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Sayla Vee

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Posts posted by Sayla Vee

  1. 13 hours ago, sinycalone said:

    While I can't say the "cast of strangers" premise would be one I'd want repeated....I'm really enjoying the season for the most part.  

    Snobby/elitist teams are not new to the race (off the top of my head:  Freddie and Kendra...no one can top her).   Teams shutting out other teams (as part of a clique or otherwise)....how about the Cowboys being basically eliminated by other teams conspiring against them?  Or the other examples cited earlier (using the double UTurn and other schemes)?

    Yes....Brooke's comments on the mat were appalling....but I can recall quite a few other teams that were equally repellent over the years.

    Maybe some of these contestants were recruited....but there have always been at least a few people each race who were invited by TBTB.  Some turned out to be great racers...others certainly were not.  

    I have never stopped watching a season because my favorite was eliminated -- no matter how questionable I thought the boot was.  I just love The Amazing Race.

    Just everything you said.  Nor have I ever stopped watching because my favorite was eliminated (came close with Justin & Diane, but didn't), nor will I ever.  I'll be watching this show whenever and however you broadcast it to me.  Not that I don't hope for better, but I'm here for the duration.


    12 hours ago, greyhorse said:

    I  As Phil told Vanck and Ashton at the mat, "for some reason, teams decided they didn't like you."  It doesn't take a Mensa genius to figure out what all of America already knows: Ashton is a grade A beeyatch.  


    Can't believe Phil said that.  I thought Phil was a kinder, gentler person than Jeff Probst, and I was stunned that he would deliberately hurt this team's feelings.  However, if a team is making it unpleasant for me on a daily basis, it very well might be their time to go so that I can better focus on my race.


    11 hours ago, Kerri Okie said:

     A week or two ago, someone here posted a YT video of Becca and Floyd where they talked about the infamous line jumping, which turned out not to be line jumping at all, just that everyone else was in the wrong line to begin with, and when later teams showed up and got in the right line, the others felt they should all be able to move to the new line and stay in the same order.  Seems to me that the resentment comes in when a team ends up with an advantage not by being shady or cheating, but that others weren't able to finagle just by not paying attention or being in the right place at the right time.  Regardless, I would rather teams worry less about what other teams are doing and just run their race.

    It didn't seem like the resentment came from the teams, however.  It came from the general public who didn't pay attention to what had happened, and that there was no line cutting at all.  Worse, TAR editors didn't show us at all that Matt & Redmond were not the only or even the first team to do this.  Becca & Floyd entered this line first.


    4 hours ago, scrb said:

    Dumb move, using Double U-Turn on a good but not the best team.

    if they saw how fast those two teams went up the rock face, those were the biggest threats to win the race.

    Yes, indeed.  Becca, Liz and Ashton all made short work of the rock climbing.  All of these women are big threats.

    2 hours ago, ChiefWiggum9-1-2 said:

    Two things: 

    Can we all please stop with the over-use of the word bullying?   These are all grown adults.  A grown person can only be bullied if they allow themselves to be.   Some people live their lives as perpetual victims and revel in it.


    Use of the word Bullying has gotten out of hand.  It makes no difference whether I attempt to get a team eliminated because I feel like they are strong or whether I want them gone because I find them unpleasant and distracting to be around.  I am just doing what I think I need for my race, and none of it is bullying.  Phil, on the other hand, bringing up that the other teams didn't like Ashton and Vanck WAS bullying.  Shame on you, Phil.  Starting trouble where none was needed.

    Two things I don't quite get.  I see that many of you mention the same team to get rid of based on competence.  I have a totally different feel.  I see Tara & Joey as the main threat, followed by Becca & Urket and then Mike & Liz.  Mike & Liz may do themselves in due to temper tantrums, but the same isn't true of the other two teams.  When you see teams running in a group, you mostly see Matt & Redmond starting off in 2nd place, but Red just can't seem to run.  It's pretty much always that Tara & Joey leave the airport first, followed closely by TeamFun or Mike and Liz.  Team Boys is usually down in 5th or 6th place in a foot race.

    The other thing is this, and please don't take this as inflammatory.  I really want to know.   If TAR, Master Chef and others are so superior on Canadian TV, why are you still watching U.S. show?  If I had better versions of my favorite show available for my viewing, I just wouldn't waste my time on the inferior shows.  I can't be the only person pushed for time.

    • Love 4
  2. Loved this leg, just because of the area.  Last trip to Italy, we took the train from Florence to Milan, then on to Varenna.  From there we took the ferry across the lake to Menaggio where we spent our last 3 days of vacation winding down from our more hectic days.  Stayed at Hotel du Lac with a roof top terrace overlooking the lake and the Alps.  Good memories.

    Not sorry to see Ashton go; less so Vanck.  I know he annoyed many people, but I never found him that grating.  Brooke, on the other hand, can go anytime at all.

    • Love 8
  3. I'm going to be the Unpopular Opinion voice in this thread.  I liked this team immensely at first, and then kind of liked them less for a while.  I hear what they say in each episode, but have been puzzled by how popular they are with so many of the other teams.  And that, even though they are incredibly strong. 

    I'm back to liking them now from watching the U-Tube clips.  In those clips, it's surprising how many times Red tells us how much he likes Brooke, and that they consider Brooke & Scott to be friends on the race.  In fact they don't seem to have much bad to say about anyone other than Ashton, and that isn't all that undeserved.  The latest thing is that Ashton is mad because other people are following them, and she doesn't think that's fair.  Some are, of course, but it is the only road to get to their destination, so even folks with their own map will be using that road with little to no interest in Ashton.  Becca tells us in another clip that the boys did not cut the line at the ferry terminal, but that there was a special line set up for the TAR group, and no one else, other than the Boys Team and Team Fun noticed it. 

    And they are right about all the drama being, for the most part, on the mixed gender teams.  Matt & Red aren't fighting, nor were Jess & Fran.  Tara & Joey, LoLo and Team Fun are the exceptions among couples, other than (bless their souls) Kevin & Jenn and Seth & Olive.

    Although I do think they were helped by Joey & Tara on the last Detour, I think they also helped Joey & Tara, who were at a stalemate.  Tara wouldn't buy that Joey had the clue, and if it hadn't been for the opinions of Matt & Red, they also might have been there all day.  And for those who worried that Matt & Red might have beaten Joey & Tara, not a chance.  Don't know if you noticed, but Red is missing a leg and just can't do steps like those of you with 2 legs. 

    I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt as to whether they are nice people or not, or just two guys having a little fun to relieve stress on the race.  Just please, don't let Mean Girl Ashton win a penny.

    • Love 6
  4. I've been trying to interest CBS in a Reality Hour/Night for what seems to be forever.  Wed at 8pm would be ideal.  What I would like to see is alternating Survivor seasons with TAR seasons  -- two of each per year.

  5. I doubt the little boy who plays Ziggy would be able to return.  Although I'm not sure the series has been picked up as yet, he is set to play young Sheldon Cooper in a spin-off of Big Bang.  I doubt he could do a series, go to school, and still fit in another series (even if short) without sacrificing any little boy time.

  6. On ‎3‎/‎27‎/‎2017 at 5:59 PM, wilnil said:

    Earlier, I threw in a theory that it will be Madeline killing Perry, but now I'm starting to consider a "Murder on the Orient Express" (movie) scenario -- maybe Perry being hounded to his death by most or all of the main characters.

    First, Stella's note above. Second, the police seem to be having a bit of trouble sorting out just what happened; the people they're interviewing seem to be collectively throwing suspicion on everyone. And the situation that seems to be emerging could give all of the main characters motives if Perry's true nature gets revealed.

    Celeste's motive is obvious; she's now more in danger from him than ever.

    Jane, even if Perry isn't her rapist, is likely to react with rage if she learns he's a violent predator.

    Madeline, as I said before, is Celeste's best friend and is quick to get angry when her friends are threatened.

    Even Renata, who takes no prisoners -- what if it does turn out to be one or both of the twins abusing Amabella, and when she confronts Celeste, Celeste says something like "Oh my god, they're starting to imitate Perry!"

    And it's not limited to the women; Ed has his own suppressed rage over bullying, so I could easily see him aiding and abetting an impromptu "conspiracy" to give Perry what they'd all agree he deserves. (Nathan and Bonnie, not likely, unless their New Age lifestyle is only for show.)


    Well, you were right.  Murder by Committee.

  7. On ‎3‎/‎31‎/‎2017 at 2:31 PM, Winston9-DT3 said:

    I'd read those if they were linked here but I don't like her enough, even going in, to go hunt down justification.  Based on what I've seen in the show and in the media from reading here, I'm not her biggest fan.  

    It doesn't matter and it doesn't have to make sense to you.  It's just my take.  It's a place to discuss our take on things.  I don't suggest anyone else should share my opinion or that anyone who loves her work is wrong or has bad taste.  I like my stars humble.  Once they ping my diva-dar in the media, I have little interest in them.  I think it's a very common feeling.  It's just people differ in where their bar is set.  I guess mine's high.  

    Not sure how high your bar is set when Nicole sets off your diva-dar for something she didn't do, but Reese Witherspoon doesn't for her "do you know who I am" comments to the police.  And if that didn't bother you, how about when she got her own little police cap to have her picture taken in as a way to apologize to the officer?

    I  am a Nicole fan (and also of Reese & Laura), but of course, not every one is.  I just wonder why you think your bar is set so much higher than mine because I am a Nicole fan.  I hope I'm misunderstanding your comments.

    • Love 3
  8. I will be watching, too.  I have absolutely hated some of the gimmicks added to the format, and wish with all my heart that we would or could go back to Original Version TAR.  I still, however, have found something to like about each and every season.  Hated - and still do - the Family edition, for example, but only because they allowed adults to compete against little children.  On the other hand, I'm so glad to have met Tony and Marian Paolo, and while I can't say I liked them, I often talk about the Weaver family.   Through the years I have had my favorite teams, and those I found less than likeable, and those that I have even forgotten their names.  But through it all, it was fun and TAR showed me parts of the world that I ain't never going to get to on my own.

    • Love 1
  9. I don't think Amabella's injuries are happening at school.  Children of this age group would notice and would blurt it out at some point.

    I think Renata ought to invest in some Nanny-Cams.

    • Love 2
  10. It's Kevin that I tune in for, but by the second or third episode, it hasn't been worth my time.  Kate has been shafted just as thoroughly as Kevin has.

    It's become clear this is the Randall show, and I fear, hearing that they are keeping Ron Jones on the payroll, that it will be the Jack, Randall and William show.    

  11. 4 hours ago, Kohola3 said:

    No.  The correct word  is one thousand.  Or a thousand.

    Come on.  It was in a tweet - a light-hearted tweet at that.  Are the grammar police never off duty?

    • Love 4
  12. Regardless of who should or should not be allowed to travel with teenagers in the home, have any of you ever had any experience with the behavior of other teenagers in the school or neighborhood as they learn a parent may not be home.  I would trust my kids implicitly but can't find a solid ounce of trust for the kids to come by the tens and twenties, loaded down with their booze.

    • Love 2
  13. 1 hour ago, kat165 said:


    It also bothered me that Kevin showed up at Randall's office. And just sat there. While Randall was obviously busy/preoccupied and then got the call about his father. Kevin could have volunteered to go help so Randall could stay at work, but Kevin is just so tone deaf to others' problems/lives. I generally like Kevin but his selfishness/self-centeredness is really annoying. And well done/completely believeable.

    But he did offer, and Randall rejected the offer.


    • Love 2
  14. This is way, way too slanted toward success for the Hunters.  I don't like that they are allowed to question children, ask neighbors of friends of the Hunted to spy on the non-contestants and to put up cameras to spy on people who are only peripheral to the show.  It also bothered me that Louis Robles and his friend were going to enter Amanda's property even though no trespassing was posted.  Also, Griff who called Lee Wilson's wife, really pissed me off by telling her he was law enforcement and by calling her "sweetie".  FU, Griff.

    This is not at all how it would work,  even in game show world, if you were really playing a game of Hide and Seek. 

    • Love 9
  15. I thought he was an ass while he was in the game, and my opinion of him didn't change from what I saw of him at Ponderosa.  But then at Final Tribal Council, he proved to be an even bigger ass than I could have imagined.

    • Love 3
  16. 27 minutes ago, Clanstarling said:


    We already know, or at least suspect, Rebecca's experience being married to a man with drinking issues wasn't exactly a picnic,

    I don't buy Jack as a man with "drinking issues."  What I saw was a man who seemed to be avoiding going home.   He was stuck in a job he hated, his wife was always busy with the kids as was he when he was home, and his own dreams were slipping by unrealized.  Once Rebecca warned him that she wouldn't put up with his drinking and threatened to leave, he gave it up way too easily and too quickly for it to have been a problem.  I got the strong impression that It never happened again, and he zoned back in again on his marriage and family.  Whatever else happened, I don't think Jack's drinking was a cause in any future unhappiness in Rebecca's life.

    • Love 6
  17. I don't remember Gleb from his previous stint on DWTS, and this has nothing at all to do with his dancing, teaching or choreographing abilities...........but he is a spitting image of the main character in the very first porn movie I ever saw.  I remember that man well because he kept smiling at the camera while going about his acting chores.  Don't know how long it's going to take me to recognize him as a dancer, but I'm enjoying my giggling fits and trips back to the past.

    • Love 1
  18. 16 hours ago, Sandman said:

    I don't see how the theories about Sophie or Tom being the accomplice explain the other murders in the SBK spree; making Tom the accomplice gives him potential (though far from certain) access to the alarm code, but it's not clear to me that Sophie even knew Cam at the time. I've no doubt that the accomplice will end up being someone close to those crazy Hawthornes, but I don't see how it's going to makes sense. Heck, maybe it's Molly, feeling spurned by Garrett!

    The bolded is exactly my problem.  At the time of the Morales murder, 2002, Allison notes that the election might be more in her favor during her junior year of college.  This makes Allison (and probably Tom) a 19 or 20 year old sophomore.  At this same time, Cam is in high school.  Since his friend can drive, I assume Cam is somewhere between 15 and 17...say 16 just for now.  Tessa is 10 as confirmed by all the evidence gleaned from Garrett, Brady and other Hawthornes.  The first SBK murder occurred in 1999 so you have to subtract 3 years from all ages.  Since Tom and Sophie went to school with Allison and Cam, this would make two of them 16/17 and 13 for Sophie/Cam.

    I don't think the guy who entered the Hawthornes' home was SBK; I think he was a hired killer...probably hired by Maddie, but perhaps even Mitch.  And it wouldn't surprise me to find Caleb was also involved.  Didn't he tell the girls that although his big romance with Maddie had started in high school, it was an "I can't quit you" situation.

    I'm hoping they aren't playing tricks with flashbacks, and that what they show us is the real deal.  I don't consider the scenes shown during either Garrett's or Maddie's narrations to be flashbacks.  The only true flashback I acknowledge is the kind shown at the end of the episode, where there is no narration, but only a true look back at what really happened (Maddie being the killer) in that location or at that time.   Truth be told, I do believe Garrett is telling the truth in the dramatizations of his narration, or at the very least, the truth as he knows it.

    I'm enjoying this show, but am terribly annoyed at the plot errors......Suspected SBK remaining unconscious for 5-6 hours, then feeling fit enough to engage in a knife fight; Mitch keeping papers that prove guilt in a box on his home desk; that Mitch has a company large enough that he can negotiate to build tunnels under a city and still not have a payroll office, financial officer or budget department.  Who files the paperwork with the IRS?  And why are you throwing Gunther and Mrs Caramel Owner at us if they aren't involved? 

    Question:  Did SBK steal anything from the homes of these wealthy victims or was it just for the kill?

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