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Oinky Boinky

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Everything posted by Oinky Boinky

  1. Thank you for confirming that. I had him on my trust list but with no idea of who his character is so started to wonder.
  2. Lots of White... White house,fibbing slightly and being white in chess. Also again no NK but nothing in the story to show anyone was in danger and saved or protected.
  3. Ditto. I looked at Topo Chico sourced in Monterrey which got me onto that whole pop festival thing.
  4. I don’t believe C& CP ever said the word masons I thought it was because they were given a means of confirming that they were buddies on the show. I was given something that: Confirmed for me character names that in the show are helpful to or helping our main character so I have to believe they are on the same team. Made me believe the person giving me the item was on the same team as I am. I never had the ability to give the item. I very stupidly believed everyone on my team might have the item on their person at the start of the game. I stupidly did not realize it was dynamic. I was given a much better ability than the gifting one and so far it is working well for me.
  5. I am sorry if this is true. It is also a very good idea if you are on the bad team to have us continue to believe you are good, to not let the heroes know they scored a hit and begin to doubt an innocent. In this game the bad guys can hide out behind the no reveal aspect - so why wouldn't they?
  6. I wasn't sure of my character either so I asked. I was told I win if the heroes win. That is good enough for me.
  7. Things came into pretty good focus for me during the night. I absolutely trust: @Hanged Man @Drogo @SVNBob (wish he was here to help) @Oinky Boinky If we have only 8 players left and at least 3 are bad - we need to get somewhere today. I can go for a crazed spruce DL. 1 to DL the Crazed Spruce (Oinky Boinky) a certain number to shake the trees. Out to play golf and then Thanksgiving dinner but I will try to check in. Happy TG to all Canadians.
  8. If we have assumed the drug production people including Walter White, his wife, Saul, Gus, skinny Pete etc are the heroes, the enforcers are bad guys and wouldn't that include Marie Schrader?
  9. No clue in the story is a relief. Reading and re-reading for a clue I am just never going to get is hard work. Makes me thirsty but now it is morning so I have to stick to coffee.
  10. That was true, honest, and embarrassing waffling and nothing dodgy or planned. I was not aware day was over and not aware of no take backs of a closing vote. Sorry. It did turn out to be out of my hands so I did all that mind bending for naught.
  11. I believe HM was given the ability to see that I am good and I am trusting that that would not be granted to a bad guy.
  12. Damn I'm sorry going back to my original reason not to do this.... taking my self off again 4 to DL Hanged Man (MMCS, Drogo, TCS, caprice) 1 to, uhh, make a point? Indecision is the hobgoblin of a weak mind but I hope I prove strong on this.
  13. I just re-read and I don't see HM hinting at any character. I went off the DL for other reasons but I think we have to get something done here. Sorry HM if I am wrong... too much vote splitting and DL avoidance going on... 5 to DL Hanged Man (MMCS, Drogo, TCS, caprice,Oinky Boinky) zero to cross fingers
  14. I specifically asked for my win condition and got it-is anyone else confused as to which side they are on?
  15. My trust for now list is growing and HM is not on it.
  16. There could have been a protection on the target and a SK. We still don't have an explanation for the no kill first night so something else is at play. I know some of what happened that night but not sure how close to the mark I am. Bottom line especially since the last game, I am not giving Caprice a free ticket because CP got killed.
  17. Good points @Drogo. So far I am on your side. I agree and I am also trying to play closer to my chest but it is the hinting without saying much that I am questioning. The death row thing I am mulling, not dismissing. I KNOW exactly who someone is also but I am way foggy on exactly who is so called good and who is so called bad. I had to ask the mod what my alliance was, what my win condition is. And we are sure skinny Pete was a good guy? I think it may be that CP was killed because CP&C were openly supporting each other. You don't want a confirmed hero going to the end. Good choice as any. or Something backfired and she was a NK gone wrong.
  18. 1. Assumptions of who would be villains and who hero are wonky and I wonder if the game is set so that good or bad matter or it is just one faction v other faction. 2. You can clear someone but won't say who(??false claim to pull out if one of your buddies might get DL'd) 3. You are dropping hints that possibly only close watchers of the show will get and either you are thinking only the good guys will get it or it is another breadcrumb type of thing to fall back on or back off of if someone else claims your same character Sorry - I am willing to trust you but all of this is wishy washy so why do it? Myself - I need good hints, strong clues
  19. I'm here. Reading and thinking and well something else.
  20. I was just going to say Hocus Pocus. Great movie. My daughter makes me laugh when she does some of the dialogue.
  21. I know I could just drink my diet pepsi but I like the taste of bourbon or spiced rum. Bad habit.
  22. I discovered Bacardi Fuego because it was delisted and on sale at the KGBO. Very spicy red rum with vanilla hints -yummy. Smooth - 40% goes down like 15. Having that with Diet Pepsi. Cheers Is anyone watching the ballgame?
  23. No flies on MuuMuu. I also said don't protect me(until further notice). Hope someone got that.
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