clash on occasion, they work together on occasion. Like I said, Captain Lance and Director Sharpe? I love it. Plus, that makes me hopeful that Gary will also be sticking around (though, let's face it, he is Legend material, and that's not a compliment at all).

    8 hours ago, Solace247 said:

    Well guys,

    Hate to bring more discouraging news regarding the future of the series, but looks like the supernatural element is here to stay, at least intermittently: http://www.ew.com/tv/2018/04/06/legends-tomorrow-season-3-finale/ The finale is the focus of most of the article.

    Aaaand I hate the sound of that. I guess I can see where they're coming from, though. They see the supernatural as a fresh twist. Something to extend the life of the show without being too repetitive. I suppose it could work that way, if they started including various mythical creatures instead of just historical figures. But Constantine specifically points toward not just the mythical, but the demonic, and the magical, and I'm kinda over that whole thing. Especially because this season I feel we saw enough of that. Eh.

    8 hours ago, lurker22 said:

    TBH, I also hope Ava stay Director Sharpe and not join the Legends. I like Jes and I like Ava, but I don't want their relationship to be all Sara is about in Season 4. She's so much more than just one-half of a couple. I loved that Sara's storylines in Season 1, and especially Season 2, were all about her. They were there only to serve and develop her character. Already on Tumblr now the discussions largely revolve around Avalance and less about Sara herself. I only follow the "Sara Lance" tag, so I have started to see the difference compared to last seasons. Of course, I'm saying this as a Sara Lance fan, so I admit I'm a little biased in this aspect.

    As I said above, I agree that Ava should stay with the Time Bureau. But, in regards to Sara's storyline being taken over by ship stuff, while that does happen on many shows, I feel that the very fact she loves Ava and is willing to pursue a committed relationship is a sign of her own personal progress. I like how Ava has gotten some focus but nowhere near enough to make her overstay her welcome, and I feel Avalance as a whole is more about Sara than it is about her. As it should be. Sara has her leadership conflicts (especially with Constantine coming on), she has her connection with Darhk (and the Laurel backstory), she has Avalance, and she has her bonds with the rest of the Legends. Ava has Avalance, the existential crisis of learning she's a clone, and Gary. To me, that's enough to prove that Sara won't be lost as part of a ship. People seem to be into Avalance (including myself), sure, but that's not taking away from Sara, that's just giving us more of Sara in a different context. At least the way I see it. We've had solo Sara for years, now we'll get "married" Sara. Why not? But, to be fair, I do love Avalance, so I'm a little biased myself (though I also adore Sara as well, if that weren't clear, heh).

    • Love 2
  8. 9 hours ago, Starfish35 said:

    When John Constantine (Matt Ryan) officially joins up with the Legends next season as a series regular on DC's Legends of Tomorrow, executive producer Phil Klemmer says he wants to make sure the character's appeal remains intact, and that adjusting to Constantine means changes for the Legends, not the other way around.


    9 hours ago, Starfish35 said:

    "Personally, I can't imagine Constantine having quarters on the Waverider.

    Yessssssss. (-ish. I don't care about Constantine's apartment or whatever)

    The first quote is literally the opposite of what I wanted. Just the other day I was saying:

    I respect that he's an iconic DC character (and I liked the Keanu movie, to be honest), but again, I'd much rather "sacrifice" the integrity of Constantine than the quality of this show. Don't change the show to fit him, change him to fit the show.

    So what we're hearing doesn't exactly fill me with confidence.  The idea of not wanting to de-cool a character on a show that's literally full of dorks, a show that's never even had a cool villain, that's just... Legends are uncool by definition. Even Sara or Snart, who are the coolest (heh), have their dorky moments. Who is Constantine to escape that? And who even said he's cool presently?

    Sigh. I really don't like him.  I've never been happier to have Ava full time next season. I'll need her and Avalance to tolerate Constantine. Especially if we lose Amaya and/or Nate. Ava, Zari and Wally are my only hopes.

    (Ray and Mick remain the best, of course, but that's a given)

    • Love 3
  9. 50 minutes ago, Miss Dee said:

    I keep telling myself Mick would be getting more focus in these episodes if his swan song was in the finale. I hope I'm right.

    Definitely (at least I hope, heh). That's why I think Amaya will be leaving, she's had an entire side-arc (Kuasa and the totem and the village etc) all to herself, all season long. I would hate to see her go, actually, and I still don't know if Nate will be leaving with her (they seem to be building a Nate/Wally bromance which might be a way to keep Nate emotionally connected to someone next season, someone other than Ray of course) but yeah, Mick seems safe. He only had the one Mick-centric episode, and not much since then (though he's always a highlight, even when he barely has any scenes).

    • Love 3
  10. I am so happy we're keeping Ava. Jes is such a compelling actress, both in drama and comedy, and she's really made Ava into a character you can love.

    The way I see it, the writing for her was uneven in the first handful of episodes, before the writers settled on a specific characterization for her (in my opinion they were going for banter but they wrote Ava too harsh and Sara too flip, and they failed to write a proper transition for their relationship from enemies-ish to comrades, let alone lovers). But, as soon as the writers did "find" Ava, she has never faltered. So I refuse to hold shifty writing against the actress or even the character. I love Ava now, and I'm always a sucker for a good WLW ship (especially one between two women as badass and skilled as these two, I mean, Captain Lance and Director Sharpe? YES.), and I think Jes and Caity have great chemistry, so I'm all for it. Their relationship happened a little too quickly, and I'll be the first to admit that, but I love both Sara (d'uh) and Ava individually, and they've had so many lovely moments together, and somewhere down the line my heart just decided to ship it. Every time they kiss I squee. Can't help it. 

    On an unrelated note, I could say very similar things about Tala Ashe. Such a compelling actress who, early on, had to play a rougher version of Zari (which made sense for the character, of course) but quickly found the character's heart and became truly loveable (plus she's also extremely gifted with comedy).

    Those two actresses are such great finds, seriously. I'm so happy we'll have them onboard for Season 4.

    (It sweetens the pill of having to deal with Constantine. Matt Ryan's acting has never impressed me. But oh well. If it means I get to keep Zari and Ava, I'll take it.)

    • Love 5
  11. Such a fun episode.

    First of all, Neal McDonough is AMAZING.

    I knew Damien would betray the team, but I was sure it'd be this huge, terrible, gleeful betrayal. I thought he'd make a deal with Mallus and double-cross the team, I thought he had a plan all along. I did not anticipate a "betrayal" because of love. I thought Sara would regret letting him in, but I did not anticipate that Sara would willingly spare his life. Because of love.

    In my book, Damien has been redeemed. In an unconventional way. Sure, he wanted to kill hundreds of innocents. But he was doing it for his little girl! That's how you believably redeem a villain. I even felt for him when he apologized for killing Laurel. That was a great scene, and it went a long way toward making me understand Sara's decisions later on.

    I do think he'll die, though. Nora is gone, he's a better person now (for his standards), and I think he'll die trying to kill Mallus to avenge Nora's death. Which I'm fine with, as long as the show brings back Neal from time to time. He really shone this season. He's a fantastic actor. but the Flarrowverse never gave him that much to do. Until this season of LoT. He's been a delight, and I've loved every minute he has appeared on my screen.

    15 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

    Amaya and Nate seem doomed and I'm oddly sad about that since i didn't care about them before but I'm liking Nate being so willing to do anything for her.  Even if it's not to his benefit.  And he was turned on by Granny Amaya, lol. 

    I, too, have come to really like Nate and Amaya. The way he seemed to still be totallly into Granny Amaya, and the way our Amaya smirked when she was like "you always had a way with her"? Those two are freaks and I love them for it. And I also love that the show has combined that with what appears to be a deep love. Logic tells me they're doomed, but I don't know how it'll happen (will Nate die? Will he stay on the Waverider? I assume Amaya will go back to 1942), so I'm really curious to see what happens next week.

    And I agree with comments above about having to fix the timeline somehow. Vixen and Kuasa, especially. Their destinies as totem bearers. And our Amaya, of course. I'm still not convinced Nate isn't Kuasa's grandpa, by the way. They've never mentioned who Amaya's baby daddy might be.  There are a lot of loose ends in this story, and I was actually hoping we'd learn a bit more last night, but I guess they'll cram it all in the finale.

    Me, I think Amaya is pretty selfish, and Nate selfless, and they're both really dumb (and in love, which is the same thing most of the time), but I think ultimately he's the father of her daughter and all this has been part of their shared destiny, until Amaya returns back to her time. I've certainly enjoyed watching them together, and I'll miss them together.

    1 hour ago, Advance35 said:

    I can't believe I'm going to say this but I like Nate and Amaya.  He had a great deal of respect for the idea of preserving history but he ended up falling in love.  They are star-crossed and time-crossed.  Maybe it was a full moon but I was honestly touched when Nate was still so drawn to Amaya, even as an old woman.  I truly believe he loves her.

    I've always found Amaya VERY likeable and have always felt she is part of the unique cocktail that makes Legends the best cast in the Arrowverse.  I'm not happy at the idea of her not being around anymore.  I didn't like Arrows Vixen enough to care about her being phased out of existence.


    I love the idea that Hair Down Ava is a different clone. And Rip, man. Harsh. But true to character. I have to assume Ava survives the finale, though. I have to assume Rip calling her replaceable wasn't foreshadowing, but a hint that she will, in fact, prove irreplaceable, somehow. Right?  If only to return Sara's I love you?

    Not enough Ray, Mick or Zari. And I think Wally is actually used well. His little bond with Nate and even Zari (who, like a big sister, stepped up to protect him when Damien had him) are way deeper than anything we've seen on The Flash. I agree that they incapacitate him too frequently, but this is the show that gave us about 10 episodes without Nate steeling up, or the show that had Stein and Jax literally running around throwing punches without merging. It is what it is.

    The John Noble cameo was amazing. Aussie accent and all. He clearly had a blast.

    I still think there are too many loose ends, and I don't know how the finale will solve everything (while also including various guest stars), but I can already tell you I'm going to love every minute of it.

    • Love 7
  12. 2 hours ago, marinw said:

    Also, Hannah’s hair continues to be excellent.

    Noo, my other weakness! Don't tempt me!

    Seriously though, maybe I'll check out this week's episode, since I do also love Kim Raver,

    • Love 1
  13. 5 hours ago, AAEBoiler said:

    Also, I'm really annoyed that Aaron, who has the title of National Security Advisor, always seems to be walking around during business hours sans tie and with several buttons unbuttoned. It just looks wrong and, I would imagine, totally contrary to the typical dress code of DC higher-ups and staffers.

    I haven't been watching, but I still check these threads just to see what's going on with this show.


    Is that what's going on? Sexy Aaron roaming the hallways with several shirt buttons undone? Maybe I should start watching again.

    • Love 6
  14. On 23/3/2018 at 1:49 AM, thuganomics85 said:

    Heartbroken Captain Dave was hilarious.  Especially him tearing "Ronnie's" picture in slo-mo.  Dylan McDermott is the gift that keeps on giving.

    The rate at which he tore that picture was truly perfect. Impeccable comedic timing.  Dylan McDermott really is a gift.

    This show never fails.

    • Love 7
  15. 13 minutes ago, lurker22 said:

    I'm also having a hard time picturing Constantine a regular on Legends. I have enjoyed his scenes thus far, especially his scenes with Sara (I loved that he said she was worth it). But what is he going to do next season if it's presumably not going to be magic-themed? Would he be fine with putting on different costumes and not using magic as and when he wishes? Can he really take orders from Captain Lance or is he just going to do what he wants? The Legends have worked so well together that I would hate for him to break up this dynamic (though I'm sure the writers are all about shaking up the team, as they've said many times in interviews). I also have some of the worries that have already been stated here, that he is too big a character and could just overshadow everyone.

    I've seen the NBC show, and TBH, I was never into it. So I would hate for Legends to go the dark, occult direction because of Constantine, instead of staying the fun, light, sci-fi time traveling show.

    That's one of my concerns, can he take orders from Sara without making it weird or sexual or suggestive? I have actually warmed up to Nate for that exact reason, he's never been inappropriate with her, and he's always calling her Captain without a shred of ego, he eagerly accepts her as his boss. I like that. I don't want Constantine to be inappropriately flirty and insolent. He needs to know who's boss. The Rip/Sara conflict last season was very interesting, in terms of who the Captain was, but it was based on betrayal, and friendship, and respect, and deeper emotions and extreme actions. Not some guy being too cocky to take orders without making a joke out of it. Does that make sense?

    That said, Constantine was better in this week's episode, more toned down but also camped up, at the same time. If they change him into a far quirkier character, I'll accept him more easily. I respect that he's an iconic DC character (and I liked the Keanu movie, to be honest), but again, I'd much rather "sacrifice" the integrity of Constantine than the quality of this show. Don't change the show to fit him, change him to fit the show. And then, I just might start liking him.

    • Love 4
  16. No thanks re; Constantine.

    Like many of you, I thought we'd be done with the magic stuff after this season, so this doesn't fill me with hope. And, frankly, I'd much rather keep Amaya and Nate than sit through Constantine's... whatever. Swagger. I like my heroes dorky. But I do agree with other comments; if Amaya goes, they better bring in another WOC. Yes, it's silly (like replacing Jax with Wally) but it beats having no POC at all, or diminishing their numbers. It's bad enough we're getting another white guy.

    I also agree that, if anyone goes, it'll be Nate and Amaya. In the promo pics for I, Ava there's a pic of Nate and Kuasa. If they bond at all, it'll be proof he's her grandad. Plus Amaya already said "I love you." That storyline is definitely moving to an end. And I agree, I don't see Nate willingly giving her up (i.e. staying on the show without her, while she goes back to her time). If he's alive, he'll want to go with her. And, if they're both leaving, the writers just might kill Nate for the drama (as opposed to a sappy happy ending, which, if I'm honest, I would not object to, but anyway).

    I could also see Mick leaving, if Dominic Purcell is busy. The others have to be safe.

    Eh. I must admit, my main feeling after reading the Constantine news is "all good things (i.e. LoT's winning streak) must come to an end."

    I just hope they tone him down. Or camp him up. In my opinion, his original vibe doesn't fit with this show. And I'd much rather see him change.

    • Love 3
  17. On 16/3/2018 at 8:42 PM, LadyKenobi said:

    “the vibe has never been worse than dank!”

    I lost it when Captain Dave said that.

    Another home run. I love this show, because it's as hilarious as it is heartwarming. It has the perfect mix of one-liners, absurd scenarios (Bernard's red door!), overall cheer, and heart. My favorite part was the conversation between Ronnie and Captain Dave, when she (basically) said, "You're saying I need to grow up," and he replied, "No, you're saying it, which is better." That was such a lovely moment. I love that Dave isn't just a screwup, he's also a good person, and sometimes he's even right about some stuff, heh. And Ronnie is kind of a mess, but she's not unapologetic, she tries to better herself.

    Oh and I loved the extra dose of Bernard we got this week. Especially when he told Colin he's not good at building people up, just tearing them down. And we did get another "Bernard is possibly 124 years old" reference, didn't we? 

    Anyway. This is such a feel-good show, and I love every minute of it.

    • Love 10
  18. I agree this episode wasn't as strong, but I still enjoyed the hell out of it. The Captain Dave/Captain Steve plot alone elevated it. My favorite line?

    "The only thing I'm scared of is your naked undernose, have some respect and cover that thing up!"

    I don't know what was funnier, the passion with which Dylan McD delivered the line, or Dermot Mulroney's look of shame-slash-disgust right after he heard it. I had to rewind it twice.

    Artem and Nicole remain hilarious. As does this whole show, frankly.

    • Love 8
  19. Aaron is hot.

    That's about it.

    This show, especially considering its dwindling ratings and what has to be a big budget (due to the name actors alone), is toast. I am re-dropping it. I miss you guys and this forum, but I get no enjoyment from watching. This seventh soft reboot failed, like all the others have. Turns out, the first half-season was the best iteration of the show, and killing the McLeishes also killed the show itself. Oh well.

    • Love 6
  20. Such a fantastic episode!

    This is truly my favorite show at the moment. This season has been hitting out of the park, as did Season 2, frankly, and every week I'm pleasantly surprised by how fun and emotional and enjoyable each episode is.

    16 hours ago, thuganomics85 said:

    Say what you will about how out there and insane some of the storylines and writing on this show can be (I say this with love), but they really do know their characters, and it totally is line that when they hear "time loop", Nate goes to Groundhog Day, while Ray thinks of "Cause & Effect" from Star Trek: The Next Generation.

    Absolutely agreed. And this type of episode is the best way to showcase that; the fact the characters are distinctive and unique and three-dimensional. We as viewers know what to expect of them, because we know them, and the writers know what to write for them, and that's how you end up with an episode like this. With a mix-and-match of characters, with unusual scene partners (like Zari/Nate or Zari/Gideon) which works exactly like you imagined. Everyone is in character, and they all react appropriately to what's going on (indeed, the Groundhog Day/Cause & Effect distinction was key!) and the episode works on all levels. Well done.

    Tala Ashe was fantastic. She really made me emotional with her speech, but she also made me crack up with her facial expressions throughout the episode (she and Nick Zano reacting to the bear trap was Peak Legends, by the way). I liked Zari from the start, but she really did need to learn this lesson, and she needed to realize that these people are her family now, and I'm glad the show chose a time loop episode to make that happen.

    I like Nate. I have accepted that now. Nick Zano is so darn likeable and Nate has great chemistry with all the other characters (the sweet yet dorky way in which he kept agreeing to help "Z" was so perfectly in character for him). The more the show embraces how funny he is (to the point of being the comic relief, almost), the better. As for Nate/Amaya, I have to say, I think they're the perfect tv pairing. I like them together, I think they're cute if unremarkable, but when they're apart I don't miss their relationship, since they both have meaningful connections with other characters, and their drama is kept to a relative minimum, so I don't have to sit through annoying scenes of them moping (*cough*RayandKendra*cough*). I can just enjoy Amaya and Nate individually, and when they make out I can go "awww, cute!" for three seconds and then forget it ever happened. I'm just glad Zari called them out for having sex during missions. Somebody had to say it.

    Mick is the BEST. When he started reading his novel out loud I lost it. And I loved his little moment with Ray and the laundry. I always want to see more of those two.

    I love Ray. And I love this show for continuing the tradition of instantly revealing "secrets" which, on lesser shows, would be season-long arcs. Of course Sarah would be fine with dying, and of course Ray would be weary about telling her, but I'm glad the show didn't drag that out at all.

    Gideon is a delight, as always. I'm just sad Rip was in the same episode but he didn't get to see his girl.

    I love Ava. I love how she's different when she's talking to Sara, and I love how Sara is different, and more nervous, and more mellow, when she's with Ava. I ship it 100% and I don't care who knows it.

    Gary is also the best, by the way.

    And Wally! I can't wait to see more of him.

    Overall, a standout episode in a standout season. I love this show.

    • Love 13
  21. I never liked this guy's version of Constantine, and this was no exception. I found him to be overacting (which I didn't think was possible on a show like this) and I was annoyed by everything he said and/or did.

    Darhk, on the other hand? Always welcome in my book. It's all about the acting. Neal McD is fantastic. Anyone else, and I'd hate Darhk's guts. He makes it work. I still hate him, but I love watching him.

    Ray and Zari make a great team. They are very different characters, but the fact their interactions are based on a) their shared science skills and b) their shared decency is really working for their dynamic.

    Len was a blast. That line, "I hope nobody was seducing anybody while I was about to be lobotomized" (paraphrasing), it was amazing. Mostly because that's exactly what I was thinking. I will miss him.

    Joining the chorus of "Nate is definitely Kuasa's grandfather." And is it wrong of me to be more sympathetic to Kuasa now that I know what she went through? That's an undeniable supervillain origin story. I can't even blame her. It is starting to look like Amaya and Nate might leave together once the season ends.

    Not gonna lie, after this episode, I'm a little more sympathetic to Nora, too. Letting a demon inside you so you can one day revive your dead father? I get it. Might she find redemption, now that we've seen her young innocent self? Or is she too far gone?

    Mick is the best. Always. "Likewise." Aw. And "Ray????" killed me. So happy he and Snart got another emotional (for Mick's standards) goodbye.

    I love Ava and Sara, to be honest. I've always been partial to the Enemies to Friends to Lovers trope. And I LOVE the actress who plays Ava. She's so sexy, and now that Ava's allowed to show some heart, she's shining. I can't wait for them to actually get together.

    Oh and Haircut needs a haircut.

    (is what I thought, until i saw Ray's hair in the promo pictures for the next episode)

    • Love 8
  22. This show is surprisingly fun to watch. I agree that not all the jokes land, but those that do land are awesome, and there's been some inspired bits of physical comedy. I also agree that, even though Dylan McD is the most famous cast member (and the funniest character, in my opinion), it's a good thing that he's not technically the lead. Much as Dylan McD is nailing it, and much as I love all of his scenes, this type of character works far better, and is far more endearing, in smaller doses. I like the show's sense of humor, I like the potential for fun stunt casting (already used to great effect), I like all the characters (I agree that especially Artem and the stripper are always a treat) and I love the relatively original setting. I'm definitely watching the entire season, and I'm sure I'll enjoy it, because even just 4 episodes in, you can see the cast and the show gelling more and more with each week. Sure, this isn't some masterpiece, but it's a lot of fun, and that's all I require from a sitcom. Overall, a very pleasant surprise this season.

    On 27/1/2018 at 8:34 AM, PurpleGirl43 said:

     Captain Dave popping up between the Sky Marshall and his girlfriend, saying something like, "I have a date tonight as well', made me laugh and laugh.

    I literally had to rewind and watch that again. So funny.

    • Love 7
  23. On 19/1/2018 at 7:12 PM, iMonrey said:

    I really liked this episode. None of Season 9 has been great so far, compared to the earlier seasons, but some episodes - like this one - give me a warm, fuzzy feeling because they sort of tie up loose ends with guest stars from the original series. It was great seeing Vince again and Bobby Cannavale really nailed it, in terms of recreating that same character with all his foibles and insecurities. It felt very familiar. 

    Naturally, there's the problem of continuity and just how much of Season 8 has been retconned, since Vince and Will ultimately wound up in a long-term commitment and had a child together per the Season 8 finale. But this felt organic to their relationship as well. 

    It's too bad they couldn't have gotten some of the actors who played Vince's family in the Thanksgiving episode but there was a nice running gag about Vince's aunt versus his mother that suggested they were all off-camera somewhere.

    Most of all, I absolutely loved the story with Jack hooking up with the closeted cop. (His "test" of asking what everyone's favorite TV show was cracked me up.) And all the self-serving toasts felt very much like Classic Will & Grace. Overall it was one of the best of Season 9. 

    I agree with all of this. This episode was a keeper for me. Bobby really "found" Vince effortlessly and Vince was also written perfectly in character (that whole "did I make detective?" bit especially cracked me up). And the toasts were 100% typical Will & Grace. I would have been shocked if they had been able to put their own feelings aside and actually say something nice and appropriate. Making it all about them is practically what they do. I do think there's a fine line between "this is a sitcom so the more extreme moments serve to create hilarity" and "these people are assholes" but W&G has never crossed that line for me, I still like all four of them and find them endearing.

    On 19/1/2018 at 7:35 PM, Madding crowd said:

    The Vince story was difficult since we have to believe a different story than was shown in order for it to work. I also thought Vince seemed old and tired, compared to Eric McCormack who always looks so good.

    I agree, I couldn't tell if some of their lines were winks to the audience (like Vince talking about marriage and commitment with Will) or not, but it was kind of weird trying to figure out what we were supposed to "know" (despite Jack's best efforts to feed us some exposition about what was retconned early on). Still, both Vince and Will were written in a believable way, and it was all bittersweet without being too sad, so I liked it. And I agree on Bobby looking a little older, though still totally hot, of course. Apparently Eric has about 7 years on him, and easily looks 10 years younger, so yeah, their age difference also looked a little off compared to what I remembered, heh.

    Also, Debra Messing has found her groove, which is good. I'm actually excited about the remaining episodes. The revival may not be amazing, but there's always something to enjoy even about the episodes I didn't particularly like. I just love having this show back.

    • Love 8
  24. 2 hours ago, Chas411 said:

    Not looking forward to Aaron/Hannah even though it's been obvious for a while they were headed there. I'm still bitter they dropped the enjoyable potential between Emily/Aaron and sidled her with Seth. They could have just kept her single. Not everyone has to be paired.

    I really liked Aaron and Emily together and the idea of Emily and Seth is slightly weird, but I intensely dislike that British spy guy they saddled Hannah with, so I'd much rather see her with Aaron if it meant the end of that (and is it too late for that spy guy to die for real?). I do agree, though, it's silly to pair everyone up. That said, they did bring in a bunch of new characters, so there are many single characters still. Including Kirkman, as of late (unless Kim Raver has something to say about that), so it's not as egregious as it would have been during S1.

    • Love 2
  25. On 27/12/2017 at 2:09 AM, paigow said:

    ABC Preview S2 E11:


    Looks like either Hannah or Aaron is the next Designated Survivor....


    1 hour ago, Chas411 said:

    OK fine, they got me. I think I only watched the (terrible) midseason finale from this season, but I am willing to just delete all those unwatched episodes and start watching again from 2x11, if only to see Kim Raver (whom I love), Michael J. Fox (whom I LOVE) and Aaron and Hannah being hostages (and possibly more?) together.

    But I'll give them 2 episodes, tops. They better deliver or I'll drop this show again.

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