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Posts posted by ScoobieDoobs

  1. 5 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

    Whoa, Ashley and the two alters on their beds. What an avant-garde staging of that scene. Bravo, JG.

    What I'm bothered by in that scene is ED's acting -- which is pretty rotten.  Look, I think it was a mistake to give this split personality storyline to ED in the first place, cuz she's very limited as an actress.  And her acting choices are not good.  She's playing teen Ashley looking pouty & it isn't the way teens act.  Reminds me of Lily Tomlin doing Edith Ann.  Is she playing a teen or a 3 year old?  Not good, ED, not good.

    Well, they needed to do a scene like that, cuz this storyline is becoming so confusing & unbearable to watch.  And they really needed to define the personalities, cuz otherwise this could be mistaken for something else -- like schizophrenia, Alzheimer's or dementia.  And those clearly couldn't be played for laughs, which the writers seem to wanna do here.  I mean, I don't get it, but they do seem to be playing this storyline for giggles & chuckles.  Not working for me -- anyone else?

    Actually, they could've had her wearing t-shirts with each personality's name on it, cuz I'm still confused as hell, which one is which.  And why any of these personalities would confide in Audra (of all peeps in GC), who they'd probably all agree is a "yappy little bitch".  Sorry, had to repeat that one cuz it did give me a giggle.

    Oh Drinki, do you really think one breath mint is gonna kill the VODKA STANK that 's gonna be like a smoke cloud all around you?  Really?  Could the Newman clan be so clueless as to not notice the VODKA STANK?  Yup.

    Hey, anyone else think Cleve will notice the VODKA STANK first?

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  2. 4 hours ago, lilmarysunshine said:

    Will Victor step in and take charge, throwing his weight around to save Connor so Connor will respect him more than his parents? @@

    Yeah, I was seriously considering who the heck in GC could be a good parent to Connor -- and man, it gave me a headache.  Never for a moment did I consider Vic . . . er, cuz wouldn't that make Drinki his new step-mom?  Yikes, wouldn't that be transferring the kid from one shitty situation to another?

    Did someone say above that Amelia is "light-hearted"?  Sheesh, you'd never know it from Victoria, who never even cracks a smile, let alone ever shows the slightest bit of a sense of humor.

    So wait, Vic & Drinki are celebrating 40 years of whatever -- so that would mean Nick & Victoria are less than 40?  Pardon me while I contain my belly laughs now . . .

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  3. Idk, me thinks Chelsea was quite happy & relieved to dump the kid off anywhere ASAP, so she can whine & cry her head off endlessly & totally sink herself into her self-absorbed bullshit.  And MCE must be thrilled to play this crap (that I can't stand watching), so she can do her shtick she honed for so long on AMC -- crying, crying, crying and more crying.  Feh.

    And Adam?  OK, we know he's an asshole, but sheesh, do the writers really have to smack us with this every 2 seconds?  His cynicism & paranoia kinda makes sense for the character, but it was depressing to watch.  He sorta had a valid point that yeah, it is pretty severe for this place to cut the kid off from his parents for an undefined period of time.  But look at who his parents are!  The 2 biggest fucked up messes in GC -- and just a reminder, GC is chock full of parents who are fucked up messes.

    Made me feel sorry for Connor that he has these 2 fucked up messes for parents.  Would make a good storyline for him to befriend either Tessa or Mariah & ask them raise him.  It's the only chance that kid's got for a sane upbringing, cuz the school is only a temporary solution.  And T&M seem rather sweet to me, like they'd make thoughtful, attentive & caring parents -- a rare thing indeed in GC!!

    Billy is an idiot and a fool.  That's all I got on him.

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  4. Um, what the hell was up with that sappy shit Tuck was saying to Audra?  OK, first off, Tuck is supposed to be this tough-ass smirky SOB . . .  and he's saying all that crap about skywriting his love for her & how "sweet" she is (er, puke, Audra ain't sweet!!!!) & looking all sad-eyed when she doesn't say yes to his cringey proposal & cheap-looking ring?  Seriously, what the ever-lovin' fuck is going on with the inconsistent writing of characters here?

    And sure, I can buy Audra's act of playing hard to get, but she's got nothin' goin' on for herself.  And he's offering her some security -- even if it is just sharing that shitty little room.  So we'll see if she plays hard to get for long.

    And btw, the makeup peeps must've forgotten to smear under Tuck's eyes, the crap they slather on Jack, cuz he looked like shit today in closeups -- with sunken black eyes.  Either that or the lighting peeps hate Trevor.

    Wow, Nikki, now you're not even hiding the booze anymore in the living room pillows?  Why not carry the vodka around in a paper bag?  Or better still, just get a tasteful little flask from the GCAC gift shop, put it on a chain & carry it around for all to see?  Yup, I'd say that's the way to go now, hun . . .

    Anyone else think we'd see Jordie's mug poking thru the window when Nikki took her thirsty swig?  Maybe in her next oh-so-inconspicuous disguise -- as a GC milkman.  Even tho there haven't been milkmen around for 50 years, that Jordie is always so great at her disguises!


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  5. So Jordie has super powers too?  We already know she can break out of anywhere & has the ability to get unlimited access to makeup, wigs, clothes & money.  Now we see that she can clearly hear conversations from 10 feet away?  Mmmm, OK, sure, that's real believable . . . 

    Tuck looked better today.  The makeup people must be saving some of the shit they're painting over Jack with & spackling a ton of it under Trevor's eyes to cover up those dark circles.

    The ring?  Looked like something you could get off HSN or JTV for 50 bucks.  OK, Audra, enjoy the cheap shitty ring, but are ya really gonna cram yourself into Tuck's crappy little room?  Sounds like a crummy deal to me, but she's got nothing else going on.

    So I liked Tessa's dress, but then she turned around & we see it's backless down to her tush!  Er, huh???  Is this a trend in LA now?  To wear something like that in the Midwest now is nuts -- unless you're Audra, that is.  But then again, Audra has very different reasons for wearing backless (and frontless?) dresses . . . 

    On a serious note, given Ashley's description of memory loss and her age (I know we're not supposed to acknowledge that half the cast is eligible for AARP & some for Medicare), if I were Traci, I'd be concerned about Ashley exhibiting the signs of Alzheimer's or Dementia.  And no, I wouldn't honor some idiotic pinky swear.  Sheesh, it's really bugging me how the 50-something & 60-something characters on here are acting & speaking like they're children.  It's annoying & dumb!

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  6. What is it about Cole that's so off?  The weird facial growth on J. Eddie?  It's not quite a beard, but looks like a shadow on his face & gives a kinda scary appearance, like the mountain men in Deliverance.  When J. Eddie first started back he had a gray/white streak & now that's gone & he's been fully dyed (which actually makes him look better), but that shit on his face makes him look creepy.

    And yeah, there is zero romantic chemistry between J. Eddie & Amelia -- just looked very uncomfortable trying to force that.  Not sure if it's Amelia or the character, but I've thought of Victoria as a total cold fish.  Not so when Heather Tom was playing her.

    Yeah, yeah, I know -- wink, wink, nudge, nudge, we were supposed to laugh ourselves silly when Phyllis says (like she's 12) that vengeance against an ex is soooo petty -- 3 seconds after she pulled the fire alarm while her ex is having sex with someone else.  Meh to the writers on that one.  More stupid than funny.

    Heather continues to annoy the piss outta me.  I really can't stand how Vail "acts" with her hair.  Kinda makes me wanna dump pancake syrup on her just to stop that fucking hair-acting.  But then again, I wanted to dump pancake syrup on that whole awful group -- including Daniel, Phyllis & Billy.  Intolerable assholes, every one of 'em!!

    You know, they really should be showing us what Claire is thinking to herself.  My guess would be she's saying -- Awesome, now I'm an heiress, and I'm gonna play all these idiots as long as I have to, to get as much dough as I can, and Jordan can fuck off if she tries to disrupt my plans for being rich . . .


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  7. 4 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

    Sigh, Tucker. At this point you probably need to be coming across with some  eye-opening jewelry. I bet Audra would love a little something around 3 carats in a Tiffany setting. Just sayin', put your money where your mouth is.

    Wait, what? Ashley's main alter admitted she's running a game on Tucker. Why? Also, interesting how she was speaking of Ashley in the third person and Traci didn't pick up on it.

    Claire trying hard to sell herself to Summer. Good luck with that, hon. The big mistake you made was putting innocent Harrison in your sights. Summer will go into mama bear mode for her stepson.

    Jordan disguised as a man. AYFKMWTS? 🤮🤬💩

    Had a few chuckles today-

    Ashley's personality today -- I'll call her Smug Ashley -- calling Audra "a yappy little bitch"  Mmmm, OK.

    Adam having trouble getting into the Newman ranch cuz as Vic put it -- they don't like him.  Who does, Vic, who does?  I'm thinking roaches scamper in the opposite direction when they see Adam coming!

    And Jordie in man drag -- er, that disguise is supposed to be inconspicuous & hard to spot in a crowd?  Yeah, right.  Did give me a giggle at first sight.

    Smug was the theme of the day in GC, eh?  We had Smug Ashley, and smug Claire, acting so overly confident & getting way too aggressive in her approach with Summer.  I don't trust her for a second!  Oh, then there's smug Summer.  She is really bugging the piss outta me.  OK, Summer, you have the hottest guy in soapland, but he's also dull & dumb as a rock, and you'll certainly screw it up & not last long with him anyway, so get over yourself, hun.

    And Tuck?  Every time I see that crappy little room of his, I can't believe he's supposed to be some sort of mogul.  Between the tiny room, how pathetic he was, begging for Audra to forgive him & how terrible his face looks in closeups, he's coming off like such a loser.  And what is it with the doors in the GCAC?  Are they made of paper, that Ashley can just walk in whenever?  And why does nobody use the elevator there -- or is there one?

    I know I'm not supposed to ask this, but where is Jordie getting the wigs, makeup, outfits & money?  Even a fleabag motel costs something.  And how does she get around?  Is she able to walk everywhere or does GC have extensive bus lines?  Not likely.  I know, silly me for asking these questions . . .

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  8. Er, I can see 3 thought balloons over the heads of ALL the poor people in attendance at Nikki's AA meeting (maybe Jackie too)-

    "And we should care about any of your bullshit . . . uh, why?"

    "And this is helping us with our sobriety . . . uh, how?"


    Hey, we got a preview of Ashley's next personality -- Messy-Hair Ashley!  Eeeek!  Someone on the show without overly styled hair!  Heavens, it can't be!!!

    Wow, Tuck looked ragged today, with heavy bags & jet-black circles under his eyes.  I say the crazy makeup person that's been shellacking Jack orange should scoop up some of the same goop & spackle a shit-ton of that stuff under Trevor's eyes. Ashley must be really whacked out to wanna hook up with that . . .

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  9. 6 hours ago, One Tough Cookie said:

    Explain Bluthooth then.

    Easy to explain the The Bug's presence on the show, but her?  We need an investigation!  Claire explained how Jordie is so good at research cuz she clearly found the perfect drug to plan her escape.  Maybe Jordie can help us find an answer to this -- that is, while she's on a break from torturing the Vics & Niks . . .

    • LOL 9
  10. Yawn, so Jordie escaped -- oh, we never could've predicted that!  Anyone surprised?  Anyone?

    The kid who plays Connor is actually a pretty good actor.  But then again, look at who he's playing against -- the idiot who thinks bawling her eyes out is acting & the fool who "acts" with his cheekbones.  So yeah, hard to judge the kid's acting skill with those 2 nearby, but I still think he's OK.

    Connor is way better off getting far away from those 2, who would completely ignore him & offer him zero help.  Even if he were to get regular therapy, think those 2 would monitor if he was actually going?  Yeah, right.  Chelsea would be continuing on her weepy crying binges & babbling about her oh-so-terrible past, & Adam's too busy causing trouble for everyone & just being a PITA & an asshole.

    Did some crazy makeup person paint Jack orange today?

    Kyle's pomp didn't look pointy today.  Was waiting for Claire to notice that.  Still trying to predict when those 2 will be married.  May or June?

    • LOL 8
  11. 4 hours ago, Denize said:

    One thing she cannot exhaust me with are facial expressions. She has none, just a botox-frozen mask.

    It's not just that she's got a frozen face.  She's a non-actor (like so many others on the show -- er, Josh Morrow, cough, cough) who were cast cuz of their looks, have little acting experience & no training or talent, yet stay on the show forever.

    Yup, the most we can expect from Vail is looking at her hair.  She "acts" (if you can call it acting) with her hair -- which is maybe the only thing on her that might change, cuz she's got no range of any emotions.  From what I can see, Heather has no sense of humor either.  She never smiles or laughs & she's mostly charmless.  And yet Daniel, GC's resident hipster (we know this cuz he's got greasy hair & tats -- oh my!), and self-described artiste & rebel, is so nuts for her?  Why?

    Any guesses where they're going with these idiotic storylines?  Will Jordan be forever breaking out of wherever & killing off anyone near her for chuckles & giggles?  This is supposed to be hilarious and/or interesting?  Not so much.

    The "Ashley & her personalities" bit is wearing thin.  If it's being played for laughs, it ain't working.  It's falling flat.  ED is OK, but she ain't Erica Slezak, who was & is an excellent actress.  And Erica had some well thought out storylines (at least for a while).  This seems so random, with no direction at all.  That's why I keep making suggestions on more personalities cuz I'm so bored with what we're getting.  These storylines stink!

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  12. 5 hours ago, One Tough Cookie said:

    Am I a bitch when I saw Christine and Danny in various stages of undress how it upset Bluetooth? 

    I hope I'm not the only one!

    No, I'm the bitch cuz I was sorta chuckling at her behavior.  Anyhoo, the one who was really annoying me was The Bug, who was acting all haughty & overly confident that she caught "the prize".  Er, as if a has-been, wrinkly elder sorta-musician is such a prize!

    I'm not digging The Bug's attitude.  I'd like to see him change his mind.  He's so wimpy & wishy-washy that it's believable he'd impulsively kick The Bug outta bed & go for Phyllis.  Hey, if Phyllis wants to be looking at that wart on his nose & his badly dyed hair so much -- I say, let her!

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  13. Oh Lily, much as I wanted you to fire those 2 self-absorbed assholes, that was pretty much the worst move!  Now they're in a position to sue and/or get a very big settlement.  C-W is supposed to be a big company, right?  Uh, Lily, you're not sixteen & your boyfriend broke up with you before the prom.  And you ain't running Mel's Diner. 

    There are smart ways to handle this situation -- certainly thru company lawyers, definitely separately & absolutely in the office.  But firing them in the coffee joint -- and then emphasizing to asshole Daniel how he "betrayed" her?  Sheesh, dumb, Lily, dumb!  That's saying the exact thing you wouldn't want to say on why they're being fired.  Cuz that'll give 'em ammo when suing and/or trying to get a big settlement.

    Billy being so self-righteous was getting on my last nerve.  And his "sympathy" for Lily was cringey, it was so insincere.  He can go piss off. 

    The Connor stuff is boring me.  Just seems to be an excuse for Chelsea to get all weepy.  Well, it must be in MCE's contract she has to cry in every ep she's in -- it's her shtick.  Feh.

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  14. 4 hours ago, babyhouseman said:

    I thought Michael Damian looked good when I saw him years ago except for the eighties hair.

    No doubt he was very good looking in a pretty boy way when he was romancing Jo on The Facts of Life in 1988 -- and on Y&R (maybe in the 90's).  So what the heck happened?  Too much smoking/booze/drugs or just unfortunate genetics?  Fact is, women could never get away with looking as bad as Damian does on cam.  The bed scenes with him and the bug were cringey.  Ew.

    But this was a cringey ep, wasn't it?  Was it Phyllis' behavior or Michelle Stafford's too loud delivery & really awful acting that was so disturbing?  Blech to all of it.

    So today we got to see Teen Ashley & Slutty Ashley & variations & combos of both.  Mmmm, OK.  Now I'm waiting for Cougar Ashley to go after Chance or Nate.  I wish she'd give up on Tuck cuz he's just seeming so pathetic & dull lately.  C'mon, Ashley, develop a personality that finally sees Tuck as the sunken-eyed loser he is & move on to someone else. 

    Maybe Slutty Ashley can go drinking & looking for hook-ups with Phyllis at the GCAC bar.  Phyllis looked like she needed a drinking partner real bad . . .

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  15. 1 hour ago, stewedsquash said:

    Hmmm. I went down a rabbit hole with the mention of Michael Damian being married to James Best’s daughter. Whoa. I think there is some kind of Calvin and Hobbs transmorgifyer machine at YR because it led me to MD’s insta and cool, he is rather hot hunky in real life. Also very busy musically. And with films. And being all over France traveling. 
    I have the just released Irish Wish (might be more words in title) with Lindsey Lohan on my Netflix list to watch and guess who has a song on it? Michael Damian. The movie is supposed to be pretty good.

    Seriously, he looks good in real life.

    When?  In 1991?  The old dude I saw doing AARP soft-porn with "the bug" looked really wrinkled & terrible.  I never cared for him, but 30 years ago he was a sorta pretty boy type, but always a really lousy actor.  Those closeups of Damian (with that giant wart on the side of his nose) made me think -- do I watch this or pour bleach in my eyes?  Which is a more unpleasant experience?  It's a toss-up.

    Gotta say, I really bristle whenever I hear Victor refer to someone as "that woman".  Wasn't he calling Claire, "that Claire woman" like maybe a month ago?  Sounds so fucking misogynist!  I know, I know, he's been a misogynist for the over 40 years he's been on the show, but it's a slap-in-the-face reminder of just how much of a misogynist Victor is.

    Oh, I almost feel a tiny bit sorry for Michelle Stafford in how humiliating it is now to play Phyllis.  Pulling a fire alarm?  Really?  Where is the inspiration for this brilliance?  Leave it to Beaver?  So she's 50-something going on 12?  I swear this shit with Danny, the Bug & Phyllis could have been from 30 years ago.  It's so idiotic & lazy.

    Er, aren't prisoners escaping, a mostly unusual thing?  Ah, but not for Jordan, eh?  She's an elderly woman, but that doesn't matter cuz she can break out of anywhere.  Man, this super-villain crap is so dumb.

    Yeah, don't be fooled by Lily's stance.  I thought she finally got a spine & was gonna kick the crap outta GC's 2 biggest assholes (other than Adam, Tuck & a couple of Ashley's personalities).  But nah, she gave us the hint she's gonna forgive those 2 assholes & will continue to be GC's resident doormat, at the ready, to be shit all over by everyone..  Enjoy being shit on Lily, I couldn't care less.  Btw, if I took a drink (maybe stealing the vodka Nikki hides in the living room pillows) every time one of those assholes said how they didn't intend to hurt Lily, I'd be passed out cold.

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  16. Only thing worth watching is the preview showing Lily snarling at that smug bitch Heather -- and Heather with a look on her smug mug, realizing that Lily is in a position to screw her over but good.  Screw the bitch over, Lily -- and while you're at it, smash a shit-pie right in that fucking waste-of-space Daniel's stupid mug!

    Man, I was getting so sick of watching Diane be all sweet & considerate.  Never bought it for a second.  About time the real snake Diane came out to bite the heads off everyone near her . . .

    Vic & Nik getting all cuddly-wuddly with Claire (or should we be calling her Eve now?) was making me really nauseous.  Was also distracted by that Facts of Life school uniform on Claire/Eve -- um, WTF???

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  17. Nick trying to be funny was painful.  Truly painful.

    So J. Eddie is a shitty actor in dreams too?  Mmm. OK.

    Me?  I woulda had Adam dragging around a ball & chains -- or something truly humiliating.  But I guess being a server in GC would qualify?

    Sorry, but the Jordon-is-just-so-terrifying crap -- cue scary music -- is getting really tiresome.  Yawn.

    Time to bring out more Ashley personalities.  I'm still hoping for lesbian Ashley cuz Mariah puts me to sleep.  

    From the previews, looks like sweetie-pie Diane has been vanquished & the real viper Diane is back in town.  Good luck being married to that, Jackie boy.

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  18. I know I'm not supposed to notice this but, damn, Jordie's hair, makeup & nails were perfection.  Maybe her nails were supposed to be broken, but they looked great from a distance -- and a beautiful red shade.  Her outfit was just soooo tastefully chic.  And she was throwing on some gorgeous looking heels.  Hellhole?  Really?   Vic seems to be providing her with all the benefits of her very own salon & boutique.  Sounds nice to me.  Will it be forever, Vic?

    So what were those 3 trying to accomplish?  Dumb.  Jordie will rise up & knock 'em out silly.  So where are the writers getting inspiration for this dopey shit?  Hogan's Heroes?  Or maybe the Three Stooges?

    Oh Chelsea, want some cheese with that whine?  She doesn't wanna make it about herself -- except she's making it about herself.  Uh, and when doesn't she do that?  And when doesn't she whine & cry?  Make her go away, show . . . please?

    Idk, if I quickly tuned out of what that therapist was saying, I can only imagine how a teen would tune her out.  Fail therapist, fail.

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  19. You know, I thought -- wow, Chelsea is really handling this Connor stuff pretty well.  She's being a good & supportive & caring & comforting mother.  I shoulda known better.  Cuz this is MCE -- who ALWAYS annoyed the piss outta me on AMC, for what felt like 800 years.  So yeah, MCE can only play a character who's whiny, thoughtless & cares about herself first, & if she has to care about someone else, she predictably falls apart.  Way to live up to my shitty expectation of you Chelsea/MCE!

    That therapist was so cold & clinical & boring, I'd be pulling on my hoodie too.  And what was up with Chelsea & Adam talking about Connor right in front of him, but in a whisper?  Could they be so stupid & thoughtless to not realize he could hear them?  Oh what am I saying -- this is Chelsea & Adam.

    So we've seen slutty Ashley & now teen Ashley.  What stupid stereotype are we gonna get for the next personality?  How about lesbian Ashley?  Maybe she can bring some life to Mariah's boring storyline.

    Not to probe this too deeply, but I'm curious -- so did Tuck actually scream at Ashley & throw the chair over in the Paris cafe or was that the dream of one of Ashley's 8 million personalities?

    Still not getting where they're going with the Jordie storyline.  You catch a crook, you call the police, the crook is arrested & the legal system takes over.  Ah, but that's not the way it is in Victor Newman's world, eh? 

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  20. I get that it's a soap thing to do tight close-ups, but I give MS & ED credit, they look great for their ages (almost 60 & over 60, respectively) -- they both look good even in the tightest close-ups. 

    Can't say the same for the men their age.  Trevor/Tuck looks lousy in close-ups.  And when they pull in tight to Danny?  Sorry, but I always go -- EEK!  Oh, MD, what happened?

    Sally is a dope, but then again she chooses to be around A-hole Adam.  Let's see what a friendship with slinky Audra will get her . . .

    Did Claire ever get an answer when she asked if Vic was going to let Jordie go?  Guess it's perfectly legal for Vic & Nick to be kidnappers?  Ok then, great writing.

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  21. 11 hours ago, MsMalin said:

    Why doesnt Tucker find a new hangout if he wants to avoid Ashley?  And would a rich youngish guy hang out at a place like that with a piano player playing 40s muzak?

    Trevor is in his early 50's -- & with his sunken eyes & dark circles, he looks every second of it.  I wouldn't consider him youngish anymore & he certainly doesn't look it.  I thought maybe Tuck isn't supposed to be that age, but given 30-ish Devon is his son, & Bizarro-Ashley mocked Audra for having "daddy" issues, I'd say Tuck's (and Trevor's) days of being described as youngish are past.

    Anyone notice how Tuck and Bizarro-Ashley and so many other GC'ers drink sooooo darn much, don't they?  And they drink alone.  Hmmmm.

    When Sally said to A-hole Adam she doesn't have many (or any) friends, I thought, does Tuck have any friends?  Or Audra?  Or Bizarro-Ashley?

    Btw, was Audra packing or unpacking?  And just where is she gonna go?  Big talk, hun, but your ops have dried up if ya ditch Tuck!  Better keep those black pumps with the 4 inch heels & your backless (& frontless?) outfits at the ready, girl, cuz you gotta compete with Bizarro-Ashley!

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  22. I could swear the stylists are screwing with us -- Kyle's pomp looked pointy today.  Or wait, does it always look that way?

    That poor kid looked so distracted, like he did NOT wanna be there.  Related to the Bells maybe?

    So any bets when Kyle is gonna marry Claire?  By April?  And he'll cheat on her with Lily by May?

    Those scenes with Tuck & Bizarro-Ashley are really squicking me out.  Make it stop, producers -- PLEASE!!!

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  23. What was today -- "A-hole day in Genoa City"?  Seemed like all the a-holes (except the supreme one, Adam) were out in full force--

    Heather & Daniel, those smug a-holes!  Lily should only dump some syrup in her hair so she has to cut it all off & a-hole Daniel will leave her in 2 seconds.

    And then there's Tuck, 1st runner-up to Adam as GC's biggest a-hole, sitting with Ashley . . .  only for us to quickly learn that crazy Ashley's new personality might just be 2nd runner-up to Adam -- making Ashley now GC's 3rd biggest asshole, with Daniel & Heather running not too far behind.

    Sheesh, what are we left with on the show now?  Raging bitches, nasty a-holes, & whiny, weepy losers?  Oh yeah, I really wanna keep on watching.

    I'd say Audra's options are fading fast.  Welp, there's always Only Fans, Audj . . .


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  24. Ugh, any scenes with Adam, but def any with Adam & Sally?  Zzzzzzzzz!  Must be a requirement when casting Adam, acting talent doesn't matter, but gotta have a punchable face.  Mission accomplished!

    Oh yeah, Daniel is suffering from the I-think-I'm-such-a-swell-guy-when-I'm-actually-a-total-dickhead syndrome that so many GC men are. 

    But hasn't Lily always been the perennial victim?  Feels like everyone has shit on her & she takes it.  By now my sympathy has been used up for poor Lily.  C'mon hun, get going & punch out that bitch Heather.  And tell Daniel he's an a-hole & he can go fuck off!!

    Jeez, J Eddie is soooo thin & his face is so gaunt he looks sickly, particularly with his patchy unshaven look.  And the way he swallows his words, I expect him to say he's got some disease.

    Sorry, but I just can't get used to Christian's snow-white hair & bright orange face.  Every time they do a close-up of Michael, I just go -- eek, who is that?  Hmm, and where could Lauren be?  Time for her daily plastic surgery tweak?

    So let's get this straight, shall we?  Vic & Nick (the comedy team with zero sense of humor) stash Auntie Jordan in the cellar . . . but wait, isn't that kinda illegal to do?  Oh silly me, trying to make sense.  Oh wait, doesn't Vic own or dictate to the GCPD?  Remember back in the Rusty Anchor (sorry, that was Blanche Deveraux's hangout in The Golden Girls), or whatever the name of the dive bar Jordie killed Seth outside of -- Vic told the policewoman to dust a glass for fingerprints?  Don't the police know to do this?  No, cuz Vic tells them what to do, right?  Ah, now it's making GC sense.

    Anyone think a silly little door lock could possibly keep ole Jordie restrained?  Nah, she'll bite right thru it with her teeth.  Or maybe start a fire & walk thru the searing flames without a bit of scorch on her, hair & makeup perfect & with an immaculately clean & tastefully chic outfit.  Maybe Colleen's contract requires it, but it's all making sense & it's totally believable for GC world, right?

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