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Posts posted by BK1978

  1. Did they edit out the touching part of Andrews story?  He met her, she finished her trip, she came back, they got married.  Am I heartless?  Am I lacking in morals, values and dignity?  I didn't get it. 


    This comment made me laugh.  But yeah I did not get the point of Savage's story.  I feel so sorry for you Andrew you married a beautiful woman.



    Regarding Ciera, she looked terrible most of the episode.  I believe when they decided to sit somebody out, she said she had to, she was sick.  Even being handed the idol after the challenge, she seemed out of it.


    Yes I heard her say she was sick as well and like you said she did look a little loopy when she was handed the Idol.




    Given that Varner, who is providing awesome confessionals, both pings my gaydar and told her in the previous sentence that he thinks she is fabulous, I was less grossed out by this than some.



    Not that it matters much but is Varner gay?  I always thought he was but I have read that he has denied being gay.


    Last time Spencer played, he just ended up on the wrong side of the numbers but he was fairly attentive of what was going on and he was actually good at staying quiet I thought. So it's interesting that this time he over-talked himself into trouble so quickly. I also think he is a victim of his own arrogance and I say this as someone who really likes Spencer. But him not trying to secure some side deal with Woo who he played with before was stupid, especially because Woo proved last time how whatever you may think of his game-play, he is loyal to a fault. But my guess is Spencer still thinks Woo is an idiot and just didn't bother, which kudos to Woo for pretty much being "screw you for trying to get my vote now, after you never said anything to me."



    I was thinking the same thing, why would Spencer not have anything to do with Woo.  It makes no sense, especially when they played the game together the last time around.  It shocked me when Woo said that he did not want to work with them because they did not bother with him.  If I was Spencer the very first thing I would have done was align with Woo. 


    I mean Keith and Jeremy were in two opposing alliances in their season and they quickly decided to help each other out, it just makes sense.  Granted if Tasha did not want to work with Kass then I fully understand that because she was burned royally by Kass the last time. 

    • Love 6
  2. He was such a non-factor in the first episode.  He did get a chuckle out of me when he said in his confessional about changing his ways and then he spit right at the end of it.

  3. I do not really remember her that much from her original season (Which is kind of sad seeing how it was only what a year ago), I actually remember her father more than I remember her.  That being said, what I do remember was that she was considered a threat because she was a "super fan" (I hate that term after reading it over and over again in the Big  Brother section throughout the summer).  I guess she has proven why she was thought of as a threat the last time because she seems to be a very smart and sneaky player, I say sneaky because that was masterful how she snagged the Idol during the challenge.

    • Love 4
  4. I like Abi so I'm willing to give her a chance.  I'd like to think being on the chopping block this early will humble her a little to dial it back.  Judging from the previews, I don't see that happening.  And of course she'd have to be at odds with PG, who I really like.  But if she's in the majority alliance, and they view her as more of a shield that will get tossed before them when it comes down to it, I think she's here for awhile.  I would really like to know what the heck was up with bracelet-gate.  Either something was up or the editors didn't learn from last season.  


    Okay now I do not feel bad about not understanding what the whole bracelet deal was.  Did PG actually steal Abi's bracelet? 


    If feel if Robert Stack were still alive he would be talking about this on Unsolved Mysteries.

  5. I was a fan of Rachel during her first season but despised her during the season that she won.



    This nicely leads me to my UO: I hated Britney. She was a truly vile, viscous person. I never understood why feed watchers were so obsessed with her.


    I am in the same boat, it really messed me up because I found her attractive but I hated her personality and I was happy when she got booted during her first season.  I also loved the way it happened during her first season and this is coming from someone who was not a fan of the Brogade either.


    Sheila breaking the tie to send Natalie home is still one of my favorite BB moments.


    Know THAT! Sheila <3


    Shelia was one of the only bright spots during season nine.  I wish they would bring her back but I think that is highly unlikely.


    I seem to remember a lot of that was when he was trying to get evicted or nominated, to protect Daniele.


    He would've gone the week of Dustin's shock boot if it wasn't for America's Player. His win and Rachel's win will forever be rig wins to me.


    Speaking of Donatos, maybe this is an unpopular opinion - I hated Daniele in season 8 but liked her the most in season 13.


    Same here, I hated Daniele during her first season and I found myself wanting her to win during her second time around.  Which is the exact opposite of how I felt about Rachel.

    • Love 3
  6. I really hate the fact that for the last few seasons we have not had any really hardcore spoilers.  I love knowing who the winner is in advance because then I can pay more attention to how they got to where they got. 

    • Love 2
  7. And once again - thanks, mods, for making and keeping this such a fun forum. 

    STILL so much better than TWoP!  ;>


    Yes times a thousand!  What I love about this site is the mods are very hands off unless you do something really bad.  Some of the mods on TWOP were power mad psychos.


    I just wanted to say thank you to all of the live feed watchers who provided us with the information.  I have never watched the feeds but After Dark is boring as all hell, so thank you.  Also, I want to say thank you to all of the other posters who have made this thread a very interesting read.   


    Tomorrow is going to stink because I do not have a DVR and Survivor/Big Brother is on against Law & Order SVU.  I guess that is what OnDemand was made for.

    • Love 10
  8. I remember reading that Les Moonves was angry with BB9, so he helped cast BB10 himself, and that had the largest age gap for contestants in years with very few jock types, if I recall correctly. I'd love if the takeover busts caused him to do it again next year, even though I liked a large part of this year's cast.


    Still rooting for history, but all I really care about is that Vanessa isn't blindsided by Steve because...no. Even better if she caught him practicing his evict Vanessa speech.


    I have to say season ten was probably one of the better casts they have had.  Especially in recent years.  I did love the fact that they cast older people and when I mean older people not people in their late 30's.  I mean people like Jerry and Renny who were real older players. 

    • Love 7
  9. It started in season 11. I remember one of the rumors at the time was because production thought it was unlikely Jordan would make the final 2 and they didn't want to loose viewers for finale night with a Kevin/Natalie final 2.


    I never realized that but it makes perfect sense because a Kevin/Natalie final would be up there with Dick/Daniele as one of the worst finals.  I always thought it was because they wanted the maximum amount of drama for the last night so they decided to keep three in the house. 

    • Love 2
  10. We all have opinions, we all have favorites, we all have rooting interests. I can disagree with someone about their personal likes and dislikes. But these are the statistics:


    -Over 2/3 of winners are men (16 winners: 69% men, 31% women -- 11 men, 5 women)

    -No woman winner in 4 years

    -After 2005, winners have been 80% men (8 men, 2 women)

    -No non-showmance woman winner in 10 years

    -Women 0-5 vs. men, Men 5-0 vs. women in final 2

    -First time in 4 years women have held numbers advantage at final 3 (2 women, 1 man)

    -This year, jury is 5-6 women, 3-4 men


    I honestly have no problem if you don't like Vanessa or Liz, are not rooting for either of them, don't respect them, even refuse to root for them on the sole basis that they're women. That's all opinion. But I disagree strongly with the idea that a woman winner doesn't matter. I believe very strongly it does. These statistics indicate that the lack of women winners isn't coincidence, this is a trend.


    Statistically speaking, a woman has greater odds of winning this year. And I believe it matters more this year because future contestants will have had the benefit of seeing this year's show. They will know to get out the strong women and to break up the women pairs even not in showmances. They will know those women are threats. This is the only time where they don't have that "knowledge."


    So, given these statistics, I have no problem with someone who says "I don't like/respect/am not rooting for Vanessa or Liz," as those are all opinions. But I disagree strongly with someone who says "I don't get why it's so important." Statistics have also indicated that representation seems to matter less to those who are consistently represented.


    I want Vanessa to win because she played the best game, I am not sure why you would think I do want her to win or did not respect her.  I am indifferent to everyone in the final three.  I do not hate or like any of them, none of them are my favorite.  Honestly for the first time in a long time I did not have a favorite to win as I was pretty much indifferent about the majority of the cast (Though I did dislike Austin but he was probably the only one I truly disliked).  Vanessa played the best game so I hope she wins for that alone.


    As for the outcome of this season mattering more for future seasons, well yeah any strong women or pair of strong women should be taken out early.  Just as any strong man or pair of strong men should be taken out early.  That is just smart game play and should have nothing to do based on gender.  The casting has more to do with why women tend to not do well as men than anything else.  The men on the show tend to work well together while the women for some reason do not.


    The Brigade should have been broken up but nobody was focusing on them, instead folks made it their mission to get rid of Rachel.  Danielle's loss was entirely her fault because of her diary room antics.  Season ten much like this season was the season where there were plenty of good female players who took each other out. 


    If Vanessa or Liz wins this season I am cool with it but to me it does not matter one way or the other.

    • Love 4
  11. I never get the whole, "I don't want a man to win." or "I don't want a woman to win."   As a man I never root for a man to win and I never get offended if a woman wins (Well that is not true, I was annoyed that the Twinie won Survivor but that was more because she was a reprehensible person who stole from people when she was on TAR and was gleeful in doing so.).  I am not a fan of Vanessa, I do not dislike her either, but I do want her to win because she played the best game out of the people left in the house.  

    • Love 2
  12. I've seen P2, it also has Wes Bentley, who I have an undeniable love for.

    Blonde hair is the norm for Rachel Nichols. In fact, she's wearing a wig for Continuum season 4. She had dyed it back to blonde during the hiatus and apparently didn't want to dye it dark again for only six episodes.


    Slightly off topic but I had no clue it was a wig she was wearing this season.  I am so bad at that, I never pick up on it.  Megan Boone wore a wig on Blacklist and I never picked up on it until I read about it on Yahoo and writer said it was a bad wig at that.  Which looking back on it, it was but I did not pick up on it.

    • Love 1
  13. I forgot to say that I saw Rachel Nichols in a decent horror movie on Chiller a couple of months back, it was called  P2.  Granted it might not be for everyone but I thought it was good and she looked really pretty with blonde hair.


    Also, I cannot wait to see William B. Davis return to X-Files.  It should be interesting to see how they bring him back because I thought he died in the series finale.  Then again my memory is spotty and I have not watched that episode since it aired so I could be wrong.

  14. I am shocked that nobody has brought up the thousands upon thousands of roles that Roger Cross has been in.  No word of a lie he is currently on or has recently been on five shows that I watch (Continuum, Strain, Dark Matter, Arrow, and Orphan Black).  Add that to his roles on 24, Eureka, The Gates, and Fringe and yeah I have watched him in a ton of stuff.  Also he has been a one off character in other stuff that I used to watch.  I think it is safe to say that Roger is the hardest working man in show business and I watch a way too much television.

    • Love 4
  15. I think John will be the exception. Shelli, for one, will be thrilled. I see nothing wrong with someone who was evicted coming back into the game and winning it all.


    Lil would have won Survivor if she had decided to take Fariplay with her.  Well that was according to Jeff's show of hands vote.  My point is I agree with you if the jury deems them worthy of winning so be it.  I mean there have been plenty of BB and Survivor winners that I do not like but at the end of the day you can only play the game that is before you.


    Awwwww the Canadian BB season 1 finale vote. So awesome. LOL


    I was wondering if there was a way to legally watch BB Canada episodes.  I would love to get a chance to watch them.

  16. If I beat toddlers in a game of soccer, how much would you admire my technical skill? Would that game be fun to watch? In a game where *someone* has to win, how proud could I feel over my victory?

    It's kinda like that. Not worth anything skill-wise. Not impressed by her at all.


    Off topic but you made me have a flashback to the Seinfeld episode when Kramer was in a karate class with all little kids.

    • Love 3
  17. I'm guessing Austin is hoping he can get a deal like Jessie,which I don't really know what it is, but it's some sort of wrestling.

    I don't like Austin, but he's hardly the worst HG we've had. He doesn't seem like a bad guy, besides the girlfriend situation (since that's happened before with less backlash). I bet he'd be much more popular if he had better hair and got rid of his ponytail beard, since he'd be much more attractive.


    Yeah that is what I was thinking as well.  Basically Austin is trying to get into TNA or ROH which is the second and third rank companies in North American pro wrestling.  TNA (Where Jessie works) will probably be out of business soon so he might have very limited options as to where he can go.

    • Love 1
  18. I can't be objective enough to see her as a bubble candidate, even if I make the casual/superfan distinction. She was a huge character in China and had a dynamic edit. She was definitely a shoe-in on superfan's ballots and is probably recent and memorable enough to have gotten filler votes from the casual fans. My guess is that she ended up 5th or 6th among the women.


    I agree.  I mean besides Kelly Wiglesworth, Peih-Gee was the woman who I wanted to see come back the most.  Mainly because I enjoyed her on China and I thought if she could improve her social game this time around she would be a legit threat to win the show.

    • Love 2
  19. Steve said that he checked the Native American box to get affirmative action at Cornell. He said it worked. That's pretty foul. And this is why I don't fully believe Steve's "I'm just so awkward and cute so don't be mad at me for all the gross stuff I say and do tee hee" schtick.


    How does that work?  Did Cornell give him a break on tuition or did they give him scholarship money?  Or did it just make it easier for him to get into Cornell?


    Because if that is the case and he is still going there (He said he is missing a semester by being on the show), I wonder if Cornell could go after him.

    • Love 2
  20. I forget, were Rob and Russell's RI tribe assignments random, easily manipulated "random," or assigned?  Because if they had been on opposite tribes, I believe they both would have been performing Redemption Island Carnival Games before the merge.  Russell's original tribe was anti-returnee in the

    mold of Jeff Kent, and the Hantzhole isn't charismatic enough (in the right way,) to have formed his equivalent of "Rob's Zombies."


    I had to look it up but it was a random draw (How sad is it that I cannot remember anything from recent seasons but I have a good recall of much older seasons?).  So yeah I mean had Rob ended up on the other tribe he might been voted out prior to the merge.  That is a good point.

    • Love 1
  21. Yeah I have to agree Shanukah is much better looking than her sisters.  I don't find the twins attractive at all and their voices annoy me just as much as the voices of the twins on Big Brother.


    I find it crazy how much Lauren looks and acts like my ex.  I mean my ex-girlfriend was a sloppy drunk and she could be Lauren's twin sister.  It really is uncanny.


    I know Dr. Laura was not in this episode but I feel like making a comment about her.  She seems like a nice enough woman but really what the hell is a life coach?


    I mean she acts like she is a licensed psychologist or psychiatrist so I really do not see how she can be considered an expert.  I think Juile from last season was right when she basically told her she did not need or want her help.

  22. I would be perfectly fine with Tasha as the winner.  I was a fan of her the first time around.


    Count me as someone who does not remember Monica...at...all...


    She was the only one I had to look up online when they were trying to get on the show.  I simply had no clue who she was.

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