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Oinky Boinky

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Everything posted by Oinky Boinky

  1. My official guess is - it was the item at the very end of Boogie Nights
  2. If I am allowed to vote and you need me - put me on the no DL list please.
  3. I'm back. Got totally waylaid by life and I will say a whole bunch of partying. Am I allowed to post. So very sorry for my neglect here.
  4. I loved this heads I win, tails you lose choice and I wonder if you planned your statement this way. If I believe you I should DL Jesse and if I don't believe you I should still DL Jesse. Not sure if it worked out for whichever team I am on. Thanks Bob - great game. Sorry Jesse.
  5. Thank you A1. I read back and just saw that. I believe MuuuMuuu 4 to DL @MuuMuuChainsmoker (TCS, MarkHB, Drogo, CP) 1 to DL @Oinky Boinky (Jesse) 1 to DL @The Crazed Spruce (Dougal) 2 to DL @Jesse (MMCS,Oinky Boinky) because I don't take kindly to imposters!
  6. I am the witch- 2 games in a row. I chose unclaimed role B which turned out to be vanilla villager and gave it to Caprice. Did anyone else spy on the unclaimed roles?
  7. Thanks Bob. Bob . I have had PC and then phone problems. Not sure if I trust MuuMuuChainsmoker or Jesse.
  8. I will vouch that Caprice was VV with a disclaimer for whose ever hands she may have fallen into later.
  9. Ready. Anyone have anything they care to share? No masons
  10. Thank you - maybe it is my PC. I was reading everything and refreshing last night until I started watching TWD. Last post then was CP going on the player list. This morning I have two new posts just saying 6 hours ago asking for input and 3 hours ago the reply.
  11. If I can make a point - your role list suggestion was posted at1AM. I see a note at 6AM saying no objections so lets go with that. Maybe your times are different but it says 3 hours ago here. I have no objections and I know a one night game can't run 3 days of pre-discussion but did you really want input? My only suggestion is are we ok knowing there is not one single vanilla role - no one can false claim or is that the point of no VV? It's your game... and you know best.
  12. What!! no way. You were a great mod. I love when it is done to the schedule. The clues were hard but I never expect to solve them. I know I have to mod one or help mod but I am so clueless as to how you guys do this and the show I could mod - Madmen has been done. I could do or help with Walking Dead. Maybe you have done that already. You draw the roles at random I believe but then you add the frills and special abilities to the characters?
  13. Not flogging an undead horse but isn't the reason when there are two players left - one good- one bad- why the game goes to the villain is because they have the night kill? Drogo couldn't kill me that night or the next.
  14. wouldn't it have just been a stalemate vote (another no DL day) and I could get him killed that night?
  15. @Hanged Man my other idea was to swap you and Drogo and use your gun to shoot you (now him) but the two kill would have ruined that plan also. I was a little worried about leaving you and MuuMuu for the last day because if they killed me there was no swap option to flip the villain kill back. Drogo saying he could protect 3 people and for the whole game didn't sound right so I thought that was just a cover for why villains weren't dying. No hero gets that specific ability to protect just certain heroes. Caprice I got you killed - sorry hon- the night I hid behind you.
  16. I had the same thought. I was going to keep swapping with Drogo until he killed himself. Great game. I really liked my ability. Yay I have been suffering from the posting glitch all night. You guys posting and I couldn't.
  17. I think I need a shot of Chloral hydrate. Between this game and the Blue Jays I don't think sleep is going to work very well.
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