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Everything posted by Slowpokey

  1. Same here it is just yuck.If you want to call a woman stupid call her stupid.And I have never seen Phyllis called a cow on here. It would sure be dull.Some characters would have no story with out SC to kick around and humiliate. Yes she does.
  2. Phyillis has always had a weird hang up obsession for Sharon almost as if she wants to be her.Victor has not been obsessed with her as long and only recently to the degree that Phyl is but he obviously dreams about her.It is a strange thing to see.Their every thought is Sharon,Sharon Sharon!!!
  3. If some psychotic fruit cake was threatning to push me down a flight of stairs for pay back I wonder if I would be all squinty eyed like Robert De Niro's Travis Bickle in Taxi Driver 'You Talkin To Me? Hey Phyl you talkin to me" lol Yeah since this is the US I took it to mean Sharon Case is a fat cow.As if!!!!!!
  4. OMG!!! "I guess he’s from the Hell’s Kitchen section of Chesterfield, MO." ROTFLMAO! Hilarious Peach! I am a Missouri girl and when I read this I couldn't stop laughing.I grew up in Kirkwood and used to ride horses every summer in Chesterfield at my Grandparent's farm. And every Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner was spent there. It really is a small world.(: Love your witty recaps!
  5. Agree! Peach makes it a lot more interesting than the crap on TV. I do like Nikki a lot more since she is standing up to Grampire! Show blows major chunks right now!
  6. Thanks Petunia! I even liked the last Colleen that everyone seems to hate!! LOL Yes it would be interesting if they brought JT back. Don't know about Mac but JT was always a favorite!!
  7. I know and that pisses me off to no end! I loved Colleen and all of the many actresses that played her.I loved her and JT together.I just loved the character and the fact she was Brad's daughter and Tracy's made me love her that much more.It was so cruel what the writers did to her. I was just heartbroken when they killed her off and gave her heart to that old fool.Victor is such a nasty old coot now. Where before he did at least have some redeeming values now he just goes after women and tries to destroy them. He is heading a multi billion dollar company and is ignoring it just to meddle in his middle aged son's love life! (We so need an eye roll button) And for the way he treats NIkki he should be locked up. It is a form of mental abuse! He has gone from the cheif controller of a mega company comglomerate to a little old bully boy abuser of women and children! UGH! He is so disgusting!
  8. THIS! She does act in the similar style of SN! I loved it when SN played Phyl. She was great! So far Gina T. has me not fast forwarding like I had to do with MS. That's a big plus!!! That was hilarious! She needs to be reminded about some of her un remorseful,un admitted and un paid for crimes while she is acting all sanctimonious with people!!! Still a hypocrite eh Phyllis? lol Me me me!!!! Waving my arm in the air!!! lol I think he has been able to see for a long time.No man would act as dumb as Neil while his son is getting jiggy with his new and younger bride. LOL Jack hated my sweet Bradley! That was such a funny name he called him.Since I love my Jackie too, I didn't get mad!! lol They need to lighten him up and let him have more funny quips!
  9. Peach you are a real treasure.Thanks again for another side splitting recap.The highlight of this board!
  10. Well that is true that Phyllis is acting like she is in love with Jack and I will bet that is because the writers have been writing her that way even before MS's departure. You have to remember when MS was playing Phyllis she acted as though she could give two flying figs about Jackie Boy. It just came across as her settling for him because Nick was done with her and marrying her sister. I am sure the writers were writing the same "Phyllis is in love with Jack" script just as they are now but she just chose not to play it that way. MS has said that she could ad lib and had the freedom to interpret her scenes in her own style. And she made no bones about not wanting to be paired with an older man like PB but felt she was way too sexy for him and preferred to be with the much younger men like Josh Morrow and Jeff Branson. Jack just cramped her sexiest sexy that ever sexed style! MS just never acted the way a woman in love with a man acts and I believe that is why we are now thinking what gives? Phyllis is in love with Jack and wants to be with him? When did that happen? It's because that is the way she played Phyllis!! Gina T. in my opinion,is a much more professional and disiplined actress and it shows. She is obviously following script and acting the hell out of this role. She is making the character her own. I am really impressed with her and don't have to fast forward any of her scenes like I did with the campy cartoonish MS's Phyllis. Having never liked this character I can say Gina T. is making her more tolerable. Why I'll bet in no time we will all be saying Michelle who? lol
  11. I would love one for Brad.I am still mad they killed that hunk off!!!! Thanks Peach! Lordy that would be a shame if they have Adam commit murder as soon as he is back! You would think they would try to redeem him instead of going full tilt serial killer.
  12. I love Nashville and have relatives there.Also Memphis and Gatlinburg.TN is a beautiful state. Yes SB lives in Nashville.I hope somebody on here will go see them and tell us all about it.I'll bet those two are a full blown riot when they get together! lol
  13. Loved the bachelor/bachelorette parties.Shick was the best part for me. They are two beautiful people.So cute and funny. Love it when they share those looks and smiles and go into their "Shick Bubble" tuning everyone else out! I also thought it was a nice change of pace from the drama we see every day! And it was really cool seeing a lot of the cast together interacting and goofing off just having a blast! You could tell they enjoyed it too! It was so refresing to have a little light hearted fun and I was smiling all the way through it! Thanks writers. Great job! We need more of this on the show! (:
  14. Brad Carleton So Sexay!!!! OMG!!!!! Loved him with Sharon hated him with Victoria! lol JT Hellstrom! He was so sweet and cute with Colleen.Hated him with Amelia,his real life wifey poo though! Didn't like him much with Mac either! lol Colleen I just loved the character and liked all the actresses that played her.Loved her father/daughter relationship with Brad and also with her mom,Tracy.Loved her best when she was dating JT.And her friendship with Lilly. Dru, I miss her.She was an awesome character in my opinion.And loved her and Neil together.He just doesn't fit with anyone else they have put him with..Dru is his soul mate! Sorry,I am just a hopeless romantic !
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