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Everything posted by ohsrysly

  1. I agree. Aside from the garbage food she "makes" I find her show most annoying because it's all a farce. If her show was supposed to be ironic (Pioneer Woman she is not), sarcastic and fun and not based on a big fat farce -- i.e. she's not 'lil old Ree Ree on the ranch with 'er cowboy homeschoolin' her chillens -- it might be tolerable. She'd probably still have a show since all she had to do was buy one in the first place ... But hey, apparently the fake, lowest common denominator and pilfered recipes bring in the big bucks from those that love them some toxic China-Mart crap. Oh and it also gives Ree Ree something to do since the poor thing is stuck out there on her multi-million dollar ranch when all she wants to do is be in the big city. It sure is tough out there for a multi-millionaire woman who comes from money and married into a rich ranch family trying to pretend they're all actually out there working their tails off (sitting in trucks and getting filmed doing things they almost undoubtedly have employees do most of the time.) It sure burns a lot of calories being that fake. Bring on the pound of butter!
  2. I've been lurking for a while and not posting because so many posters have been saying what I've been thinking, however, a recent Instagram post by Faux-drey has set me over the edge. She recently posted a lengthy whine-fest about how difficult it is to go through a remodel. From her post, "As they say, 'If you can make lt through a remodel you can go through anything...' Well, looks like we are about to make it through two in one year" You've got to be kidding me you pampered, entitled, workshy fool. This isn't the first time she's whined about her life and the remodel but this one takes the cake. Not only are she and her husband lazy, out of touch, and holier-than-thou (among other things), despite all they have undeservedly been given, they show next to no (possibly none at all) gratitude for anything. While problems are often relative -- just because others have it worse doesn't mean we can't be upset about our own problems -- there are limits (if you live in the real world and have compassion for others) and when you've been as fortunate as they have, they have long passed that limit. How terrible their life is! The unemployed 20-somethings can afford (sort of) a half-a-million-dollar home, can remodel that home and have another place to live while they do it. Not to mention the fact that neither of these slackers actually work -- despite the laughable claims from the two that they are so busy with their "businesses" -- which amount to them living off of a reality show that is possible because of the family that Audrey clearly only tolerates and whom the two show massive disrespect for (Amy.) Audrey continued in her post: "l was pretty heartached, angry, frustrated, and bitter for at least a solid 24 hours. Moving out/living under construction with a newborn is ??" Well, if Audrey and Jeremy weren't in competition with Zach and Tori they could have waited until they were settled to have the baby. Remember the scene where Jeremy almost scolded Audrey for waiting too long to have a child (after Zach and Tori announced her pregnancy) and Audrey looked like a deer caught in the headlights? Yeah, that wasn't disturbing at all ... Moreover, if they weren't so intent on staying away from the gravy-train Roloffs, had bought a more reasonable home, not blown their money on b.s., they could have had a comfortable home set up before she got knocked up. See, it's this thing called personal responsibility. Audrey has had far more choices than most people have and now she's whining about them. Tough break sweetheart. I'm guessing that things aren't so peachy in the hipster douchebag marriage/household -- which is usually the case when people are constantly telling others how to live their lives ... Don't even get me started about their vomit inducing life/marriage advice. Then she went on to shill her Always More b.s./exploitation of Christianity to make money. "But today the Lord reminded me of this simple yet significant truth. There is ALWAYS MORE to my story than what l can see, know, and understand. “.. Yeah always more, just not when it comes to gratitude, self awareness, humility, common sense, respect for Jeremy's mother, etc. etc. Ugh, I could say even more but I'll cap it for now. These two are infuriating.
  3. I found it interesting that HGTV has a new renovation show called "Good Bones." It's especially interesting because Rehab Addict has been demoted to DIY for this season while a new show with essentially the same premise, besides the mother daughter angle, takes its place.
  4. I wouldn't give her any credit on either the baby or Ethan. I'm guessing the baby has quite a bit to do with the dad not wanting him to be on t.v. and/or the legal proceedings. Ethan's cross-country with his dad who had temp. custody. I'm pretty sure he's 18 now so he can go where he wants and it looks like he's choosing to be with his dad. Good for him I wouldn't want to be in that toxic environment either. https://courtexplorer.g2gcloud.com/oaklandcounty/SearchCases/ViewAction?CaseNo=gxnpaofB8IeSsq8tYkS2CA%3D%3D https://courtexplorer.g2gcloud.com/oaklandcounty/SearchCases/ViewAction?CaseNo=QRUuyf4pyTm47sFekVKVtg%3D%3D
  5. She has to do "projects" like this because she doesn't have a thriving business. She didn't have one when she started and after, what, 6 years of being on air she still doesn't. She has to do episodes like the bizarre "shack" and now her grandparent's house because she doesn't have anything else going on and the very few she's done struggle on the market. She tried to make the Detroit episodes work but they didn't and the houses themselves are terrible investments. It doesn't surprise me if this is the last season; now it makes even more sense that her show got demoted from HGTV to DIY. Her show has really been a fraud since the beginning and it has more than run its course. She apparently has a book coming out that was supposed to be about her "work," but is now a "memoir." She claims that she didn't want to do just another design book (because according to her that would be too easy) but the reality is she doesn't do much work and doesn't have any real skill so what would she fill a book with? She can't do a design book since she's not a designer and has no real talent or skill to fill a book with. She can't fill the book with details of her work because there isn't much and she can't fill it with DIY tips because she doesn't really know much. It's the same concept as her show-it became more and more obvious as it went on that aside from cleaning with vinegar (which she acts like she invented...) she has no skill. Even though her sycophants seem to think she works so hard if you actually pay attention she doesn't. She starts a project for the cameras and someone else comes in and does the real work. Hopefully HGTV/DIY have finally gotten a clue and this is the last season.
  6. I don't know if anyone has discussed/pointed this out yet so I apologize if they have. I've been lurking for a while without posting but I just noticed something so I wanted to post it. The arrest record lists a birthday of 05/1985. On the show David is said to be 29. The couples were married in June of 2015. If the birthday on the arrest record is correct then David would be 30 at the time of filming. I suppose the arrest record birthday could be wrong but I doubt it. It also seems unlikely that David would lie about his age on the show but I guess he could. Seems like it may be a different guy...
  7. The search is working again but they are links to Oakland County public records showing Nicole in court with the father of her kid and he's the plaintiff...Probably has a lot to do with her sudden need for "privacy" even though last season she used her pregnancy as a cliffhanger. This link is also quite interesting involving "E's" dad who she trashed on FB for not being involved....Guess he his now. That European trip makes a lot more sense now-trying to break the baby news to him with a trip. I imagine doing your last year at a new school in Detroit didn't appeal to him (don't blame him there) and I doubt Nicole was going to fly back and forth, like she claimed to do last year, with a baby. I wouldn't want to be stuck in that mess either-new baby, likely custody battle, new school in my senior year etc...Not a good deal. https://courtexplorer.g2gcloud.com/oaklandcounty/SearchCases/ViewAction?CaseNo=QRUuyf4pyTm47sFekVKVtg%3d%3d&page=1
  8. I'm guessing this has something to do with her sudden wish for "privacy." https://courtexplorer.g2gcloud.com/oaklandcounty/SearchCases/ViewParties https://courtexplorer.g2gcloud.com/oaklandcounty/SearchCases/ViewAction?CaseNo=gxnpaofB8IeSsq8tYkS2CA%3D%3D
  9. Yep, which is right in line with her business plan of using men to get ahead yet she made it out to seem like she had a thriving business and the boyfriend was an "investor." The funny thing is that the guy she thought she was going to marry bought the house then sold it to her next boyfriend who is the one she was in court with because she couldn't get the funding to buy it from him when that relationship fell through. What a joke.
  10. About the Grandparent's ranch: I'm not interested in it really either. I saw a picture of it and it's just not something I'd be all that interested to watch. It might be a nice thing for her family but as something to feature on her show I don't see it especially, like you said, it doesn't fit her old house ideology. I think part of the reason she may do it on the show is because it's trendy but I actaully think she does these projects that seem odd because she really doesn't have much going on. Her so called "thriving" business doesn't have her doing enough to fill a season of 30 min (less with commercials) shows. She claimed after Minnehaha I believe that she needed it to sell to start a new project yet that was a house she intended to live in. How did she plan on doing her next project then? It's things like that, like when she led viewers to believe she was hired to do "the whole damn house" on the Summit Mansion, that show that she's not where she's at because of hard work, talent or a thriving business... She conveniently left out that the owner was her boyfriend and from the timeline she was most likely dating him before he purchased the house which is right in line with her MO. Hardly hired by a client because her style and work ethic are so well known in the industry... Oh I thought I'd add this for a good chuckle. I found this interview where she claims she can do "everything" in a house herself. You can't make this up.
  11. I had been ignoring her for a while as well but every once and a while her BS just pulls me back in. Thanks Mplsmn, I appreciate that! I’ve lurked for a while and I’ve always really appreciated your posts so thank you. Yep, Nicole's depending on men MO has been her entire adult life. I couldn't agree with you more about people who claim to have done everything themselves. Actually, that's partly why I did a little digging about her background. Her claims didn't add up but even I was surprised at the extent of her lies. I was told last night that my post was reported and that it's being reviewed. Hopefully it will be reinstated because I didn't think it broke any of the rules either. I didn't copy/paste or screenshot the exact post but I could pretty easily just write a new one. I also agree about the baby situation Lola, I doubt her dad posted it without her knowledge. If he did, I find it hard to believe that after 5 years of his daughter being on TV that she wouldn’t have let him know about public vs. private posts especially when her pregnancy is supposed to be so private-at least until next season of course. It’s interesting he made a point of saying who the father was which made me wonder whether that was her way of getting around an agreement by her and the father of the baby to keep quiet? Hard to say but once thing is for sure it’s bizarre. I can just see her asking for “privacy” now and then all of a sudden next season is filled with scenes of Nicole and her new baby as a ploy for ratings. I wouldn’t put it past her. Borderline Personality Disorder was suggested by her ex in the court documents and all I can say about that is it explains quite a bit of her behavior on (and off really) social media.
  12. Well it's easy enough if you know where they got married and if the records are posted online for free. I checked Minnesota records (doesn't take much when they're posted online) and there's no record of a marriage there. As far as Michigan, I don't think Michigan marriage records are posted online. I certainly don't care enough to track that down if they're not online even though it's public record since in many cases you have to go there to get them or mail a request and in both cases you probably have to pay a fee as well. If it's online I'd look since it's no different than doing a Google search really.
  13. As an update, I posted in the "Nicole is Pregnant" topic that her dad confirmed she had a baby 8 weeks ago and the father is Shane Maguire. That makes it even less likely that she's married since just recently on twitter she said she regretted being involved in the Summit Mansion project. Also, her dad didn't say her husband or his son in law. Most likely they broke up last summer, got back together briefly and had an oops (well, probably an oops on his end) pregnancy. Otherwise if she was together with him she probably would be mentioning "The Mister" like she did before. Makes a lot of sense why she's been so cagey about this pregnancy if it was an oops and they're not together or an "oops, thought he'd marry me or we'd at least get back together if I got pregnant" situation.
  14. Update: Post has since been deleted from his page. From Rodney Curtis' FB page on July 12: https://www.facebook.com/rodney.curtis.50?fref=ufi&pnref=story
  15. I definitely agree that she's passive aggressive. It's a bizarre situation (well, it is Nicole Curtis after all) since she regularly posts very personal/private information on her Facebook page but all of a sudden she wants privacy. I'm guessing she's using this to boost ratings when her show comes back for the next season, she's embarassed about it (given the likely timeline/facts available I could see why), or perhaps there's some legal situation with the baby daddy so she's keeping mum although that's not stopped her before.
  16. I've been lurking here for a while and just decided to start posting. It's nice to see that not everyone, unlike her rabid fans on FB, has bought into her BS. Very interesting article which pretty much confirmed what I'd thought all along. Her bizarre behavior, especially on social media, suddenly makes a lot more sense. This just confirmed what I'd thought for a while based on some common sense and some simple internet searches of public records. When she said that she moved down to Florida by herself at 18-not true. She moved down with the father of her first kid who I believe was somewhere around 30 years old at the time. She made it out like she went down there at 18 all by hereself and bought a house yet left out the 30 year old boyfriend whose name is on the deed. There's more as well, like when she said that she bought a house in Detroit before she moved to Minneapolis-again not true. From what I found it was in Ferndale and she didn't buy it but the boyfriend she ended up moving to Minneapolis with (when she said she moved there for the housing stock...) did... I don't want to bombard you guys with too much/get too off topic but I figured I'd add that here since it fits in with the article and his claims. There's a lot more "fibs" she's told that have been pretty easy to debunk. I almost wonder if she even knows what the truth is at this point.
  17. The writer of the closerweekly.com article just misread the Minnesota Monthly article. Nicole said in MM that she was "off the market" not married and I believe that article was from around 3 years ago. Just last summer or so she broke up with the boyfriend that owned the Summit House so I doubt she got married since then.
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