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Posts posted by bankerchick

  1. OK, flipping past but cannot watch A Novel Romance.  Are we to seriously believe that a football player broke up with his (non-famous) girlfriend, and the press was so bad that months later, she cannot date an author because his fame will cause people to recognize her and she will have to go through that again???

    Can you name me one non-famous girlfriend of either a professional football player, or author?  Or pick them out of a lineup?

    (Sorry if I already posted this; I know it bugged me last time the movie was on too.)


    You're not missing much beside the pilot where you see Paul Greene in (almost) all his glory. I was a fan from then on. Fun fact, while I was looking for screencaps of the pilot...for research ;-)... I saw an article that said one of the exec producers discovered PG on the show and suggested him for a Hallmark movie, Perfect Match with Danica.

    That sounds like a pilot worth watching.  I'll keep it in mind if it ever comes up.  I did watch an interview with Greene and he seems quite religious (spiritual?) so it would seem that the Hallmark movies are more his speed but I guess you gotta pay the bills.  Has anyone checked out his singing? His voice is 'fine' but his original songs are pretty awful.

    • Love 1
  2. Agreed.  Some actors are getting pretty long in the tooth for these movies.  They should bring in a whole new crew of young actors, but if they have to use the same actors, they could come up with a new category, so instead of pretending they are just starting their careers and finally looking for love, they could have movies about people starting their lives over after a divorce or death (but not the mysterious early 30s death of the mother and now the father has to come to grips with his grief and finding love again with a young, never-married woman) or having being fired or downsized.  In other words, have the 40-something actors play 40-something characters, or God forbid, 50-something.  It's not like people watching Hallmark are all that young.  Hell, I'm pretty old, old enough that I have to tell myself that as long as the actor is older than my son, it's ok for me to crush on him, even if biologically I'm old enough to be his mother.

    • Love 9
  3. Dilemma.  Bottled with Love is on.  It stars Andrew Walker, which is an auto-watch for me.  Unfortunately, it also stars Bethany Joy Lenz.  She is almost an auto non-watch for me.  I disliked her in Five Star Christmas, though I was clearly in the minority here.  I re-watched it and still didn't like her but got past it.  Yesterday, Just My Type was on, but she was so insufferable that I stopped watching and stopped recording.

    I guess I will give this one a shot but if she makes me skip an Andrew Walker movie, I will be very pissed.

    And those glasses are not funky.  Hexagon shaped wire frames are not cool, not even in an ironic way.

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  4. Sorry to bring this up again, but here is my take as a Canadian (SW Ontario, 725 km or 450 miles from Quebec.)  Most Canadians pronounce poutine as 'poo-teen' as that would be the Anglicized pronunciation, likely what you would hear in Banff, Alberta.  The French way is 'poo-tin' and often, the 't' is pronounced in such a way that it sounds like it is followed by an 's' (poot-sin.)  Many Canadians are bilingual or just pronounce French words in the French way so it is common to hear the French pronunciation as well.  Similar to how the province of Quebec is pronounced Ke-bec as opposed to Que-bec.

    And Banff is as beautiful in real life as in the movie.  Hope to see you all there next year!

    • Love 2
  5. Quote

    Ken tends to say it more drawn out and a bit like he's amazed, like he's puzzled that the contestant gave that answer, sort of like "No. Why would you give such a bad answer? How could you not know it?". 

    This.  100x this.  It's like he has to make a little comment on every wrong answer, or provide more context for the right answer when I would prefer we just move on to the next clue.  

    What I'm finding as I watch Ken is that I thought my love of trivia had nothing to do with Alex Trebek and I would happily continue watching with any host.  I totally forgot to watch one day this week and on another day, I decided to continue watching the movie I was watching rather than pause the movie and go to Jeopardy.

  6. Agreed.  Whenever anyone comments on how they remember someone from this show or that show, I have usually never even heard of the show, never mind watching it.  I did try to hunt some of them down, specifically Bitten, as someone wondered if Paul Green used a body double because he looked really hot, but it's not free and honestly, I know it's a show I wouldn't watch anyway.  I have started to watch When Calls The Heart, something I would not have even considered a year ago but it's covid and I'm newly retired and I am not apologizing for wasting my time watching handsome men act in stupid shows.

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  7. Quote

    The Charmin bears have gotten closer to this than we need. In that case, the floor underwear is clean because his "heiny's clean!"  And, as always, I wonder why bears that we always see naked ever need underwear.  Are they really just a family of furries all wearing bear costumes?  Do the kids know this is not normal?  Is this a cult? So many questions. So few answers. 😿

    No kidding.  I also hate the one where Mama and Papa bear are watching tv, then they look at each other, and Mama shouts up the stairs, 'you're not using too much, are you?' to their poor son on the toilet who is, in fairness to the Mom, using too much.  As a parent I don't recall ever having a secret look with my husband that meant our kid was wasting toilet paper, or for that matter, keeping track of who was in the bathroom at any given time.

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  8. Agreed on Webster/Kolaha, never heard of Dangerfield/Faglia (IMDB does not pull up any Faglia) but I don't see Walker/Turner.  I used to confuse Andrew Walker with Luke Macfarlane and one other guy whose name I don't know, but Andrew Walker has serious chemistry with most of his costars which I cannot say about Macfarlane (not to mention Walker's characters seem to have some personality.)  Having said that, I find that a couple of guys stand out and the rest might as well be the same person.  Same as the women, I guess, though I find the unmemorable guys more innocuous than annoying and while I'm not particularly attracted to some of the guys, that won't make me turn the channel like a shrewy hag of an actress will.

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  9. Quote

      ON 1/13/2021 AT 6:40 PM, EYEWATCHTV211 SAID:

    I've gotten better, but I used to confuse Ashley Williams and Rachel Boston. I don't particularly care for either of them either. 

    Me neither.  Something about RB just doesn't make me see her as a romantic lead.  She comes across too goofy and, not to be mean or shallow, her thin lips bug me, especially when she stretches them to almost non-existance when she smiles really wide

    No kidding.  I watched The Last Bridesmaid last weekend and when she's dressed for the wedding in her hideous yellow bridesmaid dress, and she says to her videographer love interest Paul Campbell (the only reason to ever watch this terrible movie)  'keep your eyes on the bride' and he says, 'I can't,' I practically laughed out loud.


    It's when someone is leaving and is going to miss an important event.  We see the person getting in the car and driving off.  Then, at the last minutes, during the event the person is there because they changed their mind/realized what was important in life and had the car turn around.

    Never mind that they left as the show was starting and despite driving forever and having a long conversation with the other occupant, once the decision is made to turn around, they're still in the tiny town.

    I can't find Two For The Win so I guess it's not scheduled yet for Canada, but I found on IMDB that the female star is from Collingwood, Ont., which is what passes for a ski hill in Southern Ontario (no laughing) so chances are good that she did some of her own skiing as well.  Having said that, I am up for a new Trevor Donovan movie.

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  10. My guess is that the plan all along was to give the role to Ken, hence the 6 weeks of taping.  Then the Twitter sewer got started and they hesitated.  Clearly I have no inside knowledge, but I think since Twitter has moved on and Ken doesn't appear to be tanking (in my opinion, and I strongly dislike everything about him, he is doing 'fine',) the other guest hosts are a distraction and it will be Ken's job.  

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  11. Quote

    I may not wholeheartedly enjoy the ads, but I can't hate the innocents of this world.

    I feel much the same way about the Noom ads.  I don't really like most of the people in the commercials, but I know how hard it is to lose weight and how amazing it makes you feel when you are able to do so, so I can't help but smile at the woman who finds shopping for clothes a much different experience now.

    • Love 7
  12. Agreed, StrictTime, I thought the same thing.  She looks way older than him.  No way did he pine for her.  And Joe Theismann was hilarious, though I have trouble watching him without thinking about that broken leg.

    Given the movies are so ridiculous anyway, it seems crazy to me to watch a ridiculous movie with unlikeable actors.  Since they are always told from the woman's side and she is in pretty much 100% of the scenes, I have to draw the line.  Once she is a bitch-on-wheels for no reason at all, or determined to do things her way even though she's been gone for years and the locals all know what they're doing, or stuck in the 'this is how my mother did Christmas before she died when I was 5' rut, then the actress had better be appealing enough to make me stay to see how she evolves.

    Another weird thing is that the actresses all appear to have doppelgangers.  YMMV, but as mentioned earlier, I cannot tell the difference between Jill Wagner and Tricia Helfer, Rachel Boston and Erin Cahill, or Nikki DeLoach and Autumn Reeser.  There are two others I can think of but have no idea of their name or any movies they were in (maybe the one where she comes back to town and helps in the bookstore and there is a sexy scene with the blacksmith?)

    And for the second time this week:  if you have moved away to the city and haven't even come home to visit for years, you DO NOT get to berate your parents because they are getting too old to work the family farm/inn and are thinking of selling to the handsome local who works for them.


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  13. Quote

    I'll probably watch this again, for Ryan, the Plaza, and the overall plot (despite the ridiculous timeframe of her job assignment), and I'll try to ignore the lead actress.

    That's the thing about these movies.  All of the guys are handsome, some more appealing than others (Ryan is one of my favourites) but I find it's the woman who determines whether or not I can watch a movie.  Most are not particularly good actresses, but some are so flat, or so shrill or so 'bright' that I can't watch.  Case in point - I love, love Paul Campbell and have watched Christmas at Starlight a few times this season because I also like Kimberly Sustad but I can't watch Holiday Hearts and can barely tolerate The Last Bridesmaid because of the lead actresses.  I am currently watching Appetite for Love which stars Andrew Walker and Taylor Cole, both of whom are very appealing.

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  14. Interesting.  Though not necessarily good news for me, as a non-fan of Lacey Chabert.

    It looks like, based on these numbers and the lack of comments on this site, I might be the only person who watched or liked Project Christmas Wish.  Whether it's because Travis Van Winkle is smoking hot or because there is no great misunderstanding drama, I found it very watchable.  I thought the dancing at the mixer was very romantic and yes, I did rewind and rewatch that scene several times.  In fact, I think I will watch the movie again today because it looks like all today's movies are of the pumpkin pie/harvest variety.  I will be so glad when I can finally pull myself out of the rabbit hole of Hallmark movies that I seem to have fallen into.

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  15. That was a great interview, j5cochran.  Thanks for sharing.  It's nice to hear from someone who had the opportunity to meet him, that he is (was) as nice as he seems.  I agree that coming up with 5 anecdotes that complete strangers will find interesting sounds very daunting, perhaps scarier than playing the actual game (given that anyone who makes the show can clearly answer most of the questions.)  I think most games are probably decided by who manages to have the right buzzer rhythm, would you agree?

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  16. I have also lived north (though actually the southern area of Canada) all my life and I have never seen:  snowman contests, gingerbread house contests, wreath-making booths, booths that offer eggnog (honestly I don't know anyone who actually even likes eggnog, with the odd exception and that always involves rum), towns where every store on main street vomits Christmas, Christmas cookie bake sale fundraisers, Santa's sleigh driving down main street outside of the Christmas parade, or downtown corner lots that sell Christmas trees that people carry home.  Nor do I know anyone who can name 5 different kinds of Christmas trees.  I am willing to admit that this might be because I live in a city and not a small town named Christmas Hollow or Starbright or Charmingtown.


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  17. Quote

    Ever since I saw the show Bitten, I can't look at Paul Greene the same again. I don't know if Bitten used body doubles or not...but if that truly was Paul's body onscreen...yowza!

      I recall reading in a few places that Greene has a 'mantra' that consists of 4 words, the only 2 of which I can remember are 'faith and fitness' so I'm going to go out on a limb and say it's probably his own body.  Now, excuse me while I go find out what Bitten is...

    Bridal Wave is on here tomorrow at 6am so the PVR is already programmed.  I love the movie but not getting up that early to watch it!


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