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Sayla Vee

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Posts posted by Sayla Vee

  1. Sorry the Texans are gone.   Really think Justin deserves the win and the camera time.  He is running wild with the race.  I just don't know if I want to watch him win.  To tell the truth though, nobody in this group inspires me.  Also not too thrilled with the legs in India, but isn't the Taj Mahal the most gorgeous thing?


    More boring tasks except that I don't think I've seen candy made that way before.  Ah, yes, and at last a bit of bunching.

    • Love 3
  2. Why don't they just rename the show this season to the "Justin and Diana Show" or oh.. sorry The JUSTIN show?  Ugh.. A LOT of screen time on these people... damn. 


    A NEL was sighted!  They were darn lucky... Bad they had such bad luck in trying to get their hands on a taxi though.  But They never complained or sniped at each other once the entire time.  Sure they were worried/down that they were in last place but they didn't blame each other once (that we know of).  The detours and roadblocks were interesting but a little disappointed they had the ease of asking to look online for the food items. 


    I'll be waiting to see if anyone notes that only ONE team managed to get the earliest flight out... and never moved from their position...


    Still rooting for anyone but The Green Team (oh how they sully my favorite color.. bad enough Brenchel wore green- sequined green!!).


    That said... the Schindler Factory was very moving and touching.   More so with what happened in Paris today  :(


    It's been odd enough that they are the only team to get on a train at the Paris airport, etc, but really, this airline that arrived at 11 something only had room for one team??????? 


    Justin & Diana are good racers (if obnoxious individuals), but this is almost too good to believe.


    Liked the Schindler tie-in and the food task.  I'm a bit sorry the Texans played nice, but at least they didn't have to pay too heavily for it. 

    • Love 4
  3. I hope it's not true, but lots of folk out there are saying Burgess Jenkins has been fired, and will be replaced by someone JFP is bringing on board from her old soap.  I've grown to like Burgess in this role....not as much as I enjoyed Billy Miller.....but I think he brings something new to the role and I rather like it.

    • Love 5
  4. I feel so alone.


    I am enjoying TAR this season....not all the tasks, but then that's true of every season and every reality show.  I also like many of this cast.  In fact, it's only Justin that I don't like, and I haven't since the first leg.  Everyone else seems just fine to me.  I  agree that some of them say or do something that may seem stupid to me just as I would probably say/do something that appears stupid to them if they were sitting on my couch and I were in the Race), and that some of them act inappropriately at times.  I only travel for business or pleasure, and I know how tired, or hungry or just sick of my companions I can get sometimes, and I don't look pretty at these times.  I can only imagine the stress created by having to follow clues and do tasks as well as go without sleep, miss meals, and never have a moment alone could cause havoc  in your brain. 


    I also don't understand why every citizen of the U.S. should be expected to speak some French or at least pronounce that very difficult language properly without some education in speaking the language.  Why shouldn't they also be expected to know Italian, Spanish, German, Danish, Polish, etc. as well?  Aren't people who can't speak these languages or at least pronounce the words in these languages properly ignorant boobs just as well as those who can't speak French? 


    I travel a great deal for business, and for the most part I've enjoyed every second of it.  I've met some wonderful people along the way and there are many I count as friends.  But, boy, let me tell you, I've met some crass, classless folks in every country.  It's not just Americans who can be Ugly.

    • Love 20
  5. Edmond has been my favorite the whole season.  On the whole, his attitude toward his work, the show and his co-contestants has been kind and affable.  Every one except Hannemaio (sp?) seems to like him, and I'm going to cut him some slack on that. 


    I don't think he'll win because he's not avant-garde enough for the show, but he's the only one whose clothes I would actually wear or could see a friend or relative wearing.  Kelly is a delightful girl, but the truth is, even if gifted, I can not imagine having the nerve to wear anything she puts forth.  Candice puts me off, and so do her clothes.  Most of them look like costumes.  And I am still sticking by my claim that she and Ashley did NOT deserve the win for that hideous outfit they thought anyone at all would wear in southern France.  And besides, the cape looks just like a pair of oven mitts I have.  Don't even know where to start with Ashley.  I know she plans on designing for the plus size line, and she may do all right there.  Nothing she designed on the show would be suitable for the plus size ladies.  And going by her own clothes, she hasn't sold me on her abilities with that line either.  


    Don't care what Heidi and Nina select.  For me, Edmond is the winner.  Well, at least until I see his collection.

    • Love 3
  6. So much for Ashley's avant-garde outfit.  Yesterday, while visiting my daughter, someone dropped off items for the school's gently used sale.  One of the items was a Barbie-sized doll dressed in Ashley's outfit.  It did not have sheer panels up the side of the pants, and beside white sculptures (which in this case were birds) on the cape, there was also one right in the middle of the breast area on the top.  Otherwise, it was Ashley's outfit to a tee.  My daughter thought it was a super hero doll, but the woman who was donating it said it was a cheerleader.  She bought it for her daughter when she was about 5, and she is now 16, so the outfit was avant-garde in 1998.

  7. Or exhausting things like those two poker-playing girls tried to do (I don't even remember what they were exactly, but I was exhausted just watching them!)


    Was that the golf game in the cold, windy Netherlands?  After swimming across the cold waters of a stream?  And the other detour was just as bad for them, as I seem to remember that it was one of those carnival thingys - you have to use a mallet hammer to ring the bell at the top of the apparatus.  Weren't their names Tiffany and Maria?  I was so rooting for Tiffany because Maria either couldn't or wouldn't do anything.

    • Love 1
  8. Since the teams were in Zambia, not sure how South Africa fits into the equation.


    Regarding the donation of monies:  Justin brought out the money, and told Phil it was everything he had.  He then went into the monologue about the orphans.  The Texans put their money in the box with no comment, but Phil asked them if that was all of it, and Tanner said it was every penny they had left.


    No other teams had checked in, but I'm pretty sure they, too, will donate "every penny" because it's usually a race requirement when an orphanage or school is visited.  Sometimes a gift is made in lieu of cash as when the teams had to donate baby supplies that they first bought at the outdoor market in S7, or when they had to paint the school buildings, or donate books plus money to the orphanage-school in India.

    • Love 1
  9. It will be interesting to see if the other teams also donate all their money. It would be a cool move on the part of the producers, because not only is it a way of giving something back to the country but it also helps to equalize the teams by ensuring they all have the same amount of money at this point.


    Pretty much any time an orphanage or school is used as part of a task, at least as far as I can remember, teams have either donated their money or performed some work for the group.  I remember teams painting the building in another African country and donating money to a school in India.



    WHoever keeps saying "Hashtag" then some stupid phrase needs to stop.   RIght now.   You are not on twitter, you are speaking.   Use your words, you have more than 140 characters.  


    Isn't that Justin doing that?




    Smartest thing they could do?  Tell Phil to give it to the last team to arrive.


    Hey, we think alike.  That's what I think they should do, too.




    Oh, and Denise's reaction to being blessed with a spitting was hilarious.  She seemed to be the only one who didn't take it in stride.


    OMG, I loved, loved, loved that.  It really bears re-watching or maybe even a screen saver.



    In defense of James Earl and cro-ket-

    Down here in the South, we have a food dish called croquettes, most commonly a salmon croquette, traditionally served on Wednesday nights if you're Baptist and Friday nights if you're Catholic. It is spelled

    croquette (cro-ket) food dish

    croquet (cro-kay) lawn game


    We have that food in the North as well, most commonly chicken or turkey corquettes.  And we both, North and South, stole both the recipe and the word from the French.



    I really hope the face-spitting is not an actual traditional blessing but really an elaborate joke on gullible tourists looking to have an "authentic" "African" experience.  It did seem as though some of them got it more full-on in the face than others.  I'm going to imagine that wasn't an accident.


    I'm confused by this.  Why wouldn't it be an accident?   The greeter didn't know any of the teams personally, so why would she just pick on some teams and not others.  I thought she just could not work up enough energy to get it higher in many cases.

  10. I don't think they ran the whole series twice, but I vaguely remember that they reran the first episode before resuming with the second one. According to IMDb, the first episode ran on September 5 and the second on September 19. I think they might have rerun episode 1 on the 19th as well and done it as a two-hour block? I really can't remember now how they did it, but I'm pretty sure you're right that the first episode aired twice.


    Thank you for remembering that.  It gives me hope on the senility front. 


    Anyway, I may not be a "super fan" like Justin, but I have watched continuously since it aired, own several DVDs, often watch a repeat of a whole season now that I have On Demand, and even attended a TARCON or two.  And while probably not in Justin's class, even I'm aware that you can only use the U-Turn once unless you're lucky enough to hit a Blind U-Turn.  That part of my OP still stands.

    • Love 1
  11. It was discontinued (like most regular primetime programs at that time) for a while, then resumed (episode 2 aired on September 19, according to Miss Alli's TWoP recap).


    Oh, wow, I really didn't remember it coming back that soon.  Thanks for the correction.  It seemed a lot longer than that before regular programming returned.  Maybe because in the NYC area, everyone was consumed with cleaning up, etc.  I guess I'm so mixed up with the timing as all that ever seemed to be on TV (once the stations got up & running again) were WTC events.  Also, days seemed very long for me as I was so busy collecting supplies and taking them into downtown NYC by boat.   I do remember that David Letterman was the first to appear on air on 17 Sep, 


    I think I must not have watched it then because we didn't even have all of the memorials for our townsfolk by then.  Also, when I started to watch, I saw the first episode all over again.  Was it repeated as a series a little later that year of into the next year?  Or am I just more senile than I know?

    • Love 1
  12. I'm liking Justin a lot because:


    1.  He is a real, everyday person unlike the local TV anchors who know how to present a "polished" (fake) personna on television.  (They look like Team Manikin).  He is the ultimate anit-mactor.  Raw, annoying a lot of the time, but joyful and somewhat innocent.  Overly critical of any mistake he makes because he cares so much for the show.  And watching ALL seasons at least 3 times?  Even The Family Edition?!?!  Kudos for that perserverance.



    You don't think the fact that he has his own radio show puts him a bit more in the "mactor" group rather than anti-mactor?  As a person doing radio, I would think he should be every bit as polished as you say the Anchors are. 



    Please, don't manhandle the people in charge of the tasks. They aren't your new pals. Hands (and lips!) off!


    This x100.  All this person did is approve how you did a task and hand you a clue.  Let's save the hugging and kissing for family members, best friends, and people who save your life.



    Justin's response to Team Texas threatening to U-turn them was,  "Cool, you U-turn us I'm just going to U-turn the team behind us, and then when there's another U-turn, its time to pay you back."  But once Team Green has used their U-turn, they can't use another, so how exactly do they plan on paying them back?



    Now see, I would have thought that Justin would have already known this.  After all, he is a super fan and has watched every single episode at least 3 times.  I'm no where in his league, despite the fact that I started watching this show even before 9/11 (at which point they discontinued it until the next year), and I knew that.  Sure, you might be able to get someone else to do it, but it ain't always that easy.  Ask Chip about the response he got about U-turning Colin, and nobody wanted Colin to remain in the race.



    A few seasons ago, a lot of people disliked the Afghanimals because they were "Mugging for the camera all the time." I didn't have a problem with them and felt that their "mugging" was just them enjoying the race (picking up the locals was rude though) and theat they were probably rather fun-loving guys outside the race too.  However, I dislike Justin because he is mugging for the camera all the time.  Looking straight into the camera to make any joke he can think of.  I haven't seen anyone mention this, so maybe I got it wrong, but I thought I saw Justin dance with one of the locals, not as a requirement, just as a a way to get camera time.  


    I can see how someone else might feel that what I see as "mugging" is really Justin "enjoying the race."  I saw it that way with the Afghanimals, so why don't I see it that way with Justin?  Perhaps because the Afghanimals joked around together and played off each other.  Diana never laughs at Justin's jokes or antics, Diana never joins in with Justin's "fun."  




    This is absolutely a YMMV topic.  I'm with you as far as being annoyed by Justin's looking first for a camera and then mugging and/or shouting.  And he must, it seems, shout every word that comes out of his mouth just in case someone, dog forbid, is not looking at HIM.  If Diana were joining in on the fun, it probably wouldn't bother me as much.



    Free Diana. Free James Earl. Can we have a mid-race swap where they start racing together instead of having to be with their hellacious partners who never, ever shut up?



    Oh, please, let this happen.  I can't root against James Earl because he seems like such a nice buy, but I can't root for him because of Denise.  I can see why she never does a Roadblock.  It must be hell carrying all that make-up around.  She sure does wear enough of it.



    The reporter are surprising me, I thought they would be 'on' all the time and instead they are practically invisible, I hope to see more of them. (pun not intended)


    I find them delightful.  No fuss, no muss, no drama.  They act just like the real people they are when they are not on screen. 

    • Love 5
  13. ... Chris Soules picked Whitney Bischoff (with an 'h') from his time as the Bachelor. I'm pretty sure they've since split, but it's likely they meant her, and not Witney (no 'h') Carson. But I don't reallyread the supermarket rags, so maybe it was Witney (no 'h'). They like to stir drama on completely wrong things.


    Nope, it was definitely Witney Carson.  It was mentioned each time that she was his partner on DWTS, and that he had met her in NYC and saw her several times in LA after the season ended.  It would always then mention that he had selected Whitney Bischoff while on The Bachelor, but the relationship had ended.


    I don't buy these papers so I can't give you full details.  I just read them while standing in line.

  14. My theory is that Justin in insufferable because he works in radio. I have never in my life met anyone who works in radio, especially on-air personalities, who wasn't a complete douchebag. (Except Darrell Martini, the Cosmic Muffin.) Pax to anyone here who works in radio or is an on-air personality, I'm sure you are a wonderful person. But Justin's level of insufferableness just screams radio guy. I don't think he's socially awkward or tone deaf. I think he's a radio guy and used to acting like a jerk. He may be kind to his mother and read to the blind, but he's got a persona and he's living up to it. jmo



    You may be on to something here.  Maybe Justin is a Howard Stern wannabe or something, but he certainly is ON all the time......just all the damned time.



    I find Justin annoying as well, but I wonder how much of his perpetual mania right now is because he's so freaked to be ON the show, and he just can't get out of his head yet. I'll give him a pass for another episode, but if he continues to self-narrate (and self-congratulate), yeah, he's gonna get old for me real fast. As it is, for now, I kind of feel sorry for him because I don't actually get a mean vibe from him (which, honestly, I do from the Texas boys, no matter how good-looking they are). He's not douchey thus far to me, I just think he's so oblivious and socially awkward (ramped up by 1000% because he's ON! THE! AMAZING! RACE!) that he's barrelling through all these circumstances without a clue as to how others are reading him.



    See, he does come across as mean to me.  Right from the start he seemed to gloat that the Texans had broken equipment, refused to tow them because they were beefcake, and then cackled as they pulled away.  I don't even blame him for not towing them, but why bring it up if you're not going to do it, and then laugh about it.  I even forgave him about the meltdown after the failed attempt at the FF, but then when he discovered there were other racers, all of a sudden, he is in a great mood again.  When he called the Anchors (whom I like because they don't carry on and they don't dis anyone) Ken and Barbie, I was back to hating him .  He knew nothing about them as of yet, but he went right to name calling.  Then when he saw that they had finished the volleyball game, he was sure that if Ken & Barbie was able to do, surely a stud like him could.  And darn, he did.  Then at the Mat, he cried once again, not because he was still in the race, but because he wanted to be first and he wasn't.  He said it would be for Diana because he wanted to give her everything, but that's a load.


    Right off the bat the next day, James Earl finds a piece of information, is nice enough to share it with Justin, and Justin tries to force him into an alliance with just them and keep his info a secret from everyone else.  Obviously James wasn't in to that, and said nothing at all to him.  Then when Justin realized that James was sharing, he went over to the group to publicly chastise James...so much for not sharing.  Then when Logan wonders what is going on, because it is said in front of her after all, he tells her that she's not part of this.  If you don't want other people to know you're trying to force a deal, then don't talk about it in front of them.  And, of course, he could have done the dance better, and then had the nerve to laugh about Tanner not getting the steps.   He's just an obnoxious PIA, and he's not nice when he's winning.


    If the Texans spend too much time trying to get even with him, that's on them.  And if they are eliminated because of it, ces't la vie. 


    Other teams seem really nice, even Texas.  It's just Justin that I can't get past.

    • Love 5
  15. I don't follow the dancers very much in regard to their personal lives, but several times I saw that supermarket rags were linking Witney's name with Chris Soules.  When I first saw that she was engaged, I thought "oh, no".  Thank heavens she had the good sense not to fall for that guy.


    Many congratulations to Witney and Carson, and I hope their lives are happy.

  16. There were on the first season of America's Best Dance Crew, which is a competition show for hip hop dance teams. Their team did very well (runner ups), but there was some kind of fight post show related to gigs and use of the crew name. Ernest and Jin were on the outs with the rest of the crew. Ernest was on another season with a different crew (Legendary Seven), but they didn't make it far at all. Ernest's SYTYCD appearances weren't really being on SYTYCD... he was just featured as an auditioner. He never made Top 20. That type of thing doesn't give people much of a career boost.



    Thanks for your response.  I saw that Ernest had been greatly helped by a dance teacher in Vermont, and that he had a job with her, but left it in order to audition in SYTYCD.  In other articles I noticed that he also competed under the name of E-Rock or E-Knock (don't remember which).  I just thought that perhaps he had been decently paid by these reality shows....at least enough to support himself or secure an apartment for a while.

  17. Thinking that they may be looking for someone to set up a GoFundMe page for them in the event they don't come into TAR dollars.



    Technically, since they were in a Catholic cathedral, having head covering is a sign of respect.  At one time, it was required.  It's been only the past 25-30 years or so that this has been relaxed by the Church here, (but the South American countries might cling a bit harder to tradition, as does much of Europe).  Then it all went to hell with the acceptance of jeans, shorts, t-shirts, and the like.


    Not for men.  Men took their hats off in church.  Women had to wear a hat or other head covering.

    • Love 11
  18. So enjoying having show back on.  Thought the teams did fairly well in the tasks tonight.  Taxis are still causing problems for some of them though.


    Really sorry to see the cousins go.  I liked them so much and hate that they won't get to see more of the world.  Also sorry to say this, but I was hoping it was the dancers.  I like them a lot, especially Jin, but I hate the sob story, and I especially hated it at the Mat.  What did they expect Phil to do about their homelessness?  Give them an automatic win, buy them a house, start a GoFund for them?  I do feel bad for them, but the answer to their problem is not (IMO) going on yet another reality show, but finding a long term solution.  Was the last reality show a one season only?  Don't know anything about the Dance Crew franchises.


    Like everybody really.....well, except Mr. Green Hat.  He is really rubbing me the wrong way.  My heart goes out to Diana.  Is she sure she wants to marry this guy?

    • Love 2
  19. Second runway in a row where it was difficult to like anything or anybody.  Edmond was the clear winner, and although I wouldn't buy his dress as is (I'm too hippy), I had almost that identical dress about 15 years ago.  Mine, however, was in navy with an A line skirt, and I loved it. 


    And Laurie was the clear choice to go home.  She seems intent on doing exactly what she wants to do even when wiser hears (Tim) warn her off.  And she's never done anything all that great.  I think she made it into the top 3 only once and that was in conjunction with Swatnil, and was in the bottom 3 at least 4 or 5 times.  I wasn't crazy about her personality, and found her voice rather oddly annoying, but when she blamed the model for not wearing a bra that no one could see on a bare back, just ....well, just go home. 


    Adore Kelly, and love the friendship between Lindsey and Kelly, but her style just isn't for me.  One of my young nieces really likes her aesthetics though, and claims she would wear it all.  Note that I said claims. 


    I don't like Candice.  Haven't since the very first day.  And it just keeps piling on.  And I know that Candice is considered the possible winner by so many people, including Nina Garcia who seems to adore her, but I haven't like anything she's designed.  I don't like leather clothing with the exception of shoes and coats and purses, and it seems she uses it all the time.  Her outfit tonight, while leather free, was hideous to me.  Hated the skirt above all, but the scarf lapels were just too much.


    Swapnil is certainly asking to be auf"ed.  After the first two weeks, it's been all down hill for him.   He hasn't lost his cockiness though, and thinks that he should be awarded a win just for showing up. 


    Meline is rather sweet, but I don't think even she knows what she is doing.


    Just tired of Ashley, tired of her purple hair, and tired of her orangey-yellow and lime green foundations, both applied with a trowel.  Her jacket tonight was cute, but they are in every stored in the world right now, so not very innovative if that's what the judges are really looking for.  And the same goes for her skirt and crop top; they can be found anywhere and everywhere.  I was surprised that the judges didn't notice that the model's bra peeked out from the bottom of the crop top whenever she moved her arms upward.


    Only Zac Posen seems to want to be there, and I thank him for that.  Nina has become meaner and less credible with her comments.  I'm not sure what most of the guest judges are there for.  Just because you made a movie doesn't make you a design critic, so what's their purpose?  Heidi seems to be working backwards with regard to maturity.  I sometimes think she thinks she a 20 something.  And my beloved Tim Gunn.  Does he care at all?  He seems so watered down, uninterested in the designers, and his advice is so often poor.  And then he doesn't back up what he told the designers when he's on the runway.  For instance, tonight he told Kelly that he thought the blue bath mat was kind of a good way to go.  Then when all the judges cut her up for it, he didn't raise a hand to accept some of the blame.   

    • Love 10
  20. So far I'm pretty happy with casting and route, but that could be because I'm so darned happy to have my show back and NOT have blind daters or other gimmicky crap going on.  So nice to see Rob & Brennan...still my all time favorite racers.


    Started out liking all the teams equally, but that changed.  In fact, it changed pretty quickly for TMZ.  Since they decided to keep up a running commentary of what was wrong with everyone else, I think the race was better off without them.  Funny how they thought they were better and smarter than the others, and couldn't manage to either play volleyball or work a slide puzzle.  Unfortunately, all the people they thought were beneah them could do one or the other.   


    Still like most of the others, but the OB/GYN better treat his wife better or he can go too.  I'm going to give the cheerleaders a pass on crying for the first day.  It was a long hot day, and their cab driver deserted them.  I would be so frustrated myself.  But it's time for the tears to dry up.  Same with the Boy With the Green Hat.  I was about to give him a pass as well, but then it turned out he wants everything for himself without having to work for it.  Just be glad you're there, Green Fella, and keep racing and stop crying.


    Favorites are the cousins, Texas boys, racing girls, and I like Kelsey and Joey as well (pleasant).  I originally had the Dancers at the top as well, but then two things got in the way.  Please don't remind me that you should win because you have no home.  If you don't have a place to live, get a job and pay the rent.  TAr is not a charity.  The other thing is that they have done too much reality TV for me.   Are they the next Rob and Amber?


    Can't wait for next Friday night.

  21. My picture was severely pixellated thru nearly the entire show!  I'm wondering if anyone else had this problem.  This also happened during Survivor and Big Brother on Wednesday.   You can imagine how furious I was, and then to have TAR screwed up too!!  






    I also live in NJ (central part) and have had no problems like this, but I have cable.  I would definitely check with Direct if I were you.  Checked with my friend in South Jersey, and she also saw all three shows on her cable with no problems.

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