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Posts posted by MunichNark

  1. I just don't get this "I was able" thing. Why not say I did, I went, I could??

    Tori looked so innocent on those older blog entries, now she is just obnoxious and loud. Sigh.

    I was able to just look at someone called Courtney KG14 IG photos and one thing struck me yet again - there is a photo showing Josi wearing a Tshirt with a plunging neckline (with a layer under it, of course). Why is it okay to choose such an item? A deep neckline will not become modest just because you put something underneath. It still draws attention to it. I wouldn't wear such a thing and I'm not that hung up on modesty.

    Here lies the tragedy I think. We ordinary heathens pay so much attention to their often minute details that they proclaim to live by that anything that doesn't conform to that is seen as hypocritical. Fair play to the girl for wearing a fairly short skirt and that Tshirt, but still....

    • Love 3
  2. Why can't they actually attend a College? What's with all that online stuff?

    Has anyone read Steve Maxhell's post on his wife? I found it somewhat surprising, since he admits she suffered from depression and he makes himself sound almost human.

    Edit, can anyone here see Meechelle or DimBulb trying to convince on of their spawn to try a College course?

  3. That's actually Jenni.

    Can Jackson be included in the lost girls? I have a hard time believing this boy is near 12 years of age. He seems and acts like a 5 year old.

    Do they WANT children that stay children for ever? I mean really? Does the Dugtards not realise that when they are old and need looking after, a bunch of child-adults won't be doing it because they can barely look after themselves?

    • Love 4
  4. I can't help but feel that Jill will return to the US having learnt nothing. Obviously she has to make do for now, but somehow I think she'll happily and gladly leave it behind to fall into her family's bosom so she can be as ignorant as they are.

    I don't see her as wanting new experiences, wanting to learn. And Derick, well, he's turned out a massive disappointment so far

    • Love 5
  5. 18 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

    Josh would never survive in Europe.

    He would NOT! All them heathens about, no a prairie dress in sight, and you have to send your kids to school (some countries do allow educating at home though). And the food......no chickafilla or whatever that thing is called.

    Actually, this may be fun...........sure, ship him over to me......*insert very evil smiley here

    • Love 7
  6. They don't have standards, they just adjust as and when they feel like it.

    I do get the layering at times, sometimes I like a shirt and you can't just get something with a higher cut neck, so I put something underneath it. I hate plunging necklines, even with TShirts, but current fashion dictates a somewhat bigger neckline than I like, so I layer. (If anyone has an idea of where to get high cut TShirts......)

    Jill has zero sense of how to dress. She flings on her clothes any old how, with no regards to colour, fit or if they suit. Miss Smuggette aka Jessa just wears tight stuff.

    You don't have to dress dowdy or weirdly to be modest, and modesty has nothing to do with the way you dress anyway.

    • Love 4
  7. Actually, since a horrific bus crash, Ireland's Coaches do have seatbelts. Germany does not have school buses, so that question doesn't arise for us here.

    Ah right, I know that in the US, Anglican is Episcopalian, I didn't realise that Canada sticks with Anglican.

    That graduation party was odd, but they did some filming so I suppose they need something fun to show. And I'm sure that people brought pressies

  8. Anglican? Are you British?

    I think that the Bateses do care more about school, and Kelly has said that she encourages them to go to College, even if it is just this weird Crown thing.

    I have serious doubts about the Duggar kids, the younger ones especially, whether they can read or write. They certainly have no interest in learning. At all. Have they ever been shown with a book to read? I mean a real book?

    I wonder if Anna is teaching her wee ones. She used to talk about doing with flash cards, no?

  9. Aye, Erin used to be fairly obnoxious, I still remember her remark about sitting next to students with green hair when asked why she didn't go to a normal College. I like her now, she seems to have matured.

    Alyssa I don't mind, not into ther nasal whiny voice, but don't mind her. Carlin gets on my nerves mightily, Tori is beginning to, as is um, Josie. They have a tendency to be really rude and loud, just because.

    In an older episode, Carlin was far more quiet and shy, she's changed quite a bit. I suppose quiet people get lost in such huge families.

    Not using a seatbelt is akin to murder, dito for pets who can also kill you if they are thrown around.

    • Love 1
  10. Lawson is a smug idiot. Blah.

    I watched some of the episode that Up TV kindly provided and while I did enjoy them, I'm beginning to find some of these girls really annoying. They are so LOUD.

    Brandon hitting his head on the ice when skating was terrifying though, and why do they rollerskate without safety equipment?

    Tori seems to be next in line for marriage, at this rate, they won't have any kids left in a few years.

    • Love 2
  11. I actually did a bit of googling with regards to the development of clothing in general, and why women wear dresses. Seems that initially, even then, it was to keep them wimmins in their righteous place. Men got to dress in a way so they could move about, and women were restricted. Go figure.


    Now if you want to wear dresses, go ahead, but why oh why do people choose to dress like a hideous Prairie house reject?? You CAN dress nicely with modern clothes. It doesn't make you any holier or better, it's just ridiculous

    • Love 4
  12. Answering here, per mod's request. Carlin is actually a girl, and therefore doesn't have money, in accordance with their belief system. And from what we've seen on the show, Lawson's girlfriend likely would move to Tennessee. I see her as a Marjorie type, though -- she's very bold and outgoing, and I think she quite liked being filmed. But she seems to love her life in NYC and I cannot imagine her being happy in Tennessee. So we'll see. Also, I found it hilarious that the Bateses had no idea that boots are trendy. They thought Lawson's girlfriend had never worn boots because she lives in NYC. Then, pan to a shot of her in boots. His gift of cowboy boots was beyond random and she clearly did not like them.

    Ahem. The boy in question is not Lawson but Nathan.........

    • Love 4
  13. Do the Maxhells not travel as much as they used to? I'm sad enough to have trawled through their blog a bit and the last entry I could see was Sept 15. Can we rightly (or should that be righteously??) hope that these engagements are drying up?


    Just what do they do all day? No wonder those few married brothers are forever "inviting" them to do their work for them, there's eff all else to do. No jobs, no friends, no hobbies permitted. A house full of adults must be hard.......an that eldest girl is what, 35?? She'll never marry or have kids, is that really what they want for them?

    • Love 2
  14. Well, perhaps I'm showing my Catholic upbringing, but marriage has never been THE MOST IMPORTANT THING OF MY LIFE


    After reading I fired God I got a whole new insight into their mindset, but it still boggles the mind. They blather on and on about the Bible and such like, yet they so clearly haven't a clue.


    Yes, it's all about power and feeling important, but even so - you'd think that someone would cop on

    • Love 4
  15. Why not use real cheese?? Nothing beats a crust of Gouda, Cheddar or some such stuff.


    But then, this is the family that eats tater tots (again, had to Google that one). 


    You do have to wonder, don't you, at how they support their lifestyle. They are total wasters. Skimping on important things, such as shoes, food, etc, yet willing to throw money away for rubbish they don't need.


    2 Son in Laws, nary a job between them. And lots of kids left to be married off or, in some cases, to support for life

    • Love 3
  16. Good grief, he'll have some fun ahead of him. That does speak volumes.


    He'll either end up a complete religious nutter, a serial killer or in psychiatric care. WHY do you want to spend your life with someone disagreeable? There's only so much saintliness any one can dredge up


    Edit, Hell, why not just repeatedly stick a needle in your eye? What a great way to overcome pain and blindess and be a more patient person?

    • Love 8
  17. Which college, Munich? :D I used to live there so I get all excited whenever the subject comes up in life. 


    You did? How exciting! I'll send you a wee message, since this is off topic.


    I don't want to think about the horrendous fact tbh. It seriously breaks my heart to know that there are children in this world that are raised in fear. Every child deserves a loving upbringing.


    For some weird reason, I was wondering earlier whilst still in bed (don't ask..........and it is only half eight in the morning here) if the Maxhells spank? They made no mention of it as far as I can see. It'd be interesting to know in a way.


    I always think that people who have such an unholy fascination with spanking are closet Masochists or SM inclined......

    • Love 2
  18. I really don't understand the rather insane emphasis on being married. This contradicts the Bible, which does not recommend marriage at all. The highest calling is being single and devoting your life to Christ. Being married comes in at a very poor second.


    So how do they justify their insane insistance?

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