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Princess Lucky

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Posts posted by Princess Lucky

  1. 15 hours ago, Hotchgirl18 said:

    Changing the dynamic of the show and what it's supposed to be about. I want to see actual profiling. And I don't want to know who the unsub is five minutes into the episode. 

    In my view, the actual profiling stopped, like, before Prentiss left the first time. So that's not a new development at all, it's practically half the show, now. But I do agree, I've been hoping for a "back to basics" approach for a while.

    As for Season 13, I agree that if the Mr. Scratch storyline is finally resolved, and it looks like it might, they should absolutely mention Hotch, at length, and use that resolution to provide total and final closure to Hotch fans. A new job, or a new family, an update on little Jack.

    And I'm curious to see if the departing cast member will translate into their character dying. That might be dramatic, but I don't know how fun it would be to watch (the team mourning, I mean).

    Lastly, I remain totally excited over Daniel Henney and I'm not ashamed to say it.

    • Love 4
  2. 15 hours ago, Chas411 said:


    He's not even that cute. I was really hoping for a name actor to be paired up with Maggie Q, not this nobody. Dammit, this particular casting announcement had me a little excited about that storyline, but the casting itself dashed my hopes. I mean, just pair her up with Reed Diamond, he's a better actor and people actually know who he is (I still haven't watched the finale, by the way, so please don't tell me if he's dead and/or a traitor).

    11 hours ago, marinw said:

    Does anyone know why Virgina Madsen left? 

    Creative decision by the eleventh showrunner, probably. She's been tweeting stuff like "it wasn't my choice" and "I'm sorry to go" and #demotedsurvivor and it's just tragically obvious she was excited about this character (which showed in her performance) and she's disappointed she was let go.

    At this point, Aaron's haircut is the one thing that still excites me about season 2. I don't know that it's enough to keep me watching.

    Unless, I don't know, maybe Alex and the kids all died in a fiery blaze in the finale? Did that happen? Should I watch and find out? I have managed to stay unspoiled, which means I do still care about this show on some level, and I want to "enjoy" the finale whenever I do watch it. On the other hand, I actually don't feel like watching it, and it aired months ago. I don't know. I'm underwhelmed.

    There's one more regular to be cast, right? I'm not getting my hopes up, though. They let go of Malik Yoba, Virginia Madsen and the MacLeishes, all of whom were fantastic actors, and they're replacing them with randoms? I really don't know that I'll stick with this show.

    • Love 5
  3. 6 hours ago, Proteus said:

    Not much in the SDCC issue that we didn't already know.


    Due to positive fan responce, MG says he and his team are thinking up ways to bring on Gideon in human form again. He says they will surely do it.

    They plan on having the two Vixens meet this season.


    Ooh, good stuff! (speaking for myself, because I don't follow spoilers closely, I rely on this forum for that, so this really was all new to me)

    I loved seeing Gideon, I hope she and Rip can rekindle their love affair.

    And YES to the two Vixens meeting. I'm assuming that might create some doubt in Amaya's mind, about staying on the team and/or being with Nate. A lot of potential there (as long as it actually happens. Don't they tease all sorts of Arrow stuff that never comes to fruition?).

    • Love 1
  4. 12 hours ago, Llywela said:

    Hehe, Liam is cute but way too young for me. I've enjoyed Santiago's work (and looks) ever since Heroes and Merlin, way back when!

    Preach. Liam is a cute boy, but the older gentlemen are my personal choice of eye candy on this show. I totally agree, I've always loved Santiago, he was the main reason I even wanted to watch this. And to those who are letting Ian Anthony Dale's boring role fool you into thinking there's not much to ogle, the upcoming shirtlessness should fix that. That man is stunning.

    11 hours ago, Kirsty said:

    What was your pick for most ridiculous thing in the pilot? Mine is the speed at which everyone checked Liam's data before calling the Pentagon! I've spent longer checking a shopping list.

    Right? Dennis Boutsikaris (what a waste, by the way! I hope he was just kidnapped and he can pop back, otherwise why get him for a one-minute role?) literally looked at the data for 3 seconds and he instantly knew. Aren't those super-complex calculations? Didn't he say one tiny error could invalidate the result?

    My vote for most ridiculous thing is probably the casting for that junior reporter. And maybe the fact the young dude escaped government assassins on a bicycle? And they never found him again? Even though he was out and about afterwards, including an event where multiple government officials were in attendance? Way to be efficient, goons!

    1 hour ago, CooperTV said:

     It looks like a National Geographic documentary/dramatization about evil asteroids.

    Haha, in my book, that's a compliment (and pretty much exactly what I was expecting from this show). I live for that stuff.

    • Love 5
  5. 4 hours ago, Llywela said:

    I can believe that this nerdy, research-obsessed young man has kept himself so buried in his work that he really hasn't dated much, if ever, so that when he meets and clicks with this girl so well, he is completely bowled over by the experience. But I also think that his emotional response to Jillian is heightened by his knowledge of the asteroid - if that hadn't happened, he'd have carried on going to class and working at the lab as normal, and they've presumably have started dating like a normal couple, and the l-word wouldn't have come into play anything like so soon. But because that first night ended with his discovery of this enormous end-of-the-world scenario, all his emotional responses are magnified accordingly. At least, that's my reading of it.

    I mean, I would agree, but he was flirting like a pro, with two cute women, in the span of like two days, plus he totally got laid, so he's either more experienced than we thought, or a total natural (granted, one of the women was purposefully hitting on him, but still). I do agree with his emotional response, though. That was one of the ways (along with Jennifer Finnigan's reactions to her daughter's graduation) the show chose to demonstrate the emotional turmoil of the characters in this particular scenario.

    And re: Tanz, I agree with and appreciate your comment in terms of his personality and how fitting that was. Still, it seems kind of silly to say "I need all the government's resources to expedite this wild plan I was going to complete in like 20 years, just to save like 500 people" as opposed to "I need all the government's resources to try and stop this looming disaster". Mars isn't colonized or terraformed. I still don't understand what he meant by having to orbit, what? Mars? An empty, non-habitable planet? For what? The view? How long would the vessels be able to sustain their passengers? That said, I'm looking at this from the philosophical perspective of "just let humanity go exctinct, the universe won't miss us" so my view is a little skewed, heh.

    • Love 1
  6. This was way better than I thought it would be. Which is not saying much, because my expectations were pretty low, but still. It kept my interest. I agree with all the eye candy comments, Ian Anthony Dale and Santiago Cabrera on the same show? On the same dumb, fun, sci-fi show, no less? I'm all in.

    By the way, this is kind of The Core as a tv show, right? Again, I'm all in.

    I was pleasantly surprised when Jennifer Finnigan's character didn't get mad at Ian Anthony Dale for not telling her. I was waiting for the classic nagging girlfriend, "why didn't you tell me?" and "how could you keep this from me?" but we got "how long have you been carrying this?" which tells us she understands respects his position and the importance of classified information. Nice touch.

    I started off liking Tanz, but his plan was to save a bunch of people? I like how selfish that is (character-wise it makes sense that he'd focus on saving himself as opposed to the planet) but the point is to stop the destruction of the Earth. He was acting like he had a plan to stop that, but in reality he had a contingency plan in case the Earth was actually destroyed. Hardly what I'd call "salvation". I say let humanity die, by the way. It's one thing to have a 2012 scenario (the film) where the planet still exists, and the plan is literally to repopulate the Earth. But saving a bunch of people so they can orbit, what, Mars? And then what? Thankfully they fixed that by having him work on the "save the Earth" project, which makes way more sense.

    The MIT student is in love with this girl he had sex with once? Well okay then. I will give the show the benefit of the doubt and assume that's meant to show us he's immature and vulnerable and he'll fall prey to that 17-year-old reporter and compromise the plan in, say, episode 6.

    Overall, a solid premiere. But I can't offer a full opinion before I see how the week-to-week storylines will play out. Will it just be people crunching numbers? While the government kills other people? That's going to get old fast. I hope the plan is a little more exciting. Failing that, at least we have shirtless Ian Anthony Dale to look forward to (thanks for that tidbit, by the way, I missed the promo).

    • Love 4
  7. 9 hours ago, HurricaneVal said:

    Obviously I want to keep Park and Kim on the show.  I wish there was some way to make that happen, but I don't think that is possible.

    I am irritated though over Scott Caan's contract--not that it means a hill of beans to anyone, anywhere.  Scott Caan makes the same money per episode as Alex O'Loughlin, and has (re)negotiated a contract that allows him to appear in five fewer episodes per season.  Fine.  My irritation comes in that for a very large proportion of the remainder of the episodes, the Danny character is not fully engaged in the Case of the Week, but working separately--by himself--on a B or even C list case and therefore only has a few minutes of screen time.  I have the impression that a lot of those extraneous scenes were all filmed together and then salted into other episodes where they can shoe-horn them in.  No interaction.  And SC gets paid the same amount for 120 seconds of screentime in an episode where AOL was in nearly every other scene?  Not to mention the fact that I believe (I have no proof) he filmed all those scenes back to back to back all in one set of filming, and perhaps not even while in Hawaii.  So he's actually on set and interacting with the other cast members for really only about half of the episodes.  Or at least that is the impression I have just from watching the show.  Kudos to him, I guess, for negotiating himself that sweet deal.  I just don't like it.

    See, I remember the Danno character from the first couple of seasons, and how the whole core of four had such awesome chemistry together.  Scott Caan's Danno was really the character to watch in every scene because he put so much into his reactions and facial expressions that it made you really believe in the scene.  When he had to arrest Kono during her IA undercover (not knowing she was UC) gig, his face showed all these thoughts and emotions and conflicts over the situation.   He really sold it.  Lately, because he's been doing scenes on his own, or with tertiary characters, there just isn't that spark there.

    Where did my show go?

    I agree with that, actually. Scott Caan used to be the highlight of this show for me, back in the day. The glue that held the team together. Some of his scenes with DDK especially (I consider those 2 the strongest actors, personally) even brought a tear to my eye, at one point or another (like when Chin was being investigated over that money, way back when, and Danny was there for him). Now he's always off with his little kids or in totally separate storylines. I kind of feel like S7 was a little better about that, but not by much. If he needed the time off to be with his baby, fine, but at least use him when he's there. Have him work as hard as the others. It does seem like he films everything separately, in his own time, which must be a slap in the face for DDK and GP (and, again, I'm not blaming Caan for that, I'm blaming CBS for giving him everything he asked for, and refusing to accomodate DDK or GP whatsoever).

    I don't think there's hope for DDK or GP to return, but I hope this entire debacle has CBS thinking twice about mistreating its non-white actors (though I highly doubt it).

    • Love 3
  8. 9 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

    I'm not invested in Nate and Amaya (I tend to think she's too good for him) but at least I don't feel like she has one foot out the door even with destiny hanging over her head.  Ray and Kendra was a relationship that was always out of balance, with Ray loving harder and faster, but I believe Nate and Amaya are both all in for their relationship.  It might not last but I believe in the them of the moment at least.  I never did with Ray and Kendra.  

    I agree. Both in that it was kind of obvious that Ray and Kendra weren't going to last, and in that Nate and Amaya seem to have a more balanced relationship (I did like that initially Nate seemed to be a little more into Amaya than she was into him, but I read that as a subversive take, with the "modern" dude being all attached and the "traditional" woman from the 40s being all chill. It soon became clear that Amaya liked Nate just as much.).

    I also agree that Nate/Amaya is a pairing that feels believable, if only for now. If you told me that, at the end of the season, Nate goes back in time with Amaya and ultimately becomes Vixen's grandpa, I'd believe it. And if you told me Nate and Amaya decide to go their separate ways, after a lovely relationship, because they realize their destinies are meant to lead them in different directions? I'd believe that too. That's the type of relationship I can appreciate. It feels like they're making their own decisions, based on their own feelings, instead of following a by-the-numbers plot.

    On 10/7/2017 at 4:59 PM, Lady Calypso said:

    What I appreciate about Nate by the season finale is that they finally gave him traits that didn't just remind me of Ray. He got to be a little snarky, but he also got to be just as annoyed with Ray. It allowed him to be fleshed out a little more when they stopped making him a Ray double, and I'm hoping that it continues. 

    As for Nate/Amaya, I didn't love them together, but I also didn't hate them. I actually found that they gave it a happy medium. They're not promoted as true love or whatever. but they definitely settled with the idea that they want to be together for now, because they're still exploring their relationship so screw destiny. They literally have time on their side for now. It's not that Maisie and Nick have insane amounts of chemistry, but they have something there, which is nice. The initial sleeping together episode was pretty stupid, and it kind of forced the pairing to be jump started, but they handled the remaining episodes with them quite nicely. 

    I agree with all this, as well. It was a good idea to make Nate a little snarkier, as opposed to Ray who's more bouncy and peppy. That way, Nate became less "Ray no.2" and more "a guy who has a lot of things in common with Ray, that's why they're buddies".

    And that's how I see the chemistry between Maisie and Nick, as well. It's not exactly explosive or physical or anything, but it's a nice, warm, pleasant connection. They're sweet together, and they're both likeable performers individually, so I enjoy watching them.

    • Love 3
  9. This is getting a lot of press, and I'm glad. I still don't understand how CBS missed it. They could have kept DDK, at least, since he wanted to stay longterm and he certainly is as much of a lead as Scott Caan is. Just for the optics. Letting go of all their Asian actors (both of them, on the heels of losing Masi Oka) just looks so bad. Again, I hope this forces CBS to cast more Asian actors (Hawaiians or Pacific Islanders, even) in the new roles. That'll be the only potential silver lining.

    • Love 1
  10. 10 hours ago, FilmTVGeek80 said:

    I find it a little ironic that you're talking about CBS and their mistreatment of Asian actors and the example you used is from a show where the Asian actor is treated far better (monetarily) than the white lead (or co-lead.)

    That's exactly why I said it, though. Because I wanted to highlight the fact people (including myself) aren't calling CBS racist (or misogynistic) or no reason, or even all the time (just the majority of the time, heh). We are only pointing out problematic situations, like TBBT, and Criminal Minds, and H50, and NCIS. But there are examples of CBS doing the right thing, as well, like Elementary. And I was also the one to point out that a black actor was let go from Criminal Minds, just this season, but I personally didn't think race played a part in that (especially since he was replaced by an Asian actor, and Criminal Minds has a pretty "diverse" cast, for lack of a better word). Meaning, I'm not making blanket statements. I'm pointing out both the good and the bad. And the H50 situation is bad.


    Classic racism is a show where (up until recently) the bulk of the cast were non-white actors? I think it's perfectly acceptable for someone (or the leader of a show) being accused of racism to point out how off-balance that statement is given the racial make-up of the supporting players and guest actors over the years. 

    The bulk of the non-white actors were apparently making breadcrumbs, though. That's a problem in itself. As is the fact the white actors were allowed to renegotiate whenever they wanted, and get very generous raises and scheduling freedom, but the Asian actors had to sit through a 7-year contract, low salary and all, until they could ask for something more (and not get it, of course). Again, if an "unprecedented" raise wasn't enough to even remotely achieve parity, that says a lot. And Lenkov is willfully ignoring that.


    While I love when actors - like on Friends and TBBT stick up for each other when it comes to contracts, I think it's a bit unfair to act like Alex and Scott are doing something wrong by not falling on their sword to cut their salaries. That's not required of them and it's not on them to fix this situation.

    I do agree with that. It's not entirely fair to shift the blame on AOL and SC. They are merely enjoying the perks of being white. It would have been fantastic if they offered to accept a lower salary (though I agree with posts above, it seems this cast isn't particularly tight like that), and it would have been decent of them to even make a statement about this situation, but still, CBS is fully to blame, in my opinion.

    • Love 5
  11. 5 hours ago, BW Manilowe said:

    For what it's worth, at least in S1 I've read Scott made $80,000 per episode while Alex made $100,000. So, at least at 1 point they didn't even have pay parity despite apparently being considered co-leads.

    This is a new article from The Hollywood Reporter about the situation:

    Hawaii Five-0 Star Exits Spark Asian-American Concern: "Racial Hierarchy" Remains "Intact"

    Wait, so AOL and SC were able to secure raises despite the fact their contracts weren't up? They renegotiated at some point between S1 and now? Randomly? While the Asian leads were only able to renegotiate 7 years in, and only when their contracts were up? And Scott Caan was somehow able to both request and get the same salary as the "lead"? As well as a reduced schedule? Good for him. CBS can sure be accomodating when they want to.

    Also, I went through that THR piece and, among the many supportive tweets, I saw this one:

    At least one H50 cast member (former, now, of course) is speaking in DDK's favor.

    I am really going to miss Chin, Kono and Adam. They weren't always given much to do (Chin was, for the most part) but the actors brought depth into the characters even when the writing did not.

    • Love 8
  12. 4 hours ago, Ohmo said:

    I understand what you're saying, and your "Elementary" example is spot-on because the time to deal with parity is at the beginning.  Are Holmes and Watson both lead roles?  Is there pay parity?  Then the actor in question has to make a decision as to what is acceptable to him or her.  If in Daniel's next opportunity, he's up for a lead, you better believe this issue comes up.

    As a matter of fact, Lucy Liu was making almost double of what Jonny Lee Miller was making, at least in the first few seasons of Elementary (and I believe she is still paid more, though the disparity is smaller now). JLM was the "lead" but he was far less famous (though still exponentially more famous than AOL). Lucy Liu was a movie star. According to this tumblr post citing a TV Guide article, LL started with $125,000 and JLM with $65,000, and a google search on more recent data tells me LL is now making $130,000 and JLM about $100,000.

    So it can be done. CBS can even do it. When they want to. Which makes the H50 situation even more glaring in terms of race and their mistreatment of Asian actors.

    Speaking of, I noticed Lenkov said:


    No one wanted to see them go — they are irreplaceable.

    And yet they will be magically replaced by actors who cost far less money.

    Also, "unprecedented raises" which still resulted in lower salaries than those of their white co-stars? I guess Grace Park was getting paid in room and board.

    • Love 12
  13. 41 minutes ago, Ohmo said:

    Sure, I never watched Lost or BSG, but I know they're both popular.  That wasn't the point that I was making.  I was responding to the statement that Alex was a "nobody" at the time he was cast.  I don't think that's an accurate statement.

    In terms of Grace and Daniel's popularity, yes, they were/are popular for those shows, but that doesn't make the roles of Chin and Kono lead roles.   They are supporting roles played by actors with a lot of popularity who chose those roles for whatever reasons that they did.  Michael Weatherly was popular on Dark Angel and from his soap days, but his role as Tony was supporting to Gibbs.  Jorge Garcia was also on Lost, but his current role is supporting to the character of Steve.  Popularity is a measuring stick when you're talking similar roles, but Steve and Chin are not similar, nor are Steve and Kono.  Whoever chose to play them, no matter what their name recognition, was choosing to take a supporting role, which pays less than a lead role.

    Nor are Steve and Danno. And yet here we are.

    • Love 1
  14. 8 hours ago, Artsda said:

     CBS has issued a response to Kim’s Facebook post, per our sister site Deadline: “Daniel and Grace have been important and valued members of Hawaii Five-0 for seven seasons. We did not want to lose them and tried very hard to keep them with offers for large and significant salary increases. While we could not reach an agreement, we part ways with tremendous respect for their talents on screen, as well as their roles as ambassadors for the show off screen, and with hopes to work with them again in the near future.”

    If DDK was offered a "significant" pay raise which was barely enough to give him a salary 10%/15% lower than AOL's (and not $5,000, come on, CBS), then how much less was he originally getting? CBS doesn't even realize they're making themselves sound even worse.

    6 hours ago, Ohmo said:

    I'd dispute that statement.  Alex had just come off of Moonlight, a very popular (though short-lived) show at the time.  i was not a mega-Moonlight devotee, but I know that fans were trying to get the show uncancelled.

    Wasn't that show very poorly rated? Does anyone still talk about it? I don't think it was a Firefly-style cult hit, it just hit a nerve with a small number of people who were vocal about enjoying it. But did the mainstream viewing audience know about it? I remember the efforts to uncancel it (because I follow entertainment news pretty closely) but I never once watched an episode and I didn't even know what AOL looked like before H50, let alone his name. I agree that Scott Caan definitely had name recognition (both literally and because of his movies), but if we accept "Moonlight" as very popular, then how about Battlestar Galactica? By the measure of popularity, GP was ten times more famous. And DDK was on Lost. Surely the most recognizable face on H50.

    Also, it seems we have confirmation AOL and Scott Caan are making the same (because Danno is not a supporting character, somehow). Which fortifies the argument of those saying "forget AOL, why shouldn't DDK make the same as SC?"

    Anyway, it seems that CBS is troubled by all the race talk. I hope that makes them cast some Asian actors, if only to appear less racist. That'll be the one silver lining in this situation.

    • Love 6
  15. 8 hours ago, Vermicious Knid said:

    Was this in the works during the season? Because it's kind of suspicious otherwise that both characters were already set up to leave. Chin can go run the San Francisco task force and Kono's already charged off to be a one woman crusade against human trafficking.

    Since this was the S7 finale, all the main contracts were up for renegotiation. I don't know when AOL and Scott Caan renewed their contracts (before the finale, I assume, which would explain their "set" fates), but this is standard practice. Leaving an "out" in case negotiations don't work out. This season on Criminal Minds a lot of contracts were up, so the finale was a huge cliffhanger in which most of the characters were in mortal danger (all except Garcia, but funny enough that actress almost didn't renew either, for reasons similar to DDK and GP). CBS wanted to have an out. They do that a lot. On Criminal Minds, only one actor was ultimately let go, and even though he was black, I actually believe that happened for creative reasons, not because of his race. That show has a core cast of 8, so it made sense to get rid of the newest addition who never really caught on. Plus they brought in Daniel Henney to replace him, so as of now Criminal Minds has more lead Asian actors than Hawaii Five-0. Namely, one.

    • Love 2
  16. 55 minutes ago, Magnumfangirl said:

    I don't agree.  It's one of those blanket accusations that can never be proved or disproved.

    I literally provided several examples of it, from the last couple of years alone. Not just about race, but also about female performers. Criminal Minds, TBBT, and H50 itself. Along with the fact CBS only picks up pilots starring white men (last season it was 100% white men, and this season it's 99% white men plus that show with Shemar Moore).

    Which reminds me of another example. CBS passing on that Nancy Drew reboot starring Sarah Shahi (who is Persian) because it was "too female".

    Literally all the other networks try (Fox especially). CBS has not tried in years. H50 actually seemed like the exception, but I guess that's done (for now). I just hope they don't bring in more white people to replace the actors they lost.

    5 minutes ago, MissLucas said:

    If they are seriously planning for a season 9 then that makes their handling of the situation actually worse. They have a lead-actor with health problems and the second billed actor is not available for full seasons. Under those circumstances I'd try to keep the other main actors who helped to establish the show (both Park and DDK brought some serious genre clout with them) in order to help the franchise stay on course. The current controversy is probably more damaging to the show than giving these two equal pay.

    Absolutely agreed. Then again, maybe a potential season 9 is exactly the reason they let DDK and GP go. Two more years of higher salaries? When they can cast newbies and pay them far less? No need. I actually look forward to S9, when AOL and Scott Caan will leave, and we'll have to watch a soft reboot, starring the S8 newbies plus Jerry. Now that's what I call a show!

    • Love 11
  17. 2 hours ago, Magnumfangirl said:

    I seriously doubt that Scott has the same "per episode" deal that Alex does.  


    2 hours ago, Artsda said:

    Scott doesn't even appear in all episodes, he must have a different deal.

    From what I gather, they make the same amount of money per episode, but Scott Caan is in fewer episodes, so he makes less money overall (per season). So he is cheaper, but technically he makes the same as AOL for the same (-ish) amount of work.

    As for AOL being the lead and working harder, there's something to be said about having a white lead on a show set in Hawaii. DDK could have been the lead and he could have worked just as hard (like he has in his long career). But that was never going to happen on CBS.

    1 hour ago, Magnumfangirl said:

    I don't think he's missed any either, but a lot of his scenes have been filmed separately from the other cast.  I'm not slamming him or GP or CBS or PL, I think they all messed up here.  But for people to claim "racism" is beyond stupid.    If the network or Peter were "racist" why did they hire them in the first place?

    I agree with comments above, if anything Peter Lenkov is probably scrambling to fix his show right now. I don't think it was his choice at all to let them go (but he was the one who cast them). CBS itself, though, as a network, it has given us plenty of reasons to consider race plays a role in major decisions. 90% of all CBS shows have white male leads, including the new shows picked up every season, even when they claim they'll "do better" in terms of diversity (which never seems to happen). And I specifically mentioned both Criminal Minds and TBBT in terms of their mistreatment of women (who were paid less and/or fired, as opposed to the male leads. Thomas Gibson had to physically assault someone to get fired, Paget Brewster just had to, like, be a woman and ask for some money which she deserved). Criminal Minds and H50 were the only/most "diverse" CBS shows. At least Criminal Minds made sure to bring in more POC, as it lost others. I hope H50 does the same, because right now we're down to 2 white guy leads and 2 "comic relief" men of color.

    • Love 7
  18. 3 hours ago, BW Manilowe said:

    I know you meant "no LEAD Asian actors", but they still have Dennis Chun who plays HPD Sgt. Duke Lukela (he's at least part Chinese, I think). And they still have Taylor Wily (Kamekona) & Shawn Mokuahi Garnett (Cousin Flippa)--but I think they're Samoan, which is probably more "Pacific Islander" than Asian. And they have Kimmee Balmilero, who's Filipina & replaced Masi Oka as the Medical Examiner. And Shawn Thomsen, who plays the recurring role of HPD Officer Pua--I think he's Hawaiian, but I'm not sure what the rest of his ethnic mix is. And I know we only saw her once last season, but the new Hawaiian Governor in the show, Governor Keiko Mahoe (played by Rosalind Chao), is apparently at least part Asian as well.

    So there is still Asian representation among the supporting/recurring cast.

    And they haven't yet cast the new female regular they've announced they're looking for. She could be a full or part Asian as well.

    Yes, a lot of Asian actors who are paid next to nothing, because they play minor roles. Within months, we lost DDK, Grace Park (and I assume Ian Anthony Dale) as well as Masi Oka. The show went from 3 Asian leads plus a big recurring player to bit players in glorified cameos.

    Like I said, though, I truly hope any new characters/actors brought in will be Asian. This is set (and filmed) in Hawaii, after all.

    13 minutes ago, BW Manilowe said:

    OK... This version of yesterday's article from Variety says that *CBS' final offer in the negotiations with DDK & Grace P. was to pay them 10-15% less this season than Alex & Scott are getting*; what was stated/I read before was that DDK & Grace P. were *already* making that amount (& wanted more). It also says that both Alex & Scott have deals which give them percentage points on the back end, as far as the show goes. I know that's a (pretty standard) contract thing, & it's a showbiz term which I've heard, but I've never really understood it other than it means--in this case--Alex & Scott make money from being on the show through other sources than their paychecks.


    Another thing to consider is the original disparity. DDK and GP didn't accept a salary that was 10-15% lower than AOL and Scott Caan's now, but I can only imagine how much lower their original salary was, for 7 whole years. A new salary would have to partly make up for that, as well.  And, considering the back end deals, even if DDK and GP were to have an equal salary, AOL and SC would still be making more.

    Yet again, CBS gives everything to the white male leads with minimal negotiations, and leaves the women and the poc (and GP is both, by the way) hanging, if not fired.

    As for DDK and GP wanting to leave, I doubt it, if only because the show probably has another year left, two tops, and DDK especially (who lives in Hawaii) would have no reason to give up a cushy job. These articles (from their camp, I'm sure) clearly suggest they left for financial reasons alone.

    That said, I can definitely believe that they were fully prepared to leave, and they don't see this as a huge loss. Because it's not, for them. It's the show's loss.

    I really want to see how the premiere handles their exit. We'll probably get a cargument in which Danno argues against bringing in new people because he hates everyone, and Steve tells him to give the newbies a chance, and we'll only hear what happened in a throwaway line, right before a car chase randomly starts. And, starting with episode 2, Chin and Kono will never be mentioned again.

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  19. Grace Park and DDK, both of whom have been on very successful shows before (Battlestar Galactica, and Lost, respectively, though DDK has been on tons of stuff over the years) can't get the same (or roughly the same, I assume) amount of money as AOL who basically only has H50 under his name (in terms of success)? (Scott Caan is a little more famous, and probably makes a lot of money per episode, but I suspect the fact he sits out about 6 episodes per season lowers his total salary)

    Great. And now a show set in Hawaii has no Asian actors in it.

    Will the new characters be Asian, at least? Or nah?

    CBS treats women and POC so poorly when it comes time for contract negotiations (see also Criminal Minds, with the JJ/Prentiss debacle a few years ago, but also this season, with JJ and Garcia). At least on TBBT the other co-stars supported Mayim Bialik and Melissa Rauch, and accepted pay cuts so those two could get raises. Which is amazing. And the only reason they did that was because they knew CBS would have fired them otherwise. Because that's what CBS does. I guess H50 is not much of an "ohana" after all.

    (yes, I'm mad.)

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  20. 19 hours ago, johntfs said:

    I kind of like the way romantic relationships occur on Legends.  There's not really any the whole "Twu Wuv 4eva" stuff (except with the Hawks and they're gone).  Nate and Amaya hooked up in the moment and stayed together because they clicked and really liked each other.  They might stay together.  They might break up.  It's cool either way.

    Agreed. That's why the chemistry between Zano and MR-S was important. When a CW show sets up that true love crap, it's usually mushy and boring and the acting can't really save the writing. But when it's just a random hookup, which then leads to feelings, all you need is a dumb premise (check) and believable physical chemistry between the actors (check). I would have preferred their convo about "modern courting" to have taken place, say, one episode earlier, just to set it up a little better, and I agree with @Miss Dee that maybe they could have saved the sex until after the mission (though I appreciate the justification of "we can't do anything in these wet clothes, so we have nothing to do for the next couple of hours"), but I didn't mind it. It would have been kind of quaint for them to stop at one kiss. That's another reason why I liked the randomness. If they were having that "true love" moment, a romantic first time, they'd want to take it slow, etc. But since this was just about their mutual attraction, of course they'd go all the way. That's the point of a hook-up.

    I mostly liked that the writers strengthened their connection after their sexual encounter. Instead of being like "OK, Nate and Amaya are a couple now", they gave them both conflict and intimacy. By the end of the season, I was all for it.

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  21. On 24/6/2017 at 1:32 AM, Miss Dee said:

    I like Ray better too, but I'm fine with Nate... now. Total honesty, I really loved both the Raymick and the Mick/Amaya dynamics, and I resented it when Nate not only usurped the first but the second as well. It took me a while to be somewhat objective about him, and I'll probably never really love the character because of it.

    They can keep Nate/Amaya (Stixen? Veele? Namaya? What do the kids call it these days?); just give Ray back to Mick, writers!

    I'm with you on that, actually (and unsurprisingly). I think that's one of the reasons why I like Nate/Amaya, because it frees up Ray and maybe we can get Ray/Mick back. I like all the dynamics mentioned, and I think all the actors involved are charming and have chemistry with each other (romantic or otherwise). I'd be more than happy with Nate/Amaya as a romance, and Mick/Amaya as well as Ray/Nate as strong friendships, as long as Ray and Mick remember how close they once were. Mick gave him Snart's gun! I'm just glad they had that almost-hug in the finale, plus Ray's reaction to Mick's "death."

    If anything, I was more upset when Mick called Amaya his "one" (or was it "only"?) friend. I almost think Mick/Amaya was the real obstacle to Mick/Ray, because they were shown to share a deeper connection, as opposed to Ray and Nate who were just broing out hilariously, most of the time (to my amusement, because I do like them both equally). That said, I will admit Ray and Nate spent a lot of episodes together (maybe a disproportionate amount).  Then again, those episodes were pretty fun.

    Ultimately, I think the Ray/Mick dynamic was sacrificed a little, in terms of the screentime they got, but I don't feel totally disappointed by that as a viewer, because they still had their moments. Also, we did get a lot of Mick/Stein episodes, which were both unexpected and awesome. Personally, I wouldn't trade those for anything.

    By the way, since this is the Nate thread, I wouldn't mind seeing him interact a little more with Mick (who is my favorite, and whom I want to see interacting more closely with everyone).

    Anyway, I have to credit the writers for eventually finding a good balance, and I also have to credit Zano for being charming enough to make me want to like Nate, even when I didn't.

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  22. I agree that MB is a very weak actress, and the show was actually more fun during her absence, but she is the female lead of the show. Spader is amazing, of course, but the show itself has always been about Lizzy and her relationship to Red. It's all seen through her eyes. That's why we see her team, and her husband, and her kid, and her maybe-father. Red is more of a mystery, with the occasional flashback episode and a handful of associates (just Dembe, at this point). We're not following Red's story, for the vast majority of the episodes. It's Lizzy's story. Her father. Her life. The reason she was handpicked by Red in the pilot. Technically, the promos should reflect that, and she's right to point that out.

    Besides, The Blacklist is practically a dead show walking, and Spader (while supremely talented) is not exactly a trendy star anymore. And the show ain't getting any new viewers. So why not feature Lizzy in the promos? When the show is about her? The (totally correct) argument of "she's a terrible actress" doesn't mean much, not when the producers actually chose her. They cast her in this, and they made her their lead, and they should treat her accordingly. This isn't, like, Diego Klattenhoff complaining. Megan Boone is the female lead, but you wouldn't know it from most of the promos.

    I don't know why she suddenly decided to comment on this, though. Maybe this'll be the final season (I can only imagine, based on the ratings, although this is NBC, so you never know), and she no longer feels like she needs to toe the company line? Because it'll all be over soon, so she feels more free when it comes to speaking out?

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