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Everything posted by MostlyContent

  1. I can't believe this, but Alicia is my favorite character lately, not that she has much competition.
  2. But, but.....Chris is the budding serial killer. He could get interesting!
  3. We'll have to see how many of the zombies trying to munch Maddie and Strand still have on their wedding garb.
  4. I think Strand swings whatever way the wind blows, or at least that's how it appears at the moment. Strand and Maddie having a thing would give the budding serial killer, Chris, less reason to murder Maddie and Alicia, so for that reason alone, I'm against it. :)
  5. That's exactly what I thought when we saw the first falling dead.
  6. I totally agree, especially since we know the 'zombie wall' will be munching on them soon. I hope.
  7. Watching Strand descend into the group of 'stupidest people ever' is rather sad. lol
  8. Won't be long before the little girl is walker bait. Then Pixie Dust can have another crisis. yay.
  9. "He's been slippin' through my fingers ever since I gave birth to him" Well, that explains it. She dropped him on his head. :)
  10. Okay. This Strand/Maddie flirting crap is just....just......icky.
  11. Nice to see that the wedding cake made it through unscathed. :)
  12. "He always comes home" Yes, Madison, because nothing has changed since his druggy days till now. Not one thing.
  13. Oops. Looks like they left the hairdressers behind for a couple of days. Bummer.
  14. "One man's existential journey" Oh, PLEASE!! This aftershow is pure comedy right now.
  15. Well, that was fascinating. Said nobody ever.
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