I finally caught up and thought I'd weigh in on the Spartan Race controversy.
For starters, I think Josh is a grade A asshole. He misled his wife intentionally. He said "If I had told you, you wouldn't have done it." Obviously, he is aware that Kristen isn't an avid runner/conditioned athlete, so what did he do? He set her up for failure and had the nerve to be annoyed with her when she was overwhelmed by the challenge. Was she a bit OTT with her reaction? Perhaps, but I can certainly see myself being emotional in the same situation. Adrenaline. Having an entire miserable race to think about your husband lying to you and then leaving you. It's a lot. I like Kristen so far, and I am rooting for her to leave the douche lord that is her husband. I wonder what ever drew her to him? Several posters on TWoP observed that he looked a lot like Lance Armstrong, and they nailed it. He may also be the only person who makes Lance's personality seem not so offensive.
I never really warmed to Carole, and that hasn't changed. It bugs me how she seems to think herself so superior to the other participants of this show. Hey, Carole, you're on a reality show. Any delusions of grandeur should have died rather quickly. I don't think she has any reason to be upset with Ramona, (Full disclosure, I love Ramona's crazy ass.) and I am fine with Ramona not defending Carole vehemently. I remember how charming Carole found George last season and said Ramona had no right to have him removed from her party. I think Carole's sudden dislike of Aviva has more to do with Aviva's steep decline in popularity than it does anything else. I think Carole caught wind of how distasteful found Aviva and her father and decided she'd better get on the right side of television or suffer a similar fate.