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Posts posted by ScoobieDoobs

  1. I like that Indivisible guy — and clearly so does Rach cuz she has him on fairly often.  As usual, Rachel is a stand-alone amongst ALL the chucklehead hosts on MSNBC & CNN (except maybe Joy Reid or LOD) who are so damned hopeless & pessimistic about voting rights.  At least Rachel is trying to be positive & show there might be some possibilities.

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  2. Rachel totally lost me last nite with her opening!  Yeah, she was making some point about stupid conspiracy theories.  But man, it took her 20 minutes to get to that point.  And she was going on & on about some woman I never heard of & couldn’t care less about.

    I couldn’t figure out where Rach was going with this & was so annoyed & uninterested, I switched over to AC, who must have covered at least 3 or 4 topics of current concern, in the time Rachel was babbling on endlessly.  Was this a producer choice or hers?  Sheesh, what a fail!

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  3. Glad to see Rachel is covering the Postal Service mess again.  Sorry, but she has a very real tendency to cover a story exhaustively & then just completely forget about it.  Well, she’s back on that stinkin’ creep DeJoy full on — YAY!!

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  4. Great commentary from Rach tonite — so why’d she have to muck it up by showing a looooong Fox clip of the Turtle?  OK, so this is the latest shtick of pretty much every fool on CNN & MSNBC to kill time — showing these insanely long Fox clips.  Why?  Cuz they have no Trump clips anymore?  

    If I wanted to watch Fox (I DO NOT!!!) then I would (BUT I WON’T).  Why show Fox clips to an audience clearly NOT interested in seeing them?  Rach resisted (er, mostly anyway) showing Trump clips, so why ruin your show, Rach, with long & awful clips from Fox?  Please resist pressure (if there is any) to do this, Rach, cuz all it does is motivate me to turn you off.

    And what was with getting all dramatic over an interview with Chris Krebbs?  He’s on CNN so much I’m expecting him to take over for Cuomo or Lemon — and he’s practically a sidekick for Nicole, she has him on that much. Insecurity showing about LOD  getting the Biden interview?  Relax, Rach, it’s not that big a deal — I’m sure you’ll eventually get your turn with Biden — just keep up with your usual spot-on commentary & ditch those unbearably long Fox clips.  Please?

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  5. I didn’t see the exchange with Hayes, which sounds a bit nasty & totally out of character for Rach, who has only ever shown great respect & an honest liking for LOD in her sign-off exchanges with him.

    Keep in mind, Rach has had Ron Klain on her show many times & she must know him well too.  At this point, it seems downright odd that she hasn’t had the chance to interview Biden.  Still trying to figure out what gives with this . . .

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  6. When I heard LOD was getting this interview, I was really puzzled.  But in tonite's signoff, it was explained this will be a townhall with a COVID-related theme.  Ron Klain was on with LOD recently, so I wouldn't be surprised if LOD's producers pitched this to him. 

    The bigger question is -- why isn't Biden doing an interview with Rach, particularly since her ratings are now among the highest in cable?  I suspect Biden's people (such as Klain) have zero interest in establishing Rachel in the same way Trump did with Hannity.  Rachel's producers should take this as a hint that if they want to get an interview with him they'd better come up some kind of "hook" to get him.

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  7. Man, I may be alone here, but I was completely lost watching Rachel last nite.  She was covering so much, so fast!  In the beginning of the show, she flashed a headline from a month ago & was going on & on & on about something & I suppose she heading somewhere to make a point.  But I got so bored cuz she taking so freakin‘ long to make whatever point she was trying to make, that I momentarily switched to Cuomo (forgive me please).

    Oh Rach, how about making a point first — instead of taking 20 minutes or a half hour to get to it? Well, I’m just glad she’s not spending half her show on Gaetz anymore.  Maybe she finally realized he’s too nauseating a character to discuss & in the end nobody gives a fuck about him.

  8. 33 minutes ago, Robert Lynch said:

    Maybe she will discuss Manchin? He just wrote an op-ed on the Washington Post....I was shocked she was not there yesterday. Usually, she has a few good antidotes here and there. 

    Yes!  He just did such an idiotic interview on CNN, I had to turn it off, he said such stupid shit.  She’d really be doing much more good if she’d ramp up the pressure on Manchin, rather going on endlessly about Gaetz!

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  9. Ah, so the Gaetz floodgates are starting to burst open.  OK, Rach, you already devoted too much of the show to it — BUT you def provided great background.  Please, I beg you, Rach, control yourself & don’t spend the whole show (or even a half hour) discussing this nauseating character, please???

    • Love 3
  10. So wait, did Rach mention Gaetz even once tonite?  And no flashing of his skeevy, creepy, smirky mug?  YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I just think she shoulda led with the Trump "donor duping" story.  How awful & horrible & yet soooo unsurprising is that story?  And yet the stuff the started with -- that she was "geeking out" over & going so nuts about?  I'm very, very skeptical any of that is gonna go anywhere.

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  11. Schadenfreude?  I really didn't think that was Rachel's style at all, to overly report on a story just to dig the knife in to Repubs.  If that is what's going on, I'm deeply disappointed.  Sure, the Gaetz story is an important one cuz he is a current member of Congress, serving on several important Congressional committees.  I'm not saying Rach shouldn't discuss it -- she absolutely should, but a half-hour every nite?  That's going overboard, particularly when there's yet another Trump scandal breaking . . . 

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  12. Ali really is a pro.  The guy subbing for Hayes is pretty awful -- he speaks too loudly & constantly talks over his guests.  I thought that kinda crap was over when Matthews was given the boot.  That guy is just plain unwatchable. 

    I'm at a point that when the Gaetz stuff comes on, I tune out cuz now it's mostly repetitive.  Wake me up when something interesting happens, like he resigns or they kick him out of Congress or something really juicy breaks.

    Oh look, I get it, Rach & her producers wanna dig the knife in & gloat over the downfall of yet another Trumper.  I'm all for that, but there's nothing new to report, and the story is just so sleazy & ugly.  Ick.

    • Love 1
  13. 1 hour ago, grommit2 said:

    Hi ScoobieDoobs...
    Consider the challenge that Rachel faces:  she is in the media business, which demands attracting viewers. 
    We may not agree, may not like it, but...well, it's a business.
    Remember the old rubric?  "If it bleeds, it leads"?
    Gaetz, Chauvin trial...riots, fires, car crashes...these will draw viewers.
    Outrage, anger...more viewers. 
    Sad, disappointing, but, well, it is a business and these are the proven money makers.  <<<SIGH>>>

    Am I wrong to expect more of Rachel than all the rest on MSNBC & CNN?  After all, remember that she was the one & ONLY holdout NOT to endlessly play those awful Trump clips.  Ya know, all the rest of ‘em (including Melber, Hayes, Williams, LOD & Joy Reid) still play those damn horrible Trump clips — and for absolutely no reason!  It’s so freakin’ bizarre!  But Rachel isn’t doing it.

    Look, the Gaetz crap is not gonna stop.  It’s only gonna get sleazier & uglier.  Rachel & her producers need to make a purposeful choice immediately, to take a step back & not spend a half hour on it every nite — otherwise, her show is gonna turn into something resembling TMZ or Fox News.  Ugh!

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  14. 9 hours ago, possibilities said:

    I am watching the Chauvin trial and I think the most significant testimony is not being recapped, in favor of just showing the most emotional moments. It makes me angry. I think this is an important trial and the nightly coverage is exploiting it without actually explaining the case. I really think Rachel ought to do better. It's why she's got the best ratings-- she usually cuts through the sensationalism and gets to the actual details. I'm not happy with how she's handling things this week. 

    MSNBC & CNN has turned this trial into the latest thing to cover all day & nite -- like they do with a hurricane or a shooting or Tiger Woods' one-car crash.  ALL their coverage & discussion of this trial has been so repetitive & mostly tedious.  No doubt this is an exceptionally important trial.  But I fear this over-coverage will lead the public to grow tired of it & apathetic about it.  LOD's trial coverage was surprisingly dull.  So yeah, I am still hoping Rachel will do a better job than anyone else at succinctly summing up the daily happenings of the trial without going overboard.

    And this is the third nite she's going nuts over the Gaetz story.  Seriously, Rach, get a grip cuz you're starting to head into Fox News territory in your handling of this.  It's a lurid story, that's only gonna get sleazier.  We really don't need to hear about it every nite.

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  15. Another nite of way too much time spent discussing that gross Greenberg character & Matt Gaetz?  Idk, Rach, I’m hearing there is way sleazier & even more disgusting details to what Gaetz has done.  Do ya really wanna go down this road, Rach, especially when you can barely say the word “sex” w/o blushing & looking embarrassed?  Move on from this icky Matt Gaetz crap, Rach — please?

    • Love 3
  16. 11 hours ago, Robert Lynch said:

    I almost vomit when I heard that Matt Gaetz story broke out. Interesting that the party is very silent about it, though. Why am I not shocked about that?

    Yeah, I give it to Repubs — they’re great at staying silent, looking the other way or saying they haven’t heard about it, when scandals break about their own.  Er, as opposed to Dems, who instantly  turn on everyone & want them to resign before any supposed scandal is investigated.

    As far as Rach goes?  I’m still kinda in shock that she spent so much time on this, given the lowball & sleazy tawdriness of it.  Seriously, when she had to read some quote that mentioned the word “sex”, she kinda whispered it cuz she seemed so flustered by the mere mention of it.

    Seemed like she spent way more time talking about that sleazy Greenberg character & yeah, his criminal behavior is likely to have led to what will surely be Gaetz’s downfall (YAY!), but ultimately who cares about Greenberg?  Still, it was fun watching Rach rip him to shreds.

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  17. Ugh, Rach, a half hour on that disgusting Matt Gaetz story?  Really?  Yuck!  Oh sure, he’s an awful lowlife creep & it’s no surprise he’s proved himself to be a lowlife creep, but this went on too long.  I’m nauseous & need a shower to wipe off the stink of this story.  Still, it is nice to hear about him deservedly going down . . .

    • Love 4
  18. So Rach has totally avoided saying anything about Cuomo, while CNN & the rest of MSNBC has been dumping on him endlessly.  But rather than salaciously covering accusations, as the others so easily did, Rachel took a different point of view.  She said up till now it seemed Cuomo's "fate" would rest with the AG's investigation but now with the latest accuser, the police will be involved -- but she added (and I've seen this reported by nobody else on CNN or MSNBC) that Cuomo insisted on police involvement, not the accuser.  Interesting.

    I don't know what went on with Cuomo -- with these accusers or the nursing home stuff, but to take someone down for allegations, I just don't understand.  Seems to me like something only Dems do.  At least Rach is taking the high road on this story, but she seems to be the only one.

    • Love 7
  19. Oh man, I yelled out such a loud WOO HOO when Rach said her show had the highest ratings of ANY show on cable for Feb. that my neighbor texted me to ask if I was OK.  YAY, Rach!!!

    She seems to finally be over Neera.  And at least she never mentioned Cuomo once, while the rest of MSNBC is endlessly piling on him.  Why is it dumb Dems are so quick to take each other down without thinking about the consequences?  Anyway, Rach rightly focused on much more important happenings, such as the Senate hearing with Wray & what's going with the Justice Dept.  Good move, Rach.

    • Love 7
  20. 2 hours ago, meowmommy said:

    As a decided non-liberal, I have to say I don't like it much when Rachel overtly pushes a political agenda.  I like her much better when she presents the facts and lets them speak for themselves.  And as a decided non-45 fan who's hung on Rachel's every word about his legal and financial troubles, I am puzzled that she spent zero time talking about the tax case in Manhattan, which was a really, really big story today.

    Her choices of topics are leaving me disappointed.  She spent what?  Like hours going on about Neera (OK, slight exaggeration, but maybe it feels that way to me) & nothing about USPS & that stinkin' DeJoy -- all while I & most of my friends, neighbors, family & co-workers have experienced horrible postage delays and/or outright loss.  C'mon, Rach, why is it you go nuts for a story & then just completely forget about it?  The Neera story is dead, move on from it, Rach.  She'll be fine in a position Biden can appoint her to,

    And btw, Rach, Jennifer Granholm easily sailed to a bipartisan approval -- and yet Neera is having so much trouble.  Maybe cuz Jennifer hasn't insulted people the way Neera constantly has?  Ya think? 

    So Hayes had a terrific interview with Jennifer Granholm & LOD had some great discussion & interviews pertaining to the Trump taxes.  So what, you might say -- but if the shows before Rach & after Rach are better than Rachel's show, I feel like something has gone really wrong -- are worlds colliding?

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  21. Well, Grenell is an idiot & he usually made dumb & shallow comments.  Neera is a very smart woman & her comments were always sharp, on target & very cutting.  Her comments clearly must have stung pretty hard, anyone who she directed them to.  Did anyone catch the dirty looks Bernie couldn’t stop throwing her way?  

    Grenell’s moronic comments are easy to dismiss, but Neera’s always caustic comments?  Not so much.  Could it be there are many more Repub snowflakes than they care to admit?  Ya think?  Anyhoo, like I said, while I agree with Rachel’s annoyance about what’s going on with Neera’s nom, I don’t share her anger over it.

    Look, if you’re gonna show up on MSNBC all day, all the time (as well as Maher), constantly saying & tweeting caustic comments, you’re gonna make enemies.  She was a bad choice to be up for a position that needed to approved.  Why not just put her in a position he can merely appoint?  Not worth your anger, Rach — it’ll be more effective focused elsewhere.

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