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Everything posted by tom87

  1. I think most people would have liked a whole different stoyline for Rachel since she got to NY. In season 4 it had nothing to do with career really and we only heard what they were doing in NY. Now they fast tracked everything. I will always mourne the lack of Rachel trying out for anything and everthing possible only to be shot down for stupid and crazy reasons. And Rachel smiling politey and then cussing the director out the whole way home on the subway. But that didn't happen. But no matter what Rachel already has acheived success earley and that can't be taken back, even if Funny Girl flops now. Even if she has to start over it won't take long for her to be back on top casue there is only one season left. So why not have her have inside career stuggles or even stuggle with success instead of her gettging a big head again.
  2. Funny thing as much as they borrow from Lea they also kind of denouce her career choices. Rachel's ambtition is often shown as being wrong and always kicks her in the ass with her freinds, while Lea embraces her ambiton. Rachel is told education is the foundation of her career while Lea deffered college and ultimaly decided to stick with SA. Rachel is slut slammed for wanting to do a topless scene and Lea of course did and was applauding as brave. Rachel fans are annoyed too fyi. But now I don't want to see her flop that would be horrible too. She doesn't deserve to flop, even though many would jump for joy at that. I know people want her to stuggle but why not show her stressed and stuggling at work, that the producers are putting so much on her shoulders, but she still can be succesful. Season 4 they had Rachel acting all ooc and never explained why, same this year she is ott with the fighting and we get no real reason except it is Rachel. Why can't it be something more, some reason . I feel we are just getting sruface story for Rachel and not substance. Which I can't decide if that is more or less frustrating then not getting a story at all.
  3. tom87

    S05.E15: Bash

    The Kurt Rachel scenein the resturant was not needed. Why did there even have to be conflict between these two? Kurt could have been alone for any reason. And just your freind get beat up was enough for Rachel to tell him she loved him and even maybe apoligze or thank him for all he has done. But it seems glee is bound and detemined to ruin all freindships but Blam. Pezberry is basically toast and now Hummelberry they have to keep this theme Rachel is awful, Kurt is wonderful. Rachel needs Kurt to boost her up, Kurt boost Rachel up and is still wonderful while Rahel is still shown not to apprecaite him until he is nearly killed. Blah, blah.
  4. tom87

    S05.E15: Bash

    There were so many plot holes iin this epsidoe. No one knew is couldn't be a s duet? Rachel has Monday off why did she not scheudl it then? Was was she at Kurt solo too whne it was on a Thursday the day after then Monday dinner. Why was Burt in NYon Tuesday but not invited to MOndya night dinner? Obviously they needed Rachel to burn that bridge so NYDA was not longer an option. Obviously they needed Kurt to be alone so he could get hurt. For some reason they felt they needed to throw Rachel further under the bus. Season 4 I waited and waited to figure out why Rachel was acting so blasé‎ about everything and we never got an asnwer. I am going to guess we won't get answer behind her OTT attuide either. Obviously the writers don't care if Rachel ever learns the lesson. If she does they have no material for her.
  5. Worse yet Shirley with Blaine. Not to mention another time we are suppose to beleive Blaine is more interesting than Kurt.
  6. and? I don't see why that is a big deal she is the titled character that would be expected. They also spelled her name wrong on many of the posters what does that say? I am not counting her out or her future projects, I just do not think that indicates anything one way or another.
  7. What that is just one of many posters. Nearly every main character has a poster with thier name and character. But even than she is the lead role of course they would use her name onthe poster. I will not hold Legend of OZ against Lea, she signed up for that back in early 2010. But that said many fairy tales and folk tales probably sound odd to people when they first heard them too. What sever drawfs and a girl eats and apple at what??
  8. tom87

    S05.E15: Bash

    I thought the staging/editing of all the song were underwhelming.
  9. tom87

    S05.E15: Bash

    You know Rachel has her points too but they have to write her are bieng defensive and wrong so she can learn that big lesson YET again. I am not sure what choice she really had. Her producer already said she couldn't have any more time off, Carmen said it had to be at night ( even though they screwed up having her at Kurt's thing). So if she couldn't redo the song she was going to possibly flunk and be out of school or skipped the muscial she could have jeopidized that too. No way she could quit the muscial that would be more harmful then leavning school. And as usual Kurt is i nthe right and Rachel is in the wrong. Just once I wish Rachel could be right about something. I think she was actualy better off before having freinds. She seemed to have more confidence and not let thing get to her as much. SAMcedes keep telling me you have chemsitry casue so far I do not see it.
  10. All I can say is why Blaine????
  11. Real spoiler ... Lea, Chris, Darren, Naya, Amber, Jenna and Chord shot for a gay bar scene probably episode 17. What that has to do with the Funny Gilr opening who knows? So far very little info about the actual Opening Night. TBH I was expecting a little more fanfare for something that has been teased for 103 episodes. Sort of surprised it wasn't the season finale at least.
  12. I actaully tohought the split was going good the first 4 epsidoes then they went and dropped the ball on NY for 3 or 4 epsidoes. When they did that it lost all momentum. Then they totally screw up by exteneding the school year. Finn wasn't a mess cause of Rachel though, thier relationship mess up her character more.
  13. Goodbye Mr Chips was corny and outdated in 1939. I still cring at the thought of Rachel living in Lima even if she travles for roles elsewhere. She said she was leaving and never coming back. It was more then just where her career took her. If Finn was home enough for Rachel than Rachel should have been home enough for Finn. He could have taught in NY, NJ or Conn.
  14. So an extra (https://twitter.com/RatliffsmomR5)%C2'> tweeted about dance rehearsal with Matt and Jane both are in epsidoe 17 which is Opening Nihgt. I don't know about anyone else but why? Why give these two another dancing duet have any of them been all that great and something people are wanting more of? Why not have Sue and Rachel or Rachel and Will sing? Sue and some of the other kids in NY do a number? After 5 years we finaly got a Arty/Rachel duet so I was hoping for some new combinations.
  15. Funny if they think that means anything at least rating wise.
  16. Lea knows there is no chance for a spin off. Every time someone has asked her about a project or possible role she said sure she would love to do it. It makes sense to keep every option open. I actually think Lea is over glee for the most part but knows she is locked in and is at least trying to stay positve. We all know if Lea ever shaded glee in the slgihest she would get critized more than any other cast member.
  17. Yes it was decent too much Blam and Blaine but overall it was spread out nicley. I liked the Arty/Rachel part the best cause it had a few scenes but not too many like the Klaine storyline did. And Rachel hailing a cab was worth the wait .
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