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Posts posted by Crs97

  1. I have a left-handed friend who writes in cursive, but she only uses a special brand of pen. I offered her mine once when hers ran out, and she explained the smudge problem to me. One sister is ambidextrous, but writes mostly with left. She has a cursive-print hybrid that is beautiful and never mentioned smudging. She doesn't have the hook or claw grip either. I don't know how she does it.

  2. Also dubbed by Marnie. I thought her best dubbing was in The King and I. I read parts of her autobiography, and Deborah and she worked very closely throughout that shoot to make their voices blend as seamlessly as possible. If I recall, she didn't get to do that on other movies and it shows IMO.

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  3. My favorite romantic comedy is Continental Divide. It's a pity it was so underrated because it's one of the few rom coms that was executed in a way that wasn't cliche or patronizing. Plus, and no disrespect to the late John Belushi because I do think he was attractive, but it was refreshing to see an average guy as the romantic lead, and not the usual one dimensional guy with a six pack.

    Great movie! Thank goodness for cable because that is the only way I discovered this gem when I was younger!

  4. Hubby grew up outside Dallas. I grew up outside Houston. We met and married in Houston and moved north twelve years ago. No matter how cold the winters are and how many blizzards we face, our answer is always the same: "It's better than Houston in August!"

    Back to baseball, can't wait to see Craig Biggio inducted this weekend!

  5. It was torture for me just WATCHING this game on TV. I kept thinking how awful it must have been for them to keep slogging away inning after inning in this heat.

    Good thing they didn't play in Queens . . .. I think we cracked 95 here.


    The Texas Rangers fans are chuckling at y'all right now. 95 is status quo. 85 might require a sweater.

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  6. Bill Hader was a revelation. I don't watch Saturday Night Live and really didn't know much about him, but I loved him. Too bad this was my first and last Judd Apatow movie so probably won't see him again. I thought it was fine, but I am clearly not their target demographic and Bill won't be enough of an incentive to make me watch another one.

  7. I am choosing to think of Watchman as her first draft. That way I can accept and reject changes on my own terms.

    I actually had this hapoen decades ago with a Jeffrey Archer book I enjoyed. It was republished as unabridged and unedited, but in that version the whole plot was changed. I wrote Mr. Archer, and he wrote back to say this was the book he intended to write, but his American publishers made him change it. Well, I like the abridged version best so have completely dismissed the new version.

    I love Mockingbird too much to let Watchman taint it so I refuse to let that happen!

  8. I first saw Jonathan Banks in Wiseguy 25+ years ago as a world-weary agent, and he was fantastic. When it was over, I saw him in a short-lived comedy as a womanizing beach bum, and it was all wrong. I am glad he is playing to his strength and being rewarded for it now.

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  9. The whole thing with Mitchum was bothersome because he was painted as a villain, and I remember thinking he was right. As I recall, he was giving her opportunities to participate and she was incredibly passive during that internship. When she saw Christiane Amanpour, her inclination was not to take the opportunity to speak to her. When she did, only because Lorelai made her, she sounded like a tongue-tied little girl. I can't imagine her hustling for a story; she just seemed to sit back and wait for one to fall in her lap. I totally understood why Mitchum told her she didn't have "it." You can't learn gumption.

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  10. My boys just found our "Peanuts Treasury" and have fallen in love with Charlie Brown and Snoopy. This movie can't be coming at a better time for us. I would like Charlie Brown to win sometimes. The boys keep asking me why everyone is so mean to him, and some of the strips really hurt my mom heart now.

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