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Posts posted by ScoobieDoobs

  1. Actually, Tuck & Audra could be good as a GC power couple.  The prob is, what we're getting now is soooo unconvincing.

    First off, all we're seeing of them is . . . drinking at the bar downstairs or in bed in Tuck's teensy room.  I still say Tuck seems like like a loser in that tiny room.  And Glissade sounds like an air freshener to me.  So if you 2 are such biz whizzes, ya gotta come up with a way better name than that.

    Look, the actors and the characters have potential, but they're hampered by lousy writing & a budget that's probably not much more than 5 bucks.  I could buy Audra as a smart sharp exec & Tuck as go get 'em mogul, but the show ain't putting out much to support this. 

    All I'm seeing now is some middle-aged dude bangin' some 20 years younger hot chick, lookin' like a loser cuz he keep begging her to marry him & she keeps turning him down.  And they talk big about business, but never seem to do anything even remotely business-related -- or even interact with ANYONE other than each other.  OK, maybe one of Ashley's random personalities, but that's only when she forces herself on them.

    Sorry, but having these 2 spout a few lines about their dreams & goals of Glissade (yech, I hate that name) ain't making these 2 a power couple.  I could live without the bed scenes too, cuz it's getting repetitive.  Well, at least they're not nauseating like Danny & The Bug.  So there is that.

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  2. Jeez, imprisoning Jordie again, Vic?  This taking-the-law-in-your-own-hands bullshit is really nuts.  So what's he up to?  Gonna have Jordie tortured till she tells him where Claire is?  This shit is sick & it's illegal.  How is his kidnapping Jordie any different than her kidnapping Harrison?

    What is going on with this show and all these awful storylines?

    I thought  the cringey shit with Ashley yesterday was bad enough, but this was all kinds of blech & yuck.  Interesting how Vic & Nik lie to each other all the time.  Some marriage.  But Vic is lying to everyone about Jordie.  Why?

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  3. 33 minutes ago, One Tough Cookie said:

    Glad the Connor story has ended.  I was uncomfortable with it, even tho it's just a soap.

    OK--is Danny the new Bouffant--it surely looked like it to me.

    Did I miss something -- or are you referring to Harrison?

    Drats, you got my hopes up for a sec that storyline was ending, along with Ashley & her 10,000 personalities.

    I'm waiting for Danny's hair to really blow up like something out of Hairspray -- or an old Supremes wig.  I remember reading some interview with Damian that he'd share hair & makeup tips with Jeanne Cooper (not kidding), so maybe she's an inspiration?

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  4. As I said before, I'm indifferent to Mamie's hair, cuz I've zeroed in on her unpleasant personality.  But given the volume & density for a woman her age . . . I assumed she's wearing a wig.  And if she is wearing a wig, wouldn't any issues about comments on natural hair be irrelevant?  A wig is really a style/fashion choice, isn't it?

    Now, that said, wigs have come a long way since the Supremes were sporting those big clunky things they wore.  There are so many beautiful & natural-looking choices that are mostly undetectable as wigs.  Let's just say, if it is a wig, she could make a way more flattering choice . . .

    Still think Pomp is an idiot & a waste of time, but that shot of him hugging the kid was really very sweet.

    Do the writers have some weirdo fetish about chloroforming people?  Idk, first Claire & now Jordie -- who's next, writers?  Dixie Carter-Ashley?  Dummer?  Please, please, please!

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  5. Well, glad they ended the Harrison kidnapped bit, cuz watching a little kid being abused was totally unbearable.  Maybe the writers realized they boxed themselves into a corner with this & decided to cut it off quick.  I even felt sorry for the little boy actor playing this unpleasant shit -- having some horrible lady saying mean things to him.  OTOH watching the Niks & Vics being tortured?  Have no probs with that.

    Ugh, if you want to avoid witnessing truly terrible awful acting, maybe the worst I've seen on this show -- and that's saying something -- skip the Ashley trying to be Dixie Carter segments.  Eileen, you really suck horseshoes as an actress!  She deserves a Razzie, not an Emmy nom.  Painful & cringey as hell to watch!

    So where is Claire?  Guess that's the big question to be answered, eh?

    Danny is starting (to me) to look like like an elderly lady with teased up hair & heavy makeup.  Maybe that's the look Damian is going for.  Whatever, not judging, just observing. 

    Traci's WTF look when she sees Dixie Carter-Ashley is priceless.

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  6. I'm indifferent to Mamie's appearance & wouldn't comment on it anyway, in deference to her as elder lady.  To me, that's not what's standing out so negatively about her.  It's her shitty, angry, embittered, hostile attitude!   Sheesh,  she's just so unpleasant to be around.  Yuck.  Seriously, if Jill is more well-mannered and pleasant than you are . . . that's pretty fuckin' bad.

    I mean, Jill ended her vid call by saying to hug the kid.  Would bitter, angry, hostile Mamie ever send hugs to anyone . . . ever?  No way.  She's too focused on her anger towards Jill.  Who the hell would would wanna be anywhere near her?  Thanks writers, for turning this character into someone so unbearable & awful.

    Hey Vicky, ditch that ugly sweater with the weird tie-thingie in front.  And yeah, the white pants (jeggings?) are not the most flattering look.  

    Man, what is the set budget for the show now?  50 cents?  Lily's teeny office is all they can afford now, when they have scenes at C-W?  And we're supposed to believe she's a high level exec with that itty-bitty office & that's the only place they can have a "board meeting"?  Rolling eyes very hard.

    Wish they'd give Beth more to do than just offering tea and sympathy.  She's capable of so much more.  Way better actress than ED, that's sure.  Just sayin' . . .

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  7. 4 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

    Guess Abby is still blissfully unaware that her cousin's young son has been kidnapped and half her family thinks her new niece did it. And that a murderous psycho is now terrorizing both of sides of her family. Because if she did know, hopefully the last thing she'd be doing is trying to vote in a silly board meeting at her baby daddy's company.

    Um, does Abby even know her mother has 700 personalities?

    Wonder how much longer Braeden will be on the show.  He's looking frail & ill.  Victor trying to be intimidating is not so convincing . . .

    No, it's not just that Dummer is being annoyingly written.  It's also cuz Allison Lanier is a really, really lousy actress.

    Ah, so all the Newmans & Abbotts believe in taking the law in their own hands, eh?  Except maybe Victoria.  But Drinki's plan is as stupid as what Vic & Jackie were doing with the driver.  Sheesh, this shit is so dumb.

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  8. 15 hours ago, MsMalin said:

    I was lucky enough to do it during Covid when we couldn't leave the house for 2 years .  He should have an easy time of it with short hair. There is also a process you can go through that takes several hours.  I wonder how CLB did his. His hair is gorgeous, so is Michael Knights. I am really happy that I embraced the grey. Keeping up with it was too hard and I hated my roots showing. It looks good with my blue eyes too.


    I am so G.D. sick of the Newmans taking matters into their own hands and I wish they would be brought up on obstruction of justice charges. What the f does Drinkki have up her sleeve now?

    I was admiring how good Christian looks with white hair.  The makeup peeps give him an orange face, but his hair looks good.  He'd been dying it for years & only gave it up fairly recently -- kudos to him.  I'm not sure what Damian should do with his hair, only that what he's sporting now looks terrible.  Anyone catch the preview of him with Traci?  He's got makeup on that looks like pancake mix & he looks like a Halloween mask.  Very ghoulish.  Maybe goth is the look he's going for?  Looks unnerving to me.  

    Eh, it's not exactly unusual for an entertainer/actor to have a look when they're young & then never let it go.  Anyone see Gene Simmons?  Eek!  And Michelle Stafford will likely keep those Raggedy Ann pumpkin orange strings till the grave.  Madonna has her roots painted black.  Surprised the hair peeps don't do the same for MS.  My question is, how many flat irons have died to give her (and endlessly continue to give her) that tired look.

    I can answer what Drinki has up her sleeve . . . more vodka!  Oh, and a deep stockade of breath mints, of course.

    The bullshit of Vic & Jackie handling the Jordan situation on their own is beyond idiotic.  Idk which is dumber & more annoying -- their nonsense or Dummer screeching & ranting & whining.

    So what's it gonna be, JG?  A different personality for Ashley every week?  Will she borrow Jordie's man drag & we'll next see her at the GCAC bar in a bad wig & goatee, maybe hitting on Audra (who'll of course be in a backless outfit & 6 inch heels)?  Will Audra be freaked out by Man Ashley . . . or would she consider giving her a shot?

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  9. 1 hour ago, MsMalin said:

    Same here! There was something really ick hearing him say it twice and I said to my husband "he doesn't like women"

    He was calling her "that woman" before.  Is b*tch any better?  No.  Both sound misogynist to me.  I dislike the way he treats women.  Mostly very condescending.  But he's that way with everyone, ain't he?  Despicable character -- and has been for 40 years.

    Oh Sharon, take your balloon face, stuffed chock full of injectables to the point of bursting before our eyes, & go fuck off.  Your advice sucks & you don't have the background to be acting like some kind mental health professional.  SFTU and go serve up coffee & muffins, hun.

    Now, that said, I actually agree with Adam's skepticism.  I don't trust that AI robot lady for one second.  And if it was me she was accusing of being a bad parent & laying all the fault on me, she'd have a gotten a big fuck you from me.  And I'd like to see how an AI robot lady would respond to some anger and a big fuck you.  Sharon's shitty advice never took into account that they coulda left the kid in some fake-out place . . .

    OK, so Ashley's next personality is who?  Combo of Scarlett O'Hara, Blanche Dubois, Blanche Devereaux & a reject from a crappy ep of Designing Women from 35 years ago?  Oh Joshie-poo, you are expecting way too much from Eileen.  All we saw was one tiny preview & she was painfully awful.  Ugh.

    Hey Drinki, what brand of breath mints are ya gobbling up?  I wanna buy stock in those!

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  10. Yeah, I'd love to see a list of "venues" on Danny's super awesome not-to-be-missed tour.  The Villages?  Um, I'm thinkin' more like nursing homes.  Anyone remember "Soapdish", where Kevin Kline's character is so down & out, he's performing in nursing homes?  And they're yelling, while he's performing, "What did he say?"  And screaming at him to talk louder.  Me thinks that's the reality of Danny's tour . . .

    I also thought that doc was soooo emotionless & cold & clinical, she seemed right out of a Twilight Zone ep.  But then I thought this lady seems so AI generated.  What if those 2 dummies left the kid at some fake place?  I guess the PSA means no, but I have my doubts.  Uh-oh, that would mean I agree with Adam, and worlds may have just collided.

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  11. 35 minutes ago, Chatty Cake said:

    I hate when I have  free time to watch the show and the bare shouldered buffoon is on.  You lost to the woman you call bug what does that make you phyllis?  
    I also despise PSA stories. Unless they have Conner poison his mom and Billy, I don’t want to hear about his trauma. 
    Actually Danny, Lily was unprofessional when she hired your moron son, not when she fired him. Now that dumb decision is coming to haunt her.
    Does Danny think he’s Taylor Swift and Christine is Travis Kelce? Would anyone care if Cricket was in the front row wearing his tshirt?

    Yup, Phyllis does love her off-da-shoulder jobbies, doesn't she?

    Just who does Danny (& MD) see in the mirror?  Himself from 35 years ago?  Uh, no, not happening.  I'm just grateful there were no love scenes with the Bug today & he kept his shirt on.

    Btw, does Sharon hang a sign outside her coffee joint saying -- "Coffee, Muffins & Amateur(ish) Therapy avail here whenever"?

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  12. So wait, does MCE get paid by the tear & every time she says "me"?  Cuz if she's in a scene, you can pretty much bet we're gonna get . . . 



    And then Adam will act like an asshole.  Er, when am I gonna get hired for JG's swell writing team?

    Oh, then there's Phyllis, with today's lanky pumpkin strings (flat-ironed till some hair person's flat-iron pooped out) & the gray skunk stripe in the middle of her head.  And she's swingin' those pumpkin strings around.  Is that supposed to be fierce?  Eh, not so much, but I guess that's what makes for MS's acting "skill".  Did anyone else notice the top of Phyllis' dress looked like it was falling off?  Eek, no!

    And when Phyllis asked Chance something -- did he say "uh, duh" or d'oh?  What he shoulda said was -- Don't hate me cuz I'm beautiful, but I'm also dumb as shit & please don't bother asking me any questions cuz my head will explode.

    Lily is acting like an idiot.  And Devon is as childish as she is.  Anything Billy says, he has to say the opposite?  It's so fuckin' stupid.  We're supposed to believe these 2 morons are running a giganto corporation.  It's really dumb.

    And then there's Danny, who just creeps me out now.  And he and the Bug are holding each others' face again.  Ugh, it's making me nauseous.  Please show, make it stop!


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  13. 5 hours ago, lilmarysunshine said:

    The icing on this awful cake is apparently he does the deed in a black wifebeater. Twice we have seen that. 

    Idk, me?  I'm grateful the show spared us from the sight of a shirtless MD.  A long-sleeved shirt would be even more preferable on Danny if we have to suffer thru any more Bug/Danny love scenes, where they're holding each others' faces.  It's pretty nauseous-making so hopefully those scenes will cease -- please, show?

    • LOL 6
  14. Did Jackie really say to Drinki he's proud of her?  Really?  For what, Jackie?  For Drinki (assumably) driving around drunk, and coming to his house sauced when they're in a crisis.  He ain't helping her, that's for sure.  Eh, they really don't know how to write the alcoholic storyline, do they?  She should be in rehab -- and that's it.  At this point it's too laughably stupid.

    So do the show's hair peeps hate Michelle Stafford as much as we hate Phyllis?  Too often, she's got those overly flat-ironed straight strings (like she had today), which is just so unflattering & harsh on her.  But wow, the hair peeps left her with huge gray roots, which stood out like a skunk stripe against the neon pumpkin rest of it.  Mmmm, OK, Michelle, if that's the look you wanna put forward, good luck, hun.  Hey, if Tracey is OK with the tacky hooker look for Lauren she's going with . . .

    Cole still looks like a crackhead to me.  New nickname for Cole . . . Crackie?

    ED looked really annoyed today that she had to play Boring Ashley.  Thought balloon over ED today -- Ah, for shit's sake, I wanna play Evil/Slutty Ashley cuz that'll get me my Emmy nom -- fuck those writers for making me play this boring crap!

    Er, was Pomp all that upset?  He still had time to mousse & gel up his 'do!

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  15. OMG, will Diane ever take off that tacky sparkly purple dress?  Ever?

    AL gunning for an Emmy nod?  Meh.  Her screeching got on my nerves.  Dummer was acting like an asshole.  Hmmm, like mom much?  Will she dump Chance & endlessly chase after some wrinkly has-been "musician" (just like mom)?

    So much mention of security teams, but the cops have vast resources, their idiotic security teams wouldn't.  And the police could immediately put out APB's on her & despite the dopey disguises, there are always witnesses who'll come forward, especially if rewards are offered.  And there are cameras EVERYWHERE!  Man, the writers really do take us for morons. 

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  16. 7 hours ago, pvandal said:

    I really hope Abby hasn't yet been told about her mom's problems because if she knows and still went to that farce of an anniversary party instead of going to help Traci with her mom that is just gross. Why wouldn't Jack have pulled her aside and informed her? Oh yeah, he's too busy giving a stupid speech to Victor & Nikki. Ugh.

    I'm really wondering about this.  Seriously, wouldn't anyone want to know about their mother suffering mental health issues?  Was it an oversight of the writers, and they just forgot about the character?  Well, it is very easy to do.  I don't get it.  Eventually she has to be told. 

    Wonder if they think MO was too much of a lightweight to be involved in the intervention.  Or is it that Abby is one of those characters (like Sharon or Mariah & Tessa or Chloe) they mostly forget about & then out of nowhere remember briefly, only to randomly disappear again?

    Don't get me started on Jordie cuz this shit is so freakin' stupid.  She's an elderly lady who has the strength of 17 bodybuilders, can appear & re-appear anywhere and nobody ever notices her presence -- even in those weird-looking disguises.  Yeah, thanks again, writers, for assuming we're idiots.

    It's nice & lovely that Colleen is enjoying playing an arsonist, murderer and kidnapper.  Bully for her.  This shit is still stupid as hell.  Colleen may be having fun, but I'm not, watching this idiocy.

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  17. 3 hours ago, lgprimes said:

    And just to make a Monday worse, looks like two thirds of the worst, most difficult to watch love triangle ever are NOT going out of town. Which will serve to encourage Phyllis and keep this storyline going. Shoot me now… can TPTB not hear us all begging for this to be dropped? Please??

    My theory on this stubbornness of the writers to push this cringey, painful-to-watch storyline is laziness on their part, pure & simple.  The writers wanna repeat storylines from 30 years ago.  Maybe even the same exact lines from eps from 30 years ago. 

    I'm waiting for the elderly, craggy self-described "musician" to sleep with Phyllis & then she'll tell us she's preggers.  Yeah, clearly the writers think we're that stupid . . .

    Ah, there's Christine doing her predictable shtick of whining & crying, whining & crying, whining & crying.  Rinse, lather & repeat.  Remind me again why is she back?  Oh yeah, cough, cough, nepo baby, cough, cough.

    13 minutes ago, One Tough Cookie said:

    I'm putting an APB Bulletin for Sally Spectra.  Her dress was horrendous. The color wasn't bad, but OMG the style and fabric were crimes against fashion. She is to be apprehended upon sight, black bra or no black bra..

    Well, I don't think Larry the bodyguard would let any of the ladies in unless they had sparkles.  Clearly, it was a requirement & maybe only a few were able to slip by cuz Larry is kinda cute, but man, he's a really shitty bodyguard. 

    The only thing that bothered me about Sally's dress was that lump on her shoulder.  Made me wonder what was worse -- listening to Adam's never-ending depressing bullshit or carrying around that lump on her shoulder.  Looked heavy & painful.  Oh, and the color of her dress reminded me to mow my lawn . . .

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  18. Now this is the convo I wanted to hear at the party btw Diane & Pomp-

    Pomp:  Hi Mom, your dress is tacky & you look stupid.

    Diane:  Hi Son, your hair looks like shit.

    Pomp:  Wah!  Wah!  Wah!   And runs away with Harrison 2 (or is it 3 or 4 or 5?) in tow & Cleve chasing not far behind.  Thought balloon over Cleve -- He better give me a better ring than that cheap-looking, shitty thing Vic gave to Drinki.

    Prediction:  June wedding for Pomp & Cleve -- while Dummer is making pouty faces at the wedding cuz she's bored silly with Chance.  Thought balloon over Dummer -- OMG, I'm so sick of this guy's dumbness & his open-mouth hangdog shtick -- while she's making goggly eyes at Larry the Bodyguard . . . 

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  19. All those sparkly dresses were hurting my eyes.  Hey show, there are other fabrics out there for formal-wear that don't contain sparkles -- just an FYI!

    Idk, Sally's hair reminds me of my sis having that same color for a few months, maybe 20 years ago.  She had to re-color every 2 weeks to maintain -- EEK! 

    Poor Sally . . .  she has to re-color her hair every other week & stand next to (& listen to) that dreary, self-absorbed creep.  Which one, you ask?  Take your pick of thousands GC has to offer.

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  20. Actually, I kinda liked the use of various colors of the dresses.  Nothing was truly hideous (altho a few came perilously close).  Styles ranged from ho-hum to meh to unflattering.

    Sally's green thing had some kinda lump growing on her shoulder.  Beautiful color, but WTF with that lump?  Nikki's dress was a gorgeous color, but was cut too low in front & was totally shapeless.  Made her look like a sparkly blue-green blob.  Summer's dress was a pretty color, but so unflattering on her.  Diane's dress was a very nice color, but we've seen that style a zillion times.  Abby's, Vic's & Claire's dresses were unmemorable colors & styles --- zzzzzz.

    And Lauren, oh Lauren, who dressed you, RuPaul?  She looked so outlandish, in a Marilyn Monroe dress & a Dolly Parton wig.  She kept stumbling over the bottom of the dress.  And her boobs looked enormous!  I don't remember her having such giganto boobs -- were they rented for the night or did TEB have them done -- maybe to celebrate her 10,000th visit to her plastic surgeon?

    New Harrison was the best dressed male.  Btw, will he be in high school by next month?  Devon looked absolutely tiny.  Michael's tux jacket was pulling & looked poorly fitted.

    And the jewelry?  Well, Nikki's diamond necklace was stunning!  The prob is, with an intricate piece like that, it's hard to appreciate on even a big screen TV, let alone a much smaller device.  Same goes for the ring -- cuz a Burma ruby of that size could go for a half mil or more.  The color was looking dark so it didn't seem too impressive.  Nikki's diamond earrings & bracelet were interesting shapes, not often seen, but again, hard to appreciate thru TV & other devices.  Now, Lauren had on really unusual & beautiful earrings.

    So nobody on that top-notch security team noticed the weird, shabby little "man" lurking right outside, constantly peering in & talking to "himself"?  Ah, the best Vic can get in GC, eh?

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  21. Mmmmm, OK, Jack, thanks for the great tip -- so if a family member, close friend or neighbor is having an emergency mental health breakdown, we should . . .  what?  Dial Starbucks for any employee to come over quick?

    Hey, Jackie, why didn't ya call Mocha Joe?  Maybe he could bring Larry along to inject a little humor into this dark, shitty mess.

    Oh no, could ED really be up for a Daytime Emmy for this crappy acting?

    Dummer, STFU and leave it to us to tear up Cleve!  Thanks, hun.

    So Pomp, are ya really gonna poke the bear?  OK, a mother/son beatdown with Diane might be fun to watch.  I'm in.  But any bets on when he'll start crying if she messes with his hair?

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  22. 4 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

    Was it my TV or did main Ashley's pumps have gold bottoms? Those must be interesting to wear unless in Alter World they move around on air or clouds or whatever. 🤔

    Looked like gold spikey 6 inch heels to me.  Copying Audra's fashion sense, is she?  Hmmmmm.

    Wish I could have enjoyed the slapdown of Diane & Billy, but no.  The extremely cruel slamming of Traci left a very, very bad taste . . .

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  23. Sheesh, so the theme today was . . .  uncomfortable & ugly, ugly, ugly, eh?  Dark & ugly stuff.  If you're in a depressed mood, I'd suggest skipping Wednesday's ep.

    Calling Audra "the town bicycle"?  I hated that.  Calling her a bimbo?  Gave me a slight giggle.  If she implied Audra's a hooker?  Mmmm, OK, she gives off that impression.  But "the town bicycle"?  Did a male writer come up with that awful insult?  Cuz it sounded misogynist, vulgar & ugly to me.  Hated it.

    OK, writers (and it's not just JG, I'm sure), have crazy Ashley (I can't keep straight the name of the wackiest one that's supposedly saying this shit) throw the zingers & insults out at the rest of this bunch -- but what she said to Traci was hideous.  Hated it and there was no reason for it. 

    Why put out such an ugly ep for us to watch?  No thanks.  Big fail!

    I was kinda puzzled at Tuck all smiling & smirky when meeting Audra, after witnessing this ugly display.  But yeah, it fits the character, that he might have cared for a second or 2 about Ashley, but then quickly moved on.

    Btw, why wasn't Abby asked to be in this intervention?  Maybe they realized MO's acting ability wasn't up to it?  Not that the others are any great shakes, but she is pretty bad.

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  24. Er, could one of those 800 makeup peeps in the credits maybe shave that gross fuzz off Cole & Vic -- please?  Looking at those 2 makes me nauseous . . .

    The kiss between Cole & Victoria?  There's more heat comin' outta my freezer!  Uh, no.

    One of Ashley's personalities calling Audra a bimbo?  Hooker would be more like it.  Well, let's see now.  We've seen her vast collection of 6 inch pumps, & backless/frontless/slinky outfits & we only see her either in Tuck's bed or the GCAC bar.  Eh, guess hooker or bimbo would fit her.

    Idk, Cleve's sweetie-pie/huggie-poo act is getting on my nerves.  And what's up with that halting way she delivers her lines?  She's coming off very weird.  How many times are Cleve & Victoria gonna hug?  Enough already, it's making me wanna retch.

    So Ashley's personalities have names?  Idk, I can't with this terribly written & acted storyline.  Make it stop.



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