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Posts posted by Trace


    But Neal ends up getting booted, and he's so stupid that he forgot to give Aubrey his idol.


    But how could he have slipped it to her with everyone standing around?  Isn't the idol supposed to be secret?


    Also....Debbie reminds me of a Pterodactyl, both in her looks and her actions.

    • Love 3
  2. When Jenelle was so pissed about Kaiser's haircut? All I could think was:  any way she was that interested in Jace's first haircut?  She said on an aftershow last week that she had bought a "kit" for Baby's First Haircut and wanted to be there to take pics.  She probably didn't notice when Jace got his first haircut!


    Also - Kail looked pregnant in one scene where she's in the kitchen and has on a white shirt.

    • Love 3
  3. When there was a "poll" on the After Show regarding which Teen Mom 2 had it the worst and Leah "won"?  There is one person and one person only that I will have compassion for and that is Ali ------ AND ALI alone.  No one else in this situation suffers from MS but HER. I realize that is it difficult to parent and care for a child with special needs.  But come on now.  That child is the one who suffers the most. Period.

    • Love 1
  4. Even though I'm from the South, I've never been enamored watching grown men chase each other around in circles. So, not a huge Nascar fan. 


    So apparently Boudreax is STILL willing to give Santana the benefit of the doubt.  Well bless his heart.

  5. I am so confused with the Palmetto story line.  I thought I had DVR'd and watched every episode, but apparently not.  Which episode is it????


    And?? Tom Ellis and Kevin Alejandro are so hot I simply cannot stand it.

  6. Wow, Drita and Brittney really feed off the others psychosis huh? Every time they are together, they talk and talk crap about someone, like they are intentionally trying to get themselves more worked up so they will have the nerve to actually fight.  They remind me of the old cartoon of two dogs - one talking big and the other backing him up.  Talk about delusional. Drita you OWN Staten Island and you OWN Karen and she will only live, breathe, sleep because YOU say so?? I have to say, I have never been a Karen fan, but she 100% called your ass out.  You are delusional to the point that you terroristically threaten to kill someone while the cameras are rolling.  You are half right, Karen .  Drita does talk like a man, but like a batshit crazy one that needs to be medicated.


    I should have known better than to have any expectations regarding Renee's "dance recital".  It was very stilted and slow, especially for ballroom dancing.  Surely she and her instructor could have taken more time for rehearsal and actually ballroom danced.  And yes, how painful is it to watch Ang so bravely say she is going to kick cancer's ass?  Having watched many loved ones die such a horrific death, it's brutal.

    • Love 2
  7. Not to minimize what Maddie's sister went through, but to inject some actual real world experience?  I had a pap test come back with a "pre-cancerous" diagnosis.   I then underwent "cryo-surgery, meaning the pre-cancerous cells were literally frozen off (if you have a weak stomach stop reading NOW).  A wand that was attached to a helium tank was inserted up my vaginal area to my cervix.  The pre-cancerous cells were frozen and although I had horrible discharge for 2 weeks, I went right back to work. I was thankful the cancer was caught early because cancer is like a genetic curse on my Mom's side of the family.  No one bought airfare to be there for me - most people did not even know I had the procedure.  It truly was not that big of a deal. I had to have pap tests every month for three months, then every six months, then I was declared cancer free, and I went back to once a year tests. No one was pacing the floor clutching their pearls.

    • Love 3
  8. Mostly I just sit and stare wondering how silly boy can become so damn SEXY. I've decided he has black contacts on when he's hawt. Just...wow.



    I think it is also some heavily applied guy liner.


    I was unaware of Tom Ellis until his short-lived series Rush.  As per usual, if I love something (lipstick color, fragrance, tv series), it goes away.  I feel I am the death knell of things I enjoy.  This does not bode well for Lucifer (sorry).

    • Love 2
  9. Yes, I forgot about that Once Sane. I basically like Lyle and would hate to see him played like a fool and hurt.  It seems he feels like he is "dating up" with Santana, but I find her to be very fake and high maintenance looking.

    • Love 2
  10. Even though all the girls seem convinced Santana is lying to Lyle, I don't know what to believe.  But I do know this - she's not too bright to talk to him and tell him how all the guys were buying her drinks when she went out.  I hope Lyle talks to Brandon and the real truth comes out.

  11. Darnell makes sense - I don't think this team wanted to deal with a weepy pants.


    I wanted Darnell to stick around.  I already had his nickname picked out and everything: KANYE


    Re: Caleb:

    I was going to post this in his thread.  I have gathered from this board that he's some kind of stalkery feller, so it was a bit funny that the girls were like "He was on Big Brother, that means we can trust him!"  But mostly I was just thinking, "that is a pretty man."  He's so chiseled though that I feel like he has like no body fat and may suffer out there without food etc.  I guess he did OK at the challenge though, this time.


    I somewhat root for Caleb because he is from my neck of the woods.  The Beast Mode Cowboy is simply a persona.  He has changed from BB because he is now engaged to a beautiful girl and I doubt there will be any stalkerish behavior from him.  Also, he competes in body building and I was hoping he would put on some body fat.  He was getting very ripped for competitions, and it looks like he hasn't put much weight back on.  Dude - you seriously need some body fat for Survivor!

    • Love 2
  12. I guess these couples are too dense or inexperienced to realize that once the excitement of the new relationship wears off, they will be right back where they started.  The newness always wears off!  Everyone is on their best behavior at the beginning of a relationship.  It takes time and these shows bypass that.

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