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Posts posted by CheetaraThunder

  1. I understood Kennedy being kind of frustrated with Ben’s logic: especially since his way of eliminating, puts Kennedy at risk. But, it is the fairest way to go. And if Kennedy has a problem with it, then fucking perform better and don’t be in the bottom.

    I would have put Shangela and Kennedy in the bottom, with Kennedy leaving. Kennedy can be funny, but I also feel like he is such a sourpuss/buzzkill.

    I will say Dela’s soup Can was my favorite runway look, and is voice over to go with it was hilarious and the best. Plus, Ben responding to Kennedy with “duh, I’m tired. I’ve won a million challenges, cause I worked fucking hard” was brilliant.

    • Love 11
  2. Kam, shut the fuck up. Don’t try to come for Cara, when you throw a grenade at her and she fucking kicks ass( better then most of the women) and at least tried, but you can’t even make it a couple inches.


    Marie, you are annoying and I hate you. I can’t believe out of that group, I am liking Kailah again.


    Derrick is a fucking animal. When can we get a Darrell vs Derrick pole wrestling elimination?

    • Love 8
  3. Paulie is on the list too. I definitely can se him next season, especially since he was suppose to be on vendettas, but was injured ? 

    i think he would be perfect: dramatic, emotional, athletic, ego...unless, he Tre up and mature from BB18.

  4. Love:

    Devin: Thank you for your commentary and for being so Anti Bananas.

    Kam: Thank you for not groveling towards the Vets and not giving a fuck.

    Cara: getting this girl away from Crap-mila has done wonders for her so far. Especially love seeing her support for other women on social media.

    Melissa: thanks for being funny and doing what it takes to stay in the game, even cuddling up to Nicole ( ugh)

    Nelson: Your enthusiasm for the missions is awesome. Love the fanboy attitude. Continue being you!


    i understand what natalie is trying to do. And I appreciate her coming in and not wanting to just sit around. But, her BB strategy is going to bite her in the ass in the future. Especially with her association with Bananas. 




    Nicole: every female was trying to play fair, but you have to try and truck these girls and you still end up losing haha.


    Bananas: still hate you

    • Love 6
  5. I like the Troika twist. 3 different opinions and it can be inter gender. Plus, the aspect of those 3 chosen to talk themselves out of going into elimination is cool.

    Britni/Bananas winning was not shocking cause if you looked closely, they both were in the same spot, where the sun was at the brightest, so it wasn’t as slippery. But, still good job britni.


    This whole Marie/Kyle/CM triangle is so stupid, though I do appreciate Cara basically  saying she just wants the dick and goes for it. No shame girl, and Marie, just stop ? and move on.

    Brad, I do appreciate that you are making a much bigger statement early on, with your presence, then your friend derrick did on last season.


    Cory...you are so stupid, the end.

    • Love 5
  6. Probably the best episode of the season. Chance did seem nervous at first, but in my eyes, he was fantastic. I was already a big fan of his, not just of his music. It what he gives back to the community of Chicago. He was charming, sincere, and genuinely funny. His Steve Harvey was actually better then Kenan’s, and I like his Harvey impression.

    That Come Back Barack music video game me 112/Dru Hill vibes to the fullest and I love it even more.

    That hockey sketch, is basically every non hockey fan I know. My Dad ( who is black), said that was basically 90% black people when they think of hockey...” yep that’s a s, k, j together...nope” lol

    • Love 9
  7. I just want an episode where Benson just sits at her desk while the squad + Barba actually are out in the field. And the times we see Benson is when they are updating her on the case. Dreams, I know.


    They could have ended this episode with maybe Rollins going back to Jesse and holding her tight, but no we get more bemoan/shiela bullshit to fill up the ego of the star.

    Besides that shit, the episode was actually pretty good.

    • Love 6
  8. Well, I can not fault Cara being scared about skydiving, cause that is a legitimate fear. Plus, Jordan and his tandem partner get injured...yeah fuck that.


    As much as I hate Camila, she fucking knows how to strategize for competitions like this one. 


    Kailah, Kailah, Kailah...you acted very cocky and when it came time to rock it individually, you failed.

    • Love 6
  9. There is another deleted scene released on the SVU Facebook page. Basically shows Carisi and the reporter breaking up and Rollins inviting him over for dinner with Jesse, so he can forget about grown up problems. It was a nice scene that should have never been deleted like all of carisi’s scenes this episode.

  10. The final 6 boys and girls:



    -Nicole Z

    - Jemmye


    - Kam





    - Devin

    - Tony 


    Apparently Cara, Kailah, Nicole are shockingly strong this season

    -Kam is the surprised this season. She has before amazingly for a rookie and has shown doubters.

    - Natalie/Jemmye are basically being kept for easy layups.

  11. 6 hours ago, RafaelBarba35 said:

    Sooooo.... We just got a deleted scene of Sonny confronting a reporter and saying he might be in hot water with his lieutenant. So the plots weren't switched. They just deleted Sonny's and gave Benson more screen time. I'm seriously hating this. Sonny gets an interesting storyline and it gets cut for more Benoah drama. And next week we get more Benoah drama since Liv still has to get over her doubts about Shelia. If you're gonna cut the plot don't put it in the press release!!!!???

    I was pissed too, they were so much they could have done:

    - The consequences of this act.

    - Did Carisi break up with the reporter, since it was imply in the description that they were dating.

    - The reaction from the crew about Carisi secret girlfriend, especially Rollins/Fin.


    the list goes on as on...If the personal drama doesn’t revolve around Benoah, then to the cutting room it goes.

    • Love 2
  12. 9 minutes ago, EarlGreyTea said:

    For real. Biggest payoff of the entire season for me. It was also criminal to keep them apart this damn long, and on pretty flimsy pretext too. I understand it's a big moment that belongs near the climax of a season, but come on. This moment cemented for me that Mike and Eleven are the emotional center of the show (for me, at least). I'm really annoyed that we missed out on the development of Eleven's relationship with the other kids as well. That was the one dynamic that I was really looking forward to this season.

    Finn has a future as a romantic lead. He consistently hits all the right notes as a kid experiencing first love. Goes without saying that Millie is extremely talented as well. They have chemistry that many onscreen adult couples don't.

    Adults could learn a thing or two from those 2.  The way you can see them experiencing love through their eyes alone is brilliant.

    • Love 7
  13. 11 minutes ago, QueenMab said:

    Does anyone know if Barba is on next week? Because otherwise I don't care about Benoah. Or whatever pos story they throw out. I watch with the sound off until Barba comes on. 


    Honestly, the only good things were the little Barba we got, and seeing Fin/Rollins/Carisi work together.

    Carisi/Rollins are becoming my new favorite partnership as of lately.

    • Love 4
  14. Uche, whether she should have talked to Jada or not, came out in the right. Because at least she approached Jada in a calm/adult manner. 

    You want to know why clinton wants nothing to do with you Jada? It’s because shit like that, you pulled. It’s not cute and it doesn’t get you guys like Clinton. I bet Clinton will play the game, but after the show, he’ll just try out a relationship with Uche. I was hoping they were a match.

  15. I was wondering why Carisi’s subplot wasn’t shown...it may be for next weeks episode:


    19x05 Complicated: “A young woman is found wandering alone in Central Park resulting in the reopening of a 10-year-old case. Carisi lands in hot water due to his conversations with a reporter.”

    19x06 Unintended Consequences: “When a teenaged girl is found dead, Rollins goes undercover at a high-end rehab center where she was last seen alive. Meanwhile, Benson tries to overcome her doubts about Sheila.


    Seems like the one without a Olivia and Sheila was this weeks episode and Carisi is for next week.../I hope so at least. Plus, it kind of fits with the episode 6 title.

  16. 2 hours ago, ForeverAlone said:

    This episode was much better when it was season 10 and called "Stranger." This episode was just a poor retread. Plus the entire episode centered on an idiot plot point on the part of SVU. I mean,  I cannot imagine in real life anyone who emerged after being missing for 10 years would be reunited with a family without verifying identity through fingerprints or DNA. If the police had just insisted on identity verification (you know, do their due diligence as police), this whole mess could have been avoided. But then we would not have had the story, but like I said, this is just a retread from an older, better episode.


    And yes, this episode sorely underused Barba, and what happened to the Carisi subplot? My two favorite characters are getting short changed (though at least there were some other good Carisi scenes) in favor of too much Benoah. 


    Because, yes I am completely over Benoah drama. Granted I am not a parent, but I don't see any harm in Sheila Porter being granted some sort of visitation. Just make this story go away (but I doubt we'll be that lucky). 


    With the Carisi subplot, I actually think they switched the episode descriptions with a later episode. 

    I think it should show up next week. But, if they completely dropped it, then fuck the writers.

    • Love 1
  17. I will say that Cara and CT have immensely improved on puzzles. 

    I am going blame the reason Cara has been different this season is her being close with Camila. I think camila is this virus that just attaches to her victim and changes them. I still like Cara, but not when camila is around her.

    • Love 10
  18. This is a thread for spoilers involving eliminations, tea, and anything not related to casting.

    -Apparently, Britni/Brad have already hooked up on the challenge.

    -Natalie has been flirting heavily with a vet...rumored to be Bananas ( seems like Hannah and Bananas broke up.)

    -Rogan came in with an injury


    Eliminations so far:


    -Nicole Ramos

    - Alicia Wright 

    - Mellisa Reeves

    - Sylvia Elsrode

    -Veronica Portillo


    - Rogan O'Connor

    - Edward Williams

    - Cory Wharton

    - Victor Arroyo

    - Joss Mooney

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