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  1. Goodnight all! I'm going on a hiking trip this Friday, so I will miss LAL and probably 90 Day! If you don't hear from me ever again, I fell off a mountain.
  2. Hopefully she'll show up on a Where Are They Now episode.
  3. Not only will my man watch this with me, but we've watched episodes of My 600-lb Life Brazil together too! I think he watches for the fascination and the gym scenes since he's a personal trainer. His biggest client is around 400 lbs and he is always so shocked at how big these poundticipants are.
  4. How old is she? She looks like a baby.
  5. I just got here and totally missed most of this. I won't ask what I missed! My boyfriend texted me and asked me if I was on the couch for "Fat Chat" and I realized I had forgotten!
  6. I can't look at more Elizabeth and Andre...I am turning back to the football game.
  7. Niles is the new host and I'm here for it.
  8. I have never seen Sister Wives, but I need to know what exactly was the draw for these women to ole Noodlehair?
  9. Why do we have to have NILES shaming Josko and not Shawn the HOST?? Also: Go Niles, yaaaaaas fucking DRAG HIM
  10. Something so effed up, even Adnan is heated.
  11. That Willie. Such a Joy!
  12. Hi guys! And... hand...jig? r? YIKE.
  13. Vanya should host the next one. She actually asks decent follow-up questions. And it seems like she actually watched the show. Also, stfu, Brian you CREEP.
  14. We've seen it work! For a bit, anyway...
  15. This guy...He's such a SCHLUB. Can he do a push-up?
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