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Everything posted by OneWhoLurks

  1. 'Last Week Tonight' Has Sold More Than 50,000 "Drumpf" Hats
  2. Will Brexit Pass? Here are the Betting Odds on the EU Referendum
  3. Thomas Perez points to two factors in DOL fiduciary rule's favor to prevail in lawsuits
  4. Health journalism has a serious evidence problem. Here’s a plan to save it.
  5. Net Neutrality Is Great, but It Won’t Make Broadband Cheaper
  6. John Oliver vs. Congress: Which One Do You Trust With Your Retirement?
  7. John Oliver’s anti-Brexit rant won’t air in the UK until after polls close ETA: JK Rowling confirms what we probably all guessed about Vernon Dursley ETA2: David Beckham Writes Heartfelt Post About Britain Remaining In EU ETA3: Would Brexit be followed by breakup of the United Kingdom?
  8. How Big Pharma Wines And Dines Docs Into Prescribing Pills
  9. The translators promised visas but made into refugees by the US Army
  10. “You Won’t Be Killed if You Don’t Do Anything Wrong”: The Philippines on the Eve of Duterte’s Presidency
  11. John Oliver's criticism helps fiduciary duty go prime time
  12. Defendants to remain locked up; funds for their defense still uncertain
  13. ‘Hamilton’s Lin-Manuel Miranda On Merchandising, Tours And Getting Out The Latino Vote
  14. Could Removing Brock Turner’s Judge Hurt Poor and Minority Defendants?
  15. Hollywood Cops Allegedly Barged Into Wrong Home, Pointed Guns at Man's Head
  16. In some Zip codes, 1 in 7 children suffer from dangerously high blood lead levels
  17. Tax Consequences of John Oliver’s $15 Million Medical Debt Forgiveness ETA: Can You Buy Your Own Debt for Pennies on the Dollar?
  18. Why John Oliver Is So Right on Retirement Plans, Advisers
  19. John Oliver lambasts U.S. retirement savings system, supports DOL fiduciary rule
  20. GFOR: Blackstone president discusses guaranteed retirement accounts
  21. FCC's Net neutrality rules win big in appeals court
  22. Why John Oliver’s Monologues on Mass Shootings Feel So Damn Cathartic
  23. Does John Oliver Know Anything About Debt Collection? ETA: Jonathan Bush responds to John Oliver's $15M medical debt forgiveness
  24. Bachelor of Financial Advising Certificate Bachelor of Elf Spotting Certificate
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