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Everything posted by Edith

  1. The Nk and his army can't cross the Wall, not without help. The theory last season was Bran after the NK touched him but the wall is still standing, in fact not all the wall is going to fall, only the part the Viserion is going to melt.
  2. The long night starts when the WW cross the wall, right? The wall is going to melt because wight Viserion breaks the spells that keeps away the death from the world of the living.
  3. I said they're going to start the long night. Yes fight against the WW was going to happen no matter what, but there's a difference between a war beyond the wall that fighting the NK plus wight dragon in Westeros with a terrible darkness in the midst of a great winter.
  4. I say nothing about Boatsex. I'm just pointing out that is not only R+L that started a war, J and D are going to do it too.
  5. Wight Viserion is the one who melts part of the Wall, breaking the spells that keep away NK and his army from Westeros
  6. Actually J+D are going to start the long night, the wall breaks because of them.
  7. More spoilers from frikidoctor: Dany does ask Jon about the "heart stab" thing and Jon says that Davos has a crazy imagination. Jaime will find out about Cersei pregnancy next episode. The northern lords are restless and asking where Jon is. Arya peeks from a door watching carefully for signs of Sansa's temptation Sam would not find out about his brother and father. The maester doesn't have the heart to tell him. The maesters believe that if an invasion from WW occurred, it would benefit Dany. Tormund is going to ask if someone else (Brienne) is coming with them to he WH when he sees Jon. For episode 6: the truth or dare game between Arya and Sansa, the punishment for lying it's death not hit by a stick. (?????)
  8. Wilf Scolding confirmed as Rhaegar according to the cast list leak for season 7 https://www.reddit.com/r/freefolk/comments/6ssm87/its_confirmed_wilf_scolding_is_officially_on_the/
  9. Yes https://www.reddit.com/r/freefolk/comments/6q6tdx/swordofthevenings_translations_of_frikidoctors/ You can also check friki own comments here: https://www.reddit.com/user/TherealFrikidoctor/comments
  10. More information from Frikidoctor About Rhaegar actor: "Same hair color, same hair style, same hair lenght, more mature looking than Viserys, thicker eyebrows" Episode 5: "Let me be specific this time: What you are seeing on that frame is Jaime's point of view. He is about to enter that room to talk to Cersei. Qyburn is telling her something in wispers, and you will not hear what he is saying. Jaime can't hear it either, and Cersei will not talk about it. All that has been cut as I said in my videos. So Cersei's pregnancy is never mentioned. In chapter seven Tyrion will find out because she rubs her belly and she is not drinking wine. And that is all. No miscarriage. No waking up covered in blood. No Qyburn saying "My queen, you are pregnant". No Cersei telling Jaime "We are going to have a valonqar ?" Well, you will see that they arrive to Eastwatch at the end of episode 5, and they have several scenes with Tormund, Beric, The Hound and Thoros. You will also see how the gate at Eastwatch opens and they get to the other side of the Wall. Acording to the original leaks, that was supposed to happen in episode 6, so those are the scenes you are missing" Episode 6: "That is correct. First, the wight bear encounter, then, they ambush a small group of wights lead by a white walker. They capture the wight there, and after that, the big army comes after them. Gendry runs to eastwatch there, but leaves his hammer behind. The Hound takes it, and they get stuck on the lake, floating over ice. They spend the night there... that's not Gendry. That is the Hound. Gendry will leave his war hammer behind and the Hound will use it. But, hey! Don't take my word for it. You will see the Hound using that hammer, and he has really clever moves, like using it to break the ice under the feet of some wights so they sink in the frozen lake" When he did the video for episode 6, he mentioned that when Jon kills the WW all the other wights die. I thought he was theorizing and didn't translate it but according to Friki this actually happens. So for season 8 if someone kills the NK, the rest will die. Except the wight they caught! Because plot reasons... "Thanks for the translation. I just want to say that I do talk about the moment when they capture the wight. With detail. After they encounter the polar bear they find a small group of wights and one white walker. I even joke about that the walker looks like the one killed by Jon in Hardhome. I even posted the screen capture. Jon fights the walker while the rest try to catch a wight. They catch one, they tie the it, the wight screams for help and alerts the rest of the army. What do they do to avoid getting bitten? They put a bag over the wight's head. But that is not important for the plot. The most important thing is the theory I talk about in the video. I call it the beehive mind theory... All you have to do to kill all the wights is killing the Night King. Every walker controls a small group of wights, when the walker dies, the group of wights he has under control die to. It may sound odd and absurd, but I think that you will see a hint of that in chapter six. Has it been lost in translation? Yes, it has. And yes, I said that Arya has human faces in her bag, and yes, Sansa finds then and she is shocked, and Arya plays with Sansa a weird game about telling the truth because she wants to know Sansa's opinion about Jon and Cersei. It may be an absurd theory, but who knows, it may end being true. More things I say: Tormund and The Hound talk about Brienne, and about the Hound being kissed by fire. Jon talks with Beric about dying and coming back. There are much more details. About Jon, about how Viserion is reanimated... The video is more than 30 minutes long. About Daenerys and Jon in the boat: You have the script page and you may think that there are a lot of blanks to be filled after that, but there are not. About the impossibility of Gendry running back to Eastwatch, sending a Raven, alerting Daenerys and she finding the group to save the day... Sorry, it will happen in a few hours. Overnight, and maybe some hours more. Do I talk about that in the video?: Yes I do..." Episode 7: "Euron basically screams at Theon, telling him to go and get Yara, because he has her. That gies on until Cersei tells Euron to shut up, because the have more important things to attend"
  11. I don't know if D&D are going somewhere with this or is a plotline that is going nowhere, but they are mentioning a lot about the food and how important it is From Cersei and Jaime's conversation, Sansa mentioning it too and now Dany saying that she didn't have food for her army's.
  12. I don't know if someone has mentioned this already but Kudos to mommy Tarly for raising her children to be good against all odds (cough cough Randyll Tarly cough)
  13. "Eastwatch" is officially confirmed by HBO as the name for episode 5 http://www.hbo.com/game-of-thrones/episodes/7/65-65-eastwatch/index.html
  14. That's not true, If that was the case then there would be no need for Bran or Arya, etc. Just because Jon is not the ice part of dany fire doesn't mean that the other one is not necessary or have an important part to do. Also I find absurd that only Jon and Dany can defeat WW, Jojen already said back in season 4, that no queen or king can defeat them. Saying that Jon is not Fire and only Ice, dismisses an important part for his character.
  15. A pet direrwolf diferent that the rest. White with red eyes. And Jon is not kumbaya, at least not in the books. He can be quick-tempered tipe of person. If the fire symbol in Jon wasn't important, then why GRRM chose a Targ as his father? He could have chosen anyone as his father but he chose a "pure" Targ plus a "pure" Stark to be his lineage. When he gets to ride a dragon, would that make him fire too?
  16. Agree! Context is key in this case but I still find funny, if the dialogue hasn't change, that Jon goes talking about his best friend Sam and the next episode she burns the father and little brother of that same friend! That and the fact that Sam saved Jorah, her more trusted and loved advisor.
  17. It was Frikidoctor. Remember that this script is from last year. Friki definitely has a source that saw the episode or he saw it instead. Lads didn't mention Arya combo with the guards at Winterfell nor that she would go directly to the crypt. I remember before the season started I complained of a lot about the leaks because they sounded bad. The season is here and I still think it sucks. For example, can someone explain to me why Cersei hasn't mention the fact that Littlefinger betrayed her? Or that threat Olenna told Littlefinger back in season 5?
  18. Another summary from the freefolk https://www.reddit.com/r/freefolk/comments/6quqm3/the_hbo_leak_files_are_here/
  19. Don't get your hopes up. Friki already said no but a least Arya is happy when Bran gives her the dagger.
  20. Again, Sansa said that Tyrion letter could be a trap and it was. Simple Dany didn't summon Jon to form alliances, she was pretty clear about the bend the knee. Tyrion omitted that little detail. That's it. That's why I said she was sort of right.
  21. If you read my post again, I said he got lucky because he needed DG and Tyrion was willing to helped him. If he had only went to get alliances, as was said in the letter Tyrion sent , and trust in him that it wasn't a trap, then he would have been screwed. In fact, he's been allowed to mine the glass only to keep him distracting/busy until he bend Oh and Jon wanted to leave. His own words.
  22. It doesn't fall completely. Viserion is going to melt only a chunk of it, with V shape according to friki http://green-chili.blogspot.de/2017/03/got-season-7-episode-guide.html?m=1
  23. Well Sansa was sort of right. Dany told Tyrion to summon Jon to come to DS to bend the knee. He didn't mention any of it in his letter. And Jon is now a prisoner. Lucky for him Dany it's not Cersei nor a female Joffrey, and if it wasn't for the dragon glass And Tyrion's help, Jon would be stranded in DS until he bend the knee, doing nothing while WW are marching south.
  24. I'm not saying he's not a Stark or that he's not Ice, I'm just pointing out that he's both. That's why I mentioned one of Melisandre mistakes about Stannis being AA because she thought he was born in Dragonstone. This is just her failing again in her interpretation because she doesn't know who are Jon's real parents. If she knew, maybe she wouldn't call Jon just Ice. That's the whole point.
  25. Jon is both. That he only has had the opportunity to connect with one side of his heritage does not negate the other. When he gets to ride a dragon, would that be enough to consider him fire too? I know the "I'm not Stark" comes from his bastard status but the whole scene has clues about his Targ side. Also don't forget that Westeros is patriarchy society and while he's a Stark, his father side is the one who prevails.
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