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Posts posted by Pinknblue

  1. I’m concerned that Lily will get labelled “toxic” and kicked off training camp because of the shade thrown at VK in the first episode. It would have been easy to overlook the deadpan “come join us” at the time, maybe not so much now that the audience has noticed, put it on blast and are sniggering about it 😬

    • Love 4
  2. 6 hours ago, Loves2Dance said:

    Kelli: "You could be sitting next to your roommate, your bridesmaid...etc, etc..."


    Kelli: "I didn't realize until she was dancing that she [Madeline S.] was a legacy...her mom cheered with me."

    Okay, so these women won't be BFFs4Eva because you're either lying about knowing Madeline S was going to try out or you're lying to these girls about the 'family' aspect of the team.

    Talk about a manipulative “sell” !!

    These girls are so desperate to be a part of it that they put up with emotional abuse galore and yes ma’am the whole way....

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  3. 5 hours ago, SmpIsimon said:

    Watch this and ask yourself which deserving girl will be cut so this disaster can wear the uniform.

    Shocking. Awww those nasty poms to get in VK’s way.

    I wonder what Tara et al feel watching this... we need a GoFundMe for therapy bills for the girls who’ve been thrown under the VK bus.

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  4. 35 minutes ago, Jess14 said:

    Interesting. I’m assuming the change will occur after they transition back into the triangle from the larger formation (where the new choreo is located in TS). 

    Unless one of the 2 year vets is one of the points, I hate that it’s not Gina. She clearly outdances all of the vets that are senior to her and all of the other 3 years. It’s not even close IMO. 



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  5. 16 hours ago, Pinknblue said:

    She’s an uncommonly pretty girl; 

    Oh dear - I think something got lost in cultural translation here - I’m Australian and “pretty” to me is not close to “beautiful”... she’s just pretty and she stands out! (Edited to add: hair not pretty lol) And it’s such a shame that her behaviour and heart shows ugly.

    I am not at all a fan of hers 😂

    • Love 10
  6. 8 minutes ago, EricaShadows said:

    Granted the decisions Kelli made are not Victoria's fault and are Kelli's to own and correct, but Victoria made her own decisions that made many people dislike her and think her spoiled, immature and entitled.  If Victoria got her ish together, grew up, made progress on her weight and general attitude among other things, then I'd be one of the first in line to congratulate her on making the team on her own merits.  That sort of work takes guts, hard work and determination among other things.  However, it does not SOUND like Victoria's done anything of the sort over the past year and Kelli seems to be going along with it and not only feeding the monster, but making it worse.

    Oh 100% agreed. Her mother is the most to blame for her entitled attitude and complete lack of discipline. 

    If my daughter grew up to behave like that I would go OFF MY TREE at her.

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  7. 2 hours ago, Loves2Dance said:

    I'll give credit to Vikkie for this; she does appear to be putting nutrition and exercise first and she does have good kicks. It will never help overcome the negative feelings I have towards her, but those are 2 in the plus column. 

    She’s an uncommonly pretty girl; the decisions Kelli made last year are not VK’s fault. If VK were to be pulled up on all her faux pas and gets her shit together she could be a great DCC, but will anyone actually have the balls to do it?

    • Love 1
  8. Well... we know who’s on showgroup, and there is precedent for taking rookie members who have not yet “officially” made the team. I remember it from a few seasons back - IIRC, prevailing sentiment seemed to be that it must have been an exception given the quality of the newbies. 

    What’s done is done - the SG members have already been chosen - maybe this is VK’s only chance to get out there before she stacks on too much weight? 

    • Love 5
  9. 2 minutes ago, scorpio1031 said:

    Kitty has an obsession with hair.  Danielle, Erica, Miranda, Tara.  She made the comment about how disrespectful it was for Tara to show up looking like she just rolled out of bed.  Pot kettle black.

    Funny then, that Kitty’s hair is possibly the worst of anyone’s on the show

    • LOL 6
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  10. 3 hours ago, Jennv said:

    It’s very mean girl. Hey, let’s film Kelli and Judy laughing and talking shit about how girls reacted to their dreams being crushed. I wonder whose idea it was?

    Unfortunately i don’t think the production team would care - that kind of thing totally sells the show. The girls know they are being filmed and that would be reason enough to try to hold it together best they can to avoid these moments being replayed forever... 

    • Love 3
  11. 7 hours ago, Lolfordays said:

    placing girls as DCCs is her bread and butter.

    Now I’m thinking that Kitty wouldn’t care that she looked like an idiot for insisting VK be “shown respect” last season - some girls will likely now be throwing money at her to be her next pet project and pushed on to the team.

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  12. 1 hour ago, parrotfeathers said:

    Well--there is always the fact to consider that Victoria did not make the team last year, in spite of the (by some--I wouldn't know) perceived nepotism, favoritism, lying, bribes, threats, etc. etc.

    Yes, but any other girl who dared to gain 11 pounds, lied, carried on like she did, would have been cut much earlier. Even with the nepotism clearly already shown - it became indefensible in the end.

    Also another example - Kitty would recommend they cut veterans for half that weight gain in previous seasons, who had proven themselves already - why would TCC Victoria “deserve the respect” to lose it when Vets with tenure and otherwise good standing don’t?

    • Love 24
  13. 10 minutes ago, dotdot 37 said:

    You may be a great dancer but personality should count.......I was watching season 11 and on panel interviews Brenda was chewing up Cat.  I wonder what kind of question VK was asked last year and this.  they showed VK in every situation last year except panel interview

    I wonder how this year’s interview went for VK. Feet to the fire? Or did they just ignore all her manipulations from last year? They had to have made a least a weak attempt to address it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

    • Love 3
  14. 1 hour ago, Law Mom said:

    My issue wasn't that girls talk about work. That's normal. Everyone talks about work. My issue was that people were specifically told not to talk about one thing and they did anyway. But whatever, it's clear that people have different values. C'est la vie.

    I’d hazard a guess that TPTB only made stipulations about what may and may not be posted on social media. It seems like the girls in TC are probably all doing the right thing if that’s what they were instructed to do. 

    Some of that may be as simple as not posting “spoilers” for the actual TV show 🙄 rather than protecting anyone (as if they care what we think - it’s their team and it’s a privately owned entity - it literally does not need to be fair even though the lack of apparent fairness makes some of it difficult to watch). 

    Word of mouth/rumours/gossip are probably fair game. Which brings us all full circle back to relying on possible insiders and figuring out what to believe...

    Come out insiders! Spill!!

    • Love 5
  15. 1 hour ago, PrincessLeia said:

    Jesus thank you. If you don’t like Gina’s look or think she over dances, I may not agree but I can understand that.... this whole myth that Gina is this massive bitch is just not true. 

    Team Gina!

    I’m happy for some extra pop and sparkle at point and Gina can bring it better than anyone else on the squad RN 💥

    • Love 11
  16. 52 minutes ago, Loves2Dance said:

    No. Victoria made Victoria look bad. I firmly believe that 100% of the reason why Victoria is the self entitled brat that she is, is because no one has ever put her feet to the fire and made her accept responsibility for her actions. Blaming it on the show and editing does the same thing. 

    No one forced Victoria to get milkshakes after practice and put on excess weight. No one forced Victoria to lie to Kelli's face multiple times and try to throw Jinelle under the bus. Victoria chose not to go to a scheduled doctors appointment. Victoria chose to be a bad locker room mate and gossip. Victoria also chose to tell everyone she was a shoe in and she also chose to blurt out her disappointment for not making show group when her own place on the team wasn't solid. 

    These are all things Victoria did and it's not even everything. If she were anyone else, she would have never made it back to finals let alone training camp. Her redemption mountain is unclimbable, imo. 

    I wish I could love this x1000

    Icky Vicky!

    It’s such a waste - she might be really great if she had some discipline and accountability around her.

    • Love 17
  17. 54 minutes ago, Preity said:

    Obviously VK was going to make training camp again so there’s no point in being annoyed. Please just let her find some maturity and poise...and a hairbrush...  

    Speaking perhaps only for myself, I’m not actually annoyed - I’m living for the drama and secretly loving it! VK is the best train wreck going around. 

    But I will point out the ridiculousness of it all.

    At the end of the day, DCC is not a democracy and they can put whoever they want on the team. It’s hilarious how they try to make out how wonderful and impartial they all are. 

    Its amazing that TPTB don’t see or care about the trail of destruction VK leaves in her wake in the locker room. Toxic, clueless and entitled - what an amazing combination.

    • Love 15
  18. 2 minutes ago, scorpio1031 said:

    She injured her hamstring last fall and has been having issues with it ever since.  I think she had respect from everyone, if that's who you mean.

    Respect in terms of a snide allusion to Kitty’s VK bull crap last year

    • Love 2
  19. 1 minute ago, BringItOn said:

    I cannot endure another season of "most competitive season" "world class"  "new sisters" blah blah blah

    The game is rigged. Nepotism reigns true.

    The definition of sanity ...

    Some serious cognitive dissonance going on. It’s hilarious. They don’t need to justify anything that they decide, so why even try to convince us?

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