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Posts posted by Trace

  1. 17 hours ago, TiredMe said:

    Gees Alex is a bully and "mean girl". I'm starting to feel for Chad, he was railroaded. Not that I give him a pass for how he responded, because it wasn't good. But Alex is a complete toolbag. Ladies beware.

    my response to Luke is strange. Sometimes it's, man he's hot. Other times it's, the complete opposite. But he does seem like a smoking hot kisser. Lol

    dont go Grant! More eye candy gone. But yay Evan is gone. He needs to rid himself of that creepy hair. 

    Evan? Yeah he needs to be in pantaloons with a fitted vest, quoting Shakespeare, whilst swinging a fake wooden dagger.  He should have not survived past Episode 2 at best.

    • Love 6
  2. On 6/6/2016 at 0:17 PM, heatherchandler said:

    I wish I could take credit for it - but I heard that nugget somewhere. 


    On 6/6/2016 at 0:13 PM, Miss Chevious said:

    A face for radio. Hahaha, that was a good one. I almost spit out my coffee!

    I quickly read that as "a face only a mother could love" because it is a very common expression in my neck of the woods.  Then I re-read it and laughed and laughed!!

    • Love 3
  3. 16 hours ago, WhosThatGirl said:

    Well, while yes it was selfish that was when she got the lovely text from Adam when he called her a stretch marked bitch and their child a mistake and was telling her to take away Aubree's last name being his. And yes, she was being a selfish little brat but she was also a 16 year old girl. I might have done the same thing had something like that happened to me when I was 16 and the father of my child was texting me awful things.  I think she has grown up since then. Adam has not. 

    Even at 16 years of age, I made sure I never got knocked up in high school.  And when I was 16, my alcoholic father was 3 years dead, having died at the age of 45.  Had my father been alive?  Calling him at work, no matter what some snot-nosed prick said to me, would never have entered my mind.  I realize in the past 6 or so years Chelsea has grown, like most people, beyond being a silly teenager.  The main thing she has done is get over the silly fantasy about Adam being the love of her life.  But she is still somewhat immature and that baby voice she uses is not cute - it's grating.  I think she has done better than any of the other 16 and Pregnant girls because of the privileged upbringing she had.  I like her, but she annoys the holy fuck out of me at times. So saying she is better than Janelle, Leah or Kailynn really isn't saying that much.

    • Love 8
  4. While I realize Chelsea's parents got a divorce?  Her dad's a freaking dentist and I am quite sure she never suffered anything close to what a lot of children from broken homes did.  I clearly remember her calling her dad AT WORK, fully expecting him to drop everything and come rushing home to comfort her (because Adumb was being a prick). I was completely taken aback at how clueless and spoiled she was! Like her father could leave a patient in the chair and leave!

    • Love 8
  5. 2 hours ago, Katt said:

    Yes, Trace, Addy was found wandering about and brought home by a trooper. I don't know how far she'd gone but it doesn't matter, Leah did not report her missing because she hadn't noticed. Some people said it was after midnight, but that was apparently not true. Who cares what time of day?! That's some shoddy "parenting" right there! Funny how the trooper knew exactly where to take the kid... 


    Holy freaking hell.  I was hoping it was all just gossip and rumors.  I love how her fan base just ignores this crap *blood boiling*

    • Love 3
  6. Did I imagine this, or was Addy found taking a walk down the highway by law enforcement a while back?  If so, I wonder if it will be addressed or ignored.  This makes me flash back to the awesome sit down Corey and Germy had discussing this very same thing and how worried they were about it possibly happening.

    • Love 4
  7. On 5/27/2016 at 0:43 AM, lidarose9 said:

    I remember the episode when Cory and Miranda told the girls they were getting another baby sister, both of them were kinda meh, suppressing eye rolls, like: "Great, someone else we have to stand in line behind... Oh, we're supposed to act happy, OK, la la la, happy happy." I feel like both those girls spend a hell of a lot of time waiting patiently for their mother's attention. You just never really see her actually interact with her kids. She just slings them in and out of vehicles and scatters food like chickenfeed and goes back to her phone. 

    And if Leah is so dang bound and determined to spend every second of every day with the girlses?  Why were they at her cousin's house?  Let's see........Ali was not at home with Leah ---- was obviously being asked leading questions AND being taped. If it stinks like a skunk and walks like a stinky skunk........it's a skunk.

    • Love 16
  8. There is something very off about the Captain's face.  I can't decide if he's had major plastic surgery or is just over plucking his eyebrows.  The difference between the pics that showed him before and how he looks now is jarring. 

    • Love 3
  9. I love Michael Raymond-James (Gil) because he has starred in two of my favorite shows - True Blood (which he was awesome in - he sounded like a true cajun), and Once Upon a Time.  I just wanted to hug him when he asked Jenny if she was going to leave him.  He's such a great actor. And the bed scene last night??  Hubba hubba


    • Love 3
  10. It's obviously a wig on the show.  I liked the earlier, fluffier version.  The 80's was the BIG hair decade and I had Marcia Brady hair (fine with zero ummph). Oh how I coveted the big hair - I WANTED the big hair!! So as a result I had continuous perms and I was soooo grateful when straight hair made a comeback in the 90's.

    • Love 1
  11. A good decade earlier than this episode, my older brother was a Rush fanatic.  He played their albums loudly at all times of the night, so therefore I LOATHED them.  I hated Geddy Lee's high-pitched voice and I thought he looked like a really ugly bird.  UGH - this episode brought back some very bad memories of some very heated arguments between me and my brother.

    • Love 1
  12. And who was it - maybe Theo from RW Chicago?? Who claimed that bisexuals were "just greedy".  I'd love to hear what he would have to say about a self-proclaimed "PAN sexual".

  13. Sorry Real World bullies, but Jenna has every right to have her opinions as your ignorant asses do.  You're so liberal and open minded....UNTIL someone disagrees with you.  THEN you must "educate" them.  How utterly benevolent of you!!! Bitches please! GTFO with the quickness. Maybe someday you will grow up and realize what's really important and...... newsflash!!!! Ganging up on someone who has an opposing thought aint it.

    • Love 3
  14. Maddie sure was bawling her eyes out on the after show.  I loved the clips from past seasons - even Lil Bit was shown.  Does anyone know what happened with her?  I know she had a fall out with the cast but I don't recall why.

  15. When "Dr." Jenn asked if anyone felt intimidated by Sista P, and most everyone raised their hands?  SP immediately started yelling "they're lying!!!". In other words, if your personal reality does not jive with hers, you're lying.  I was having flashbacks to my ex bigtime.

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