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The only thing is, I don't think it was a strategic "she'll get the blame" decision. It was just so he'd look good to the "outside world," while asking her to destroy her game and putting her in a sticky position in terms of how she'd look instead. ETA: Basically, it wasn't a strategic game tactic. It was a strategic PR tactic, that screwed over everyone else that is supposed to be his ally. And then totally backfired anyway.
If I were Christmas, I'd be pretty pissed at Tyler, too. He put her in a terrible position. She could BD her #1 ally and keep two HGs who would be gunning for her (and look shady to the alliance they're both in together). Or, she could keep the nominations the same and look awful for not taking one of them down. All of this after Tyler agreeing at the beginning of the week that putting them up would be a good move. He basically wanted everyone else to do this for him so he could come out looking like a peach. It was scummy.
I'd take a little Lawon this season. At least that was fun. This is...something else.
Yeah. And the thing is, if he was going to say that and act like he was sacrificing himself because of it, then he should have been committed to walking. Or, he could have tried to have a sincere talk about how he was feeling without the whole, "I'm going to sacrifice myself for you" deal. I don't think he started it as a strategic move, and I think his distress was sincere, but he wanted to have his cake and eat it, too. He really expected Production to be cool with him setting the precedent that this is how you could quit and still get paid? I know he's a Production darling, but seriously. I just wish he would have stayed being a nice, decent person in love with Angela at home if he really is so miserable about having to play the game. It would be nice to watch HGs actually want to play Big Brother, in an All-Stars season no less. Everyone has their "what am i doing here when I could be at home" moments this season, especially in the climate we're all in right now, but this is just beyond. Nobody forced him to do anything. He's an adult. There's rumors that he was wishy-washy about wanting to come, and Angela basically convinced him to do it (and, in some stories, went behind his back to accept the offer). But, he still had to sign the contract. Quarantine for weeks. He won HOH when he thought he was in trouble last time. He wanted these nominations, and for Bayleigh gone this week because she really would be a nightmare for him in Jury (even before all this nonsense). Now, he's just realizing his game isn't flawless and he might be stuck in Jury if he's booted in the next couple weeks by Daniele/Da'Vonne/Nicole? And maybe everyone wouldn't be a Tyler fan?
Eh, in this case, I actually side with her. If you want to walk, by all means, walk. There's nothing keeping you here. But, he signed a contract. This whole backdoor plan is basically Tyler trying to pull one over on Production. He shouldn't make that money. Especially in All-Stars. He knows what this game is. He's good at it! There's always the crazies, but he was pretty well-loved and respected by fans from his first season. Instead, he wants to get paid for promoting Angela's cookbook and then dip out when things get rough. C'mon.
Tyler sucks. He doesn't want to walk because he'd lose out on his stipend, so he's trying to leave in a "legitimate" way so he keeps his money. What a coincidence all this comes when his strategy of trying to pin the women against each other was figured out. It is funny that everyone (besides Bayleigh/Da'Vonne) are going to try to figure out what kind of game shenanigans Tyler is trying to stir up because everyone else assumes, you know, that All-Stars are trying to actually play the game. I feel like Jeff Probst with this absolute disgust when someone quits the game. Can someone find a torch I can throw on the ground when Tyler leaves?
Nicole trying to talk Daniele out of her new burning fire hatred for Tyler and the boys. Daniele: "I believe her. I don't think anything she was saying was a lie. My feelings are hurt. And I try not to get my feelings hurt. But that hurts my feelings." She seems especially burned by Cody knowing that there was a plan in place and not giving her a heads up. Wait until she learns about Nicole - Daniele just told her she's the only person she trusts now. Also: since when does Kevin's "spirit" speak? It made a big appearance in his and Da'Vonne's strategy talk.
Da'Vonne to Kevin: "As much as this pains me, I mean burns my soul, sets my whole spirit in flames of fire... You were right." Ha! Exactly how I feel when Kevin has good reads.
I'm confused: does Christmas know about Tyler's other alliances?
This is all going to be destroyed once Christmas puts Bayleigh/Da'Vonne up right after Nicole/Daniele spoke to her anyway. I guess it was fun while it lasted.
Oof. Daniele trying to expose Tyler to Christmas. But in an actual, "Tyler is starting stuff" way, not in a Nicole, "THE GIRLS ARE COMING AFTER OUR BOYS" way. Christmas' reaction: "We're in an alliance. I don't care if you all hate each other. We have each others' backs." Do we think Tyler is going to be pushing for Daniele to go, now?
Da'Vonne/Daniele talking about Nicole/Cody. Daniele: "I think they have some sort of bond, but I guarantee they are not an outside alliance, pre-gaming, anything like that." I think Daniele's going to be surprised how often Nicole really threw her under the bus and was ready to throw her to the side. Da'Vonne: "But if she is attached to him, she's not gonna detach. Let me give her the benefit of the doubt - Old Nicole would have detached. I don't know BB22 Nicole. I'm still getting to know her." Never, ever give Nicole the benefit of the doubt, Da'Vonne. We've learned this together too many times. Yeah, duh, Christmas. That's why they're mad. Does she think they think it was just for funsies, not strategy?
Nicole already spilled Operation We Hate Tyler. Bye bye, Daniele/Da'Vonne. Bayleigh's pretty lucky she wasn't in this conversation.
Yep. Nicole being in this conversation completely destroys it. And Christmas is constantly everyone's blindspot because of her relationship with Tyler. I don't think Daniele will be happy Tyler was playing her and making her look stupid. Nicole and Christmas prefer when guys do that to them, though.
I honestly think Daniele was suspicious enough of Tyler/Cody/Enzo (after her talk with Enzo, and Bayleigh letting her know her name was being said) that the pieces are being put together. Nicole, though, is playing both of them. She's 100% team Cody over Daniele. She didn't even let Daniele know she was in trouble last week.