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Everything posted by rapgodminho

  1. it feels good knowing exactly what fic sparked this lol I personally don't mind it as long as you tag it a T or above if you're on ff.net, where there are more young kids. AO3 has been the porn-y fanfiction website since when ff.net kept purging all the M+ rated fics so I generally don't give a damn there, but if you rate your profanity-laden fic as a K+ on ff.net you can bet I'm leaving a passive-aggressive review.
  2. Only difference is that I don't sit in that horrendously painful looking splayed leg position. dayum nature u scary
  3. Perhaps it was bad karma for stopping. hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnt just kidding I don't get to hint until I update iniquity oh my god
  5. I just can't not accept it when the original creator of the character backhandedly confirms it, regardless of what the network does. And yes, he really does love Carl Sagan, doesn't he.
  6. I'm less referring to the tweets and more referring to the person's points before it tbh. This part: To me, if the creator of the character says he's bisexual then I'm going to take his word for it over those of the network, but I know that some would disagree with this.
  7. Thoughts on this interpretation? http://doctormaster.tumblr.com/post/34348743890
  8. Short for r/shitredditsays which is a semi-satirical subreddit on Reddit that is notorious for having mods that delete comments/ban users for the slightest offence and hang out in the subreddit where MGG did his AMA a lot. And then the /s was just a sarcasm tag.
  9. They've done the weird outside view before back in To Hell And Back in the shot of them walking through the police station and the street in the background is on the most nonsensical/impossible angle. I'll find a picture of it at some point.
  11. Gotta be the mess that is Extreme Aggressor
  12. The Tribe and Unfinished Business
  13. Nah, I'm just not good at articulating lol. I use the term ~~delicate~~ loosely tbh. Like not delicate physically, but when it infantilizes him unrealistically (as in they characterize him as immature for seemingly no real reason, rather than suffering some kind of disorder like depression/anxiety/OCD because well-handled mental disorder fics are crack to me). Or if Reid is portrayed as never in the wrong/without flaws/the shining beacon of childlike innocence in the BAU, mostly because I like the duality in Reid's character that he can come across as very harmless but then does something slightly disturbing like the speech he rattles off to the unsub in Derailed - but there's debates about that anyway so that comes down to personal preference. Basically just portray him as competent and I'm fine lol. Basically the niche statement comes down to "I want to write this, but you want to read this instead, and you'll be left disappointed when the fic ends and while I accept constructive criticism and in fact welcome it, I don't want to hear about how you think it should have ended" because I will undoubtedly get PMs from the two people who are always PMing me about it going PLEASE MAKE THIS HAPPEN NEXT and I can't be bothered replying to them anymore.
  14. I actually think I know the fic you're talking about, because remember reading the author's note and reading it chapter-by-chapter on AO3 anyway and it got deleted right as I was in the middle of it! I liked it, just sayin'. 8D It's just the fact that I wrote it specifically for one person who got sick, and when she got better my motivation to write it declined. And also because it's one of those angst fics that comes off as super teenagey, despite my efforts to stray from that depiction of Reid it's not really a topic that can be addressed without some kind of teenage feel to it because of the stigma surrounding it, and everyone in this fandom seems to view Reid as some sort of manchild anyway so why the heck am I just contributing to that mindset by writing it. If that made sense. It's less like I don't want to continue it and more like 'I want to write this in a way that will alienate the older readers and not appeal to newer readers'. My take on what I want to write for it is probably too niche and won't fit in with the popular characterization of Reid as ~~delicate child who can do no harm and must be protected by the team at all costs~~ Which probably sounds too business-ey for a fanfiction of all things.
  15. Does anyone else have a multi-chapter fanfic where you've grown tired on it and no longer want to write it, but it's mildly popular and people won't stop talking abut the lack of updates in every review so you have to finish it or be labelled as 'The Writer Who Never Finished Hollow' or constantly get WHERE'S THE NEW CHAPTER OF HOLLOW?!?!? on every un-Hollow-related fic? Because I have that.
  16. I usually look up pretentious quotes or song lyrics and use them, giving credit to the original owner. Or if that's not available, I go for a one-word title that has a double meaning within the context of the fic. Sometimes I put the title in all lower cases too just to make it appeal to That Tumblr Crowd.
  17. Yeah, when I applied for an AO3 invitation I got it about an hour after I applied. FF.net has more users which will equal more reviews, though.
  18. Maybe we should make a whole list. I have some more too: -There's an episode where someone asks Rossi(?) what's in a box he's holding or something. His response? "EVIL." Alright, Rossi. -Some guy falls off something sometime in season 7 and goes "oh my god i think you broke my back" in the most deadpan and not-in-pain voice possible -Pretty sure there's a scene in A Shade of Gray where the kid eats Doritos while ominous music plays -Reid's voice gets annoyingly high pitched when he's chewing out the girls at Hotch's marathon, like I know MGG pitches his voice a little higher for Reid but that was ridiculous. -Prentiss describing Rossi as an 'anal retentive neat freak' or something very similar, but puts the focus weirdly on the ANAL part. I didn't need to know that about Rossi thx Prentiss -The Womb Raider in Profiling 101 shares their name with the porn parody of Tomb Raider -Reid/MGG randomly declares himself//JJ (different people say two different things) 'borderline retarded' in the end scene of Empty Planet and nobody decided to cut it out/not use that take, so you can just hear him saying it really quietly in the background Also at this point I would move this onto another thread but idk where to put it really. The Bullpen one?
  19. My unpopular opinion is that I really don't like Seven Seconds (or at least I think it's that one), mainly because of one line of dialogue. Somewhat paraphrased: "The other day she was ready to ride her bike............WITHOUT TRAINING WHEELS." It makes me giggle every time.
  20. On another site that I don't currently lurk on, I believe. I need to step up my lurking/stalking game. (Edit: lol never mind I found it) Also, I will happily delete these replies if talking about other forums isn't allowed here. please forgive me mods :(
  21. Someone should totally PM us and explain all this drama.....hint hint. I will gladly provide virtual popcorn for us all.
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